Becoming Royal

By fatiezaarah

75K 10K 456

Nawal has her life all perfectly planned out. Which involve living her ordinary life peacefully with her pare... More

Author's Note
Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven.
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fouty One
Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Fourty Three
Chapter Fourty Four.
Chapter Fourty Four: Part 2
Chapter Fourty Five.
Chapter Fourty Six
Chapter Fourty Seven
Chapter Fourty Eight
Chapter Fourty Nine
Chapter Fifty: Epilogue

Chapter Seventeen

1.4K 192 8
By fatiezaarah

We sat in a comfortable silent as Adam drove out of the palace, I gaze at his direction through my side view and notice he is looking at me with a smile on his face. I smiled too and then turn my head to face him directly but he quickly put his eyes on the road which made me to chuckle and ask "What?" while grinning.

"Nothing" he answered simply still smiling.

"I know you're thinking about what a did earlier" I said as a matter of a fact while waving my hand.

He smile tilting his head and said "maybe".

"You see, I know that you're thinking about it" I said as my smile increases.

Fixing my gaze to the other side I sighed "Gossshh, I have no idea what came over me, am just so angry at him"

Which is strange cause 99% of the times I felt angry at him, then it'll suddenly change to a feeling of wanting to impress him, which is why I always arrange his closet to perfection and make sure that his clothes are also perfect and whenever he compliment me I feel happy about it. Which made me to reach the conclusion of always avoiding him.

"I've never seen anyone behave that way with the Prince" Adam suddenly retro.

"Why? Because he is the Prince" I asked nonchalantly with my eyes still on the road.

"Not really" he said casually.

Shaking my head I said "Even when he is that annoying"

"No, You know he has that kind of vibe that you can not talk back at him easily, just looking at his eyes..."

"Makes you forget about everything and just get lost in them" I complete it for him dreamily as I imagine his brown eyes that I normally get lost in which is also the reason why I avoid looking at him directly in the eyes.

I turn gazing at Adam and found him watching me intensely with a weird expression. "Sorry..." I said shyly when I realize what I just said, then turn my gaze to the road.

"Adam watch out"  I shouted as we almost collide with another car.

He quickly stop the car as we both  somersaulted almost hitting the dash board.

I whisper "Innalillahi wa inna ilaihim raju'un".

"Are you OK" I heard his voice asking.

Turning to look at him "Am alright, You".

He just close his eyes, relief wash through his face before he open them, then roll his glass to apologize to the people.

My phone started ringing the moment he roll back the glass. Gazing at him briefly I answer it, putting it on my ear.

I close my eyes just hearing her voice as she asked "Did you get it or did you guys get caught".

"Not now Asmy" I whisper, feeling tired all of the sudden.

"Why? What happened?" she asked her voice full of excitement.

I open my eyes and said "I'll tell you when I get back".

"Fine, but can you buy ice cream for me and I want the..."

I cut her off saying "Don't even bother telling me cause am not buying".

"Pleasssse" she whine "The candy cane ice cream or the French vanilla".

"You can keep dreaming about it and stop disturbing me cause am not buying" with that I cut the call and put the phone in my bag.

"Trouble in paradise?" Adam asked.

"With Asmy is always trouble" I answer with a chuckles.

"Well she is allow to..." he said softly as he trails "Having an amazing and caring sister like you".

A little laugh escape my lips before I said. "Trust me, am not that great, am the one that's lucky to have her as a sister, but don't let her hear it or else her head will burst".

We all laughed at my little comment before the car went back to a comfortable silent.

Some minute later he took the turn to Valentino Ice cream, I look at him baffled, then look back to the shop and asked "What are we doing here?"

"Is weird right" he answered while parking "I just have craving for ice cream, and I know my sisters are gonna be thrill if I buy it for them".

I smiled without saying anything cause am sure he heard my conversation with Asmy. I just open the door and got out after he park not having the courage to argue with him.

I choose the flavors that she want, then I choose another vanilla for Umma and Abba as for me I decided we're gonna have to share hers. Turning around I found Adam still standing dumbfounded, from all indication he can't decide which one to buy.

Walking up to him with a smile on my face. I pick the chocolate flavor and put it in his cart, which made his to turn and gaze at me. "For your sister's..." I blurt suddenly seeing the look he is giving me.

