Book 1(Destiny of a Cat): Int...

By PinkyBreadd

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Series 1. Book 1 of 6. 'Night will lead a path of light.' Wind Clan has gone down hill after many seasons, le... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22(Final Chapter)

Chapter 16

22 0 0
By PinkyBreadd

                                                                                          Page 1

  Night'Breeze emerged from the bushes of the warriors' den. The sun had woken her up, she padded off into the apprentices' den to not see Muddy'Paw. Her fur stood on end and backed out of the den. Night'Breeze ended up backing into a cat, she quickly turned around and saw Muddy'Paw. She let out a sigh of relief.

  "Where were you?" Night'Breeze demanded with fear. Muddy'Paw looked at her, and flicked his tail at the fresh kill pile.

  "I thought I should have gone hunting, the fresh kill pile was running low." He mewed with confusion. "Why, what happened?"

  "N-Nothing. . .Just worried." She mewed as she rasped her tongue over his ear. "Go take some fresh kill to the elders." She mewed.

  Muddy'Paw nodded and padded to the fresh kill pile, picking out a rabbit for the elders. Night'Breeze saw as he brought the rabbit to the elders.

  Night'Breeze saw Spotted'Stripe emerge from the bushes of the warriors' den. He padded up to the fresh kill pile and took a small mouse. He padded into a shady part of the clearing and began to eat.

  Night'Breeze looked around the clearing as some cats began to wake up. Dawn'Star and Speckle'Face emerged from the leaders den, 'They must be mates.' Night'Breeze thought with surprise. 

  Night'Breeze padded over to Spotted'Stripe and sat next to him. He looked over at Night'Breeze and pushed the mouse with his paw. Night'Breeze shook her head, she didn't feel hungry. She watched as Muddy'Paw padded out of the elders den with his tail held high.

  Fear crept down her spine, watching as Muddy'Paw seemed so happy. She remembered Willow'Specks words and shivered. Night'Breeze promised to watch and protect Muddy'Paw for Willow'Speck. Night'Breeze looked down at her paws with shame, if Muddy'Paws future won't be bright, then Night'Breeze couldn't protect him.

  Night'Breeze looked up and shook her head, 'No, I will protect him no matter what!' She thought with defiance, what ever would happen to Muddy'Paw, Night'Breeze will make sure he survives.

  She stood up and padded over to her apprentice, who was talking to Stick'Paw. "Muddy'Paw!" Night'Breeze mewed as she padded up to the brown pelted apprentice. His green eyes stared at her with delight.

  "Hi, Night'Breeze!" Muddy'Paw purred.

  Stick'Paw dipped his head, "Hello, Night'Breeze."

  Night'Breeze thought of what to say, 'Maybe hunting?' She thought quietly to herself, 'No, training.' She looked at both the apprentices, "Let's all go training, I'll meet you both at the entrance of camp once you're ready to go." Night'Breeze meowed confidently.

  She did take Muddy'Paw hunt training way too often, especially for that one time he trained one move the whole day. She should sharpen up on his fighting skills.

  The two apprentices nodded as Night'Breeze padded off to the entrance of camp. She sat down and watched for the two apprentices. Night'Breeze thought about Willow'Specks warning about Muddy'Paw. She looked down at the ground, 'What will happen to him?' She thought with fear.

                                                                                     Page 2

  Night'Breeze watched the two apprentices fight each other with their claws sheathed. Stick'Paw was able to dodge almost all of Muddy'Paws moves and attacks. Muddy'Paw stopped trying to attack, the lean Wind Clan apprentice stood in a crouch, ready to pounce. Stick'Paw went for the attack, but Muddy'Paw leapt back then forward.

  Muddy'Paw soon pinned Stick'Paw underneath him. Muddy'Paw stepped off of Stick'Paw and allowed him to get up.

  "Good job Muddy'Paw, the counter attack was done well, but you were reckless." She mewed to Muddy'Paw. "Your swiftness will aid you well in battle, but you also need to attack much sooner and unexpected." She then spoke to Stick'Paw

  Night'Breeze looked up at the sky, they still had time to train. "We still have time, why don't you two work on what I said?" She mewed.

  They nodded happily.

  The two apprentices followed Night'Breeze as they reached the camp. Night'Breeze instructed them to bring a rabbit to the elders as they passed the fresh kill pile. Night'Breeze saw Dawn'Star padding out of his den, he looked much healthier than before.

  Night'Breeze padded up to her leader, "Hi Dawn'Star." She mewed as she dipped her head, "I wanted to see how you were doing." She meowed happily.

  Dawn'Star looked at her happily, "Seems like you're shaping up to be a fine warrior, Night'Breeze." He meowed as he changed the subject.

  Night'Breeze smiled, "Thank you Dawn'Star." She meowed respectfully.

