Master of Death

By Mother0fMischief

423K 11.8K 18.2K

COMPLETE! How much can be changed simply by removing a few elements and changing a few things? Well come find... More

Death is a Troll
A Wizard and Four Hobbits walk into a bar
One does not tell Harry he cannot simply walk into Mordor
Into the belly of the Beast and out of the Demon's ass
The Fellowship breaks up; Let's Hunt Some Orc
To Helm's Deep we go
Battle in the Deep
A Wizard to Manage; To the Honored Dead
We Fight
The Final Battle of Arda; Welcome home.
Setting plans into motion
Exploring and meeting new Friends
Exploring and meeting Friends Pt. 2
The Interview
A look into Madness
Happy Birthday Harry!
Getting settled at Hogwarts; Halloween
Debut and the Will Reading
Kicking the Beehive to piss off the Old Bumblebee
The NEWT Mocks
Yule Ball; Let it be War
The Aftermath: a History Lesson
You had ONE JOB!!
A Bond is Forged; Harry does what he wants!
The Beginning of the End
Preparing for the Final Battle
The start of the Final Battle
The End of the Final Battle; He was only a Man
The Aftermath; The Marriage

To Hogwarts we go and the Sorting!

14.2K 364 750
By Mother0fMischief

~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* CHAPTER XVI *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

As soon as the Malfoy's had arrived home, Narcissa went to put away the treats that Harry had gifted them. She was abuzz with excitement. Harry was not what she had expected. For years she had listened to the sheeple speaking about the young Potter Lord as if he were some divine warrior, but also damning him for 'abandoning' them. She had to listen to the idiocy that came from their mouths to the point that she ended up hating the poor child, which made her hate herself nearly twice as much.

She could not imagine what it was like to have lost everything before you could even utter your first word let alone walk. To have witnessed it all and not remember it except in nightmares late at night. To see the young man now, kind and intelligent, cunning, but not cruel or manipulative. He had this aura that pulled them in, he did not force or trick them with his words. They knew he was speaking half truths, but they were not so serious or grievous to call him out on it. He had been careful, testing them. She looked up from where she was storing the treats and blinked. She suddenly could not recall his home, not what it looked like nor where it was.

'Certainly a Slytherin to match his Gryffindor courage, Hufflepuff compassion and hard work, and his Ravenclaw intelligence. The boy- no that young man will led us to a better and brighter future if he sides with our Lord.' She thought, chuckling.

Meanwhile, Draco moved to the Owlry and called his personal owl, Ares, to him. He set the raptor on a perch near the writing desk as he pulled free some parchment and a quill to write with. He was penning his most trusted friends, his real friends, about his meeting with Harry Potter. He listed his traits, his qualities, admitted that his inner drake felt calm and at the same time wished to present him with the finest gems he could find. He lamented not remembering what Harry's home had looked like, a very good memory charm that removed every detail from the minds of those it affected.

Bloody damn brilliant it was! If someone were to try and get passed my Occlumency shields to learn of his location or a hint of where to find him, they would come up with nothing! Blaize, Greg, Theo, I am telling you this now. If I am forced to pick a side, I am siding with Potter. Damn the Light and Dark Sects, though the Dark Lord's sanity has recovered by leaps and bounds, or at least he's a convincing actor. If we should cross wands, my friends, know that I will stun first, but if you come at me a second time, I will kill you.

Signed Draco.

He rolled up the letters and sent them off to his friends after giving Ares some affection and a treat. He made his decision, if Potter went to the Light, he would follow, if he went Dark he would stay as he is now, but if he went Neutral, Draco would do all he could to protect him. Powerful Neutrals were always the first ones to be assassinated by either side so they did not become a threat later down the road.

While, mother and son had been busy, Lucius walked toward the large study and knocked on the door. When given permission to enter, he quickly crossed to where his master sat coiled up by the fire, his familiar lazing on his lap enjoying the roaring heat of the fireplace and the pets from her master. He knelt down and waited to be given permission to either stand or to report as is.

"How did it go, Lucius?" the sibilant tones of his master came forth not long after.

"He certainly is not what I had come to believe of him. He is certainly not weak minded nor is he easily manipulated. He stands firmly in the dead center of Light and Dark. As long as no one is foolish enough to harm him or his own, he will not cross wands with others. He's trained in physical combat as well, does not rely heavily on magic when he does not absolutely have to." Lucius stated.

"Ah, and how did the others take to him?" Tom chuckled, knowing this already but wanted to see how his most trusted follower found the young man.

"Lady Longbottom was cold for most of the visit, but softened when Lord Potter coaxed Heir Longbottom from his shell and let him flourish as he spoke of his projects and plants. Madam Bones has warmed up to him as well, seeing so much of Lord James Potter in him, but at the same time understanding he is his own man. Narcissa was smitten right away. As for the children, Draco seems to have finally picked a side. Heir Longbottom will most likely side with Lord Potter, Heiress Bones is still neutral for the moment and Ms. Granger seems to have been shaken from her Light propaganda and may ally with Lord Potter before long." Lucius told him.

"It is better than I had expected... His location?"

"That is just the thing, my lord, I cannot recall anything, not the location, or what the house even looked like. All I know is that he makes wonderful tea blends as well as delicious treats." Lucius blushed, it wasn't very Malfoy like, but he had always had a fondness for sweets. Nearly all of the Dark Sect did, if nothing else, they would get Potter as their supplier of sweets and tea, though he was curious about his meals as well. Skeeter had waxed near poetic about the lunch Potter had made for her and the other three reporters.

"Oh? I will have to try some then... Hide them from Severus." Tom ordered as he moved, setting Nagini down and slithering over to his desk and sat in his chair. "I will not force Hadrian to side with me, but I will try to persuade him to be neutral. Though from the talks we had back in Arda and even at the Bank, I think he is much more willing to join our side, but he has his own views and plans that I have no doubt that he will try and implement. And if what I have seen thus far is any indication, he will succeed. He has my full backing and support for helping our people heal and come together once more."

"I am beginning to see that as well. I am going to offer a few of the Malfoy properties up as clinics, hospitals, and orphanages. Perhaps an Elementary school like what the Muggles have? Narcissa is bored out of her mind with all things Pureblood women do. She has taken many courses and gained masters in them just to give herself something else to do. She has voiced that she wishes to teach." Lucius murmured, lost in thought.

"That is actually an excellent idea. One for the Muggleborns and Muggle Raised children both living in the orphanages and with their families. Another to educate Muggle parents or families on what to expect and how best to aid their children. Perhaps staff Squibs, both Muggle and Magic raised. Another for Magic raised mixed with Creatures. If we teach them early to be open minded and tolerant, it would do wonders for the future." Tom agreed.

"I will get on it right away, my lord. Anything else?"

"Do whatever you can to have many of the laws passed in the last 16 years put up for review and secondary voting. It would seem our dear Lord Dumbles has been overstepping his boundaries and using seats and votes that are not his to use." Tom chuckled darkly.

"With pleasure, my lord." Lucius bowed and then stood, leaving his master and his familiar alone.

