Master of Death

Oleh Mother0fMischief

414K 11.6K 18.2K

COMPLETE! How much can be changed simply by removing a few elements and changing a few things? Well come find... Lebih Banyak

Death is a Troll
A Wizard and Four Hobbits walk into a bar
One does not tell Harry he cannot simply walk into Mordor
Into the belly of the Beast and out of the Demon's ass
The Fellowship breaks up; Let's Hunt Some Orc
To Helm's Deep we go
Battle in the Deep
A Wizard to Manage; To the Honored Dead
We Fight
The Final Battle of Arda; Welcome home.
Setting plans into motion
Exploring and meeting Friends Pt. 2
The Interview
A look into Madness
Happy Birthday Harry!
To Hogwarts we go and the Sorting!
Getting settled at Hogwarts; Halloween
Debut and the Will Reading
Kicking the Beehive to piss off the Old Bumblebee
The NEWT Mocks
Yule Ball; Let it be War
The Aftermath: a History Lesson
You had ONE JOB!!
A Bond is Forged; Harry does what he wants!
The Beginning of the End
Preparing for the Final Battle
The start of the Final Battle
The End of the Final Battle; He was only a Man
The Aftermath; The Marriage

Exploring and meeting new Friends

12.3K 369 432
Oleh Mother0fMischief

~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* CHAPTER XI *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

Legolas dressed, the next morning, in an outfit that Master Remus had been most kind in purchasing for him. The material was strange against his skin, but comfortable and was a blend of the same materials that made most of Harry's armor and cloaks during their journey. They were also earth toned and forest green, colors that he preferred and would blend in with most anything. He would take his weapons with him, though he would hide his daggers so the only obvious weapon on his person was his bow and arrows.

The room he was given was lovely, painted with a fairy forest theme, light and enchanting with painted fairies who giggled and chattered, singing and dancing the day away before they glowed in soft colors under the light of the moon and tended their forest. It felt like home. The bed was comfortable, but lonely, too big for him alone. However across the hall was Harry's room and it soothed the Alpha to know how close he was to his Omega, able to reach him in seconds should there be any danger.

The rest of yesterday had been a strange mix of fun and seriousness. The plans Harry made were impressive (it made him wonder why he did not offer more insight during the planning sessions, but then again when he did offer his opinion it was usually met with resistance because he was a child in the eyes of even the Men). Today they would wonder around some of the shopping districts of the Magical world, Harry would be in his human guise, which after seeing a moving portrait of Lord and Lady Potter, he could see how nearly identical to his sire he looked.

The whole of the Wizarding World would recognize his human face better than his Creature face, which would remain hidden at all times around these people. It would seem that while most Creatures were met with hostility and fear, others were either enslaved or coveted for their status and power. And Devis especially were coveted, Earthbound Gods to these people and to mate with one was to be made akin to a God. He would have to be cautious today, keep careful watch of any and all who approach.

Harry was coveted even without his Devi nature being known because he was a celebrity, a hero and everyone wished to be in his good graces. Women swoon and flutter, hoping to be picked to be Lady Potter, a title which promises fame, riches and a place in Harry's bed. Men have even joined them, these men, normally Omegas or Betas who wouldn't mind sharing his bed. The Alphas would surely dominate him if they could (but the fact Harry was an Omega was to be kept under wraps until the interviews). Legolas' control and temper would be severely tested this day and the days to follow, but he would persevere for Harry's sake.

When Lady LeStrange and the two LeStrange men arrived home, they were most ecstatic and when they discussed their plans with them, Lady LeStrange's cackles could be heard for hours on end, it seemed she approved the plan because she demanded that Harry give her the memories of it all so she may watch them whenever she pleased and to show them to Lord Slytherin at the next meeting. He wondered if they would have to attend one of those, but that would have to wait for later. He triple checked he had everything he needed and then left his room.

Moving down the stairs, he headed out to the back garden, which was warded and spelled against Muggles. He's learned over the last year and half on knowing Harry that he could almost always be found in any garden like area, usually surrounded by animals of all kinds. So of course he found his little wizard sitting in the garden, surrounded by animals, but the most shocking was a part eagle and part horse creature that was laying beside Harry, it's impressive wing laid in his lap as he carefully groomed it.

"Good morning, Harry..." Legolas called, remaining at the edge of the garden, unsure if he was welcomed and wary of the large creature who looked at him with large intelligent gold eyes that pierced through him. "Who is your new friend?"

"This is Buckbeak, Siri rescued him from execution because some idiot decided that because the Care of Magical Creatures' Professor was a Half Giant and thus not worth listening to, walked right up to him and got his arm nearly clawed off. Hippogryphs are very proud creatures, very easily offended. Bow to him, a nice low one. If he bows back, then you can approach, however if he does not, then you'd best wait there." Harry told him.

Legolas carefully walked forward until Buckbeak stood up and then bowed low, a slow graceful thing and he held it, cautiously watching the creature's movements. Buckbeak chirps and squawked a bit before he bowed back and together they stood up. The Hippogryph then moved up to him, nudging him to be petted which Legolas did, an awed smile on his face.

"He's a handsome one... He's nearly as large as the Eagles back home. I wonder how they would react to one another..." Legolas said.