"Trust me every girl loves chocolate" I concluded, narrowing my brows and frowning my face as I turn to my cart "That's why is weird knowing that the prince loves chocolate".

I look at him and asked "isn't that weird?". Genuinely curious.

His expression is unreadable but he quickly mask it then smiled and said "You're more weirder".

I laughed and picked up the vanilla flavor while showing it to him I said "All parents love vanilla" then put it his cart.

A smile appear on his face. He seems different I realize and...happy. And for some unknown reason I feel like he is trying to hide something from me.

He extend his hand to the freezer and brought out another chocolate flavor then said "Since all girls loves chocolate..." He trails as he rose his brows. "I hope that includes you".

Grinning, I extend my hand and brought another one while saying "Unfortunately, I always go for Rocky road ice cream".

"Oww" he said simply with disappointment written all over his face. His gaze is fixed on me, hesitant as he try to put it back.

I quickly drop the one am holding and collect the one from his hand while saying "But I'll like to take chocolate flavor today".

His face brighten with a smile as we turn to the cashier, a middle age woman that is standing beside us turn and look at us smiling she said "You guys make a beautiful couple, am sure your children will be beautiful too".

My gaze fall on the woman surprise as hell then I looked at Adam he is just smiling, for some reason I feel the need to clear her misunderstanding

"Actually we're not..." I said pointing between me and him "he is my bro..."

"May Allah bless you" she said as she collect her things then turn and leave.

I brought out my ATM card since I don't have cash with me, but Adam has already paid for it, I look at him as he took the bags and started walking.

"You don't have to do that Adam" I said softly.

"I didn't buy it for you, is for Asmy" He said all serious as if he wasn't the one that just finish smiling. I do have crush on Adam, but sometimes I just don't get the man, between him and the prince I can't decide who is weirder.

"Really, then I have to pay for mine" I said while seating back inside the car.

"Don't worry is on me today". He stated nonchalantly as he drove the car.

I shook my head then murmured Thank you to him.

He stop in front of our house as I park my things and got out from the car. To my surprised he also got out of the car and stride to where am standing.

"You know about what that woman said?" he asked looking as nervous as hell while rubbing his palms together and all the while avoiding my gaze.

I tilted my head not understand where this is going.
"Yeah, she was..."  I started awkwardly.

He cut me quickly and continue with "What if it were to be true?". This time he raise his eyes and set them on mine.

Stunned, I stop dead on my track with mixed emotions. Happiness, surprise, I can't really decide right now. The Adam that I have crush ever since I can remember is asking me out...right? I try to reason with my brain.

"You don't have to answer me today..." He trails with that smile on his face. Nodding his head. "Just think about it". With that the turn and march back to his car.

He stop then smile at me, before he enter his car then drove away.

Finally I gasps, that's when I realize I was holding my breaths all this while. I know I had a crush on Adam but what exactly  am I feeling right now.

I don't know how I carried myself inside the house thinking what just happened? I know I had... wait..., have or had a crush on Adam.

And now I don't even know whether is have or had. Is just so confusing cause It felt like he just confess that he likes me.

I just never expect him to say that, I did have a crush on Adam but never in my wildest dream did I expect him to like me.

"You're....OH MY GOD, you're the best sister ever" Asmy exclaimed while hugging me.

I didn't realize that am standing in front of our room already.

She let go and collect the bag while saying "You got them for me".

"I didn't" I retro confused "Adam did".

"Wow, that's so nice of him, did he drove you off" she asked grinning.

"Yeah" I said simply. "Amm listen, how do you respond if you're with someone and they mistake you for being couples which is totally not true then the person ask you what if it were to be true"  I tried to explain as much as I can.

"Ahh...." Asmy gasps in surprise as she uses her free hand to cover her mouth.
"Did Adam confess to you?" She asked

"No" I quickly said "Is not..."

"Sultana will be so thrill to hear the news, I can't wait to tell her" she made attempt to move as I hold her hand to keep her in place.

"No one is going to hear the news..." Knowing Asmy she might spread this and add her own, on top in a blink of an eye.

"What news" Umma's voice asked from behind me.

"Oh my Allah save me" I whisper in my head while closing my eyes I can't let Umma hear this.

I turn and face her with a fake smile on my face with tension written all over it.