Tom sat back thinking about what the future might hold. He was indeed looking forward to what Harry would do. The boy was full of surprises...

~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* September 1st *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

The day had finally arrived. After doing one last final check of their trunks, making sure their paperwork was in order. Harry and Legolas Floo'ed over to Grimmauld and Sirius chuckled as Legolas scowled at being covered in soot.

"It happens, we have just perfected the Dusting charm to clean ourselves off." He assured, waving his wand at him to clean off the dust as Harry stepped out, absently banishing the dust from his person as he did so. "Ready pup?"

"Yep! We need to get going if we are going to meet with Hermione on the Muggle side of Platform 9 and ¾!" Harry grinned with excitement, which none of the others could fault him for.

Even though Harry felt like a stranger in his home world, he could not help but want to explore it as much as he had Arda. And having friends his own age certainly helps, though he loved his other friends, they were all so much older than he was even if more than half of them didn't look their age. There was also getting to see the school that his parents and the majority of his family had attended when they were children. But the real reason for his excitement was to see how much chaos he could cause! Everyone was excited to see their savior, but were woefully unprepared for the real Harry Potter.

"Alright, calm down pup!" Sirius chuckled. The Alpha smiled at his mate, who simply finished his morning tea, cleaned up and gathered his long coat, it was a bit chilly this morning. "Come on, I'm driving!"

"Is that safe?" Legolas worried.

"He's much better than the Knight Bus driver, less likely to launch you out of the vehicle at a sudden sharp turn." Remus assured.

That did not make them feel better, but still they had no other choice. Once they were ready, they mounted up and Sirius drove them in the family car to King's Cross as Remus told them how to get there either walking, the tube (subway system for the non British readers/natives) or a bus as a just in case. Though this was their first and only year attending, if they wished to go longer, they could. Harry smiled as they had a nice relaxing drive, spotting shops and parks, places of interest to eat. Legolas relaxed as well, glad he was not being whipped about like a small prey animal in the jaws of a Warg. They arrived in about an hour and they climbed out.

Remus hurried to get them a pair of trolleys, they loaded them up, Hedwig hooting curiously as they walked through the grand station. It was large and artfully decorated, but it was awfully busy. Remus used his taller height to look for the Granger's and soon spotted them.

"This way." He told his pack and they headed in the direction he led them in. "Mr. Granger, Mrs. Granger!"

"Oh, Professor Lupin--"

"I'm not a professor anymore, Ms. Granger." Lupin reminded her sadly.

"You will always be Professor Lupin to me!" She stated indignantly, oh how she wished she could get her hands on those responsible for Remus being forced to retire just because he turns into a wolf every month! The nerve of some people! "Hi Mr. Black! Harry, your--"

"We are friends, no formalities." Legolas reminded her.

"Sorry!" She blushed, but smiled again. "Legolas, Harry, my parents: Alexander Granger and Jeanne Granger."

"Hello!" They greeted them, introducing themselves and then following the Granger's to the hidden entrance of Platform 9and ¾.

Hermione's smile dimmed as she saw the gaggle of redheads about to enter the portal, the mother shouting about Muggles, which was very dangerous because anyone who didn't know what they were could hear them! She could see her bully, Ronald and his chit of a sister. They were with their parents, the father trying to quiet his wife only to be snapped at and cowed under her fury. It wasn't a wonder why the eldest boys of the family left home as soon as they could.

"Careful, that's the Weasley Family... Mr. Weasley's very nice, harmless really, but Mrs. Weasley is horrid. She brow beats the poor man and has tried to force her will on all of her children, minus Ronald and Ginerva, she spoils them. I wish you'd have been here when Fred and George Weasley were here. They always knew how to make everyone smile."

"I've been to their shop! I'm sure we'd have been very good friends if I was here, but that is the past, let's focus on the here and now." Harry told her.

She nodded her agreement and after she hugged her parents goodbye, promising to write them as soon as she could, she turned to her fellow Magicals and headed for the portal. She was glad that the Weasley's had already stepped through, it lessened the chances of her breaking Ronald's nose in front of both their parents, though she's betting a good galleon that he's going to eat her fist by the time the first week was over. As they crossed onto the platform, she couldn't help but sigh at the innocence that hung around the others all chattering as they made their way onto the train.

She fought in her first war little more than a month ago. It was only one battle, but it was very much real. She faced creatures that came from her nightmares, killed to save not only herself but others. She had tagged along with Fred and George, who had not only helped her usurp Umbridge, but also helped her run an illegal training club for all the students who wanted to learn to protect themselves. She was pretty sure she saw her Head of House as well as a few other professors, the twins said their eldest brothers had come to help as well.

She had seen many creatures, some who were considered docile and gentle go into battle and tear down anyone who came after them. She saw dangerous creatures protect their group from harm while living up to their fearsome reputations. It was an eye opener, suddenly a veil had been lifted and she saw her home in a suddenly new light. She had always thought things were very strange in the Wizarding World, but she never realized how hypocritical it was and how estranged everyone was to not only to each other, but from the world itself, from Magic herself. There was a war to come, she could see it, but had yet to pick a side because what she learned about the Light was not good, but there was little to no information on the Dark's cause either.

"Hermione?" She startled when Legolas' face suddenly appeared before hers.

"Sorry! I was just thinking..." she blushed as he frowned, his gaze penetrating and unreadable. She panicked for a moment thinking he was reading her mind, but he then smiled softly and stood straight, goodness he was tall!

"That is good." He nodded. "Should we not get on as well?" He waved to the train and she nodded, guiding them to one of the entrances and after loading their things up, they found a compartment for them to sit. "What were you thinking about? If you do not mind my prying..."

"I was just thinking of a battle I took part in... myself and several others my age." She admitted. "I don't know much of what led up to the battle, but I just received a black letter with instructions and soon I was Portkeyed to the base camp and within the week we were in the fastest, but most grueling battle I've ever witnessed or had to be in..."

"Ah, yes! Uncle Severus said you and a few others had arrived. I believe Neville and his gran, the Weasley males, minus the third son, the youngest son, and the two females." Harry smiled. "Sorry about that! I asked for back up and I got it tenfold! I didn't get to meet any of you then, but I thank you for your help."

"You called for us?" She gasped, and then blushed hotly as she realized she fought with Harry Potter and didn't even know it! "Oh sweet Circe's dimples!"

"Huh?" Legolas blinked, that was strange.

"It's an expression similar to Mahal's Beard or Hammer, or Valar's Throne." Harry explained.

"Ah, I'm still learning..." Legolas chuckled. "But yes, you did fight with us. If I remember correctly you were with a unit that had some of my men and you protected them most fiercely."

"Thank you..." she blushed. "I've learned that I'm quite the protective mama cat." She let a pair of ginger cat ears unfurl from her head and a long bushy tail appeared of a matching color.

"Aww...." Harry moved to pet her as the door slid open and Luna slipped in with Neville behind her. "Hello Luna, Neville!"

"Hello, Harry, Leggy and Mione!" She chirped. "Mione's a pretty kitty!" she moved to sit on Hermione's other side and petted her ears as well. "So cute..."

"Luna!" Hermione whined.

