SCP x Reader One shots

By Terebii

153K 2.3K 1.8K

how original. these are just x readers, since I'm a fan of the SCP Foundation thing. I also want to probably... More

Requests page
Oh, Good Doctor.||SCP-049
One Hell of a Night.||SCP-087-B
Not Scary After All!||SCP-1471
mISS yOu||SCP-2521
SCP-999 Alphabet Headcanons
SCP-049 Alphabet Headcanons
oof + possible update schedule
I Care for You.||SCP-106
The Black Death [Part 1]||SCP-049
The Black Death [2]|| SCP-049
The Man with the Mask||SCP-035
SCP-079 Alphabet Headcanons
Small Attachment||SCP-096 [Part 1]
Christmas Party in the Foundation
Small Attachment [Final Part]||SCP-096
Dreams||Doctor Gears and Doctor Iceberg [Part 1]
Butler by Your Side||SCP-662
Don't-||SCP-035 [Part 1]
gomenne [no, I'm not going to discontinue this book]

Survive Together||SCP-076

5.8K 121 185
By Terebii

SCP-076 x Reader
[I don't know what I was doing with this one.]
[Jesus Christ, this was longer than what I intended it to be. Oh well.]

[Able probably OOC? Idk.]

[ngl, but ily guys for reading my book.]

"Wow. Wooow! Greaat... thanks to Doctor fucking Bright, I am stuck here!" You sarcastically shout at the heavens as you kick a nearby pebble in pure irritation.

You see, a breach pursued when SCP-079 started the whole ordeal. You're a D-Class, so your instinct is to escape, of course, but you're vulnerable to many hazards within the hellhole you're trapped in.

While you enter deep in the foundation in hopes to eventually find either Gate A or Gate B, you stumbled upon the popular lunatic researcher, Doctor Bright, and apparently the Keter class SCP, SCP-076 or Able. Doctor Bright pretty much is dragging around the poor Keter SCP using the ends of his cape.

You were just dumbfounded and that's why you were, like, frozen in place. The ludicrous researcher grinned at your figure and immediately implanted some kind of device on Able's cape, then he threw the SCP at you by force.

The blunt impact made you fall on the ground and groan at the SCP's heavy weight. Then the device on Able's cape made a beeping noise and engulfed you in a blinding light.

…And then you're here; miserably stuck and stranded in an island.

You heard a figure grunt, so you turn to look at them. It's none other than Able, "Oh, I forgot you were stranded with me. Aren't you glad that Doctor Not-so-Bright brought you too?" You ask with sarcasm still dripping in your tone. You know you'll surely die because of him. He can easily kill your angered figure in one blow.

You roll your eyes at his lack of response and went back to observing your surrounding area so you can probably set your camp.

Able eyed your figure as if he's a hawk. To be frank, he isn't fond at the fact that Doctor Bright, his dipshit captor, dragged him around like a rag doll. He can easily retaliate, but that damned researcher implemented some kind of drug that paralyzes him to do so. He isn't more fond that some prisoner, in an orange jumpsuit, starts to somewhat ridicule him and that said prisoner is also stuck with him.

Able approaches you with mere wariness, though you should be more wary about him since he's much more powerful than your unfit physique. He also snagged himself a medium-sized rock to probably do some blunt-force trauma to your head. 

You were simply just thinking of a plan to get yourself out of here. Sure, you do have the brains to do so (since you're quite above average amongst the other D-Class personnel) but you lack the skill to do most of the dirty work.

You turn around and spot Able with the rock above his head; ready to throw at you. You would've ran in fear, but his throw should reach the distance you would pathetically cover. Might as well propose him an idea so he wouldn't kill you just yet. You're hoping that you can form a mutualistic symbiosis with him.

Before Able could fling the rock towards your head, you immediately yelled 'wait!', so he hesitates. "Hear me out will 'ya? I have a plan to get us out of here…" You begin as Able slowly drops the rock from his grip.

You shiver at the impact of the rock colliding on the ground, but you maintained your posture, "We both know our situation, right? We're stranded in this secluded island, maybe in another continent." You slowly approach Able with some confidence.

The mentioned SCP raised an eyebrow at your approaching figure, "And our main mission is to get outta here and to survive too, right? So… if we work together we can make that thing come true. Waddya say?" You give him a grin as he thought about the offer.

