My Unearthing Miracle

By ADBirnie

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Kathryn Barlow a sixteen year old teen attempts to drown herself in the ocean after she finds out her whole l... More

Chapter 1 - I'm Still Alive But I'm Barely Breathing
Chapter 2- Let Me Go!
Chapter 3- Am I Really Who You Say I Am?
Chapter 4- VanderVall Legacy
Chapter 5- My Body Is On Fire
Chapter 6- The Truth Behind It All
Chapter 7- One Step At A Time
Chapter 8- My Last Dying Breath
Chapter 9- Cafe De'Javouir
Chapter 10- Today Is Your Last Day
Chapter 11- Dismembered Body
Chapter 12- A Poisoned Heart
Chapter 13- Mommy Dearest
Chapter 14- Secrets Only break Hearts
Chapter 16- Life Is Like A Car Crash
Chapter 17- The Past Will Always Be With You
Chapter 18- The Smell Of Death
Chapter 19- A Smile Hides A Thousand Words
Chapter 20- Drink Away Your Sorrows
Chapter 21- Boy, Oh Boy!
Chapter 22- Girl's Night In
Chapter 23 - Underground Fight Club
Chapter 24- The Hidden Connection
Chapter 25- Heavenly Father
Chapter 26- Death Will Come For Us All!
Chapter 27- Heart Crushing Feeling
Chapter 28- History Always Repeats Itself
Chapter 29- A Vengeful Man
Chapter 30-Birthday Wish
Chapter 31- An Innocent Life
Chapter 32- Tommy Boy
Chapter 33-Burst Chest, Broken Neck And Drowning Organs
'Chapter 34- Love Runs Deep
Chapter 35- The Urges
Chapter 36- Screams Break Glass
Chapter 37- Secrets Burn Bridges
Chapter 38- Mind Over Matter
Chapter 39- The Christmas Ball
Chapter 40- The Night Before Christmas
Chapter 41- A Christmas To Remember
Chapter 42- A New Year Party
Chapter 43- If You Wanna Be My Lover
Chapter 44- A New Drug
Chapter 45- The Invisible Signs
Chapter 46- Valentine Of Broken Hearts
Chapter 47- A Life Changing Deal
Chapter 48- The Past Affects The Future
Chapter 49- A Trip To Kentucky
Chapter 50- Blood, Blood, Blood
Chapter 51- A Blast From The Past
Chapter 52- Forgiveness Is A Powerful Thing
Chapter 53- Miami, Here We Come
Chapter 54- Spring Break
Chapter 55- Where Is Home?
Chapter 56- Moving On And Letting Go
Chapter 57- Feelings Never Go Away
Chapter 58- Sacrifices Must Be Made
Chapter 59- You Don't Know Everything
Chapter 60- Do You Choose To Live Or Die?
Chapter 61- Rise From The Dead
Chapter 62- A Sniff Of Death
Chapter 63- Pink Is The New Black
Chapter 64 - The Turning Point
Chapter 65- Good Girl, Bad Girl
Chapter 66- Family You Never Had
Chapter 67- The Boy With No Heart
Chapter 68 - A Father Who Loves
Chapter 69- Soul Or No Soul
Chapter 70- The Battle Of Creatures
Chapter 71- The Battle Of Immortals
Chapter 72- Walk In The Ashes Of Your Enemies
Chapter 73- Drink, Drugs And A Whole Lotta Love
Chapter 74- The Good In Goodbye

Chapter 15- Lessons In Life

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By ADBirnie

VanderVall Academy - Thursday 16th November,2017-9.26am

Great Hall-

Kathryn is still sat at the Quaderous as people come and go for breakfast, She is wearing basic Ivory satin shirt and a knee high black skirt, small black heels, She had her hair down and straightened, Alice was sitting next to Kathryn finishing off drinking her glass of blood when Wilson Hartell comes walking up to Alice and Kathryn.

"Hey Kathryn, Your dad wants to talk to you" Wilson informs her before sitting at the same table as the girls.

Kathryn makes her way over to the teachers desk at the front of the hall. The entire time she is walking she can feels eyes on her.

"You wanted to talk?" Kathryn says as she stands in front of her dad with a smile on her face

"Yes i did, I was wondering if you could come by that office at two o'clock today?" Justin asks looking up at his daughter.