"I'm sure they would get along, Buckbeak's actually very nice once you've shown him the proper respect. Perhaps later we could go for a flight. I'm sure you would enjoy it! Being in the air is very freeing."

"I am a Wood Elf, I am comfortable on the ground." Legolas told him. "But I would not mind joining you for a small flight."

Harry smiled in thanks, he would not force Legolas to fly if he really did not wish it, but he was glad the Elf would indulge him every now and again. Saying goodbye to the animals, they left the garden to find Sirius and Bella running away from an enraged Rabastan, who's hair was turned a garish shade of green.

"I think I'm blind..." Legolas muttered, rubbing his eyes trying to remove the horrid sight from his mind.

"Oh, don't worry, there are worst colors out there. Wait until you see the Skeeter woman, you'll go blind then." Rudo chuckled, sipping his coffee as he read each of the four major newspapers. "Diagon's going to be a bit of a hassle today, what with the school shopping being done today. And a few late evening shoppers may or may not have seen you leaving Gringotts yesterday evening."

"Really?" Harry asked, taking the Daily Prophet and spotting the red circled article from a lesser known reporter, who happened to be wandering around gathering intel about future sells and discounts, when they spotted Lord Black, the Werewolf whom had been the DADA Professor for 3 years, and what looked like Harry Potter leaving the bank with a blonde who could either be a Veela or a Malfoy. There wasn't much detail, but they did say that they hoped that the strange group came back over the next few days, so to see if it truly had been the Boy Who Lived. "Well, it looks like this will be both easier and more complicated than I intended."

"I sent letters to our friends and allies and they plan to 'accidentally' run into you while you are out shopping. Here are their pictures so you know who to look out for." Remus told them and set down a few photos. "This is Neville Longbottom, he's your godbrother, a shy thing, but incredibly brave when needed. He's also the Hufflepuff heir."

"Good, I need to speak to him about Hogwarts and possibly finding her Ward Stone so we can take back control of the school." Harry nodded, looking over the young man, he was a handsome thing, short curly dark hair and warm brown eyes. He was a bit chubby, but clearly losing the weight. He looked like a good man and he hoped they could be good friends.

"This is Hermione Granger, you saw her before the final battle at the Black Gates, but never formally met her. She's going to be lobbying for Creature Rights, you won't be able to miss her, if you need someone in your corner to help protect our Non-human friends, she is your woman." Remus chuckled. "Brightest Witch of her age and one of my best students, I'm sure you will get along great."

Hermione was a pretty young woman, her hair fell in lazy waves that looked like they would frizz something fierce if they got wet, she had dark intelligent eyes and a sweet smile.

"She's Muggleborn, one of the ones that thinks the Old Ways are barbaric, however she's a bookworm and seems to hold whatever is written in a book as gospel truth. She needs a bit of work, but she is a good ally and would be a good friend."

"I'm sure I can help her understand the Old Ways and she would be able to help me bridge the gap between the Old Ways and the new age." Harry nodded, looking forward to picking the bright witch's mind.

"This is Draco Malfoy, Heir to the Malfoy family. He's mellowed out over the years, when he was younger he was an arrogant thing. He's a bit of an acquired taste, but once you earn his friendship and loyalty, he will be a welcomed ally and his dueling is quite impressive. He would be your in with the Purebloods and the Elites of society." Remus slid his photo over.

The young man was devilishly handsome, with pale blond hair, storm gray eyes and a smirk that stated he was up to no good. He was clearly of noble birth and upbringing by the way he held himself. He would have to spend some time with this one in order to form a proper opinion of him, but he did look like someone who would be a good friend when one looked passed his mask of arrogance.

"And this young lady is Susan Bones, the niece of Madam Bones, the Head of the DMLE. Hufflepuff, but with the intelligence to rival a Ravenclaw. Get in good with her and she will get you in good with her aunt and trust me, Harry, you want Amelia Bones on your side. The woman is fair and level headed, steadfast and incorruptible."

"I want to make friends to make friends, not because of their connections." Harry told him.

"I know, however knowing that some of your potential friends are well connected never hurts." Remus told him. "Besides, these four could be the cruxes needed to turn this war in our favor. Not only are they young, they are all brilliant in their respective fields and future carriers. Malfoy is joining Politics and hopes to one day be Minister of Magic, he's a silent benefactor of Ms. Granger's S.P.E.W. campaign. Ms. Granger's intelligence is going to waste without proper stimulation and outlets for her to focus on. Ms. Bones is studying to be a Professor, preferably Defense Against the Dark Arts, but she is willing to take any teaching position. Neville is a Herbology prodigy and is due in the next couple of years to take over as the Herbology teacher at Hogwarts. They are all in their last year at Hogwarts."

Harry blinked, he could see the reason. Just because they were being pointed out to him did not mean he HAD to be friends with them, but if he did wish it, knowing that they wished to do a lot of good for their world and their people would surely endear them to him a bit more.

"And how is he to keep in contact with them while they are at Hogwarts? Is it not a boarding school?" Legolas wondered.

"Harry's going to be attending his first and only year at Hogwarts this year." Sirius stated as he walked into the room with Rabastan, who's hair was back to normal and a sulking Bellatrix, who's hair was now an eye searing canary yellow. "You will be joining him as an exchange student and because of the courting contract which doubles as a marriage contract. Here..."