"She's going to keep petting you and she might slip you some catnip." Neville chuckled. "Thankfully I'm a Nature Creature so she can't pet me..."

"And I'm a Moon Fae, I love all manner of creatures!" She huffed.

"I see you are clear minded today." Harry smiled.

"I am always clear, my lord, just choose to seem like I am always lost in my own world because it's amusing to see how people react to me. Only my true friends can see through my silliness. Draco's coming..." She murmured, eyes sliding just shy of his left ear, staring into the middle distance for a second. "And we will have a very interesting encounter and an even more entertaining sorting. Do not touch anything in front of you Harry, simply ask Milly to serve you and Prince Leggy."

"Thank you for the warning, little Moon. Aldez will be happy to have her Moon Pillow cuddles, she's waiting for us at the train station." Harry informed her.

"Yay!" She hummed as they settled down to talk.

It wasn't long before Draco and Susan joined them. After that, it was nothing but talks and stories about Hogwarts. The veteran students wanted to prepare Harry and Legolas, but at the same time not overly inform them. Hermione even remembered that Fred and George had given her a map which she pulled out and it showed them all who was at the Castle, but at the title, Harry gave a soft and sad smile.


"My dad and his best mates made that... Siri and Remmy lost their copies in the first war, I think one was burned the other lost in a sewer somewhere, and I'm sure the little traitor has his copy still or its this one since my father's copy was destroyed in the battle between him and Voldemort. It was in the drawer of a small table near the front door." Harry explained. "There's only four of them, well now there is only one..."

"Oh! Here... I don't feel right keeping it knowing that it was something your father, Mr. Black and Professor Lupin made!" Hermione gasped, practically shoving the map into his hands. "I'm sure the twins won't mind, they did give it to me after all!"

"Thank you..." Harry murmured, his voice strangled with strong emotions even as he opened the map. It folded out into many pieces all strange and seemingly not part of it, but still holding it together.

Everyone else gaped at the map, murmuring as they pointed out the dots with the names attached to them, how they were traveling around. Even the Ghosts appeared on the map! Legolas was amazed and wondered if Sirius and Remus could recreate the map, but of Arda to help Aragorn, his father and their friends to help better keep their lands safe, to know where anyone is at a given moment.

"It even shows Hogsmeade, the lake and the forbidden forest... but how?" Susan breathed.

"It's all part of Hogwarts." Harry stated. "Hogwarts is more than just the castle, it was basically a kingdom, the four rulers were the founders and Hogsmeade was the Castle Town. The forest, the lake and even the mountain range that surrounds us all is all of Hogwarts."

"Huh, I didn't know that and I've read every book in the school..." Hermione mused.

"It's not in any book at the school, but I do have the personal journals of Godric Gryffindor from the vaults." Harry told her, flicking his hand at his trunk, which floated down and he enlarged it, quickly opening the Library, he pulled the journals out and handed them to Hermione. "Here, but I want them back exactly as I gave them to you."

"Really!?" She gasped, cradling the books almost as if she were holding a baby in her arms. "Are you certain?"

"Yes, besides, you don't want to trigger the protective spells and curses on them." Harry smiled brightly, but just edged with an iciness that promised great suffering.

"I won't dream of it! Not only is this lost knowledge, these books are priceless! I'd sooner rip my teeth out!" She practically screamed, but had the awareness to only slightly raise her voice. "Besides my grandpa would rise from the grave and beat me for daring to ruin a book!"

Harry chuckled, he knew the bookworm would respond that way. He honestly didn't mind, but he would be severely miffed if one of his ancestor's books got ruined. He pulled out other old, extremely rare and even harder to find books and passed them to the others to look at. He assured them that it was fine as long as they returned them to him, didn't try to steal or ruin the books, and that there was a translator spell on them to make it easier for them to read. Legolas chuckled as the compartment soon fell silent as everyone was reading, Harry smiled and leaned on the Alpha.

"If you wanted silence why didn't you ask for it?" Legolas whispered in Elvish.

"It wasn't my intention, I just wanted to share some of the books that I used to learn as well as love to read..." Harry pouted, but kissed Legolas as they got comfy, enjoying the steady rocking of the train. "This is much better than some of the other methods we've used thus far to travel, though driving isn't bad as long as the driver isn't speeding recklessly around the place...."

The Silvan Elf chuckled, kissing Harry's temple as he relaxed, but frowned as he heard a few people slowly making their way to the compartment, opening every door and demanding for Harry.

"We are about to have company..." He growled, which startled everyone, who had slowly looked up when they heard the beautiful language coming from the pair.

"Who--" Susan was about to ask when the door was slammed open and a red head with second hand robes, freckles and a smudge of dirt on his nose appeared with a girl who looked much the same, only her face was cleaner and her uniform was obviously newer than his.

"We're looking for Harry Potter, is he in here?" the red haired male demanded, looking over the others before sneering at Hermione. "Oh, it's the filthy bucktoothed nerd!"

Hermione's fist clenched, but before she could sock the bastard in the teeth, she felt a hand filled with callouses stop her. She turned to see that Legolas was holding her hand in a calm manner. He smiled at her before he turned to the two intruders.

"Why do you wish to know where he is?" He wondered.

"Because I'm his best friend! I've been worried sick about him!" He snorted.

"Ah, that's right when I went to the Burrow, you weren't home... I had a lovely chat with your father and most of your brothers, but sadly had to leave before I got to meet with you, your sister or your mother and I think Percy is his name?"

"You're Harry!?" the girl gasped and got this instantly possessive and coy look on her face. "I'm a big fan... I'm Ginny.... Ginny Weasley..." She twisted side to side in what was meant to be a cute display of shyness, but made her look like she had to go to the loo instead.

"Hello Ms. Weasley." Harry greeted, making sure they understood that they were in no way familiar to him. He was polite, but in no way personal.

"Oh, you can call me Ginny!" She gasped out.

"I do not know you well enough to call you by your given name, Ms. Weasley." He told her before pointedly speaking to Luna. "Lulu, how much longer til we get there?"

"Another hour, we should get ready soon." Luna told him even as she kept reading her book, upside down and without the translator spell, which was most impressive.

"You call Loony Lovegood by a nickname, but won't call my sister by her name?" the boy growled, face twisted into an ugly sneer.

"I'm going to assume you are Ronald Weasley -poor manners you have by the way-, but yes. I am calling my friend by her nickname, one that I gave her and she loves, since I've gotten to know her very well these last couple of months. Same as with Mione, Nev, Dray and Susie..." He waved to the others in the compartment, calling each by a nickname to prove his familiarity with them. "And even then, I asked if they wanted me to call them these names and they said yes. If they don't want me to call them anything but their names, they could have very easily said no and I wouldn't take offense."

"The bloody hell, Harry!" the newly named Ronald, growled out, taking a threatening step toward Harry, which made Legolas stand.

The redhead jumped back at the low growl and the heavy cloud of pheromones that the Alpha was letting out. It was sharp like burnt wood, bitter and eye watering mixed with something sour. It was also accompanied by the Alpha's partially unrestrained aura. Everyone in the train car could feel it, many having swooned under its pressure, others cowering low, hoping they weren't the cause of the Alpha's displeasure. Hermione, Susan and Luna had to slip to their knees on the floor of the compartment as Neville and Harry whined, baring their necks.