  "I was going to go hunting, would you like to come with me?" Dawn'Star meowed curiously, "I have noticed you always bring prey back after hunting." He added.

  Night'Breeze nodded, and followed Dawn'Star to the moor. The Wind Clan leader sniffed around and pricked his ears towards a rabbit. He waved his paw to signal Night'Breeze to crouch down. Night'Breeze crouched down and watched as Dawn'Star got downwind to hunt the rabbit.

  She watched Dawn'Star successfully catch the rabbit and bury it near a stone. He began to pad through the moor once more and flicked his tail for Night'Breeze to follow. Night'Breeze soon smelled another rabbit and told Dawn'Star to go behind one of the stones.

  Night'Breeze crept silently around the small rabbit, watching it. She waited for it to begin to hop back to its mother as it was too small to not be a young one. The rabbit began to hop off to a tree trunk. Night'Breeze followed swiftly yet quietly as the small rabbit went behind the trunk.

  Night'Breeze shot up from behind the tree trunk, and landed in front of the two rabbits. Night'Breeze quickly pounced onto the bigger rabbit, then killed it. She then ran after the smaller rabbit, soon catching up to it.

  She effortlessly catches up to the small rabbit and kill it off. Night'Breeze picked up the rabbit and padded back to the other. She buried them behind the tree trunk to collect later. She noticed Dawn'Star padded up to her with his tail held high.

  "That was nicely done, Night'Breeze." Dawn'Star meowed as he looks over at the two buried rabbits, "You might want to dig those up, we're going back to camp." He meowed as he padded to where he buried his rabbit.

  Night'Breeze quickly dug up the two rabbits, she picks the bigger one up first, then tried to carry the small one. It wasn't as difficult as she thought. She padded pridefully towards Dawn'Star as she dragged the bigger rabbit.

  Dawn'Star held his rabbit in his jaws and began to pad back to camp with Night'Breeze following.

                                                                                      Page 3 

  Night'Breeze placed the rabbits in the fresh kill pile while Dawn'Star padded up to Speckle'Face and rubbed up against her. Night'Breeze smiled and picked up the smaller rabbit for the elders. She padded to the elders den and saw Holly'Scar, the light brown she-cat was staring out at the clearing. Night'Breeze placed down the small rabbit as Holly'Scar glared at her.

  "I don't want your rabbit." Holly'Scar hissed, "You probably stuffed it with death berries." She hissed again as she stalked back into the elders den.

  Quickly, Storm'Eye padded out of the elders den and dipped his head, "I'm sorry about Holly'Scar." He looked up at Night'Breeze, "Thank you, this is quite the catch." He smiles as he picks up the small rabbit and brings it into the elders den.

  Night'Breeze looks down at the ground and pads off to the Warriors' den, hoping to see Spotted'Stripe. To her surprise he had padded out of the warriors' den, he was walking to the entrance of camp. Night'Breeze quickly catches up to him and purrs, "Hey Spotted'Stripe."

  Spotted'Stripe looked over at her and smiled, "Hello Night'Breeze, coming with me to hunt?" He asks.

  Night'Breeze nods, "Sure." She smiled, "Try not to catch a tree this time, okay?" She purred, remembering the first time they went hunting together. She still had more energy to hunt.

  Spotted'Stripe let out a mrrow of laughter as they left the camp. "Well, you know how tasty these tree's look, I just can't resist." He purred with a humorous tone.

  Night'Breeze purred with laughter as Spotted'Stripe spotted a squirrel. She quickly got into a low crouch as Spotted'Stripe ran after the squirrel, causing it to scale up a tree.

  Spotted'Stripe quickly followed after the squirrel, catching it in his jaws and killing it. He hopped down from the tree and buried the squirrel.

  Night'Breeze padded up to him, "You do that so well Spotted'Stripe!" She purred. She rubbed against him. She heard him purr as he rasped his tongue over her ear.

  "I could teach you. . .If you'd like." Spotted'Stripe mewed with kindness. Night'Breeze looked up at him.

  "I would like that." Night'Breeze purred. Spotted'Stripe smiled and flicked his tail for her to follow him.

  He padded over to another tree, and a fairly tall one. "You'll need to learn how to scale a tree first." He meowed as he padded around the tree, "Try climbing the tree as fast as you can Night'Breeze." He meowed again.

  Night'Breeze nodded and ran towards the tree, she quickly scurried up the tree but soon lost her grip on its bark. She kept clawing at the bark to gain her grip back, but soon she fell back. She twisted quickly in the air and barely landed on her feet, her neck awkwardly went downwards as she landed.

  Her ears rung with fear as her gaze darkened. She knew Spotted'Stripe was padding closer to her with fear in his scent. Night'Breeze could barely keep her balance as her eyes began to close. She collapsed onto the ground, but before she landed Spotted'Stripe caught her.