He gave them said contract, having asked his Goblins and Harry's Goblins to come together and make a fool proof contract, it was air tight and left very little wiggle room for outside forces to try and worm their way in. It was signed by Sirius, Mors and to both Harry's and Legolas' shock, Thranduil had signed it as well!

"Oh yes, visiting your father had been most interesting and upon explaining the situation and the war to him, the dangers and risks involved, he signed it. He wants to be kept informed of all that is happening. And I gifted him with a Two Way mirror, here is your half. Whenever you wish to speak with him, simply tap the surface and speak his name." Sirius told him, handing him the other mirror.

"Ah, here is your Hogwarts letters, Severus was most kind to pick them up for us and owl'ed them this morning. He's added several books for Legolas and a few spells for you Harry to help you both adjust as needed to the school work, though you've long mastered the material." Remus told them handing them the letters.

"Thank you, Remmy... thank you everyone." Harry smiled at them.

"Think nothing of it, Itty Bitty Potty!" Bella giggled. "You're family and you're our future King!"

"He's not a king!" Sirius growled. "He can be whatever he wants to be and I thought your precious Dark Lord wanted to be king?"

"Fine, Harry's our Queen! Every King needs a Queen to rule from the shadows!" Bella giggled.

"But is that not Master Severus' position?" Legolas wondered.

"Ignore them, this is an age old argument between them. But it is kind of true, Harry's our Ruler even if he does not wish to be. You have a natural aura that commands all to pay attention and obey." Remus murmured in thought.

"That would be my Devi.... It calls to and pulls all manner of Creatures to us. Most of whom wish to protect and obey me, others who wish harm on me. It's a double edge sword." Harry shrugged. "Now then... who's coming with us or are we allowed to run about like headless chickens?"

Sirius barked a laugh as Bella cackled at the joke.

"Severus will be doing his shopping for the year, he will escort you around Diagon. He will be meeting you in Gringotts. Also I suggest getting the new Gringotts Credit Card. It was adopted from the Muggles, both a Debit and Credit card in one. I didn't exactly pay attention to the explanation, it was too long." Rabastan shrugged.

"He has the attention span of a squirrel." Rudolphus chuckled as his twin shouted in offense.

"Thank you, I will look into it. Come on, Legolas, we have a long day ahead of us." Harry sighed as they finished breakfast and stood to leave.

"Here! Some money for the Knight Bus unless you want to try Flooing." Sirius told them.

"I do not like the Knight Bus, Death took me on a ride of it once and never again. And no I will not subject Legolas to that, an enemy, sure, but not my Alpha. I have mastered Flooing though that can be nauseating as well. Apparating is alright as long as I'm the one Apparating and not being side along Apparated. I was going to take Legolas the Muggle way so he can learn how to travel both by Mundane and Magical means. Besides how do we expect to integrate the two cultures if we are not willing to lead by example?" Harry told them.

They blinked but nodded their heads. It seemed Harry was going to be teaching them things the Muggle way, but how did he know all about them when the Muggles he grew up with were still in the Middle Ages themselves. Did Death bring him back? Even if it was just to see the changes? Well they would never truly know since they doubted Death would tell them and Harry seemed to know what he was doing and how to get around without their aid.

"If you are sure... here, take this then..." Sirius handed him a black credit card. "This my Muggle credit card, I use it for mostly shopping, normally things for the house, but I also use it for transportation. It's connected to my Gringotts card and accounts. No need to worry about limits."

"Thanks Siri. I'll be sure to limit its use. I don't need a lot of money and I'm not a materialistic person." Harry assured him, putting the card in his wallet, something that had appeared with all the necessary ids and papers with a note from Death, another appeared with Legolas' ids and papers as well and another cheeky note from Death. "C'mon, Leggy!"

"Leggy?" Legolas blinked before he smiled softly. "Is that my new nickname?"

"That or Legs and while you do have legs that go on for days, I like Leggy better, it's cuter." Harry pouted.

"Leggy it is then..." Legolas chuckled and they left the house.

The magics that protected Grimmauld easily hid the building from sight once more and anyone not privy to its location walked right passed it and did not notice anyone going in or out of it until they walked away from it, but even then they were clueless to their presence. This worked in their favor s they walked to the corner of Grimmauld street and Harry flagged down a cabby. Legolas hid his shock and awe of the metal wagons that moved without the aid of horses or any obvious magic.

He and Harry spoke in Elvish as they drove towards the shop nearest to the Leaky Cauldron, Harry explaining more about his world, about cars, trains and the like. Cellphones, computers and the internet. Legolas voiced as they climbed out, that he hoped there were books about everything. Harry paid the cabby and agreed to buy whatever books Legolas needed to help him understand the world he was now in. Walking to the Leaky Cauldron, Legolas noticed that the Muggles didn't even notice the building that sat between a music store and a boutique, their gazes just sliding from one shop to the other as if the pub wasn't even there.

"Amazing..." He voiced.

"Yep! It's what keeps us safe and I plan on keeping the major Magical communities hidden away as a just in case. It would royally suck if relations between Magicals and Muggles went south, that the Muggles could easily access our homes and communities to wipe us out." Harry told him.