"Sure thing, anything else?" Kathryn asked him not sure what else to do as she holds onto her right arm awkwardly.

"You look beautiful" Justin compliments his daughter and her beauty.

" Thank you" Kathryn grins at him feeling like her first proper day back to classes could go okay.

"I shall see you later then" Justin reminds her.

"See you later" Kathryn says giving a little smile before walking back over to the table.

"What did he want?" Alice wonders as she rolls her eyes at Wilson ease dropping in on their conversation.

"I can't go shopping with you and Ella today because i have to meet him at two" Kathryn screws up her face after looking forwards to a girls day all night.

"That's alright we can do it tomorrow then " Alice suggests with a smile not sure if she is still up for change or not.

"I'll message Ella and let her know" Kathryn says as she picks up her bag from the floor where she was sat.

"Leaving already?" Alice asks her surprised having expected her to stay much longer than she did.

"Yeah i thought it would be best if i went to my class early and speak to my teacher" Kathryn explains to her.

" I'll walk with you" Alice pipes up as she also grabs her things.

The two girls heads out of the great hall keeping their conversation short and sweet as if neither girls knew what to say.

"What class do you have?" Kathryn asks her curious as she barely knows much about her friends school life. 

"History with Professor Shephard" Alice answers her as they walk down the hall

" Me too" Kathryn mentions not sure if it's a coincidence or not

"Don't worry, he is a great teacher. You'll recognise a lot of the faces in the class" Alice informs her as they continue to walk on.

"That's good i guess" Kathryn responds not sure what to expect.

The girls walk over to their history class and walk into the room. As they walk in they see some familiar faces already in the room, Alice goes and sits down at her table while Kathryn walks over to Professor Shephard's desk.

"Hi Professor Shephard, I'm Kathryn" Kathryn introduces herself to him, He lifts up his head and looks at her in delight.

"I was wondering how long i was going to have to wait before i saw your face in here" Professor Shephard tells her with a smile on his face

"I'm sorry it toke so long" Kathryn apologises feeling guilty about it.

"No apology needed, I'm Alister Shephard your teacher. Your friends have saved a seat for you over there but feel free to sit where you like" Professor Shephard Informs her

"Thank you" Kathryn replies then looks round at the room.

Kathryn sees Alice flagging her down at a table as a signal to come over, She walks over to them.

"We saved you a seat" Jesse tells her as Alice pulls out the seat

"Thanks guys" Kathryn smiles at them as she places her bag down on the table and sits in between Jesse and Alice.

Kathryn takes her folder out and notebook along with a pen not sure what exactly she should expect, As she puts it on the table Ella and Danny walk into the class room.

"Jesse move" Ella glares at him wanting to sit next to Kathryn so that they can have private talks when ever they want.

"Ella just let me sit here" Jesse rolls his eyes at her

"No, Move" Ella refuses to agree with him.

A reluctant Jesse gets up off the seat and moves to the one on the left hand side so that now Kathryn is sitting in between Alice and Ella.

"This is a pretty big table" Kathryn points out wondering how much people it seats

"There's normally around 8 people" Alice answers her shrugging her shoulders having gotten used to the sizes of the tables in some of the classrooms by now.

"Who else sits here like?" Kathryn wonders who the spare 3 seats belong too.

" Zackery, Dallas and Wilson" Ella tells her as she watches more people walk through the door.

"Zackery and Dallas are two of my friends" Danny pipes up to Kathryn making it known she has nothing to worry about.

"This looks like it could be a very fun table" Kathryn smirks at them.

After ten minutes goes past everyone in the class has finally arrived in time, sat at the table at the back of the room in the corner is Zackery, Danny, Alice, Kathryn, Ella, Jesse, Wilson and Dallas.

"There is some new faces in the class today so like always introduce yourselves and if you guys already know each other just gossip about what you got up to last night" Professor Shephard Instructs them as he sits at his desk looking at his computer

"Kathryn it's so great to see you here, who would have thought it" Zackery pipes up with a grin on his face.

"Sorry Zackery it appears you just can't get rid of me" Kathryn jokes at him having expected the car ride to be the last time they saw each other.

