My Angel

Deescent tarafından

56.9K 3.4K 1.3K

Jinyoung fell from Heaven... literally. Daha Fazla

End Note
Bad Angel Drawing lol


1K 68 40
Deescent tarafından

"You're so cute~"

"Stop, not in public."

"Gimme a kiss, then I'll stop."

Jinyoung huffed, looking around briefly before tugging Jaebum into a kiss. Jaebum chuckled against his lips, sliding a hand around the small of Jinyoung's back to hold him closer.

Nothing felt better than being wrapped in one another's warm embrace, knowing that no obstacles stood in their way. 

"Hey, no PDA on the job!" 

The couple pulled away from one another, looking over to where BamBam stood near the counter. "Jinyoung, now that you've got a full time position I thought you'd work harder, but you're just running off with Jaebum any chance you get!"

"Sorry, but I love him!" Jaebum retorted, sloppily kissing Jinyoung again just to spite their boss.

"That can't be your excuse every time! Get to work!" BamBam scolded, though the small smile on his face exposed just how happy he was to see the couple enjoying their love.

Jaebum sighed, sharing a warm look with Jinyoung before parting from him to tend the register with Yugyeom.

Mark walked by as he was cleaning the table, elbowing Jinyoung who was busy watching Jaebum walk off, in the back. "Jinyoung, you too."

Jinyoung blinked out of his trance, turning to help Mark out. "Sorry..."

He was just about to grab a sponge from the water bucket Mark had been lugging around when the sparkle on his finger caught his eye, making him hesitant.

"That promise ring has really kept your attention huh." Mark asked, noticing the way Jinyoung paused before dipping his hand in the water.

Jinyoung flushed red, a shy smile climbing to his face as he gazed at the silver ring upon his finger that Jaebum had custom engraved wings onto. "Sorry I just... it's so pretty, and I think of Jaebum everytime I look at it. I'm just so happy. We've been through a lot together."

"That's really nice to hear. Jaebum seems happy too, ever since he met you." Mark replied.

Jinyoung nodded, pressing his ringed hand to his chest. "I intend on making him happy for the rest of his life. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"Hey, quit talking to my man!" A voice yelled from across the cafe.

"Don't be jealous Jaebum!" Yugyeom scolded while punching his shoulder.

"What? I'm not jealous!" Jaebum retorted while punching Yugyeom back.

Jinyoung and Mark chuckled, the two returning to work to avoid the wrath of Jaebum. The bell above the door suddenly rang, a familiar customer entering.

"Hello friends!" Jackson greeted.

"Jackson! Save Mark from Jaebum! He's super jealous that him and Jinyoung are close friends~" Yugyeom yelled out as Jaebum was in the midst of trying to strangle him.

Jackson's gaze quickly found Mark, the two locking eyes. Usually Jackson would shy away from the elder, but after witnessing Jinyoung and Jaebum's relationship bloom, Jackson had a tiny bit of hope to grab on to.

"A-Actually um..." Jackson cleared his throat, feeling awkward with all the attention on him, but he continued nevertheless. The room was suddenly quiet, everyone curious of what he was preparing to say. "I hadn't intended on doing this anytime soon but I just... well, I was wondering, M-Mark... if you'd maybe want to like... I guess, h-hang out sometime? Just me and you?"

Mark had paused mid wipe as he was cleaning down a window. He was totally flustered, his entire body completely frozen up, his sponge dropping to the floor. Silence filled the cafe, everyone now waiting on his response.

Jinyoung leaned over, cupping his hand near Mark's ear. "Just say yes." he whispered.

Mark blinked, swallowing hard as his brain kickstarted again with Jinyoung's help. "U-Um... y-yes, I would very much l-like that..."

"R-Really? Seriously? You mean it?" Jackson was in total disbelief, his jaw hanging open as Mark nodded in confirmation.

Sudden cheers erupted from the maknae, followed by the rest of their friends celebrating the two.

"God, it fucking took you long enough! Months Jackson, literally months! Finally!" Yugyeom exclaimed.

"Shut up..." Jackson muttered, his face turning as red as a strawberry. He awkwardly headed towards the door, his gaze never leaving Mark's. "So um, I-I gotta go, I'll... call you and we can work out more details..."

"Yeah, sure..." Mark replied, waving at Jackson who waved back at him while wearing a wide grin. He'd forgotten to order his usual serving of coffee, but surely his success with Mark would keep him well energized throughout the day.

Jinyoung nudged Mark's arm, wiggling his brows at the elder. "He's been wanting to ask you out forever."

"I... would've said yes a long time ago..." Mark mumbled.

"I can tell you're happy, you won't stop smiling." Jinyoung teased while poking Mark's cheek.

"You can't stop smiling around Jaebum, it's the same thing~" Mark whined.

"Okay cute moment over, step away from my man now Mark, you have your own to worry about!" Jaebum interrupted again from afar.

"Jinyoung how do you deal with him?" Yugyeom asked, shaking his head at Jaebum's over-protectiveness.

"He only acts like this in public to embarrass me..." Jinyoung muttered.

"Yup! That's my Jinyoungie, no one goes near him but me!" Jaebum announced as he marched over to his beautiful blushing boyfriend and tugged him close by the waist. "You're all mine, you got it?"

"The rings don't prove it enough?" Jinyoung asked, holding up the hand that showed off the ring.

Jaebum gripped the hand with his own jeweled fingers, pressing his forehead to Jinyoung's. "I wanna hear you say it."

Jinyoung giggled, his chocolate browns eyes sparkling as he gazed into Jaebum's "I'm all yours, Jaebum."

"That's right, your my angel." Jaebum mumbled, using his thumb to tip Jinyoung's chin up so he could place a soft kiss on those perfect pair of lips. "Always have been, always will be."

"Guys, no PDA! Get to work!" BamBam's voice rang again, this being a constant reminder the deeply in love couple needed everyday to refocus on their respective duties.

The two giggled at one another before returning to work, able to communicate with just their eyes how much they loved one another, and how nothing could ever get in the way of it.


(*awww 😭😭😭❤❤❤*)

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