"Yes, that would be very unfortunate. But how will you allow them to interact without giving full advantage to one people vs the other?" Legolas wondered.

"I was going to have Activity centers built where both Muggles and Magicals can interact on neutral territory, this way if things go bad the Magicals can easily leave and just not come back to the centers until the threat is either handled or gone. Muggles can easily leave as well. No need to endanger people more than needed. There will be spells and wards that would Obliviate certain information from the minds of the Muggles which would further protect the Magicals." Harry added on.

"That's reasonable. Perhaps the spells should work on the Magicals as well, why affect one race vs the other?" Legolas pointed out.

"True, but it depends on the information... Magicals have a lot to lose because we cannot protect ourselves against a Nuke or Missiles. I doubt we can even stop a hale storm of bullets let alone one of them. If we could, it would take up too much magic and not everyone has the level of power and control I do... you saw how tired I got at the beginning of our journey because it was the first time I had to use my magic at a near constant level and it was almost always powerful spells?" Harry reminded him.

"Ah, yes... You would sleep for days at a time when you'd used a particularly powerful spell or depleted your magical stores. But you got better as time went on." Legolas nodded.

"Some of us don't really use our magic, others use it for nearly everything, but not everyone grows magically. Magicals each have a magical core and our cores are shaped differently. Some of us have small magical cores, others medium, several have large, or none at all or one so small it barely has magic and very few of us have one so large we still have random bouts of accidental magic." Harry explained.

"I see, it's almost like how some of us can speak to trees, use magic or speak to animals but others cannot. It's all about what gifts you were born with and how strong that gift is." Legolas made the comparison pretty easy, he was one of the few Elves who could speak to the trees, view their memories, his wood magic was also quite powerful even if he very rarely used it.

"Right!" Harry grinned.

Legolas chuckled as they walked into the pub and blinked as everyone seemed to freeze and look at them. Legolas shifted ever so slightly, looming over Harry like a protective guardian, noting the nearly 50 people in the restaurant area of the pub and inn. They were staring at them, but Harry simply turned to him and smiled at him.

"Come on!" He ignored the stares with ease as he walked up to the counter and smiled at the bar man. "Hello sir, we need to get into the Alley, could you please help us?"

"Of course, sonny! C'mon!" he smiled at them and led them through the small hall passed the stairs that lead up to the rooms and passed the kitchen to a back door where they came out to an enclosed alleyway. "Now pay close attention, it's a bit tricky to remember how to open the Alley for first timers."

He pulled a long dark brown stick from his pocket and tapped five bricks in a seemingly random pattern before the bricks began to grind and fold in on themselves. They gaped in awe as the wall morphed into a great stone archway and the vibrancy of Diagon Alley was on full display before them. The bar man chuckled at their awed looks and left them to it, he loved watching newcomers see the Alley for the first time, the look of awe and child like glee always did him some good.

Harry and Legolas wandered through the arch, ignoring the wall closing behind them as they took in the fully awake Diagon. Sure they had seen it the day before, but it was more toward the late evening and the shops were in the process of closing for the night and even then they Apparated to the park near Grimmauld Place. So there hadn't been much to catch their attention. They wandered from shop to shop, simply marveling at everything. The place was so full of magic the air around them shimmered and glowed with it.

Legolas' eyes had turned starlight blue as he looked at the magic around him, the different types mixing and meshing like a painting of rainbows that danced and weaved around each other, creating various shapes and images. Harry felt giddy with the sheer amount of magic, he wanted to run all over the place squealing with delight, but kept a firm hold of his Devi, who seemed to be overloaded with the magical stimuli. They eventually made it to Gringotts and went inside where they were quickly ushered to the Head Teller, whom gave them what they needed, had them sign a few papers and then they were ready to leave once more.

"That was quick." Legolas mused as he carefully tied his coin pouch to his hip and placed the golden Gringotts card in his wallet (he had tried to decline the gift, but when Harry told him that Death had gotten it for him, he had no choice but to accept).

"Being called a friend of the Goblin people is an extreme rare and hard won title which comes with a hefty sum of perks." Harry told him. "It's like how the friendship between the Dwarves and Elves used to be. But of course pride, greed and pettiness get in the way of even the best of friendships. It's up to those of us in the younger generations to try and make up for the faults of others."

"Yes... I believe you are right after all Gimli and I have bonded quite well over our journey. To think I would gladly fight at his side and die by it if I had to." Legolas chuckled.

"Gim's one of a kind!" Harry nodded. "He was like an overprotective uncle one minute, and a mischievous older brother the next! And then the drinking contest! That had been hilarious!"

"He says I cheated. However the rules were quite clear, we drink as many as we could, could not spill a drop, and could not pass out or regurgitate. It is not my fault he did not realize Elves can only become drunk on Elvish wine, which is nearly 20 times the potency of Man made alcohol." Legolas chuckled.

"You did trick him, claiming your fingers were tingling." Harry chuckled.

"That was not a trick, they had gotten tingly... turns out that I pinched a nerve in my hand and didn't realize it until then." Legolas chuckled.

"Cheater." Harry huffed.

"Who cheated?" Severus' voice startled them as he came from his accountant's office. "Good morning, Mr. Potter."