Able is ABLE to survive the island with ease since he can hunt anything within the nearby jungle or perhaps hunt for fish in the beach. He can potentially make you as his meal, though cannibalism is such a taboo topic, and you know Able just wants to kill you not for the free food, but to exterminate competition (or.... he simply hates you). To be honest, you're not so sure if Able does want to escape since the SCP Foundation would capture him. Where would he go anyway?

Besides, even if you managed to escape the island by your own or with Able, you have to avoid police because of your criminal record. They could potentially put you in jail. At the bright side, you're a freeman for about a few months or a few weeks or so. All that matters is that the SCP Foundation hasn't had their grips on you.

Your grin faltered at Able's long processing of the proposal. Is he trying to see if he'd get initial benefits at this? Of course he would get benefits, he would get human contact.

"I would do it." Your grin widened again at Able's late response at your question.

"All right then! First, we gotta do is build our ca-" "I'm not planning to escape, though." Able cuts you off.

Your figure visibly deflates at his statement. Of course you knew that, it's because you're smart to calculate it. Of course, Able wouldn't give in the risk to be recaptured by the SCP Foundation. Though, there's always a glaring fault to everything.

"Why though?" You ask the SCP.

"…" No response. It's probably about the foundation.

"You do know the foundation always set up some tracking device to each SCP, uh, right? The foundation can track us! We're in a greater risk since we're stuck at one area, they could easily capture us." You reasoned as your fists clench since you really need another body to help you escape this island. To be honest, you're not sure if the foundation actually would implant some tracking chip but it is possible.

Able widened his eyes at the realization of it, "Escape is a must then…" He murmurs while you unclench your fists.

"Yeah. We have to escape this damned island before the SCP Foundation can reach us." You explain as you place your fist on your palm to show some kind of new found confidence.

"I see…" Able responds, though he seemed hesitant about this idea of yours.

You narrow your eyes at the sea to contemplate. When would the foundation reach you guys? Would the foundation actually bother to find you and Able? Of course they would, they need to recontain Able.

"I can estimate that the foundation can reach us in a week or two." You further strengthened your proposal as the cool sea breeze softly hits you.

Able grunts at your bold claim, but it is plausible due to the technological advancements made in the foundation.

"Since the SCP Foundation's sites can be found in some parts of the world, It can guarantee that there's one in this country. If we're in the USA, well, I can say that they can reach us within two or three days since there's a lot of sites placed in some states." You turn to face Able who simply sat on the sand.

"…So we have to plan ahead." You finished.

Able silently nods in agreement, and so you grinned.

-Day 1-
Your forming relationship with Able is kinda rocky. He is far from comfortable with your cocky figure, though he would comply with the tasks you bring him. You told him to bring sturdy tree branches and a lot of palm leaves so you could begin making the camp.

You opt to make the camp just at the entrance of the jungle so that you can shield yourselves from the blazing heat, or the weather in general, and you can easily hunt for edible sea creatures.

You heard rustling from the jungle and you stood alert just in case some animal would emerge.

Able popped out of the jungle with a heap load of tree branches and palm leaves. Your mouth went agape at the prominence of the amount he went to get, then again you didn't really specify the amount.

The SCP then placed the items on the ground and you began piling the branches together so that you can begin tying them to make the walls for mini hut. You were planning to make a simple tent, but Able had to bring a lot of materials, so you had no choice but to not put said materials to waste.


Able silently watches your exhausted form tie up the last knot for the wall. He wouldn't want to help just because he finds little of entertainment at your frustrated form whenever you messed something up, though he easily gets bored after you managed to learn from your mistakes.

He wondered why you didn't boss him to make a seemingly simple hut, still he isn't willing to help unless if he's told to.

You begin tying the ends of the palm leaves so that you can finally make the roof.

After all your efforts, you stood proud at your sloppy work. Still, shelter is shelter and it doesn't matter if it looks so shit. The thing you used to tie everything up is just the mere bark of the tree branches and you're lucky that it's durable.

The sun has long been gone and it has been replaced with the moon.

You realized something important; you need fire, food, and water, "FUCK!" You scream as your exhausted form falls on the sand.

Able managed to wake up from his long nap and glared at your figure.

You were hungry even before you started to build the hut. You literally forgot all your vital needs just for shelter, and you're far from taking the risk to go hunting at nighttime.

Oh right, Able exists. He's there to help you when you tell him to. Forget the food, right now you need fire to warm you and Able up.

"Hey, Able. Could ya make us fire?" You called for the SCP, but all you could hear are snores. He lulled himself back to sleep.