"Who would want to get rid of this awesome face" Zackery jokes to the table which gets a little laugh from them making it clear to Kathryn that everyone seems to like him.

"Definitely not me" Ella smirks at him before biting on the end of her pen.

"Would you two just get a room already" Danny suggests to the pair getting grossed out by them

"And do it quickly, everyone can see the sexual tension between you both" Dallas informs them with a raised eyebrow having said his first words since entering the class.

Kathryn looks over and Dallas with a strange look trying to figure him out as a person.

"Kathryn that's Dallas" Danny introduces them

"Hey" Kathryn says to Dallas

"Hi" Dallas responds back to her with a musky handsome look to him.

Kathryn smiles then looks at Danny wanting to know more about this Dallas guy.

"So baby i was thinking i could make you some lunch today?" Jesse asks Kathryn not liking the way Dallas was looking at her.

"Sure, as long as we are done by two . I have a meeting with my dad" Kathryn agrees nodding her head.

"Class today we will be continuing to work on the History of this school" Professor Shephard Informs the class

"We've went over this about a billion times" Ella shouts out getting fed up of the same topic.

" Yes well with three more students i have to go over it again, which you will all be glad to know is the last time" Professor Shephard Explains to her.

"Just means we get to talk the whole time" Danny reminds Ella liking the idea of not doing any work.

"Exactly so i don't see what the problem is " Professor Shephard Laughs allowing the other students to do as they please as long as they don't leave the class room.

"It's the stuff you did last night in your room" Alice says to her as she puts her books back into her bag knowing she won't be doing any work

" I'm gutted we aren't going shopping after lunch" Ella complains after looking forward to it.

"Trust me, I'm just as gutted as you are" Kathryn moans about it too and pouts her lips together needing out of the school as soon as possible. The castle walls feeling like they are suffocating her.

"sorry girls does this mean you won't be going to that sexy underwear shop you love so much" Danny jokes with the three of them

"You're actually right" Alice rolls her eyes to him then comes up with an idea.

"I saw this really cute one i was thinking of buying, It was like you know the low cut see through lace in red, It was gorgeous"Alice describes as she looks at the girls then turns her head and looks at Danny with her smirk on her face.

"Oh wow" Ella states with a smile.

"Yeah it's a real shame i'm not going to be able to get it" Alice teases Danny as she whispers into his ear.

" It's alright we will just stop by tomorrow instead" Kathryn suggests as they saw the boys faces drop at the conversation.

"From now on i won't mention it again"Danny announces to the group before shutting his mouth about the topic.

The three girls have a little chuckle between them finding it funny and rather easy to tease the boys.

"Jesse you must be happy to have Kathryn back to her normal self" Danny assumes and looks at Jesse lift his head up from out of his phone.

"Yeah i am, I really hated seeing her so unwell" Jesse agrees with what Danny said

"I find it funny how close you have all gotten" Wilson laughs at them so surprised.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Alice glares at him already having enough of him today.

"Well let's face it. Jesse and Ella absolutely hate each other and i'm surprised they can even bare to sit next to each other without trying to tear out the others throat. Jesse he barely spoke to Alice and he never spoke to Zackery so this is a new one. Ella wasn't too keen on Kathryn before she came here and now they are best friends. It does seem rather suspicious. Ella barely spoke to Zackery but it's obvious them two are shacking up with each other. Alice you and Danny have hated each other for what over a year. Alice you pulled yourself away from Ella, Danny, Zackery and Dallas and turned into a different person vowing you would never be friends with them again but here you are all buddy buddy with them. Dallas is Dallas does what he wants when he wants. Yet all of a sudden you guys are sat here at the same table and your "friends" seems a bit bizarre to me but then that's just my opinion" Wilson points out to them as he looks around the table.

"First of all i didn't hate Kathryn, I just didn't understand what the whole emergency detail was about and yeah i do hate Jesse for the simple factor he allowed his girlfriend at the time to slate every single person she wanted and did nothing but as soon as i jump in and said something all of a sudden she's the victim and enough was enough and we got into a fight he blamed me for it?" Ella snaps back at him getting annoyed at him sticking his nose where it doesn't belong

" I have never hated Danny, I just didn't like the factor he never knew how to grow up and even then we still spoke to one another just like i spoke to Zackery i just wasn't the best of friends with them. And lastly i didn't really speak to Jesse before cause i had no reason too, now that he is with Kathryn of course i'm going to talk to him. I may not have spoken to Dallas out of class but that doesn't mean anything" Alice also bickers back at him.