"Good morning, Professor. Just recalling the celebration after the Battle of Helm's Deep and Legolas messing with Gimli during the drinking contest." he told him.

Severus blinked his eyes slowly, the only indication that he was quickly searching through his memories until they brightened in recognition and an amused smirk dared to cover his lips.

"Ah, yes, that had been most entertaining..." Severus agreed. "And it is not cheating if the others assume that you are a weak just because how you look. Elves are seen as delicate things, but most do not realize we are a lot more hardy than we look. Now come along."

Harry nodded and they left together. By this time people in the main streets had tripled, many having caught sight of Harry as he and Legolas wandered the streets earlier. Legolas tensed minutely at the massive crowds, but relaxed as Severus led them to get uniforms for classes. He explained that during classes, they had to be in uniform at all times, but during their down time they could dress as they wished. Severus pretended to not notice the dozens upon dozens of eyes staring at them, pretended not to hear the whispers and gasps.

He acted like the cold and unfeeling professor many assumed him to be, speaking in a cool and clipped tone, adding the odd insult, since the Wizarding World seemed to have gotten it stuck in their heads that Severus had been in love with Lily Potter. Legolas and Harry followed him to each shop, picking up what was needed, secretly enjoying the dour man's diatribes about the idiots that infest the Wizarding World. Madam Malkin had been all over herself to serve them, getting them her best materials to make their uniforms, adding protective runes free of charge.

Florish and Botts wasn't any better with the people inside practically falling all over themselves as the pair shopped for books. Severus subtly getting Legolas books that would help him understand at least the Magical half of their world (Harry was planning to order some Muggle books and have either Remus or Sirius pick them up and then owl them to them throughout the year). As they were browsing, he bumped into Draco, the blonde male having been reading a book on curative herbs that could be made into teas or added to a meal.

"I'm sorry!" Harry told him as the blonde glared at him from the corner of his eye, but the look quickly softened and he closed the book and tucked it under his arm as he bowed.

"It is quite alright. I am Draco, Draco Malfoy. And whom might you be?" He asked, offering his hand to both Legolas and Harry.

"Harry, Harry Potter!" Harry smiled.

"Legolas, Elvin Prince of the Greenwood." Legolas greeted him, smirking secretly at how the people listening in around them practically gave themselves away with shocked gasps and nearly knocking over mountains of books.

Even Draco looked shell shocked, but quickly recovered, masking his shock with a face of polite friendliness. He asked if they were shopping for pleasure, only to learn they were doing their school shopping, which he admitted he was doing the same. They spoke amiably for a few minutes more before Draco sighed and bade them goodbye because he had to pick up his school robes in a few moments. As he walked away Legolas hummed.

"What's wrong?" Harry wondered.

"He's got a good head on his shoulders, he's one to keep an eye on... a good friend in a tight spot. Many look at him as if he is pure evil, but I sensed no malice or ill content from him..." Legolas mused.

"I sensed that as well... it also doesn't hurt that he's a Creature as well. He must have sensed it in us both because he was much more open than he would have been if we were human...." Harry agreed.

"Come..." Severus called and they quickly paid for their books and left.

It seemed the crowd finally got over their shock and awe, crowding around now. They all tried to touch Harry, clambering over one another to thank him and to speak with him. It was like they were devotees meeting their God for the first time, it was a very unnerving experience. Legolas had to remind himself not to shoot or stab anyone, though he did growl at a few who were too touchy feely with Harry. Severus allowed this for only a grand total of three minutes before he lifted his wand over his head and with a thought, a thunderous sound filled the Alley startling everyone.

"Thank you... if you do not mind. I would like to finish this dreadful trip before the shops close. Potter, come!" Severus snapped out, annoyed.

"Yes sir..." Harry ducked after him, Legolas keeping close to his back as well, subtly glaring at everyone who twitched, fidgeted; wanting to touch Harry as he passed, but didn't dare because he was in the company of one of the Hogwarts Professors.

Getting into the stationary store, the three breathed a sigh of relief.

"I knew it would be madness, but I wasn't expecting nearly religious levels of fanaticism...." Harry shuddered.

"Oh believe me, it will only get worse..." Severus muttered out the corner of his mouth as he cast a quick, but thorough search of the shop. His eyes alighted on Neville Longbottom, the young man was picking up some extra supplies and was in the company of Susan Bones as well. "Longbottom and Bones are over by the scroll section if you wish to meet them... Get what you need and extras, Owl Ordering can be a bit of a hassle during the year."

They nodded and quickly grabbed baskets to get what they needed. Legolas admired the various forms of parchment, reading the information cards about how and what they were made with, spells that were woven into them and the like. He picked a few that were spelled to hex anyone who attempts to steal or tamper with his work. He may be a couple thousand of years old, but he's always been a very studious young man when need be. He grabbed scrolls and even a few notebooks with similar spells woven into them.

"Ohh, those are good!" Harry smiled as he noted which items Legolas was getting. "I've picked a set that's been treated in Veritaserum and has anti cheating and theft charms on them. Don't want to be accused of lying or having my work stolen."

"We seem to think similarly, I believe this should be enough for a few months... I will have to ask about Owl Orders, after I purchase an Owl of course."