"Hi Umma, Mami said to extend her regards" I said nervous as hell while hoping she forgot about the news

"How is she and what news are you talking about" she asked while as she strides towards us.

Trying to find the right words to say but Asmy just blurred out "Adam confess his feelings for her".

I clinch my teeth together as I try to tell Asmy to shut up but she just had to blurred out "And he brought her this" she gesture towards the bags

"Asmy shut up" I found my voice and shouted over my shoulders while looking at Umma whose face has change to sudden shock.

"Is it true" she simple asked looking so terrified about it.

Nodding my heard I whisper "yeah, is true".

I watch as the scowl on her face deepen. "I told you stop leading the guy". She scold.

"I didn't lead him to anything" I suddenly feel the need to defend myself.

"Then why did he do this, if you didn't lead him on, why did he confess to you and brought you whatever that is" she said while pointing to the bag Asmy is holding.

I sighed, this is pure disaster. "Is not mine Umma, is for Asmy"

"But he brought it because of you? and forgive me if am wrong wasn't he the one that drop you off". Umma demanded furiously.

I swallow a huge lump on my throat, already regretting why I went to the palace today. I nods my head seeing that she is becoming more angry by the second.

"I don't know how you do it, but you have to reject him and avoid him, period" She commands.

I don't know where I got the confidence all of the sudden and asked "Why Umma?".

Her eyes grew wide, I think all my 20years of life I never question her and Abba, but today I think I can't helpe it without knowing the reason why am not allow to have a boyfriend.

Yes you heard me 'boyfriend' ever since I can remember Umma and Abba has always forbid me from having a boyfriend.

"Ever since in secondary school I wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend, but today I finish my university, just waiting for my result, all parents now their only concern is to have a responsible man to marry their daughter, but even now am not allow to"

I move and stood before her holding both her hands in my mine "Please Umma I need to know the reason now, am not a child I can handle whatever the truth is" I desperately beg her cause I really need to know.

She gently remove her hands from mine, her eyes growing soft "You will, but not now".

"Please Umma, am begging you just tell me what is the problem..." My voice broke and tears start coming down my face.

"Am so so sorry but I can't tell you..."

I didn't allow her to finish as I said "Please you have to tell me or I'll just go a head and start relationship with Adam because I like him".

I don't know whether that's the truth or not, but it just came out of my mouth.

"You can't Nawal, not with Adam or any other man" she said while looking at me straight in the eyes.

Using the back of my hand to wipe my tears then look at her and asked "why".

She turn and looks at the direction of Abba that just comes in then takes a deep breath while looking at me straight in the eyes, I can clearly see worry and pity in her eyes.

She shove my hands aside as she murmur. "I can't do this now..." Then turn and walk to her room.

I watch as Abba gave me another quick, pity glance then he follow Umma to her room.

I wipe my tears, as I gaze at Asmy who was standing watching us dumbfounded.

I turn abruptly, which made Asmy to jumps and stand in front of me am sure, sensing my intentions. "You can't ..." She said as she shook her head.

"Watch me..." That's what came out of my mouth as I walk pass her to Umma's room.

I place my hand on the curtains when Asmy quickly hold it, while shaking her head for me. I also don't know where I got the courage, cause normally we don't question our parents, but today I just felt like I will seriously lose it if I don't get my answers.

"What do you want me to tell her..." It was Umma's voice, which made us to stop both on our track. "You put her in that position, so is you that will have to tell her the truth..."

Abba chuckles softly and said. "How will I tell her that she is prince Fahad's wife..." He trails as the two girls gaze at each other trying to comprehend what they just heard.

"Nawal will handle it..." Umma reassure. "She is a strong girl, but needs to know that she is the Prince's wife..."

All I can hear is the beating of my heart with my head spinning before something hit the ground that's when I realize it was my phone that shattered on the floor. My whole body is shaking, I got down to park the pieces while I felt people talking but I can not actually pin point what they're saying, that's when I felt Asmy hands on my shoulder's asking "Are you OK".

I think I heard those words more than enough today but looking at my shattered phone I smile while crying then said "Why do I feel that is my life that shattered today not my phone".


As-salaam alaikum beautiful people. What! Am also shocked, follow me to find out whether her life is really shattered or not.

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