Book 1(Destiny of a Cat): Int...

De PinkyBreadd

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Series 1. Book 1 of 6. 'Night will lead a path of light.' Wind Clan has gone down hill after many seasons, le... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22(Final Chapter)

Chapter 10

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De PinkyBreadd

                                                                               Page 1                                                                       

  Bright'Wing padded out of the warriors' den with her tail held up high. She padded into the medicine den where Cinder'Feather was eating.

  "Oh, Bright'Wing we need more moss." He meowed as he swiped his tongue over his lips.

  "Why don't you go get it? I haven't eaten yet." Bright'Wing complained. Cinder'Feathers tail flicked out of annoyance.

  "Fine. . ." He hissed as he stood up. "I'll go get it." He began to pad out of the medicine den, but turned around quickly. "Oh, almost forgot, take care of Spotted'Stripe." He padded out of the den.

  'Right after I get some fresh kill in my stomach. . .' Bright'Wing thought as she purred. She padded out of the medicine den only to see Cinder'Feather glaring at her.

  "I said take care of Spotted'Stripe. . ." He hissed.

  "Don't you need to get some moss Cinder'Feather? Plus how do you know I was only getting fresh kill for myself?" She mewed slyly. She had a small smirk on her face.

  "Well. . .Yes." He meowed confidently. "But. . . Argh, fine, get the freshkill." He hissed.

  "Precisely." She mewed, her tail was held up high, she felt a bit smug. She briefly looked over the fresh kill pile. Two scrawny mice, it was good enough. She picked it up in her jaw and padded back to the medicine den.

  She noticed Spotted'Stripe was grooming himself. She placed the mice down, one in front of him. "You might want to be careful, you can reopen the wound." She meowed, "Oh also, breakfast is served." She smiled.

  "Oh right." He stopped grooming himself. "Sorry Bright'Pa- Wing, Bright'Wing." He corrected himself. "Ya know, you've saved my life how many times now? I think being a medicine cat is your calling." He smiled at her.

  "Star Clan leads cats to all their paths." She smiled. Spotted'Stripe shifted a bit, he seemed uncomfortable about Star Clan. "Do you believe in them, Spotted'Stripe?" Bright'Wing asked.

  Spotted'Stripe shrugged, "I barely know of them, so how can I believe?" Spotted'Stripe responded. Luckily Cinder'Feather wasn't in the den.

  "I'll teach you about them, maybe as we eat if you'd like." She sat down in front of her mouse. Spotted'Stripe nodded.

  "Sure, if you'd like." He took a bite of his mouse, waiting for Bright'Wing to begin.

  Bright'Wing explained the mysteries of Star Clan, what they are, and what they do for the clans. She spoke with passion, hoping Spotted'Stripe was listening. In between, she would take bites of her mouse.

  Once she was finished, she smiled at Spotted'Stripe, both the mice were eaten. "Well, that's all I know, if you want the rest you can talk to Cinder'Feather. He's much wiser, and most certainly older than me." She giggled. "But for now, let me reapply your cobweb, then you can return to the Warriors' den." She stood up.

  Spotted'Stripe sat up, waiting for Bright'Wing to patch him up. Bright'Wing grabbed cobwebs and removed the old one. She balled the old one up and threw it somewhere. She applied the new cobweb proudly. "There you go, now you can head off to the Warriors' den and continue your duties."

  Spotted'Stripe nodded, "Thank you, Bright'Wing. In my eyes, your better than Star Clan." He smiled.

  Bright'Wing smiled back, "I think that compliment is too much, but I'll take it, but run along now, Night'Breeze misses you." She smiled, she noticed Spotted'Stripe blush at the mention of Night'Breeze, and quickly ran off.

  Bright'Wing sat at the entrance, not noticing the kit who had snuck in earlier. Her ears pricked up as she turned around quickly when she heard something fall. She saw Storm'Kit, she was eating herbs!

  Bright'Wing noticed what the kit was eating. It was Chervile! Bright'Wing picked up the kit in a panic, she had no idea what Chervile can do to a cat if they have too much, the kit was whining in her jaw.

  She placed her on the moss, and cleared away any herbs the kit can get to. First task was to find Cinder'Feather, then Lost'Dream, the kits mother, but she couldn't leave the kit unattended. She decided to take care of the kit.

  She quickly grabbed the Yarrow, a herb for throwing up hurtful poisons. She placed it in front of the kit, in which was squirming in pain. Bright'Wing nudged the Yarrow towards the kit, who took the hint and gulped it up. Bright'Wing helped the kit chew and swallow the Yarrow.

  Bright'Wing heard a distressed mew from outside, "Storm'Kit! Please come back! Where are you?" It was Lost'Dream!