Draco had ducked his head and curled up so he was as small as possible, hoping to escape the older and clearly stronger Alpha's attention. Ginerva had plopped gracelessly onto her ass as her brother tried and failed to stand up under the Alpha's astounding presence.

"I believe you and your sister should leave us alone... If you do not..." He smirked darkly as he slipped one of his blades free from his thigh.

The Weasley pair quickly ran off as Legolas pulled in his formidable presence and after he opened the window to air out the compartment, others doing the same to clear the remainder of his scent away, he sat down after brushing his fingers over the throats of the others and pulled Harry to sit in his lap, nuzzling his Omega, who mewled and cuddled closer.

"That... that was intense..." Draco breathed.

"Told you... Interesting..." Luna whispered, looking dazed for a whole new reason. The young Omega had not expected the sheer magnitude of Legolas' Alpha, even partially unleashed from its very tight leash as it was. She forgot that the Alpha ages with the person and since Legolas was a couple thousand of years old, so was his Alpha, that was a long time to build up power and presence, to win a Sizing Contest with the barest effort.

"I... I think we should get ready..." Hermione stuttered, weakly getting up to grab her trunk as the others slowly followed suit.

Legolas apologized, hugging them and surrounding each of them in a calming scent so they knew that the Alpha of their little pack was not upset with any of them. After changing, the train began to slow down and soon they were stopped and heading off the train (Neville telling them to leave their trunks because the Hogwarts Elves would bring them to the appropriate dorms after the sorting was done). Once outside and looking at the village of Hogsmeade with its few glittering lights, it was a cozy, but enchanting sight to behold. Owls and other nocturnal creatures were filling the night with their songs and chatter, giving the village life even as its usual inhabitants settled down for the night.

"First Years! Over here!" A booming voice called out and the group turned to see a giant man holding a lantern half of Harry's size and nearly twice his width.

"That's Hagrid, he's very nice." Luna supplied. "You should follow him if you want the true experience..."

"Yeah, every first year comes to the school crossing the Black Lake, the giant squid likes to welcome them with a little display and your first view of the castle is just..."

"Magical..." veteran students sighed happily in fondness of their first crossing.

"And every Seventh year crosses back over at the end of the year, for it's their final time coming to Hogwarts." Draco added. "So you should cross it now since this is your first year here, but it's also your only year here so you will be crossing back over it with us... Luna's got another year to go."

"I think we should..." Legolas told Harry, smiling softly at his Omega.

"Forgive me, but I'm not to keen on crossing large bodies of water with a giant squid or Kraken to be correct, in it. Or do you not remember the one that tried to eat both myself and Frodo?" Harry scowled, but it was playful.

"Ah yes..." Legolas growled, not at all happy with the reminder. "Should I fish out my bow?"

"Don't shoot, Hestia, she's perfectly harmless. She's one of the many guardians of the school. There are four main ones: Aldeztaile, Tarian, Hestia and Natini. A Basilisk, a Phoenix, a Kraken and a Sphinx. The number of creatures that live in the Black Lake and in the forest not only live there because they are safe guarded, but because in the event of an attack, they are the first lines of defense for the children who attend." Harry explained, calming his Alpha.

"Very well... if there is anything that poses any form of threat to not only to you but the little ones, I will end it... Guardian or not." Legolas sighed.

"Seriously, are you just a well of information?" Draco asked, watching Hermione scribble what they just learn into a small notepad she keeps for these reasons.

"Yes... But I'm also a healer, a warrior and a leader." Harry shrugged his shoulders. "If I can offer proper information, accurate facts, then I will."

"You should go, the Firsties are leaving!" Susan told them and Harry quickly left with Legolas as they promised their friends to meet up at the Ravenclaw's table in the morning.

Following the little first years down the somewhat slippery slope, Harry casting several wandless and wordless spells to keep everyone safe. Legolas chuckled as he watched the adorable little ones who reminded him of little ducklings following their mama toward the docks.

"Alright, four to a boat! The big one is mine!" Hagrid instructed, setting his lantern into a hold on his boat before turning to supervise and help the children when needed. This was how he noticed the two additions to his usual group of little ducks. "Hello, can I help you?"

"First years!" Harry beamed. "We're technically in our last year, but since this is our first time at Hogwarts, we were informed to come this way, something of a tradition for Firsties to arrive this way."

"Yep!" The man came over to get a better look at them and then blinked his beady eyes and gasped out wetly. "Blimey... Harry!" He picked the young man up and held him as if he were holding a baby. "Look at you! All grown!! Where have you been!? You're might skinny, were you fed at all!?"

"You know me?" Harry blinked.

"Sure do! Helped your mum while she was pregnant with you! Got to hold ya for a minute when you were born, no bigger than the palm of me hand!" Hagrid smiled. "I was worried when I couldn't find ya after I finally got to yer house and when I went to pick you up for your 11th birthday as well."

"Ah, I'm sorry..."

"No worries! I read the papers, glad ya were raised well! Well come on, in ya get!" another boat had appeared and he set Harry in it as Legolas climbed in as well. "Huh? Ah, you're that Alpha fellow! You take good care of Harry! Or I'll crush you..." Hagrid growled, very protective of Harry.

"I'll do my best." Legolas promised.

He nodded and headed to his boat after making sure all the Firsties were safely tucked into their boats before he climbed into his and they were off. The lake was still, but the boats glided smoothly across it. Harry caught flashing scales in the water under the boats from the lights of the lanterns that sat on all the boats. He pointed out the Merfolk to Legolas who gasped in amazement. One Mer even surfaced and smiled at them, holding out a coral bracelet to Harry, bowing her head to the Elvin Alpha, flashing her own Alpha red eyes, but as a sign of acknowledgment rather than challenge.

Harry thanked her in Mermish, putting the bracelet on and she slipped smoothly back into the water as the giant squid made its presence be known by splashing playfully and waving at the little ones, a tentacle even booping Harry's and Legolas' boat. The Alpha touched the tentacle and was amazed at one of the suckers lightly kissing his hand before the tentacle booped his nose.

"She booped you!" Harry giggled. "She likes you!"

"It would seem so and she is quite friendly it seems." He looked at his hand where he was amazed to see that he was blemish free, the sucker had left no mark.

"Alright, eyes forward!" Hagrid called and everyone looked and wow...

Hogwarts was built on a mountain like hill and towered like the mountains all around her. All of the windows were lit up brightly, shining like stars in the night, the full moon behind her, giving her a foreboding appearance, but the warm light seemed to be welcoming them. She was ancient, but glorious in her beauty. The magics that hummed in the very air around the castle proper left a strange electric current running through everyone.

"Amazing..." Legolas eyes had changed colors, his Elvish sight letting him see the rainbow colors of the magic dancing in the air, caressing everyone, checking them over and welcoming them into its fold. "She's welcoming us..."