You pinched the bridge of your nose and grit your teeth in pure irritation. You enter your hut and just made use of the leftover palm leaves as a makeshift bed.

Forget the fire, you would take the risk of potential danger. You'll just have to make fire tomorrow and get food.

-Day 2-
Able is now somewhat okay with you, though he keeps his distance from you. You managed to ease him up by intentionally fucking up as you do about almost everything since you feel like you're pressuring him even though you still gave him only one task.

You've already made a small unlit campfire with your recharged stamina, and all you have to do is hunt for food.

Since you're not up to exploring the jungle just yet, why not catch some fish? It has to be easy- oh wait, it isn't easy because you even barely know how to fish AND you don't have any fancy contraptions with you to get fish or at least a fishing rod.

So, why not tell Able to go hunt for food?

You approach Able who is simply basking under the sun, "Able, please go hunt us some food in the jungle I guess? If you're good at hunting fish, well that's swell..." You muttered the last part.

Able promptly stood up from your request and brushed off the sand. He then took off- well, dashed to the jungle.

So now, you ought to make fire by clashing two rocks. You got yourself the two rocks and began to try and force them to finally make a spark.

…You miserably failed sparking the fire, and guess what? It seemed like noon had set in considering how the sun blazes even more. You're hungry as fuck and thirsty too. You haven't even started the fire yet!

You rub your eyes and picked up the two rocks you used to try and make a fire. You're desperate to make one just to cook food, purify dirty water, and protect you and Able from any outside forces.

As you did your twentieth attempt to strike a fire, It finally happened but… you cried at the same time due to the immense pain of how your palm bled at the pressure of the rocks.

You did set the bloodied rocks aside and blew your bleeding palm to ease the pain. You need to patch it now just to avoid an infection, so you ripped a part of your stupid orange jumpsuit and tied it, with immense difficulty, on your palm.

The cloth, in turn, got soaked with your blood but at least you can narrowly avoid an infection.

At least the fire has been ignited and you made it flare more since you added nearby branches to the mix. Coincidentally, Able finally emerges out of the jungle with dead animals… a plentiful amount of dead animals. You gulp at the thought of how powerful he is and you pray to god he isn't going to kill you just yet.

"You hunt a lot of animals…" You comment with some interest laced in your tone.

Able simply nods and noticed that you're clutching your left palm, "What happened to that…?" He asks you, though you're doubtful that he's in any way concerned.

"Tried to make a fire; succeeded, but the rocks are being an absolute bitch and made me pay a price." You answered bluntly as you hiss at the throbbing pain. You shouldn't really be much of a wuss at this situation because you need to make a boat later.

Able placed the dead animals near the fire and approached you, "Let me see." He gently held your bloodied palm which made you cringe at the pain.

Able's touch is warm and rough to be honest. You can't believe that you felt butterflies in your stomach due to the close proximity. Shouldn't Able be self-conscious and keep his distance from you? You're sure this is supposed to be a strict mutualistic relationship. Why does your heart feel like it's burning?

Able carefully undid the knot and held your palm closer to him, "That's a large gash…" You roll your eyes at his obvious comment.

Able grunts and licked the blood on your palm. He licked your palm. Licked. What the actual fuck?

You jolt at the sudden action and forcefully retract your hand from him, "What the fuck man?"

"I am cleaning your wound." You cringe at his choice for words for his explanation. It disgusted you, but why do you feel like he should continue?

Able grabbed your hand again, and this time you showed no signs of restraint. He began to lick the wound all over again. You're just there, questioning why you let him do that to your palm and why you enjoy it.

After that whole ordeal, he tied the orange cloth back on your now-clean palm.

You shiver in disgust. You didn't know heat had arose on your cheeks earlier. Able noticed it though, but didn't point it out.

You're pretty much flustered throughout the whole day at Able's actions.

-Day 3-
You're glad that the foundation hasn't found you guys yet, so you can safely assume you're not in the USA… or maybe your estimate is wrong. Anyway, at least the foundation hasn't reach the island both you and Able are stranded in.

Able eventually warmed to you and you're glad about it. Though, he would sometimes just invade your personal space.

Now, you've requested for Able to help you build a sailboat so the two of you can finally leave tomorrow or the day after.

"Hey Able, if we leave this island, where would you go?" You ask the mentioned SCP as you tie some tree branches to make a plank for the sailboat.

"I would follow you." Able replied as he made some planks too.

You got flustered and baffled by his blunt answer, "Uh, why though?" You twitch as you tightly pulled the knot; almost breaking the tree bark you used as a substitute for a rope.