"You could always borrow Hedwig, she adores you and wouldn't mind getting you anything you need. Or you can use Fawkes, he's another who adores you to pieces." Harry giggled. "In fact I think all my familiars adore you. I know Aldez has been ecstatic about you coming here and has been pushing me to seduce you."

Legolas and Harry's cheeks pinkened and they laughed nervously at that.

"Yes... well you need not try hard... just being you is what seduced me to begin with." Legolas admitted and Harry blushed brighter.

He cleared his throat, trying to change the subject by moving over to the quills and inkwells. They allowed silence to reign as they picked out the colors they wanted and a set of quills to use when Neville and Susan had wandered over.

"Oh! That set isn't very good! They look pretty but they are so easily damaged and leave a mess behind no matter what you do." Susan gasped, placing her hand gently on Legolas' arm to stop him from grabbing the rather fancy looking set of quills.

"Oh? Thank you, my lady." He bowed his head to her and she blushed prettily even as she gave a friendly smile back.

"If you want something that looks nice and writes well with minimal mess, use this one." She grabbed a set of dark brown quills that had an enchanting green sheen to them and flashed various shades of green when the light danced off them. "They also have an Ever Sharp charm on them so you never have to sharpen them."

"Thank you again..." He looked over the set and after a moment's debate decided he'd take them. "I am Legolas, Elvin Prince of the Greenwood... whom may I ask has been so kind to help me?"

"Oh! Your highness!" She dipped into a quick but proper curtsy and then stood up and gave him a soft smile. "My name is Susan Bones, Heiress to the House of Bones."

"Well met, Lady Bones. A star shines upon our meeting." He bowed to her.

"Hello Ms. Bones!" Harry smiled at her, startling her a moment. "Sorry... and thank you for helping my suitor... we're a bit overwhelmed doing school shopping. Oh, I'm Harry by the way, Harry Potter."

"Oh my word!" She gasped and then shook his hand firmly. "It's a pleasure to meet you and I hope we could become good friends in time! Do you need help as well? I know almost all the brands in here and can point out good quality but durable if that is your cup of tea, or do you want something fancy, but could care less about its usage?"

"Oh, no! I know what quills I like and have picked up a few sets... I tend to mangle my quills when I get into one of my study sprees. But thanks for the offer... hello--?" Harry turned to Neville, who had been shyly hiding behind Susan.

"Ne- Neville Longbottom.... I-- um... I don't know if you know this... but... we're... we're Godbrothers...." He shyly stammered and Harry couldn't help but coo at him.

"Yes, I know we are, the Goblins were most kind in informing me. I was actually going to write a letter tomorrow inviting you and Dowager Longbottom to tea so we may meet and get to know one another. It'd be nice to start school with a familiar face and a friend." Harry told him, it wasn't a lie, he had planned on it, but why not give him a head's up now?

"Really?" He perked up a little. "You want to be friends with me? I'm not very brave or very popular...."

"No one important ever starts out as such!" Harry huffed. "But one day you will be well known and very well loved, I'm sure of it!"

"He's just being modest, he's the heartthrob of Hufflepuff House!" Susan giggled and Neville blushed something terrible.

Harry chuckled and they spent a few minutes getting to know one another before they bought what they needed and reluctantly said goodbye for now.

"I liked him. He reminds me of our dear Hobbits, so shy and worried at first, but soon they came out of their shells and showed the world that they could be fierce and brave as well!" Legolas nodded.

"Yes, he just needs a confidence boost." Harry agreed.

"Longbottom's got talent, has a certain charisma to him... When he finally man's up, he will be someone to look out for." Severus agreed, easily sliding up to them as they kept shopping. "I've done the supply run from the apothecary for you, it's best to Owl Order from obscure shops, they have infinitely better quality and sell vast quantities for reasonable prices... Ah, Skeeter...."

They looked toward a woman who was wearing a fancy outfit that was an eye watering shade of toxic green, her blonde hair done up in a fancy updo and looking around for something or someone. They didn't have to guess long who she was looking for because almost instantly after they spotted her, she spotted them and quickly walked up to them.

"Hello, hello, hello!" She greeted, ending on a somewhat seductive note. "My name is Rita Skeeter and Me, Myself and I would like to have an exclusive interview with the ever reclusive Harry Potter, Boy Who Lived!"

"Umm... hello, ma'am, but I'm in the middle of my school shopping and I do not wish to waste any more of Professor Snape's time than I have already, what with the crowds wanting to meet me and thanking me... I don't really understand why they are doing it...." he shied away from her, adding a bit of a lie in there.

They saw it the moment her curiosity was peaked. She hummed softly, a smirk that was both indulgent and predatory softly twisted her bright red lips.

"Then I shan't keep you, but please take my business card! I expect to be the first to be informed if you wish to do an interview! After all, I am personally dying to know the young man behind the legend!" She slipped her card into his hand and then leaned into his ear to purr sexily. "and I do mean know every intimate detail about you..."

She pulled away and slipped off into the crowd as Harry shuddered in revulsion.

"I need a scalding hot shower now..." Harry whined.

"I need to disinfect myself..." Severus agreed. "And I need brain bleach, the images that woman conjured in my mind....." He screwed his eyes shut in disgust.