"Hello Lady Hogwarts..." Harry whispered as he felt the magic fill him and sing. Hogwarts was welcoming the last of her Heirs home and he could not help but gasp as knowledge and memories from the Castle herself filled his mind, but quickly locked itself away in a vault in his mind palace to look at later.

"Alright, carefully exit your boats, don't wanna fall in the water do ya!" Hagrid called as the boats lodged into a pebbled beach inside of a small cave.

They got out and followed him up the steep path to the castle proper and standing at the front door was an older woman, stern faced, but a touch of maternal kindness lent her a softness that one had to earn. She and Hagrid shared a quick word, before she ordered everyone to follow her. And the first look inside?

Legolas was so very tempted to start climbing the walls, seeing hundreds of moving paintings and portraits, suits of armor that moved as well, but he refrained, he'd do it later when he had free time to explore in earnest. Harry felt like he was 11, no even younger with the sheer level of awe he held for the lobby alone! Hogwarts was truly glorious, her walls were all a pale gray, smoothed and intricately carved in mind boggling, and yet simplistic designs. He couldn't wait to explore the whole school, learn her secrets and her history.

They were left on a grand stair case as the stern witch stood between the two large doors that led to the great hall and four hourglass cases that were as tall and wide as Hagrid, each with a stone beast on top of them in the form of the House Mascot.

"Good evening, I am Professor McGonagall and welcome to Hogwarts. For the next 7 years, she will be your home and protector. Before we enter the Great Hall for the Sorting Ceremony, I would like to explain a few rules." She began. "You will all be sorted into one of Four Houses: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Your House is your family, you will share a dormitory where you will sleep and study during your free time, at meals you will sit with the table with your house. However you are encouraged to make friends with other Houses and may sit with your non House member friends during Lunch and supper unless for special events where you are required to sit with your respective House."

She then waved her hands to the four Hourglass cases.

"As you can see each house has a counter, you will quickly learn that any good work, hard earned efforts made and extra positive achievements will earn you house points, any rule breaking, hooligan antics or disrespect of any kind will lose you points. Detentions are served with any member of the Staff, can be handed out by the teaching staff, the Prefects and the Head Boy and Girl." She informed them. "You will find that many of your detentions will be grueling and even downright terrible, but you are in no danger of harm. If you feel unsafe at any given moment, you will inform a trusted member of the staff. We have implemented that if a single student of a different gender or sex is left with a staff member of a Gender or Sex that puts them at an advantage, the student will be made to serve with a different teacher."

"Excuse me?" a shy little brunette held up her hand. "What do you mean? I'm confused..."

"It's alright. Let me think...." McGonagall hummed and then nodded. "You recall what happened with Lockhart, correct? He was an Alpha Male preying on his Beta female students as well as the Omega students, both male and female. He did this in his detentions where it was only him and the student alone with no supervision. After it was discovered, we the Staff as well as the Board of School Governors have implemented a new rule. If you are a female Beta or an Omega of any sex severing a detention with an Alpha Professor, you are to report this to another staff member. You will either be made to serve with a same Gender Professor or will be accompanied by two other students, one of each of the other two genders. This way if a Staff member should ever prey on you, there are two others to either help you fight them off or to run and get help. Does that help?"

"Thank you..." the same girl said.

"You will find a handbook with the rules, both old and new as well as a list of what you should do in a given situation, sitting on your beds when you enter your dorms. If all else fails, a well aimed kick, poking an eye and any spells you learned prior to starting should be more than enough to help you get away." She told them. "You will be taking mandatory self defense lessons during your double Defense classes. Now then, I will give you a few minutes to spruce yourselves up while I check that everything is ready."

With that she turned and left as the children started to fuss about. Harry offering to help them clean up as Legolas set about fixing hair and uniforms by hand. The two quickly became the favorites of the Firsties. As they were finishing up a group of ghosts suddenly came floating into the hall arguing over someone or something called Peeves. This startled the children, but Harry assured them that the ghosts were all very friendly and would never harm them. He didn't say anything about Peeves; if what Hermione said is true and confirmed by Draco, the poltergeist loved to cause trouble, pranking and startling everyone. He doesn't harm the students because he doesn't want to be kicked out of the castle or exorcised, but mainly he doesn't want to be chased around by the Bloody Baron.

"Alright, line up in two lines, boys to one side, girls to the other, the two elder students to the back, you will be sorted last." McGonagall instructed as she suddenly came back. This made the Firsties look at the pair, they had thought they were Prefects or something to make sure the kids didn't get lost or cause trouble. They didn't realize they weren't sorted until Professor McGonagall pointed it out.

They quickly got into their lines with Harry and Legolas bringing up the end and they entered the Great Hall. If the Lobby had been impressive, it held nothing on the Great Hall! Thousands of candles floated around as the house banners and the Hogwarts crest decorated the room with the ceiling bewitched to look like the night sky filled with millions of stars, multi colored nebulas and galaxies gave it a truly magical feel. Legolas slipped into High Elvish in his awe, memorized and fascinated by the ceiling, Harry could only nod dumbly even if he wasn't sure what his Alpha had said.

They came to a stop and after the old, clearly overused hat sang a strange, but informative song, McGonagall unrolled a scroll and began to call the First years to be sorted. Harry and Legolas clapped for each one that got a house, smiling at the near even division between the four tables. After the last Firstie was sitting down at the Ravenclaw's table, McGonagall then read the last two names.

"Legolas of the Greenwood."

Legolas walked forward and many of the older students stared in awe, lust or curiosity of the tall being, there were a few disgusted faces as well at the obviously non-human man. He sat down on the stool, feeling a little like when he was a tiny Elfling and had to sit in the corner for misbehaving as the hat was set onto his head. He relaxed and nearly startled when a deep voice chuckled in his head.

"Greetings, my prince... Ah, you're much too old to be sorted, but sort you I must... You are clearly a noble man, very hardworking, you are also intelligent with a thirst to learn more about the worlds beyond your own... Honorable and very brave, but you are also cunning and while your ambitions are much simpler, you are still ambitious... Perhaps... you will bridge the gap with your mate... yes and I know just how to do it! So it had better be..." Legolas heard in his mind, feeling the old magic of the hat sifting through his memories and pulling up key ones to examine. It had felt strange and then it shouted out loud for all to hear:


His robes inner lining turned red as the patch on his left breast turned to the red and gold with a lion of Gryffindor. He removed the hat and handed it back to the older witch, ignoring the clapping and cheers of his House, who settled down slowly as they noticed he wasn't moving to them. Everyone wondered why as he simply looked at Harry. McGonagall looked between them and her eyes lit up in understanding before she cleared her throat and had to fight the smirk trying to find a home on her face.

"Potter, Harry!"

The entire school, even the Staff table went into an uproar, many standing on the benches to get a look at their savior because while the photos taken had been good, Harry seemed to somehow always keep his face blocked by something or his eyes were closed. So no one got a good look at him. They had no idea what to look for on the train, some not even sure he was really on the train! Harry ignored the commotion as he walked to the stool, the hat plopping on to his head before anyone got a good look at his face.

"Hello Master Gryffindor..." the ancient voice of the Sorting hat greeted him.