"Because I want to." Typical response from a person who's making excuses.

"You do know I'll spend most of my life hiding from the authorities, right?"

"I do know that. You are a D-Class after all…"


You happily ate some cooked animal's meat that Able hunted for yesterday. You're feeling proud at the significant progress you and Able have done in the island. You can finally leave!

Able silently ate his food while you intently stare at the raging fire you had recently lit up. You wonder if it's possible to take revenge on to Doctor Bright who made this whole mess. Maybe he actually would get reprimanded? Well, that is if the foundation is still alive.

You stood up from the sand and went up to the base of your potential sailboat. It's just a plank of tree branches, but it should do the job. You sigh, where would you go once you leave the island? You're vastly unfamiliar of the cities, that is if you're in a different country.

Meanwhile, Able's eyes widened at a dark silhouette of a ship sailing through the sea. He's awfully suspicious about that silhouette, so he begrudgingly
stood up from the surface of a rock he sat on and approaches you.

A dark shadow loomed over you and you look behind to see Able, "Yeah?" You ask the SCP who seemed pretty reluctant even for his stoic facade.

"We need to hide… ship at the distance." Able alerted you, so your gaze avert to the seemingly endless sea to find a silhouette of a ship.

You realized the ship is heading to the island you and Able are currently stranded on.

"Shit… It must be either a pirate ship or the foundation's ship." You mutter as you glare at the silhouette.

"Carry the our sailboat's base. We hide deep in the jungles." You instructed Able without second thought while you extinguished the fire campfire.

Able obliged, and so the two of you head off to the jungle.

"Agent ██, are you sure D-███ and SCP-076-2 are stranded in this secluded island?" Assistant ████
asks as the ship docked near the shore.

Agent ██ glared at his assistant while he hastily made his way to the exit of the ship, "Isn't it obvious? The satellite suggested this is where they're stuck." He climbs out of the ship as his assistant followed suit.

"We would've not been here if only Doctor Bright wasn't a fucking dumbass and used that last-resort transporter." Agent ██ spat dryly. His assistant nods at his remark.

Both foundation staff observed footprints which led to a small hut then to the entrance of a jungle.

Agent ██ cracks an amused grin, "I'm surprised if D-███ managed to not get mauled by SCP-076-2. We'll just kill D-███ by ourselves."

Assistant ████ sighs, "Yeah, yeah… let's just get going and recontain SCP-076-2."

Meanwhile, you and Able relentlessly ran through the dimly-lit jungle. Both of you need to hide. Running forever is not a solution since the jungle is somewhat compressed; hindering easy movements.

Able led the way of this sickening jungle. Is he familiar with its layout? If so, you're honestly surprised. The jungle is practically a nature deathtrap since you can easily get lost; easily get injured, or simply because of nature's cruelty.

You can not fathom on how your legs and heart are burning because of the immense pressure you're putting. It felt like you were running with heated iron boots.

Able pressed forward as he tightly held the plank of branches for the sailboat. He doesn't look back to see your condition.

"Able." You heaved out as your pace gradually decreased.

The SCP did not hear you as he picked up speed.

You tried to catch up with Able, but he was just so damn agile and he's almost out of your line of sight, "Wait!" You leaned on a tree for support.

Luckily, Able heard you and stopped and looked back to see your tired figure.

"God damnit…" You mutter as you try to make your way to Able.

You accidentally stumbled on a conveniently-placed rock which made you fall on the muddy ground. You angrily mutter a string of curse words as you suck in the pain of the impact.

Able grunts, then he approached you.

"Isn't this great? I bet we're being chased!" You  exclaim sarcastically while your body became used to the muddied ground.

Able narrowed his eyes at you, he seems to be distasteful at your sour and sarcastic attitude. Also, you can pretty much screw things up just by your pretty loud remark.

You gave him an irritated look and pointed at the many trees surrounding you, "Look. We need to hide right fucking now." You stood up, sucked in the pain, and made Able follow you to a hollowed-out tree.

Sadly, you and Able don't fit in the hollow tree, but you did adjust yourself just so you can actually breathe and that your injuries wouldn't hurt that much.

Footsteps… you hear footsteps. It's far, but you bet your left lung that's the foundation. You mentally scowl at the thought you wouldn't make it alive. A disposable class is, obviously, to be disposed of. No mercy is to be shown, even if you did minor crimes.