  "Lost'Dream! In here!" Bright'Wing shouted for Lost'Dream, hoping the queen will come in. "Please hurry! Your kit ate something! Please get Cinder'Feather!" She mewed in distress. Bright'Wing could see Lost'Dream from inside of the medicine den.

  She saw the queens eyes fill with horror, but nodded and ran off to get Cinder'Feather. A few moments later, the yarrow kicked in. The kit barfed up the Chervile. Bright'Wing let out a sigh of relief, the kit seemed to be in less pain.

  She heard the two cats rush inside, Lost'Dream was terrified. She saw her kit and laid beside her, grooming her softly. "What did she eat Bright'Wing?" Lost'Dream asked, her voice was shaky.

  "She ate almost all the Chervile. . .I didn't know what would happened so I gave her Yarrow to throw it up." She explained to the kits mother. Bright'Wing checked the kit, Storm'Kit looked drained and tired, but terrified.

  "Cinder'Feather, should I give Storm'Kit Poppy Seeds or Juniper?" She asked, unsure of what to do.

  "Give her Poppy Seeds, then tomorrow in the morning, give her Juniper." Cinder'Feather handed her the poppy seeds, she took the leaf carrying them, and placed a seed in front of the kit.

  "Please eat it Storm'Kit. . ." Lost'Dream mewed softly to her kit, the kit slowly gulped it up and started chewing on it. The kit slowly drifted off into a sleep. . .

                                                                                  Page 2

  Bright'Wing sat outside of the Medicine Den, this morning Storm'Kit was looking way better, and returned to the nursery. She saw the queen with her two kits, Storm'Kit was looking energetic today. She smiled.

  She noticed her leader hopping onto the TallRock. She promptly got up and padded to her favorite spot, saving a spot next to her for Night'Breeze. Night'Breeze padded quickly, grooming Muddy'Kit as they walked.

  Night'Breeze and Muddy'Paw sat next to her. "Is Muddy'Kit becoming an apprentice?" Bright'Wing asked, happy for Muddy'Kit.

  Night'Breeze nodded happily, Muddy'Paw was shaking with excitement as other cats gathered around.

  "Maybe I should give him a herb to calm him down a bit." She joked with Night'Breeze.

  Night'Breeze laughed as well, "He may need it honestly." Night'Breeze smiled as she joked back. Muddy'Kit was too excited and simply only stared up at the TallRock, waiting for Dawn'Star to begin the clan meeting.

  Dawn'Stars voice echoed through the camp. "Muddy'Kit, step forward." He paused as he watched Muddy'Kit step forward.

  Muddy'Kit looked up at Dawn'Star, his eyes glowing with excitement. "You have reached the age of six moons. It is time you are apprenticed and taught the ways of a warrior." Dawn'Star continued.

  Muddy'Kit purred happily, his ears and eyes stayed concentrated on Dawn'Star. "From this day on, until its you're time to become a warrior, your name will be Muddy'Paw. Your mentor will be Night'Breeze." Dawn'Star looked at Night'Breeze, "Don't be afraid to ask for advice for this young apprentice." 

  Night'Breeze padded closer to Muddy'Paw and touched noses. The clan began chanting Muddy'Paws new name, "Muddy'Paw! Muddy'Paw! Muddy'Paw!" Bright'Wing could easily hear Muddy'Paws purr over the chanting.

  Dawn'Star hopped down from the Tallrock and disappeared into his den. The clan slowly went back into their dens apart from a few cats including Muddy'Paw and Night'Breeze. Bright'Wing congratulated Night'Breeze and Muddy'Paw and soon padded back into the medicine den.

  No cat was in the medicine den, it was a good feeling to Bright'Wing. "Who was apprenticed Bright'Wing?" Cinder'Feather asked as he organized some herbs

  "It was Muddy'Paw, hes being apprenticed by Night'Breeze." Bright'Wing sounded prideful of her friend.

  "Isn't she a bit young?" Cinder'Feather asked. Bright'Wing sat in a pile of moss, she didn't think about that.

  Bright'Wing let out a brief yawn, "Well, I have faith in her." She decided to change the subject, "Today was pretty nice, wasn't it Cinder'Feather?"

  "Go ahead, take a nap. I don't mind." Cinder'Feather mewed gently. "It could be a sign from StarClan." He meowed jokingly.

  Bright'Wing purred out of amusement. She rested her head on the moss and drifted off into sleep. She felt her paws become cold as she padded into a clearing. 'The Great Stones?' She though with confusion. "StarClan?" She meowed with confusion.

  Multiple voices rung in her ears saying the same thing, "We are here Bright'Wing." They paused, "We come with a warning for you."

