My Angel

Por Deescent

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Jinyoung fell from Heaven... literally. Más

End Note
Bad Angel Drawing lol


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Por Deescent

Jaebum wanted to sleep together like normal, but Jinyoung insisted that they had to stay apart in case someone from Heaven was watching their every move. He wasn't really into the whole paranoid thing, he just wanted to continue life like usual, but Jinyoung insisted that they had to wait for Youngjae to get back safely before he felt comfortable doing anything.

He decided to let Jinyoung have the bed after the long day they'd had, figuring he could spend a night or two on the couch as long as the angel was comfortable. He gave Jinyoung a long kiss goodnight before heading to bed, and got scolded for it since it almost turned into a full blown make out session, but he couldn't hold back. Despite Jinyoung's complaints, the pout he gave when Jaebum pulled away proved just how much they both missed each other's lips.

Sleeping on the couch was a bit uncomfy, no wonder Jinyoung was quick to claim a spot in his bed after those first few weeks of staying there. Jaebum was also cold most of the time, relying on a thick blanket to keep him somewhat warm until morning. He was at least able to catch some sleep for a few hours, that was, until his slumber was interrupted by an unusual gust of cool air.

He slightly opened his lids, for a moment not seeing anything strange. Then suddenly a white glow filled his apartment, momentarily blinding him until his eyes adjusted. He softly gasped as a figure came into view, along with a pair of wings on its back.

"Y-Youngjae?" Jaebum called out, the figure turning to look at him for a brief moment before looking away. "Youngjae, you're back...?"

Jaebum watched the figure quickly disappear off into his bedroom, which he immediately found strange. He quickly sat up, the fact that he didn't get a response from the figure worrying him greatly. Youngjae would've greeted him, and wouldn't have went straight for the bedroom like that.

Just as Jaebum was about to get up and follow him, he heard a startling scream.

"Hey! What are you doing! Let go of me!" Jinyoung's voice rang through the apartment, slapping Jaebum out of his sleep daze.

"Jinyoung!?" Jaebum called, bolting off the couch to the bedroom where the angel had been peacefully resting.

Jaebum's eyes widened as he saw Jinyoung's hands and feet shackled with golden cuffs, his body slung over the shoulder of the mystery entity that invaded his apartment.

Jinyoung was struggling to get out of his Hold, his frightened eyes locking on Jaebum, shackled hands reaching out for him. "Jaebum!"

Jaebum tried to help him, but before he could even make contact, Jinyoung and the strange person were gone.

"No!" Jaebum yelled, looking around the room frantically as if they'd reappear somewhere.

He couldn't believe it. Jinyoung was gone, again. Not because he sent him off, but because he was stolen right before his eyes. And what's worse was that he had no idea who took him, or where he went.

Jaebum didn't know what to do. He was on the verge of a breakdown, constantly calling Jinyoung's name as if it would suddenly summon him back.

He yelled until his throat was sore, then ended up crumpled on his bedroom floor, sobbing for his angel to come back.

He lost track of time, not even realizing when the sun came up. He hadn't had a lick of sleep, how could he when he couldn't protect the person who had been comfortably sleep just feet away from him in his bed? He felt worthless, pathetic. He didn't deserve to have someone like Jinyoung if he didn't even have the power to protect him from harm. Maybe the fact that the love of his life kept being taken away from him meant that he wasn't supposed to have him. Maybe he didn't deserve love.

Jaebum had never felt so powerless before. He wanted to reverse time, but he didn't even have the power to do that. He felt incredibly empty inside with Jinyoung gone, he wanted to just stay there curled up on the floor and wait for the angel to hopefully return; he almost ignored the weird sound he heard from the living room until he realized that maybe it was better to check it out before something else unfortunate happened. Not that he'd care much since Jinyoung was his top priority.

He peeked out of his room door, feeling a strong gust of wind lick his face. His eyes widened as a familiar glow began to fill the room again, exactly where the thing that took Jinyoung appeared. He quickly grabbed an umbrella he kept in the corner of his room, slowly walking towards the light.

Once he noticed a set of wings appear, he felt overwhelming rage overtake him. How could this person think it was okay to steal Jinyoung away from him? Whoever they were, Jaebum couldn't forgive them for committing such a crime against him.

Once the figure started to formulate, Jaebum pulled the umbrella back as if he were about to swing a bat, his eyes locked right on its head.

"Hey! Give Jinyoung back!" Jaebum yelled, swinging the umbrella hard at the entity. He hit its back, the figure crumpling and clutching the stricken area.

"Ow! What the fuck!"

Jaebum was about to attack again, until he heard the voice. "Youngjae? It's really you?"

"Yeah it's me! What the hell!?" Youngjae yelled, the glowing light soon disappearing, leaving over Youngjae curled on the floor, shielding himself with his hands from anymore umbrella attacks.

Jaebum dropped his weapon, crumpling to his knees to assist the angel. "Sorry, sorry... are you okay?"