"Yeah i second Alice here, Me and her never hated each other we just wanted different things but remained friends where we continue to take the piss out of each other daily. You're just trying to cause trouble with everyone which isn't cool " Danny agrees with Alice

" Guys how about we all calm down for a minute, Wilson it's clear you are just trying to get everyone to argue which is completely pointless and may i remind you that not once during the whole time i have been here have heard your name come out of these guys mouth" Kathryn attempts to diffuse the tension

" I didn't even get to you" Wilson begins to say and Kathryn glares at him.

"You can say what ever you want about me Wilson because honestly i couldn't give a rat ass what you think" Kathryn shuts him down shaking her head at his pettiness

"You guys make me laugh, Maybe you are all perfect for each other. A bunch of psychos" Wilson Jokes still trying to push their buttons

" Dude you need to watch your mouth" Dallas warns him getting angry with him

" I second that " Jesse agrees with Dallas

"Guys just leave him alone, he isn't worth it" Ella reminds the boys as she rolls her eyes at him.

"That's funny coming from the tramp or is that you, Alice and Kathryn's group name. The three tramps" Wilson laughs at them as they girls faces drop getting ready to hit him

Zackery and Dallas both give each other a similar dark look and both come flying off their chair pinning Wilson against the wall.

"We said watch your god damn Mouth" Dallas reminds him as he holds his arm up against his throat.

"Guys stop it" Alice yells in fear that the situation could escalate.

" ENOUGH!" Professor Shephard Yells as he stands up from his desk seeing red at the students.

Zackery and Dallas Keep Wilson pinned against the wall as they still want to rip his throat out. Professor Shephard runs over to the boys in a flash and separate them all apart.

"Would some one like to inform me what the hell is going on?"Professor Shephard explodes at the students.

" Wilson was saying some nasty comments to us all and the boys snapped when he crossed the line" Kathryn Stands up from her chair looking Professor Shephard in the eye

"Very well then, I think this matter should go to Principle VanderVall? What do we think boys? or do you guys think you can work it out on your own time and not in class" Professor Shephard threatens the boys still keeping Wilson at his side while Danny and Jesse hold back Dallas and Zackery.

"We can work it out on our own time" Dallas accepts the second option knowing nothing good will come if they go to the principles office. Danny Lets go of Dallas knowing that Dallas means what he said.

"But i'm warning you now if he says one more nasty comment about the girls i won't hesitate to kill him" Dallas warns both Wilson and Professor Shephard

"Wilson i think we both know how much Dallas stays to his word, You better watch your mouth" Professor Shephard scalded Wilson in a rage

" I won't do anything unless he steps out of line" Zackery gulped not wanting to stick by his words.

"There we have it then, get back to work" Professor Shephard Shouts at the class as he stormed back over to his desk after being interrupted.

Wilson goes to sit back down at the desk when Professor Shephard Holds up his hand and points at a different table for him to sit at.

"Where the hell did that all come from?" Kathryn asks the boys in shock

" There is one thing us boys do not tolerate under no circumstances should a man treat a woman with disrespect like name calling" Danny explains their thought processes.

" I actually feel rather special at the fact you boys would do something like that for us" Ella praises them with a smile.

" As much as i don't condone killing people like that i also thought it was very kind of you boys to act that way in our behalf" Kathryn acknowledges their actions

"Girls maybe you were right yesterday, I do miss some of this action" Alice laughs thinking back of how much of a thrill it was seeing them all at each others throats.

"You guys could have gotten into a lot more trouble" Jesse reminds them as he raises his eyebrows both taken a back by their actions.

"It was the right thing to do and i would gladly do it again "Zackery shares with them all sticking by what him and Dallas did.

Kathryn opens up her Notebook and decides that perhaps its best if she stuck her head down in her folder for the rest of the lesson, every so often she would look up and catch Jesse watching her and other times she could lift her head to engage in conversation and her and Dallas would glance a look at each other, she would often quickly look away to her friends or back down at her work. Ella passes Kathryn a piece of paper, Kathryn opens it up which reads.