'Hello Malchior.' Harry smiled, lowering his defenses and allowing the magic of the hat to wander through his mind palace. 'It's good to finally meet you, Papa Mors told me a lot about you.'

"I see... What an interesting life you have lived, young master... ah and you have met your fellow Heirs, good and are friends with them or are on your way to being friends!" He nodded, smiling or so Harry assumed. "Mors has made my task most difficult... You much like his Highness share all the traits of all Four Houses, which makes it very difficult to place you... But I know exactly what I want to due because I want to bring back the Unity that Hogwarts once had. Will you be adverse?"

'Will it make the old man have a coronary?' Harry wondered.

"I sure hope so, or at least make him choke to death..." Malchior chuckled darkly, not fond of the Headmaster either, the bastard has all but ruined his lovely sister's reputation and is endangering students with half truths, false information and by picking completely incompetent teachers for some of the prominent core and elective courses! "Well then, it had better be--"


There was dead silence as Harry removed the hat and stood, Legolas coming to take his hand and as he escorted him to the table bedecked in green, Draco stood and began to clap with the Firsties and soon all of Slytherin House was welcoming Harry with polite applause. Many sneered at the red clad Elf, but he ignored them and once Harry was sitting, he bowed and they shared a small kiss, smiling happily and clearly in love with one another much to the shock of everyone before Legolas stood and walked to the Gryffindor table.

Legolas smiled at Neville, who had made space for him beside him while Hermione waved from Ravenclaw table with Luna. Susan nodded her head from Hufflepuff's table as well. Then the Hall seemed to finally come to their senses and the uproar this time was much louder. Legolas covered his ears, cursing their sensitivity at the moment. McGonagall got annoyed quickly and shot a few firecrackers from her wand and startled everyone into silence.

"That is enough! Now sit your bottoms down and listen to the announcements!" She ordered, her brogue starting to bleed in from her annoyance.

Dumbledore, who had been glaring holes into Harry's head, reluctantly stood up and pasted on his mask as he smiled, "Welcome to our newest students and welcome back to our returning students! Before we begin, a few things: First allow me to introduce our newest Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, Ryilia Nubia!"

A woman of relatively short stature, with long black hair that fell to mid back and was heavily decorated with beads, ribbons and feathers that looked handmade. Some looked like glass, others bone or naturally colored stones and raw gem chunks. She had green eyes that looked too bright, as if they were glowing. She was pale and had a rocking body, but over all she was just another notch in their belt of DADA professors. She simply smiled at them and then sat down, squawking when she missed her chair by an inch and fell over.

That got a good laugh out of everyone as she flailed a moment before Hagrid helped her up and she smiled at him in thanks before grabbing her chair and sitting down.

"Ahem, are you alright Professor Nubia?" Dumbledore asked, fighting his own laugh.

"Perfectly fine, just wanted to make everyone laugh is all, but I bruised my coccyx.... ouch..." She assured.

"You should see Madam Pomfry after dinner." He told her before turning back to his announcements. "We will be including a self defense class as well, taught by Professors Snape, Flitwick and Nubia. Now I assure you that Lord Voldemort (he got a sick joy at the violent flinches and hisses at the man's name) cannot get into the school, but many of your parents voiced their concerns. These classes will be given three times a week. One is mandatory during your double DADA classes, while the other two will be hosted after classes are over for anyone who wishes to join or needs extra tutelage."

Everyone murmured as Nubia stood up, "You must wear clothes you do not care for or don't mind being ruined in any manner. Also be sure to have a first aid kit, accidents do happen and this will be a crash course in First Aid, Madam Pomfry will be with us as well to help teach this as well as to handle the major accidents."

"Ah, yes, thank you!" Dumbledore smiled, but his eyes glared at the woman, who only smiled back as if she was completely unafraid of him. "As always the Forbidden Forest is off limits to any and all students at all times! There has been an update to the sleeping arrangements as well, but other than that, let's eat!"

The food suddenly appeared and everyone was soon enjoying their meals and chattering. Harry and Legolas didn't touch any of the food, quietly asking Milly (Legolas got use to calling for and ordering the smaller elf in the last two months, though he still feels strange whenever he talks to the air) to please prepare their meals and to serve them. Within seconds a garden salad appeared for Legolas with diced fruits, nuts and a few edible roots as Harry had the same foods as the others, but he knew it was potion free now.

The Hall was buzzing with gossip and chatter. Many were worried because their Savior was in Slytherin! Does that mean he's evil?! But they've seen the reports and articles, some of them have even ran into him and saw he was a nice guy. The Firsties were adamant that Harry was a good person because he helped them! Legolas was also a topic of discussion.

He was a Gryffindor dating a Slytherin! It was scandalous! But at the same time, they've seen pictures of the couple before. Just because they got sorted into rival houses shouldn't matter, but still!

"Sorry about this..." Neville whispered to Legolas.

"It's perfectly fine. It wouldn't be the first time I've dealt with rumors and gossip about my person." Legolas assured. "It's interesting to hear what others think of you. You can tell who are allies, who are enemies and who blindly follow based off of what you hear."

"I see..." Neville smiled. "I think you shocked the whole school by escorting Harry to his table and kissing him."

"Yes, well its something of a habit and just because we are in different Houses, does not mean I will break that little tradition." Legolas nodded, looking across the hall to see his lovely Omega chatting with Draco and the little First years who were in Slytherin house, smiling. "He deserves everything and more than I can offer."

"I wish you both good fortune and happiness..." Neville smiled.

"You are a good Alpha, though you may act like an Omega." Legolas told him, startling Neville who looked shocked.


"I'm a couple thousands of years old, I'm a proficient warrior and hunter and I'm highly observant." Legolas reminded him. "You have this stance that only an Alpha can pull off. You and Draco both submitted and quickly made sure I understood you were no threats when the red haired pair were irritating me. You bore your neck without hesitation as Draco curled up, both of you leaving yourselves vulnerable."

"I trusted that you wouldn't kill me... many mistake my nerves for fright when its actually my way of assessing who is a friend or foe... You've been very kind to me and you've helped me grow a little more, find a confidence that even Gran didn't know I had." Neville admitted.

"Hmm..." Legolas hummed, smiling softly as he kept eating, his goblet filling with water that he knew Milly was supplying. "I hope we will be rooming together if I cannot room with my intended."

"You should be rooming with Harry as you are courting and it's no secret that you are. But I'm sure the Headmaster will try to keep you away... Gran says he's completely anti Slytherin... He may even try and force Harry to Re-Sort into Gryffindor simply because Mr. and Mrs. Potter were Gryffindors and that everyone believes the terrible misconception that everyone in Slytherin is Dark and Evil. Many forget that a lot of the Death Eaters came from the other House, and yes that means even Gryffindor."

"Yes, I know..." Legolas nodded. "We've been doing a lot of research since we arrived and the Goblins were most kind to aid us. The war cloud is looming... it's only a matter of time before it breaks."

"When it does... I'm standing with you and Harry." Neville told him, looking nothing like the shy and nervous boy Legolas met only a month or so ago.

"I welcome you then, Shield Brother." Legolas smirked, grabbing his arm as he does with all his Shield bothers...