  "What's going to happen?" She mewed with uncertainty. Her fur stood on end, she can smell the StarClan cats, but couldn't see them. She felt their eyes all rest on her.

  "Cold is near, and healing is needed. A cough will spread far out a cats reach apart from one. Their wings of safety and health will help those who need." The voices got louder in her ears. She felt dizzy and uncertain, but comforted. She felt the spirits of StarClan holding her up from falling.

  Bright'Wing woke up, her fur still on end. She felt a bit cold. She looked outside and saw Storm'Kit playing again, she looked happy. Bright'Wing looked around the den, Cinder'Feather nowhere in sight.

  She noticed a gray cat padding out of the Nursery, "Speak of the devil. . ." She mutters underneath her breath. He was probably checking on the other kits.

  Cinder'Feather grabbed two pieces of fresh kill into his jaws and padded into the medicine den. "Here, I got you a squirrel." He meowed as he placed it in front of her. He padded to his piece of moss and began eating.

  "Cinder'Feather?" She mewed as she looked down at her squirrel. "Is leaf-bare soon?" She mewed again.

  "Well. . .It should be here in another few moons." He mewed thoughtfully. Bright'Wing nodded and began eating the squirrel. The dream clawed at the back of her mind, who would be the cat to heal the clans?

                                                                                 Page 3

  Bright'Wing padded out of the medicine den, they were low on juniper berries. It was sundown and didn't want to go out alone. She padded into the warriors' den but didn't see Night'Breeze. The warriors all dipped their heads at the sight of Bright'Wing. Bright'Wing felt a bit embarrassed since she was being treated with so much respect now.

  She padded out of the warriors den and saw Ash'Whisper. She padded up to him, "Ash'Whisper!" She mewed happily. Ash'Whisper looked at her and smiled.

  "Hello Bright'Wing." He looked so proud of her. "What's up?" He purred.

  "Well, since its getting dark I wanted someone to come with me while I collected herbs." She meowed. He was her old mentor, she admired him as much as Cinder'Feather.

  He nodded. "Are we leaving now?" He asked. His tail in a curled position. His eyes looked gentle as he stared at Bright'Wing

  "Yeah! Let's go!" She purred as she skipped out of the camp. Ash'Whisper followed close behind. Bright'Wing sniffed around for Juniper bushes. She soon caught a scent and quickly padded towards it.

  Ash'Whisper stood nearby as Bright'Wing gathered some Juniper Berries. She picked them all up in her mouth and began padding back to camp, they were far away.

  It was almost moon rise by the time they reached the camp again. Bright'Wing blinked gratefully at Ash'Whisper while he dipped his head and padded into the warriors' den. She padded into the medicine den to see Cinder'Feather already asleep, he was snoring. She placed the juniper berries into a pile and sat right outside the medicine den.

  Bright'Wings eyes became slits as she stared at the sun as it went completely down. She smelled a few cats emerge from their dens but paid no mind to it. The cats gathered together, and began to pad out of camp. Bright'Paw sensed something was wrong and stood up.

  She slowly followed the cats outside of the camp. She couldn't tell their scents apart since she was too far away. She couldn't tell where the cats were trying to go but she kept following. The cats stopped and checked behind them, Bright'Wing quickly dashed into a nearby undergrowth to hide herself.

  The cats stood still for a bit. She heard them whisper to each other. One of them padded closer to where Bright'Wing hid but didn't check the undergrowth she hid in. She recognized the scent of the she-cat, it was Night'Breeze.

  "There's no one here Dawn'Star." Night'Breeze mewed, her voice was soft. Bight'Wing soon took in another scent, Dawn'Star, and he was coming closer.

  'Where are they going?' She thought as she tried hiding her scent from them. She saw Dawn'Star nod and they both continued to pad off.

  Bright'Wing carefully got of the undergrowth and follow the cats more carefully. Where ever they were going it must be dangerous, Night'Breeze was leading while Dawn'Star kept guard in the back. She couldn't tell who the third cat was but she knew it was a she-cat.

  The she-cat was waiting for them to get back to her. She saw some white in the pale moonlight shining on her, the white fur looked like silver. Bright'Wing could also make out a light brown on her pelt.

                                                                            Page 4

  The three cats stopped as Night'Breeze sniffed the air. Bright'Wing made sure to conceal her scent as she followed them.

  "Why does it smell strongly of mint?" Night'Breeze mewed to Dawn'Star. Bright'Wing had rolled in mint while she followed them. She hid in a bush just to make sure not to get caught. She could hear that the cats still had stopped and were meowing quietly to each other. She used the mint to hide her scent but now she's beginning to think it was a bad idea.