Legolas was calmly reaching for his bow, he could shoot the woman and no one would realize it was him--

"Legolas!" Harry cried, grabbing his arm and pulling it down. "No! Don't do anything foolish!"

"She was attempting to seduce you right in front of my face..." He growled.

"Remember, the interview! I intend to inform not only the reporters but all of the Wizarding World that I am courting you, that I intend to mate and bond with you... I see no one else, only you... let her flirt, let her attempt to seduce me; it only means further embarrassment for her when she realizes she attempted to seduce a taken man and even then, the intended of a Royal High Elf..." Harry soothed him, rubbing a hand on his back and Legolas looked down to Harry only to see his softly pleading face.

"..." he sighed and let his arms go lax. "Very well..."

Harry smiled and leaned up to kiss his cheek before they finished getting their things and then heading to Ollivander's. The Wand maker looked eager to see them, but had a confused frown on his face.

"This is our first meeting Mr. Potter and yet I seemed to have given you your wand already... how odd..." He murmured, looking at Harry with wide moon white eyes.

Harry chuckled as he pulled his wand out for the man, who cradled it gently and leaned his ear to it. He hummed and nodded, gasping and muttering to the wand before he put it down and looked at Harry with clear eyes.

"It seems... I gave your wand to Lord Mors... and He's ensured you were raised safe and sound... I'm most honored! You've fought long and hard, Mr. Potter and now I must get something for his royal highness..." He gave Harry his wand back and disappeared into the back of his shop.

There was a series of clatters, a high pitched yelp and the sound of glass breaking. Severus did not look bothered even as Harry and Legolas were concerned for the old man. A moment later he came back with a wooden circlet with a large forest green jade in the center.

"This... this has been in my family for generations... I do not recall the reason it was made, but every Ollivander since the beginning has kept it safe, hidden knowing that one day a Wood Elf would come and claim it... that day has come!" he chuckled brightly as he held it out to Legolas, bowing.

The Elvin prince took it and carefully placed it on his head. A surge of ancient power, familiar somehow, filled him and he placed his hand on the wooden counter, thinking of a flower, he weaved his fingers and a wreath of moon flowers grew from the wood.

"Oh my..." Ollivander breathed as Legolas took the wreath and placed it in Harry's hair, smiling at him.

"They're lovely..." Harry beamed, breathing in their sweet, but delicate scent.

"You are even more so..." Legolas purred in Elvish, nuzzling against Harry's neck as he blushed brightly once more.

"Ahem..." Ollivander cleared his throat, blushing softly. "This is all I can give since your magic is vastly different from our own and I do not think any wand will ever work nearly well enough for you. However the circlet should more than make up for your lack of wand. You should be able to do the spell work well enough."

"Many thanks... How much?" Legolas asked, pulling coins from his pouch.

"Please! Just seeing a High Elf is more than enough for me--"

"You work hard to make these wands, please allow me to give you something..." Legolas cut him off and placed the handful of coins onto the counter. They were mostly silver and gold (15 sickles and 10 galleons) before he bowed and they left.

"I think that was the last stop... now then how will you be getting to Hogsmeade?"

"Hogsmeade can wait until the school year since it is only a walk from the castle and yes Sirius has signed all my permission slips and other paperwork. Legolas' paperwork was handled through Gringotts and even then I'd like to see anyone attempt to get between a couple thousand year old Alpha and his Omega." Harry smirked. "As for Babylon, we can Floo over from the Leaky Cauldron. I wanna see the Hanging Gardens and I'm sure Leggy would enjoy the Creature Sanctuary."

"Very well, if you do not wish to Floo or Apparate you could call for the Knight Bus or call a Knight Taxi. Personally speaking, the taxi is safer and less nauseating." Severus told them, showing Harry how to call for both if they needed to use them. "Now then, I have a few more stops to make before I can go home for the day, and you had best get going, I've spotted our dear Ms. Skeeter at least 6x since we first met her."

Harry nodded as he and Legolas saw her from the corner of their eyes. Moving toward the Leaky Cauldron, they kept a look out for Skeeter, seeing her every now and again in the crowd (if she was trying to remain inconspicuous, that toxic green was not helping her). Once they were back in the pub, Harry and Legolas made for the Floo while Severus easily slipped into Muggle London. Harry tossed the Floo powder into the fireplace, which made green flames spring to life as he grabbed Legolas' hand.

"Hold tight to me or you might get lost..." Harry warned him as they walked into the flames.

The fire was warm, but did not burn. Neither flesh, hair nor cloth, it wrapped around them and dragged them through a vast network of something! Everything was spinning too fast for him to catch much and just when he feared he'd lose his grip upon Harry, they were stepping out of another fireplace in a fancy hotel. Harry smiled at him as he rubbed his back, a soothing gesture which he appreciated.

"Flooing is one of the milder forms of Wizard travel. Trust me, by the time this war is over, you will never wish to use any method of Wizard travel ever again." Harry promised him. "I prefer to fly on a broom or ride on Aldez's head if I have to go far distances, horses are fine too, but I refuse to use the other methods unless I really have to."

"I prefer a horse..." Legolas breathed out, slowly standing. "I am alright, shall we continue with this plan of yours?"

"Of course, time to meet the Creatures!" Harry giggled and they set off out of the Hotel lobby and into another blocked off Alley, only this one required a pulse of magic to open.