~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

When dinner was finally over, the first years were escorted to their dorms, Legolas and Harry following to learn where their common rooms were, but they would be escorted by their Heads of House to their shared suite after they got the rules and announcements from their respective Heads. Legolas was amazed as he saw the moving stairs that connected the majority of the school together. The grand stair well filled with hundreds of paintings and the like. He would enjoy running about this part of the castle the most and he's sure Harry would enjoy it as well. When they got to the common room, Legolas was instantly surrounded by the First years, whom he wanted to simply pick up and carry back to his suite with Harry. He's always loved children and hoped that he and Harry would have at least two. Lord Elrond was most blessed having three children, other Elves are lucky to even have one Elfling.

"Good Evening and welcome to Gryffindor. This House prides it self on Bravery and Honor. We are the first ones into battle and the last to leave it, or at least that was our reputation. Now we are the House of the foolish and reckless!" McGonagall snapped out that last bit, making many of the older years flinch back violently. "We are housing Royalty this year, so I suggest you all grow up and act like mature Witches and Wizards. Prince Legolas, if and when you wish to sleep in the dorms, you walk to the Lion statue and climb the stairs beside it. That is the way up to the boy's dorms. You will be rooming with Mr. Longbottom, since the rooms have been renovated and will now house two per room, with an en-suite bath and a divider that can be pulled across the room to grant privacy."

The others all murmured excitedly about this new development, glad that they could finally have a little more privacy even if they still had to share living space.

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall. Harry and I have agreed to sleep in the dorms tonight, but I would still like to see my other living quarters, if that is alright with you, madam?" Legolas bowed at the waist to the woman, who smiled and blushed a bit at the handsome Elf's respect.

"Of course. When you wish to stay in your dorm, your belongings will be in the room and when you wish to room with your intended, they will be in your shared living quarters." She assured.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"Now then..." She gave them the rules, helpful tips and a warning to get to bed within the next hour since they have classes the next day. "If you have any questions or need any help at all, you may ask your Prefects, Ms. Patil and Mr. Weasley." here she had to fight a scowl at the boy's name (his track record and his grades should have made it impossible for him to be a prefect and yet here he was). "If they cannot help you or you feel they haven't given you sufficient help, you may come to either my office or classroom for aid. You may speak to any Prefect, the Head Boy and Girl, or any Professor. The Head Boy is Mr. Draco Malfoy while the Head Girl is Ms. Hermione Granger. Any questions?"

There were none for the moment and Minerva nodded her head before shooing everyone off to bed, beckoning Legolas to follow her as they left the Gryffindor common room to head to his living quarters with Harry...

~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

Harry was in a similar situation, only the dungeon changed its shape, to throw off intruders as well as to keep the Slytherin dorms hidden at all times. A special spell had been woven into the dungeons to allow the Slytherins to see a glowing green arrow that always pointed them in the right directions whenever the dungeons changed. They came to a blank wall and as the Prefects, Theodore Nott and Astoria Greengrass, explained the tricks to navigate the dungeons and to get into the dorms, they opened the seemingly blank wall with a password which like all Houses change weekly or as needed.

The students were quickly arranged from 7th to 1st years in the common room. This gave them a chance to see everyone and to look in awe at their underwater living area. They were reassured that all the glass was spelled completely unbreakable from spell work and any creatures below a Colossal/Titan class could not shatter it with brute strength or Creature only spells. A door with a Naga portrait suddenly opened and Professor Snape stepped through. He walked up to his Snakes and nodded at all of them.

"Welcome to Slytherin House. I am Severus Snape, your Head of House and your Potions Professor... We are the House of Ambition and Cunning, of Loyalty and Determination. But that is not how we are viewed." He began. "For a very long time our House has been painted into the frame and mould of pure evil, only producing evil and dark Magicals. We are shunned and even attacked. However I expect of all of you to always look out for one another, to always show a united front outside of this dorm."

The older years were nodding as the younger ones looked confused or nervous.

"If you have an issue with a fellow Snake, you will deal with it in House and with either myself or any of the 7th years present. I've learned that letting you duel it out often helps to resolve the issue or work off the extra aggression. You may make friends with anyone, try to bridge the gaps between Slytherin and the other Houses, but do be cautious, especially when dealing with Gryffindors. Not all of them are terrible, but it doesn't mean all of them are good either. If you break any rules and are caught doing so, not only will you serve your assigned punishment, but an extra with me..."

Many gulped, either in fear or from remembered experiences with their Head. Harry smiled softly, while Severus wasn't outright damning anyone, he wasn't exactly painting them in perfect light either. He's giving them enough half truths to work from and to decide for themselves if what he says is true or false, but also allowing them to protect themselves.

"If you get into a fight or learn of any bullying whatsoever, no matter the house, I have one simple rule: Don't get caught." He stated. "Now then, the girls dorm is near the Lamia Queen while the boys dorm is beside the Naga Prince. The Naga King leads to my quarters and you may speak with him if you need to speak with me for any reason. If I am not in my quarters, I am usually found in my classroom or in my lab. If I am in my lab, there is a color decoder wheel beside the door. If it is on black, you cannot disturb me for I am brewing highly sensitive and highly dangerous potions. Blue are potions sensitive to sound waves, red are potions sensitive to temperature changes while Green are timed potions. Silver is any potion that does not require special conditions."

They nodded as he explained the wheel, and told them as long as the wheel was on either green or silver, they could come to him in the lab, red and blue would require them to wait until he could spare the moment, and Black was a complete "Do Not Disturb" notice. He explained the rules of the school, the in House rules, mandatory study groups and weekly bonding time. After that, he bade them goodnight and had Harry follow him out of the common room.

"That was a most shocking turnout, Mr. Potter." Severus chuckle as they walked down the hall. "I'm pretty sure that as soon as I finish showing you your other living quarters, the Headmaster will be demanding a Staff meeting to 'discuss' your sorting. I will most likely be asked to 'persuade' you to ask for a Re-Sort so that you could go into Gryffindor."

"Fat chance." Harry snorted. "While I know my mother and father were Gryffindors, I know that they are proud of me no matter what House I am in because its what I decide to do, how I act and how I treat others that matters."

"I see that Father let you speak with them..." Severus sounded a little strange as he said that.

"I actually have a Stone that lets me talk to them... If you want, I could set up a small chat for you, Mom and Dad. Mom has said multiple times that she forgives you, but I think you need to hear it for yourself and my dad has apologized like a million times. I know when we were in the Bank you didn't get a chance, but now we can do it and you could have a few hours with them." Harry suggested.

"That would be nice, but after this week..." He stated. "Do be careful, Dumbledore is extremely stubborn and twice as determined. He will try and use Legolas against you, he will try to curtail your friends to those he chose for you. He may even try to mess with your schooling."

"I'm only here to experience Hogwarts. During the Yule holiday I am sitting my OWLs and when the other 7th years take their NEWTs, I will be taking them as well. He could give me straight Trolls all he wants, but those who are important, know that I am an O straight student." Harry informed him.