  Night'Breeze knew she wasn't dying, instead going into a forced sleep. What was StarClan thinking? At a time like this?

                                                                                        Page 4

  Night'Breeze woke up under SilverPelt. She was getting another prophecy, she felt worry deep inside of her heart as she saw Smokey descend down from a star in SilverPelt.

  He padded closer to her, "A flame will turn to smoke, due to the light brown shadow, and the raging river."

  Night'Breeze felt water engulf her as her vision turned blurry. She tried swimming but the waves were too strong, she couldn't breathe. Smokey was gone as she fought against the current.

  She soon woke up next to Spotted'Stripe, he had woken her up when she was squirming in her sleep. Spotted'Stripe looked down at her.

  "Well, at least you're awake. . ." Spotted'Stripe mewed as he nuzzled her cheek. They were in a hollow tree stump and it was becoming sundown.

  Night'Breeze stood up, she stretched and looked at Spotted'Stripe. "What happened?" She mewed a bit dazed.

  "You passed out or something after you fell from the tree." He looked up at the sky, "It's getting pretty late. . .We should get back." He meowed as he looks back at Night'Breeze. "C'mon, lets go." He mewed as he padded out of the tree stump.

  Night'Breeze followed quickly, as their furs brushed against each other. They padded swiftly through the trees while padding in sync with each other.

  They reached the camp and the moon was soon rising in the sky. The camp was quiet apart from the scurrying of the kits in the nursery. Night'Breeze and Spotted'Stripe soon padded into the Warriors' den and saw Speckle'Face, the deputy, sleeping peacefully.

  Night'Breeze and Spotted'Stripe curled up beside each other. Spotted'Stripes soft fur gave her comfort through the night as she was still thinking about Smokey's prophecy. This was the second time StarClan has sent her a warning about someones death.

  They even sent it to Spotted'Stripe. She looked dully out of the warriors' den. Not know which cat is to die. Night'Breeze soon rested her head near Spotted'Stripes. She drifted off into a light sleep. Soon, she saw the sun rise through the holes in the warriors' den. She quickly padded outside and stretched her legs, she felt stiff and tired from not getting good sleep.

  Night'Breeze looked around the clearing, noticing Dawn'Star padded out of his den. He padded past her and out of camp, 'Probably going to do some hunting.' She thought as she saw Bright'Wing emerge from the medicine den.

  Bright'Wing sat down at the entrance to the medicine den, with her tail neatly over her paws. She looked beautiful in the suns light, her fur shining beautifully. Night'Breeze stared in awe at her friend.

  She soon shook her head and padded over to her, sitting beside her. The sun felt warm on her black and white fur, she purred as she enjoyed the warmth.

                                                                                         Page 5

  Bright'Wing looked over at Night'Breeze and smiled, her friends fur almost looked like a silvery gold in the sunlight. "Enjoying the warmth?" Bright'Wing mewed with a hint of calmness. She looked back at the sky, its golden colors softly turning into a soft sky blue.

  Night'Breeze nodded and looked at her friend. Her two color stare made Bright'Wing shiver, but not out of fear, but comfort. Strangely enough she looks different with it, in a good way. She knew it was the eyes of an alley, a friend.

  "Night'Breeze?" Bright'Wing mewed with curiosity, "Why do you have two colored eyes? One's blue and the other yellow." Bright'Wing mewed politely. Night'Breeze smiled.

  "I've gotten that a lot, and from Dawn'Star." Night'Breeze meowed with a hint of humor, "I dunno, to answer your question." She explained kindly.

  Bright'Wing nodded, "It looks very beautiful on you." Bright'Wing added. She rasped her tongue over her friends ear. Night'Breeze purred. 

  "Thank you, Bright'Wing." Night'Breeze purred quietly. They both sat there in a calming silence. Bright'Wings scent made her feel happy, as the sweet scent was soon returning. The mint scent was getting quite dizzying for Night'Breeze.

  Bright'Wing smiled at her friend and looked over at Cinder'Feather.

  Cinder'Feather padded out of the medicine den and looked at Bright'Wing. "Bright'Wing, we need more Poppy Seeds, go find the flower and bring it back." Cinder'Feather meowed as he stretched. Cinder'Feather noticed Night'Breeze and looked at her.

  Night'Breeze dipped her head respectfully at him. Cinder'Feather looked back at Bright'Wing. He sighed and flicked his tail, "You can bring Night'Breeze with you to find some Poppy Seeds if you'd like." He added with a sharp meow

  Bright'Wing felt excitement stir inside of her, and she nodded happily, "Lets go Night'Breeze!" Bright'Wing purred as she stood up excitedly. Night'Breeze nodded too, her eyes shining with happiness.

  The two she-cats padded out of camp with excitement. They talked to each other happily without a care in the world as if they were both apprentices again.

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