"Look's like some one could have an admirer"

Kathryn smiles, looks at Ella and shakes her head no before folding the piece of paper up and placing it some where in her notebook for her to throw in the bin later on when she got out of class. Kathryn decided the safest option for the rest of the class was to avoid eye contact at all costs with Dallas so refused to look at him even if he spoke.

"I cannot wait for the Christmas party next month" Alice shares with the group rather excited.

" Christmas party?" Kathryn asks confused not knowing a thing about it.

" Every year your dad throws a Christmas party before Christmas as a kind of way for every one to celebrate making it to Christmas and not having died." Jesse answers her

"How delightful" Kathryn raises her eyebrows surprised that this is a real thing

"Don't worry girl we will sort you out" Ella promises her

"And there is booze which makes it that much more fun" Danny adds in as Jesse forgot the most important part.

"I'm definitely there then" Kathryn laughs to them.

"Jesse your girl is becoming more like us the minute, You better watch one of us doesn't nick your girl" Danny jokes with him

"I can assure you that will never happen in a million years" Jesse announced to all three boys as he gives them a slight glare.

Lunch - 1pm

Kathryn's Chambers

Kathryn was in her room dropping off her bag so she didn't have to take it with her to lunch especially because she wasn't planning on going to her afternoon classes either but instead after her meeting with her father she planned to come up to her room and get some time alone from all the bickering and the tension that was in the air. She sits on the edge of her bed and looks at the pair of black heels by her door and sighs knowing that she has to squeeze her feet back into them even though they were extremely uncomfortable and painful. As she is sitting on her bed she gets a phone call from Jesse.

"Hello " Kathryn answers the phone feeling defeated after the day she had

"Hey babe, Where are you right now?" Jesse asks from the other side of the phone

"I'm in my room dropping off my bag why?" Kathryn asks getting a little bit worried

"Come outside into the courtyard i have a little surprise for you" Jesse informs her not giving out much information.

"Okay then i'll see you soon" Kathryn responds before hanging up the phone.

She keeps her phone in her hand and walks over to her shoes, she pulls them back onto her feet and leaves her room making sure she has her phone and keys in hand before leaving. She makes her way down to the courtyard where Jesse was sat outside on the grass on a blanket and a picnic. Her face lights up as she walks over to him, before walking onto the grass she takes off her heels so that they don't sink into the grass and walks over to him barefoot.

"You made a picnic?" Kathryn beamed from happiness as someone has never does this or her before.

"Thought you might like something different" Jesse tells her as he opens up the basket.

He pulls out two glasses and some cola, he pours some into the glass and hands it too her. He then takes out a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries.

"Give me that bowl right now" Kathryn demands wanting to eat them all to herself.

Jesse chuckles at her, and takes out some raspberries and blackberries.

"What are you in for?" Kathryn jokes

" I just thought it would be a great idea for us to have a date together just us" Jesse replies feeling like things have changed over the past few months between them

" Well i think it was very sweet of you" Kathryn thanks him feeling special.

"Tell me then how was your first proper day back at classes?" Jesse wonders wanting to see if she is okay or is she is struggling from everything that has gone on recently.

"Part from fights nearly happening it has been alright, I still have so much more to learn and it is going to take a lot of time but it's nice to be able to spend time with other people and get an understanding on how much this place really means to people" Kathryn answers him truthfully.

" It toke me a good few years to know everything about this place and even then i'm still learning new things about it. Normally there isn't fights like that in history, we usually all get along in the class" Jesse assures her that the next time she goes to history it will be a completely different atmosphere

" I'm going to stick my head down and really look into it all, I want to be able to tell people all about this place and how my family are the ones who built it and all they did and went through so that we can be here today. I also think it was really nice of the boys to stick up for the girls like that, I wasn't as offended i've heard things like it before but still it was nice to see it" Kathryn praises the boys again for sticking up for the girls as she eats her chocolate covered strawberries.

"The only reason i didn't do the same is because i know it never leads to anything good and i would rather be spending my time with you rather than doing detention" Jesse explains to her but part of her wonders why he didn't when people she barely knew did.

