Master of Death

By Mother0fMischief

423K 11.8K 18.2K

COMPLETE! How much can be changed simply by removing a few elements and changing a few things? Well come find... More

Death is a Troll
A Wizard and Four Hobbits walk into a bar
One does not tell Harry he cannot simply walk into Mordor
Into the belly of the Beast and out of the Demon's ass
The Fellowship breaks up; Let's Hunt Some Orc
To Helm's Deep we go
Battle in the Deep
A Wizard to Manage; To the Honored Dead
We Fight
The Final Battle of Arda; Welcome home.
Setting plans into motion
Exploring and meeting new Friends
Exploring and meeting Friends Pt. 2
The Interview
A look into Madness
Happy Birthday Harry!
To Hogwarts we go and the Sorting!
Getting settled at Hogwarts; Halloween
Debut and the Will Reading
Kicking the Beehive to piss off the Old Bumblebee
The NEWT Mocks
The Aftermath: a History Lesson
You had ONE JOB!!
A Bond is Forged; Harry does what he wants!
The Beginning of the End
Preparing for the Final Battle
The start of the Final Battle
The End of the Final Battle; He was only a Man
The Aftermath; The Marriage

Yule Ball; Let it be War

12.5K 330 583
By Mother0fMischief

~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* CHAPTER XXI *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

The 48hrs they had before the first Order meeting had been spent prepping the house, locking down everything and admiring the handy work of Kreacher and Milly as the two Elves took charge of all of the House Elves in Harry's employ, gathering any and all valuables, spelling them impossible to touch by anyone who was not deemed family or Coven by Harry for those that could not be safely copied. Those that could be copied, looked and felt even almost exactly like the real ones. The books were copied and spelled to insult the thieves or to prank them. The real heirlooms, books and the like were moved into a vault that had been built into the house and sealed under Sirius and Harry's blood with a secondary lock keyed to Bellatrix, Narcissa and Draco's blood.

Harry and Sirius still needed to talk to Andromeda and her daughter since her husband sadly passed. If they were still in fact loyal to family, despite the nasty and very intense family life being a Black entailed, then they will be welcomed back and make the third and final Lock, after all 3 and 7 were very powerful numbers when it came to making magical locks and seals. 9 and 13 were very powerful for Seals and even powerful summoning spells, 7 liked to pop up in there as well as 3, but that is besides the point. Harry took the time to clean everything up, smiling at the lighter feel of the house after Sirius took over and pleased to know that Kreacher and Milly had taken it upon themselves to lock the personal rooms of everyone in the house while setting up monitoring and listening spells into the guest rooms.

They ordered the Potter Elves to do the same at the Manor while also ensuring everything was cleaned, polished, knockoff or not, and the Manor was decorated to Harry's specifications for the Ball in about a week's time. Harry had Narcissa and Augusta help him pick and design the decorations, wanting something that spoke more to Yule, but held enough Christmas cheer to fool Dumbledore into thinking that Harry wasn't as completely beyond his grasp as he truly is. It was also given a unique flare with Harry's personal touch.

Harry also made sure to invite his 'approved of' friends before the others arrived, allowing them to pick their own rooms and locking them under Kreacher's and Milly's protections. It also gave him time to learn what he needed to know of how best to behave around the Order, while still maintaining his independence and who he can trust, who he can sway to his side or to remain out of the fighting and who needs to be kept close watch of. The Weasley Twins were both looking forward and not so much to seeing a few of their family members. Harry had taken one look at them and pulled them to the sofa and made them cuddle with him until the two demonic Ravens calmed down enough to actually see the prime pranking opportunity they had.

Legolas had only laughed when he saw them pale and tense, expecting the Elf to go full on Alpha on them and kill them for touching his mate. However, he had waved it off knowing that Harry was loyal to him and him only as his mate, he was also old enough to not be prone to his jealousy like when he had been an Elfling or even a Tween. His Tweens had been the worse, but thankfully a few centuries had mellowed him out. He even joined them, finding himself as Harry's chair with the twins leaning on him while Harry babbled about spells and potions he's learned that can be doubled for pranking. Told them of his slowly driving Umbitch insane with a nightmare potion that made her live all the horrors she inflicts on others, to feel her self die like all the innocent children and babies who died because of her and to suffer her worst fears come true. That had given the twins a whole new level of respect and fear for the little Omega as well as brilliant grins as their minds shot off with a new line of pranking/defensive products.