They both marveled as the polished stone walls began to break apart and burst into glittering clouds that moved and reformed into a grand entrance to Babylon, named after the original Babylon. As they walked through, it was like being transported into a fantasy book or movie. Nature was running rampant, minus the hotel the only other stone building was Gringotts, all other buildings were made from wood or carved into the gigantic trees that stood like miniature mountains. Walkways of rope and wood hung all over with colorful jars all filled with luminous liquids hung all over. Creatures, pure, half and bitten/turned wandered around happy and chattering to one another. To Legolas it was like being home in Mirkwood or visiting Lothlorien and Rivendell.

A Satyr and a Centaur were helping with the repairs of one of the walk ways, on either side of the street were waterways where mermaids were swimming! A Harpy was zooming over head, with a uniform on that looked like it was some type of postal service. Goblins were wandering around as well! Goblins, who supposedly never left Gringotts unless to stand guard outside, were laughing and smiling as they traded at stalls for items! It was overwhelming! Harry wanted to run up to everyone and just hug them, but at the same time, he wanted to hide behind Legolas.

Said Elf was looking at everything with child like wonder and awe, it was much livelier and even more colorful than Diagon had been. The people here smiled and waved at them, shouting out warm welcomes as they passed. The few humans who were seen obviously either had some form of Creature blood or were friends and family of someone here. Perhaps someone's intended or were open and accepting of Creatures! And then Harry saw it, a large open plot that was being blocked off by a Goblin in a hard hat as several hulking creatures lumbered in and out carrying supplies. A sign sitting outside of the area read:

Caution! Construction underway!

Tigerlily Hospital Site B!

Questions on construction and our Tigerlily Hospital Site A, please contact Griphook of London Gringotts Branch!

"This is... they are building a Site B?" Harry gasped looking shocked and a little humbled.

"They certainly work fast, perhaps they wished to build one more publicly accessible?" Legolas murmured.

"Huh, you wondering about the hospital?" a woman asked, she had shockingly colorful hair and while she had a lovely face, it wasn't fully human if the long beak and smattering of feathers were any indication. "This is the everyday clinic while the real hospital is in a different location! It's owned by Lord Potter, who was most kind to open it for us! I personally love the idea and am hoping that as soon as it's up and running that I can apply for one of the Healer positions!"

"A clinic?" Harry echoed, feeling dizzy.

"Yep! Two more clinics are being opened in Avalon and Drago's Terrace! All Creature friendly! And I heard they even had Orphanages opening up! Ah, I am so excited, if I can't get a job as a healer, I wanna be one of the matrons for the orphanage, those poor darling chicks!" She sighed, her feathers drooping. "The one that is already open and running, is fully staffed and has a steady stream of children coming in and going out, but sometimes it's a bit of tight fit so they are opening a few more to help even everything out."

"Thank you for informing us." Legolas thanked her, seeing as Harry seemed to have gone into shock.

"No problem, hun! Oh I'm Wyn, by the way! Hope we can be friends, bye!" She then raised her arms, the limbs transforming into wings as she took off into the air.

Harry leaned into his side and he chuckled as he moved them to a bench and sat them down.

"Your idea seems to have gained quite a bit of traction in the last day." Legolas mused.

"We only talked about it! I didn't think they had already started the ground work or did they just start this?" Harry gasped, trying to think. He wasn't upset, no far from it! He was beyond elated, but he just didn't understand how quickly things had gotten underway and was shocked to know that there were those willing to take any position in one of his new hospitals or one of the newer orphanages! "I don't understand..."

"Hadrian, look at me..." Legolas ordered him, moving from the bench to kneel before the Omega. "You have said it many a time before, that your people see you as a hero, a leader. We have seen first hand how they worship you, we have listened to the Goblins as they spoke of your many business ventures and projects to aid your people. Is it so shocking? To finally see the fruits of your labor? For years you have helped your people, even if it was subtle and out of the way. You have brought the people of my home together, forged bonds with many!"

Harry stared at him shocked, but as he spoke he felt himself blushing both flustered and embarrassed. He knew that he had a lot of power and sway, has been doing what he could for his people for years, but to actually see the fruits of his labors was just a little... overwhelming. And now to hear his intended Alpha, who's barely known him for a year and a half, praising him for his efforts and helping him come to grips with this strange new reality.

"Leggy..." Harry sighed, but there was a soft smile on his lips now.

"Harry." Legolas stated, though he was smiling just as softly at him. "You were born to lead, to nurture and protect. I am honored that my One is someone so kind and any children we have will be well loved."

"Yeah?" Harry asked, nervous.

"Of course. I will teach them the ways of my people and you will teach them the ways of yours. We will love them and raise them to always be kind and considerate." Legolas nodded.

"Aw, Leggy, you can't just-- ugh I wanna nuzzle you to death!" Harry pulled him close and nuzzled him, making the Elf chuckle and nuzzle him back. "I think we're done... I just can't right now... I'm so shaken..."

"Very well, we have until the start of school." Legolas assured him, knowing that this would not be their only outing. Getting Harry up, they left the way they came and Harry flagged the Knight Bus, just to get it over and done with...

~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

Legolas HATED the Knight Bus with the passion of 10 million suns...

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