Man of Iron *HIATUS*

By RandomAnxiety

42.6K 1.2K 464

{SEQUEL OF MUTANT CHILD} Four years ago, the Tony Stark was made to babysit to control his inner ego. Now fou... More

|Funny Introduction|
|Author's Note|
Author Note [Mayde delete later]


1.5K 51 19
By RandomAnxiety

May cooked dinner while Peter played with his new action figures he got for his recent birthday. The action figures were, of course, the avenger, and ever since he came back from the flied trip, he can't put them down. While she put the green beans in the pot and the leftover spegatti getting ready to be heated back up, May watched her nephew with a sweet smile. Once the timer dinged and the green beans were ready, and the spaghetti  was ready to be eaten, she placed a fair amount of each on two plates. One for Peter, one for her.

"Peter! Dinner!" She called. Peter got up from the floors, running to the table, bringing a few action figures with him. May kept her smile has she placed the plates on the table. "Eat up, even heroes got to eat to" she spoke, kissing Peter on the forehead. The boy placed the toys down, picked up his fork and start eating.

May was making herself and Peter something to drink, when she remembered. She had to be more protective then usual. She had to watch for anything suspicious. She had to watch for that hag.

Mj and Ned's parents had suggested to homeschool the children, but they knew that was not gonna work. Besides, powers or not, they are still children, and need to have a normal childhood experience, as much normal as they can get in a childhood with powers.

May took a look at her nephew. Peter was playing with his action figures while eating. He seemed so happy. Neither Peter nor Ned nor Mj knew about the situation, and hopefully they don't have too. Maybe the police will find her before she finds them. May had her hands crossed, and praying that thats What will happen.

That was all she could do.

For now.


Peter sat at his assigned table with Ned and Mj. Kids talked for the five minutes they were able before the teacher came in to start class. "Good morning, students" a lady spoke. A substitute? "My name is Mrs.Kate, and I'll be your substitute for today." Definitely a substitute.

The students watched has she wrote her name on the board as if they didn't know how to spell it, nor had to know. "Mrs.King is out-um-sick! Yup. Sick" Mrs.Kate said. "And she left a few assignments for us to do, and my, my, do they look fun."

Mrs.Kate passed around the first assignment. A math term word search. Peter started on his the moment he got it. Ned and Mj did the same. "Okay, while you all do that, I'll take attendance" she announced before going to the desk to do so. "Lila barber?" She spoke, waiting for a "I'm here" or silence.

"Here, ma'am!" A girl in braided blonde hair said, raising her hand. The substitute nodded, basically telling the student that she counted her as 'here.' "Michelle Carter?" She spoke.

While the teacher took attendance, Peter felt his senses ding, intensely. He examined the room for any danger. He then looked outside the window his table was by. No danger was spotted. Peter thought it was just a false alarm, but his senses was not gonna be ignored today. His sense got stronger. "Peter?"

Senses are to strong for it to be considered a false alarm. The danger has to here somewhere.


Danger may be all around. The danger can be in a disguise.


Peter jumped in response, looking at Mj, who had been yelling his name. "Is a Peter Parker here?" The teacher asked the class. Everyone was looking at him. Peter giggles nervously before.raising his hand."here, ma'am."


The three friends sat together at lunch, and and Mj being the only two having a conversation, Peter listening. "Peter?" Mj spoke, questioningly. Peter looked up at his friends, easing an eyebrow. "Yes?" He asked, confused.

"You Okay?" Ned asked, before Mj.

Of not okay. There could be danger lurking around us, and I can't find said danger, so no I'm not Okay!

"Yeah, I'm Okay. Why?" He asked, putting his fork, which he was poking his food with, down.

" You just...don't seem like yourself today" Mj answered. " You sure everything's Okay?"


"Yes.." Peter answered back, his answer drifting. Mj and Ned exchanged looks, not buying it.

"Uh-huh. What's going on, Pete?" Mj asked. Peter sighed, knowing if he kept lying, the few lies will go into more lies, and lying gets anyone  nowhere. 

"Fine. Look, during Mrs.Kate taking attendance, my senses started to alert me, but when I examined both in the classroom and  outside out the window we sat near, and there seemed to be no danger" Peter explained.

"Well, maybe it was a false alarm" Ned spoke. Peter shook his head.

"That's what I thought, but then the senses got stronger, to strong to be a false alarm" Peter responded. Mj put on her thinking face.  Peter and Ned exchanged looks this time. They were still unfamiliar by the face Mj made when she thought.

"Then...that means there's danger somewhere else in the building" Mj spat out after moments of silence between the three. "We have to keep our eyes open, and be ready for whatever is yet to come."

Peter and Ned nodded in agreement. If they wanted to defeat this danger, they had to be ready for What ever comes their way.


During her lunch break, mrs.Kate ate her sandwich while dailing a number on her own phone. "Hey" she spoke. "Yeah, it's me."

"Yes, I got all three in my class."

Kate looked at her personal laptop, smiling, showing plans. Not school related. Smirking.

"They have no idea what's coming."


   Hello! I am back! And not dead!

So for starters, sorry for not updating this as much as I should. I have recently experienced a burn out for writing fanfiction, specifically, so it took me time to get back My motivation. And it also doesn't help that I don't know what should happen on some chapters of said fanfiction so...yeah. again, sorry.

With that being said, questions!

What did you think about Mrs.Kate?

Is she real or a phony? (Is she an actual substitute or is she fake?)

What do you thinks gonna happen next?

Do you think the police will get to "cow lady" first, or do you think she'll be able to get to the kids and their family first?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! ♡

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