"Good. It is one less hassle for us to deal with... Ah, Minnie..." Severus smirked at his fellow Head and friend.

"Severus... Hello again Harry." She pulled him into a hug before she let go and turned to the mural of the Lovers from the tarot cards. "Here is your suite."

Harry and Legolas looked at the wall and while one blushed, the other burst into laughter.

"You are so getting pranked, McGona-Kitty!" Harry chuckled as Legolas tried to look at anything but the passionate couple who looked to be amidst the process of mating.

"The password is 'Love Infinite...' You need only hold your wand to the mural on the inside of the room and inform the Lovers that the new password is whatever you choose." McGonagall explained. "You can also set up wards and protection spells, but first..."

The mural had swung open when Minerva said the password and they walked inside. As soon as they were inside, the door closed and Severus with Minerva's aid began to weave a long spell that broke any and all monitoring spells(minus the ones for medical reasons) such as listening spells, spying charms and a number of other things that would have allowed Dumbledore to spy, manipulate and take control of the couple. Once they were done a scroll appeared in mid air with the list of spells removed and listed what they did, who they were keyed to and who placed them.

"..." Minerva growled low as Severus sighed.

"Dumbles?" Harry asked.

"Dumbasadoor." Severus confirmed.

"That's insulting doors." Legolas muttered, which made them all laugh. He had been learning the strange way the people of Terra tended to speak and it made him happy to see he could use the language correctly and make others laugh.

"Indeed, it is insulting to doors, especially the non magical kind." Minerva snickered out, which had them laughing uproariously again. "Okay, alright... oh my I needed that... Ahem, shall we put up the wards?"

Severus nodded and between the two of them, they weaved a very simplistic, and yet complex network of wards that would keep the pair of lovers safe from most harm, leaving room for them to add their own protections or to sneak in a Master Warder and have them add in any needed wards that they desired. When they were done, Harry smiled at the oddly warm and comforting feeling of the wards that danced along his senses as Legolas' eyes changed color to allow him to see the magics, his awed and fascinated face always one that Harry enjoyed seeing, showing how truly young he was compared to many of his kin.

"These should do for now... the Headmaster will surely attempt to break them down or remove them and place his own back up, but I'm sure there is a way around this." Minerva assured. "Now then, Mr. Greenwood follow me, it is nearly curfew. Good night, Mr. Potter and Severus, we have a staff meeting to get to."

"I figured we would." Severus sighed even as he lead his own charge out of the suite of rooms. "Good night, Mr. Greenwood; Mr. Potter, follow closely."

They left the rooms, unaware that Hogwarts used what little free magic she had left to make the wards permanent and add in a few of her own to protect one of her Heirs and his intended mate. After dropping off their respective charge back in their common rooms, where they proceeded to find their own dorms to get to bed, the pair met up again on the stairs heading to the Headmaster's office.

"He's going to fuss about Harry's sorting." Minerva sighed, already feeling a headache coming on.

"I know and have warned Hadrian accordingly. He will be on guard and I'm sure his Alpha is no fool either. It's impressive what he did, waiting for his intended to be sorted before escorting him to his table. The looks on everyone's faces was priceless, especially the old goat's."

"Severus!" Minerva tried to scold, but was too busy giggling like a school girl as she remembered the gobsmacked look that quickly turned to a soured pout, as if he had been told his favorite lemon drops had been discontinued and would never get them again. "While it may be true, you need to still show respect, at least while we are still in his territory and on his playing field."

"I know, it doesn't mean I have to bloody well like it." Severus grumped, sounding almost adorable with his petulance at the thought.

Minerva didn't say anything further as they had made it to the Headmaster's office and were soon taking up their respective places inside with the other Staff members. Terlawney was there for once, humming and rocking in her usual 'mysterious' way, but to anyone who wasn't fooled by her act, it looked like she was too drunk to keep herself sitting up straight. Thankfully Firenze had taken over Divination after his herd had chased away Umbridge. The Centaur was standing closer to the door, so his large body did not disturb the many delicate and fragile trinkets that littered the room.

Pomona and Filius were sitting in their usual spot with Minerva between them and Severus to their backs, the Four Heads always sat/stood together as they ranked higher than the other professors. Hooch and Sinistra were debating something while the other professors chatted idly. Hagrid was near Firenze, who looked a little depressed. Severus figured it was because he was away from his mate and their child, normally a Centaur who left their herd to aid humans was exiled, but because the Centaurs of the Forbidden Forest have been close allies to Severus and the other Heads of House, all of whom have returned the favor twice fold, he was allowed to return home.

Dumbledore seemed to finally be ready, his mask in place, which to those who knew better, looked more fake than a Muggle breast enhancement. He started off with the usual spiel about House Unity (and yet he encourages the Rivalries to keep the students completely segregated), which classes needed to curb their teaching lists or expand, about Voldemort's return and that they have to be vigilant. The old bastard enjoyed the pained hisses and flinching from those who were too scared of his husband's title, but Severus discretely rolled his eyes.

"On another note, I'm quite worried about Mr. Potter's sorting. What with Slytherin's reputation and the animosity aimed toward the House of Snakes. Never mind that Slytherin is Voldemort's House and the children of his followers will surely take advantage of his being there to try and avenge their Lord or try to corrupt him." Dumbledore finally hit home, sounding like a worried grandfather.

Severus had to count backwards from a thousand so he didn't just Curcio the old bastard where he sat. The not so subtle digs and blatant manipulation attempt was just plain insulting!

"Mr. Potter has shown no signs of discomfort or unease thus far. It is only the first night after all. Perhaps with the shock of his Sorting still new, he will have time to make himself a niche in the Snake Pit where he can make a stand from. However if the shock and awe fades before he can, I'm sure he will be demanding a Re-Sort in no time." Severus drawled, making sure to inject enough venom into Harry's name to keep up with the pretence that he was a bitter old man who can't let go of a school yard rivalry.

"Now, now Severus, you cannot bully him." Dumbledore stated, though it sounded like he was ordered subtly to bully Harry. "And do try to see the boy as more than James Potter, after all he is Lily's son too..." He crooned.

Severus wanted to kill the man with his hidden dagger so badly just then! That last bit of manipulation was just atrocious! But still he bit back his anger and scowled fiercely as was expected of him. Dumbledore encouraged the other teachers to basically coddle Harry, especially Minerva, while Dumbledore had the Slytherin Alumni bullying him into asking for a Re-Sort. It was all subtle and easily missed to the the untrained or less paranoid person, but Severus and those he knew he could trust caught it all.

After some final useless chattering and actual school work related matters being discussed, they were allowed to head to bed. Severus moved to the nearest shadow and traveled within seconds into his bedroom where the delicious sight of a freshly showered Tom standing only in sleep pants and toweling his hair off greeted him.

"How was the meeting?"

"Disastrous." He groaned, heading into the bathroom to quickly change and cat bathing it for the night before he came back out with his glamours off and shoving his mate down onto the bed before straddling him. "You need to fuck me hard or I will head back up to the old Goat's office and slit his throat while he sleeps..."

Tom grinned and pulled his mate close, "That sounds like a very good plan, but I like the first option better..."

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