"It's alright you don't have to explain to me " Kathryn shakes her head at him thinking it's insane that he feels the need to explain himself when she feels like she doesn't need people to stick up for her when she could do it herself.

" How nice is this" Jesse pipes up as he looks at Kathryn then looks at the view around them

" It really is, we never really got to do any thing like this before" Kathryn points out to him

"Well hopefully now it means we get to do it so much more" Jesse smirks at her

"Hopefully" Kathryn agrees with him then leans over and gives him a gentle kiss.

After their little kiss Jesse looks down at the bowl of strawberries and smiles at her.

"What i couldn't help myself, you know how much i love them" Kathryn sniggers at his face and at the fact she ate the whole bowl with out realising

"It's a good job i came prepared" Jesse says as he pulls out another bowl of chocolate covered strawberries and hands it to her.

"I knew there was a reason i loved you" Kathryn expresses her feelings before taking the bowl from him. She looks up at him and smiles thinking that this is something she could see them doing for the rest of their lives.

As two o'clock approaches Kathryn sits up off of the blanket after watching the clouds in Jesse's arms and turns to him with a sigh.

"I should get going" Kathryn tells him as he looks at the clock on her phone ten to one.

"Do you really have to go? Can you not just pull a sicky?" Jesse quizzes her wanting to spend more time with her.

"It's my dad we are talking about and i think i have been sicky far too much lately so that would be a no" Kathryn refuses his suggestion as she picks up her shoes.

" Message me once you are done and i can come by your room afterwards and we can watch a movie or something" Jesse tells her wanting to spend more time with her after feeling like everything was pushes them away from each other.

"Yes i will" Kathryn begins to say before giving him a good bye kiss.

Kathryn stands up on the blanket and smiles at him.

"I will see you later, I love you" Kathryn clarifies to him as if he didn't know she loved him already

" See you later babe" Jesse replies.

Kathryn walks off leaving Jesse sat alone on the blanket, as she gets back onto the pathway she gives her feet a quick clean before putting her shoes back on. As Kathryn made her way to see her dad Marly saw an opening chance with Jesse as she saw him sat alone on the blanket and walked over to him.

"Did someone get stood up?" Marly pouts trying to be funny as she looks at Jesse

"No actually, Kathryn had some official business with her dad she had to attend to" Jesse clarifies as he packs the basket.

"I remember when we used to have picnics like these, It used to be so sweet, do you remember?" Marly mentions to him

"I don't tend to think back to memories with you" Jesse refuses to play her little game

" That's a shame, I remember we had some real good times together" Marly pipes up as she strokes his chest with her finger.

"What are you doing?" Jesse asks her as shaking his head.

"Come on Jesse, I know you still have some kind of feeling in there for me" Marly attempts to worm her way back into his life.

"I'm only going to tell you this once, I don't want to be with you Marly. I love Kathryn and I will always love Kathryn. If i ever had to choose between you and her i would pick her every time" Jesse shoots her down as he picks up the basket from on top of the blanket.

"You know i'm around if you ever need to talk" Marly winks at him before walking away, Jesse rolls his eyes and shakes his head at her and her petty games as he folds up the blanket.

"Bloody pathetic" Jesse says to himself as Marly walks away knowing that she can hear him.

Justin's Office- 2 o'clock

Kathryn reaches Justin's office bang on two o'clock where she sees him waiting at his door with a bag in his hand.

"What's going on?" She asks suspicious

" Come with me" Justin tells her wrapping her arm around his as they make their way to the training gym.

"Why are we here?" Kathryn questions him feeling more confused than ever

" After finding out you don't actually have access to your powers it made me realise how defenceless you actually are so i have persuaded some one to train you to fight in case anything does happen" Justin explains to her before walking into the training gym.

"Great" Kathryn says not feeling rather great about the idea.

"Kathryn i want you to meet someone who is extremely skilled and is the best person to help train you" Justin introduces her as they walk into the gym.

As they walk in Kathryn glances around the rather large sweaty gym and screws up her face, she sees the guy but his back is turned to her as he sets up an obstacle course for her to try.

"Hi" Kathryn says not sure who to expect to turn round.

Dallas turns around and sees Kathryn stood in front of him in her skirt, blouse and heels then looks at Justin.