Youngjae sat up, wincing a bit at the slight sting on his back. He took in a breath, making sure that the rest of him was still unharmed. "Uh, I think I'm okay-"

"Someone took Jinyoung." Jaebum frantically gripped Youngjae's shoulders, his words flying out of his mouth. "They came last night and took him right out of his bed. He was screaming for me and I couldn't save him and I couldn't sleep and I didn't know what to do he was just gone so fast and-"

"Woah slow down, someone took him?" Youngjae asked to clarify since Jaebum was speaking a thousand words a minute.

"A-An angel, or someone from heaven I think..." Jaebum answered with a nod. "I thought it was you, but it was someone else... I just got him back Youngjae, I can't lose him again. All I have to do is protect him and I'm doing a shitty job..."

Youngjae placed a hand on Jaebum's back, feeling just how heavily the elder was breathing. "Calm down, we'll get to the bottom of this, okay?"

"He just up and disappeared, how can we find him?" Jaebum asked, his eyes searching Youngjae's desperate for a useful answer.

Youngjae rubbed his chin as he thought of a reasonable explanation for his disappearance. "Um... well if an angel came and took him, then that means he's probably back home. In heaven."

"So we have to go there!" Jaebum urged.

"Jaebum you're human, you physically can't." Youngjae let out a breath, standing to his feet. "I'll go."

"No!" Jaebum stood as well, his face coloring itself red from his rampant emotions. "I have to go! I have to protect him and save him and... I love him, so it's my duty!"

The younger raised his hands in surrender. "I get it, but I'm telling you it's impossible. You need to calm down-"

"Don't tell me to calm down when my first love keeps getting taken from me!" Jaebum snapped.

Youngjae fell speechless. He could tell by waver in Jaebum's voice how much emotion he was already holding back, Jinyoung obviously meant a lot to him, of course he couldn't 'calm down' over it. "Jaebum..."

Jaebum sniffled, looking down at the floor to hide away his eyes that quickly began to water up. "I've never felt like this for anyone before... I need him, but everyone's trying to take him from me..."

"I'm sorry..." was Youngjae's first response. He slid his hand across Jaebum's back, rubbing circles in hopes that it would help ease him. He felt bad seeing Jaebum in this state, but there was nothing much he could do about it, especially when he had no idea where Jinyoung was either. "Look, I was able to swipe a few files from the library. They're confidential, technically I'm not supposed to have them but... I think maybe if we look through them they could help. And you relax for me and help me look through them, we might find something to explain this all."

"Will Jinyoung be okay?" Jaebum asked through some more sniffles, his mind obviously not on the files at the moment.

"I'm... sure he's okay." Youngjae nodded, his voice soft as he spoke to his broken down friend. "If you're thinking they'll hurt him, then don't. He was most likely taken to be held in confinement. The society of angel's believe that punishment is better served through learning experiences, not through captivity. But with all the rules Jinyoung had broken, I think they probably resorted to locking him up."

Jaebum lifted his head, wet puffy eyes gazing into Youngjae's. "So... he's most likely in jail right now?"

"...Most likely..." Youngjae hesitantly answered.

"But... safe?"


"None of those were sure answers." Jaebum dropped his head again.

Youngjae sighed, giving Jaebum a few more reassuring pats on the back. "I'd rather not lie to you Jaebum and tell you that Jinyoung's totally okay. I'm just telling you what probably happened."

Jaebum took in a shaky breath, his eyes still leaking tears even though he wanted them to stop. He had to stop and be strong, for Jinyoung. Even with the obstacle of not knowing where he was, he was still madly in love with him, and still wanted to figure out a way to be together without any rules interfering. Maybe the answer would help him locate Jinyoung, and lead them to a happy ever after. The one thing Jaebum had to at least hold onto was hope.

He wiped his wet cheeks, walking around the coffee table to sit on the couch. "Okay... where are the files?"

"Here." Youngjae held his hands open and out of thin air appeared a large stack of files he must've swiped from the library.

"That's... a lot..." Jaebum mumbled as the angel dropped them on the coffee table.

"I hope you're a fast reader." Youngjae replied.

Jaebum picked up a file sitting on top, the language written on it totally foreign, unlike anything he was familiar with. "I can't read any of this."

"Oh, right." Youngjae walked over and joined Jaebum on the couch, gently touching the elder's forehead with the tip of his finger. "Try it now."

Jaebum looked back at the document before him, suddenly the foreign writing making total sense. He blinked, his brain unable to comprehend how he was able to become totally literate in just half a second. "Oh... what did you do?"

"You're able to read our language for a little while. Let's hope we find something." Youngjae replied, picking up his own files to look through.

Jaebum nodded, scanning the papers in his hands. "Yeah..."

His mind still couldn't get away from Jinyoung, but he wanted to do the most to help; he hoped to solve everything soon so he could end the agonizing pain of being separated from his loved one.

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