If these are the SCP Foundation staff, well, you just have to restrain every fiber in your body to not even dare move. Able, for the most part, is having difficulty in doing so. He can probably burst right now. You can assume he really hates tight spaces.

"Where the fuck are those shits…?"

You blink at the sudden loud footsteps near the vicinity you're in. You reach Able's head and made him duck down since he's tall and he can be spotted.

"Agent ██, there are some footsteps leading to the right."

"Isn't that obvious? They did such a nice job to hide."

You can practically feel that agent give a shit-eating grin.

"Uh, Agent ██, they might've left this bundle of branches."

You gape your mouth and gave Able a side glare. He probably dropped it by accident. You felt his fists clench and how his eyes are burning right now.

You and Able gave a brief look at each other and nod.

Both Agent ██ and Assistant ████ inspected the plank of branches to see if it's supposed to be some sort of trap.

The sound of leaves getting crunched made the two SCP Foundation personnel snap at the source.

Agent ██ and Assistant ████ felt wind swoosh past them and they saw a blurred figure quickly went past them.

"GET HIM!" Agent ██ really had no one to command, but felt like he had too.

Anyway, both men immediately went to chase you and Able. It became obsolete since trees hinder their movements to get any faster, though they still haven't dissipated from line of sight.

You felt your cheeks burn at this wise, yet embarrassing idea. Both of you are heading straight back to the island and just steal their ship. Also, Able's carrying you bridal style, so there's that.

Agent ██ began to open fire in a desperate attempt to subdue the SCP. All attempts were futile since he kept missing due to the immense adrenaline rushing in his system.

"Agent ██, we should call for backup." Assistant ████ suggests as he picked up speed.

"Are you stupid? WE'RE IN A FARAWAY ISLAND. Backup would take FOREVER to arrive." Agent ██ grit his teeth and focused on the SCP they're chasing after.

Assistant ████ glares at Agent ██, "Well sir, we SHOULD'VE had backup in the FIRST place." He imitated the volume of voice Agent ██ uttered out.


"Agent ██, I am just pointing out how idiotic and cocky you are."

Both men began bickering which significantly decreased their speed. You snicker at their lack of focus on their main objective of killing you and recontaining Able, which is great.


Oh well, all good things come to an end.

They returned to their fast pace which made you cling tighter on Able.

Your eyes glimmer at the light shining at the end which meant both of you are near. To be honest, you hardly know how to operate a ship, but you know the basics since your dad was a helmsman. If you sunk like the Titanic, well, at least you tried anyway.

Able suddenly leaped which shook you. Your eyes trained on the medium-sized ship and you gulped at the fact you're going to control that thing.


Did they even notice you or did they only notice Able? Well, they're both idiots for just wasting time.

Able then dashed towards the entrance of the ship, which they didn't even bother to close for some reason, and you pressed a button which immediately retracts the stairs from the ground.

Agent ██ angrily fumed at his assistant since they have a bigger problem in their hands, which is pretty much going back to the foundation.


You were set down by Able and you thanked him. You then guided him to the bridge of the ship, or the control room.

You're pretty much surprised that there's no one in the bridge, but that's a good thing.

"My dad used to be a helm for a super fancy cruise ship, and he would occasionally tour me in the ship when I was little." You explain to Able as you sat on the padded-chair.

"And uhh…" You press some buttons which activates the ship, "…I really don't know how to operate this thing, but I'll try."

To the side, you observe satellites, maps, and lights flash up. You just crack an awkward smile at your situation. You don't know what to do next. It's all trial and error.

You pull a lever with your healed-left hand and you lit up at the sound of the ship's propeller starting up. "Well, that's a start." You smile as you rotated the ship using its steering wheel.

Steam emits within the ship's funnel which means it's prepared to leave. It alerted both Agent ██ and Assistant ████. Agent ██ thought none of you could even operate a ship, well, he stand-corrected.

"GET BACK HERE!" You grin at the sound of Agent ██ desperately yelling for you to turn the ship.

You hummed a tune as you pressed on the steering wheel, "Thank you…" You heard Able utter out.

You look at him with a genuine smile, "No problem, but I should be thanking you for being so fucking agile and saving our asses back there!" You emphasized with delight as your eyes went back to focus on the endless sea.

Able had never seen you so happy even though he was just with you for a few days, but he did a smile of his own. Smiling is just too contagious and he couldn't help himself.

This is a start of a new life with Able! That is if the ship doesn't sink...

[I probably screwed smthn, so yeaah.]

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