Nanny for my Nieces

By iloveSiphokazi7

13.2K 407 29

With the recent passing of August sister, August is now left to take care of his three nieces. He faces diffi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15

Chapter 14

681 25 4
By iloveSiphokazi7


"Your make-up looks beautiful, can we try it on?" Chay asked
"Of Cause you can, how about y'all dress up and I do your makeup"
"Yes please finally we get to do girly things" Kay said excitedly.
"What do you mean, uncle Aug does everything with you guys"
"Trust me he can't, you're  not leaving us again right?" Kay  asked
I honestly didn't want to make them any promises. What if I fight with August and he decides to let me go. As much as I've grown to love  my girls, they're still not mine.
"I don't know baby, you'll have to ask August that"
"I'm just glad you are here tonight"
"Me too sweetheart"

I  watched them takeout their beautiful dresses that they've never worn and put them on. I did their make-up and Chay helped me with her sisters hair. I decided to take a few pictures and send them to August. I knew he was probably getting lit and was only going to see them later on.

Mr Alsina: my babies look beautiful, tell them I love them including their cute nanny😎

Was he really saying he loves me. This nigga plays too much but I'll go with it. I'm sure he was being polite.

Me: They love you too💜
Mr Alsina: damn the cute nanny doesn't feel the same way
Me: let me know where she is so I can tell her
Mr Alsina: well I'm talking to her now 😘

I won't lie that last message made me blush.
"Ooo someone has a boyfriend?" Chay said with a silly voice dragging it out.
"First of all I don't have one" at this point I was smiling so hard. Why is this nigga making me blush so much.
"Imani has a boyfriend...Imani has a boyfriend "  Kay was singing loudly hopping around. It didn't take long until her sisters joined her.
"Well since y'all want to start a choir I'm leaving I'll be watching tv call me when you need me" I don't think they heard me because they were already in their little world playing princesses. I still had my heels on and I needed to take them off and just chill since I won't be doing anything tonight. I  ended up taking a nap.

"IMANI WAKE UP!! WAKE UP" Chay was screaming ontop of her lungs shaking me and waking me from my nap.
"I'm up I'm up" I was bit  annoyed at this point.
"Kay is not breathing she's having an ashma attack"
"What!! where is she?"
I got up fast and started running up the stairs trying to get to her.
"Kay where are you?"
"In here" Amaya screamed.  I rushed inside to find Kay having an attack and having a hard time breathing. Her sister Amaya seemed traumatized and didn't know what to do. I quickly ran to them and picked up Kay.
"You're going to be ok baby" I rushed downstairs with her.
"Chay go grab the emergency box! Run"
I rushed Kay to my car and made her sit up in the back sit and Chay rushed  back with the box. I  didn't have time to look through everything and just turned it upside down and took out everything until I found an inhaler.
"Chay get Amaya and get in the car" I instructed Chay as I went towards Kay and helped her inhale through the inhaler. After a few seconds of breathing in she calmed down.
The two girls, were already inside the Mercedes.
"Chay come sit next to your sister, hold it like this and push this if she starts panicking ok" I instructed Chay and showed her how the inhaler worked. I rushed and got the car keys and got inside my car and we drove off. At this point I needed to get to the closest hospital for children. My mind is rushing fast and I'm trying to keep myself calm. I  finally got to the hospital after swerving and passing so many cars.
I got off the car and opened the backseat door to let the girls out while I picked up Kay and carried her in my arms. Amaya and Chay were running behind me as we rushed inside the hospital.
"Please help me, she's having an asma attack" I said  to a lady nurse who was passing by.
She grabbed Kay  from me and took her to one of the wards.
"Lady please come this way" the receptionist or nurse said. I  don't know who. I walked towards the counter.
"Is she going to be ok?"
"Yes ma'am she is, we just need you to fill in a few forms and you can go in the waiting area"
"Ok" she handed me a pen and forms to fill in. I grabbed my girls and we sat down together.
"Everything is going to be ok, Kay will be fine. The doctors will make her feel better ok. So don't cry" it broke my heart to see my girls so scared and sad. I filled in the papers while I let them lay their heads on my legs as I sat on the chair. When I was done with the forms I  handed them back to the lady and called August phone. He didn't pick up so I called his bodyguard Triston.

Triston: Hey Imani
Me: Triston please let me talk to August
Triston: He's inside the club right now hosting
Me: It's urgent please, Kay is in the hospital
Triston: Oh shit, is she ok?
Me: Ill explain when you get here, can you just come with August I'll text you the location
Triston: Ok we are  coming now

I dropped the called and went to go sit down. I just hope Kay will be ok. I don't think August knew she had asma or if he did knew I'm sure he didn't think it was this serous. I held Amaya  in my arms while sitting and I let Chay rest her head on  me. As long as they were calm we will be good.

Hey😊 I hope you enjoyed, if you did go ahead and vote for this chapter and comment💜 The way I love you guys, I'm in the middle of studying for a test and I decided to give you all a little something all thanks to @ywadie who commented on my last chapter.

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