  She soon heard them continue to pad to where they were trying to go. Bright'Wing got out the bush and began to follow them again, where ever they were going, it was deep into Wind Clan territory. 'Maybe they're going to the Moontree. . .' She though as she continued to follow them.

  She realized that they're not going to the Moontree since they were going the wrong way. 'Where are they going?' She thought with confusion. She padded gently on the soft ground as she followed them.

  Her question was soon answered when she smelled a clan marker that she didn't recognize. The three cats hid in a nearby bush. Bright'Wing soon realized that they were near another Clans camp. It wasn't one of the four clans she knew, it smelled of rogue mixed with Kittypet. 

  She heard the cats whispering to each other in the bush as they decided what to do.

  "We're going back. . ." Dawn'Star ordered as he quietly got out of the bush. Night'Breeze followed and then the other she-cat. Bright'Wing soon figured out who it was, Speckle'Face. Bright'Wing decided to get back to camp before them, Speckle'Face was the swiftest warrior in Wind Clan. Speckle'Face was not a warrior to face.

  Bright'Wing began quickly padding back into Wind Clan territory, if she was caught she could easily play it off as if she was gathering herbs. Just in case she would find some burdock root. She padded to a small pond and found some easily. She dug some up and carried it in her jaws, careful not to bite down on it.

  She began padding back to camp, she heard the three cats behind her pace slow down as they smelled her. She made sure to act calm as she continued to pad back to camp.The cats completely stopped behind her and soon she no longer heard them.

  She padded quickly into the medicine den and placed the burdock root in their pile. She laid down in her moss and pretended to be asleep. She pricked her ears in the direction of them, she heard them whispering quietly until they all split into their dens.

  Bright'Wing still smelled like mint but felt too tired to get the smell out her fur. She fell asleep. She woke up to Cinder'Feather groaning and complaining quietly. Bright'Wing sat up, it was dawn and saw One'Ear organizing a dawn patrol.

  "Why do you smell like mint? Did you roll in it in your sleep or something?" He hissed as he dug his nose into his fur.

  "Stop complaining Cinder'Feather, it's not even that strong." Bright'Wing replied.

  "You better go wash yourself off in some water. . .I hate the smell of mint." his meow was muffled due to his fur. Bright'Wing rolled her eyes and stood up.

                                                                         Page 5

  Bright'Wing found a small pond to wash herself in. She dipped her paw in and whipped it on her head. 'This'll take awhile.' She thought with boredom.

  She smelled Night'Breeze coming and began to lick her fur quickly.

  "Bright'Wing? What are you doing?" She mewed curiously.

  "Oh uh. . ." She stopped grooming herself, "I'm washing the scent of mint out my fur." Bright'Wing replied. Night'Breeze nodded with uncertainty and looked at the pool of water. She took a lap of water and sat down. Bright'Wing scooped up some water in her paw and splashed it on Night'Breeze playfully. Her whiskers twitched with amusement.

  Night'Breeze eyes filled with happiness and playfulness as she splashed Bright'Wing with water, causing all of Bright'Wings pelt to be drenched. Bright'Wing shook the water off her pelt.

  Bright'Wing let out a mrrow of laughter. "At least that'll get the smell of mint of my fur!"

  "Say, why do you smell like mint?" Night'breeze asked with suspicion.

  "Oh, I was finding some burdock root last night. . .And uh tripped into some mint that was nearby." She answered as confidentially as she could. Night'Breeze nodded and stood up.

  "Well, I'm supposed to be hunting." She licked Bright'Wings cheek as a goodbye and padded off into the undergrowth.

  Bright'Wing purred and continued to lick herself. Soon the smell of mint began to fade a bit, making the scent weaker. 'This smell is ganna be stuck in my fur for the rest of the season!' She thought. She stopped licking herself and began padding back to camp.

  As she reached the camp, she saw Cinder'Feather waiting by the entrance for her. "Good, you almost got that smell off of you. I was about to ban you from sleeping in the medicine den." He meowed with a humorous tone.

  Bright'Wing nodded and smiled, "Took awhile, its already sunhigh." She meowed as she padded past him to the nursery, she wanted to check on Blue'Kit. She walked inside and sat down beside Lost'Dream and looked at her two kits. Blue'Kit and Storm'Kit.

  "Hello, Bright'Wing." She respectfully dipped her head. "Thank you for helping Storm'Kit. . ." She mewed gently.

  "No need to thank me, it's my job." Bright'Wing smiled. Lost'Dream rasped her tongue over Blue'Kits ear, it was full of love and sympathy.

  Bright'Wing smiled and padded out of the nursery. She saw Night'Breeze padding into Dawn'Stars den. She shrugged it off and went into the medicine den. 'Maybe she's going to speak to him about last night?. . .'

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