"Don't worry i bought a tracksuit for you to train in" Justin assures her as he hands her the bag.

"Delightful" Kathryn attempts to not pull a displeased face but also knows her dad's heart is in the right place

" I will leave you guys too it, Remember what we talked about Dallas, don't take it too far" Justin reminds him of an earlier conversation they had.

"I remember" Dallas acknowledges

Kathryn watches as her father leaves then turns and looks at Dallas.

"You are going to have to change, there is a room over there" Dallas points to her

"Thanks" Kathryn say before turning around and walks to the room. She gets changed into a pair of her tight burgundy joggers, a white tank top and a burgundy hoodie along with a white socks and white trainers.She throws her other clothes into the bag before opening the door, she carries the bag out the room and throws it to the side out of the way. She quickly throws her hair into a pony tail so that it's out of the way. She walks back over to Dallas not really sure what exactly she should do or say.

"What exactly was that all about earlier with Justin?" She asks Dallas wanting to know

"I'm pretty strong and with you still being mortal he doesn't want me too hurt you... too much" Dallas reveals to her as he throws her boxing gloves.

She gets on one glove then when it comes to the other she shoves the glove on, puts the strap of the glove in her mouth and tightens it.

"Where do you want me?" Kathryn asks as she looks around the room

"The punching bag" Dallas replies as he points her in the right direction.

He stands behind the punching bag while she hits it in attempt to build her upper strength and build on her getting a harder punch.

"You're different from everyone else" Dallas mentions to her as he continues holding onto the bag

"Is it that obvious" Kathryn smirks knowing that what he said was true, she is different from everyone else.

"You just have a look on you that's different to everyone else" Dallas points out to her

"Pain and misery?" Kathryn half heartedly jokes

"The look of you have lost a lot in your life but you're not willing to let it define you as a person or let it stop you from doing what you want" Dallas tells her what he sees when he looks at her

"So you think you've got me figured out then?" Kathryn asks him as she looks at him with her eyes filled with curiosity of what kind of person he is like

"Part of you yes, the other part i have no idea" Dallas answers her with a smirk.

"Well you're gonna have to figure it out for yourself because i ain't telling you a damn thing" Kathryn comments making him realise she has a lot of trust issue when it comes to people

"Let me guess, You don't trust me?" Dallas begins to ask her, She looks up at him and raises her eyebrows as in fair enough.

"Do you trust anyone?" Dallas interrogates her wanting to know more

"Some people" Kathryn replies to him as she beings punching into the bag harder.

"Who? I'm guessing it's definitely not Wilson" Dallas observes her change in mood

" Definitely not him" Kathryn agrees with Dallas

"Then who?" Dallas continues to push her wanting to figure it out

"Honestly? No one, I love Jesse and my dad has been amazing but when you discover this whole new life and find out people have lied to you it become hard to know if you can trust them or not" Kathryn blurts out to him telling the truth

" Did you see what i did?" Dallas asks her as he stops her punching the bag

"No what did you do?" Kathryn wonders having no idea herself

"I got deep and personal with you and the further i got and the more you told me the more annoyed you got and the harder you punched. Emotion is a wonderful thing" Dallas explains to her

"I guess it is" Kathryn confirms still not really caring about what is going on.

"Now again, but harder" Dallas instructs her wanting her to get deep inside her feeling and let it all out.

Meanwhile In Justin's Office

Alice and Justin are sitting on the sofas having a discussion about Kathryn.

"It's strange i can always sense when someone who is stood right beside, in front or behind me is going to die and some times i even see it in my dreams but the thing is i sensed it with Kathryn she was dying but now she isn't dying but i still get a feeling like she is still going to die which doesn't make sense because she is perfectly healthy" Alice confesses to Justin not understanding what this means

"Tell me what did you see?" Justin questions her wanting to feel prepared for is anything was to happen.

"I saw her drowning, It felt exactly like the first time she drowned, she looked the same but a part of it was different like something inside of her was different. As if some thing has changed but i don't know what it is" Alice explains to him hoping that he will be able to work it out

" Is my little girl going to die?" Justin asks her wanting a sharp answer

"Yes ...but i don't know where or when" Alice reveals to him still not understanding it herself 

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