So now the day that the Order was to arrive, found Harry sharing his vast knowledge with not only the Twins, but Hermione as well. He was also writing letters to Neville, Luna, Susan and Draco with this info, wanting to keep his main group of friends in the know and to let them pick and choose what they wanted to implement once learned. They were surrounded by books and parchment, seemingly doing their homework as well. Meanwhile, Sirius and Remus were squabbling over by the stove as Kreacher was quietly cleaning some pots, pretending to hate them and grumping loud enough so when the fireplace in the kitchen suddenly flared to life and ejected Dumbledore into their midst, he did not notice anything out of the ordinary. Legolas had to attend to some court issues in Arda with his father and Harry had given him one of the trans dimensional Portkeys to get him there and back.

“Ah, Sirius, my boy!” Dumbledore calls and Sirius plasters on a convincing smile (Everyone would be wearing their most convincing masks and personalities around the fool and the Order until they found a firm footing on the new play field).

“Professor!” He greets and then looks sheepish. “Sorry Albus, some habits die very hard!” He laughs and Albus is practically preening, convinced that Lord Black is not completely beyond his grasp.

“Of course, I do not mind, but please remember we are equals now!” He laughs, but no matter how talented an actor he is, he cannot hide the disdain that practically drips off the word 'equals' half as much as he thinks he does. “Ah, Harry, my dear boy! I was so worried when you did not remain at the school... What with the attack on Enperadorea and Voldemort waiting to strike at you as soon as he can...”

Harry mentally rolls his eyes at the blatant manipulation, but gives a sheepish if pleased smile.

“I'm alright professor. Siri picked me up and brought me straight here.” He says.

Dumbledore does not miss the 'me' and looks around and notices a distinct lack of that filthy Silvan Elf. He almost crows with laughter, but needs to ask just in case he is merely out of the room for the moment and not gone for good, gone.

“Oh and where is Mr. Greenwood?” He asks.

Everyone has to mentally calm themselves with the clear and distinct lack of respect to not only themselves but Legolas as well. Harry adopts a genuine pout because he did not need to pretend to be a bit salty over Legolas having to leave.

“He was summoned home to attend to Court business with his father, the King.” Harry tells him, tossing in his royal status as a minor barb to remind Dumbledore that he will soon be royal by marriage. “He will be gone until Yule Ball in about a week.”

Dumbledore just gives a hum. Mind already working through what he needs to do to get Harry under his control by then, though he would have preferred the filthy Creature would never come back. He would also need to do something about that ball, but there was a Possibility that it was going to be held at one of the brat's many properties, properties that house some of the most impressive libraries, heirlooms and artifacts. So maybe it would be worth having if he can make off with a few choice books and maybe an heirloom or two. Not to mention, the Ball would be the best place to start undoing what Harry had foolishly began to change.

He sat down at the table, still in his thoughts missing the arrival of Moody, the Tonks women, and Shacklebolt. Sirius greeted his cousin and niece, having woven one of the Black family spells to test them for potions or spells that might be controlling them into his clothes, the scroll would appear by Kreacher, who would make sure that only he or Harry saw it.

“Wotcher Sirius!” Nymphadora Tonks greets her cousin/uncle and then blinks when she sees the kids cleaning up the table and bounces over to meet Sirius adopted son. “Wotcher Harry!”

“Hello... um...” Harry pauses when he realizes he doesn't know her name.

“Tonks!” She responds right away, but her mother pops her softly on the head.

“Nym, that is not how you introduce yourself. Hello, Harry, I'm Andromeda Tonks, call me Andy. This is my daughter Nymphadora, call her Nym or Tonks.” Andy says, introducing herself and her daughter.

“Hi, Aunty Andy! Hello Nym... can I call you Nym?” Harry adopts an innocent face and Tonks' hair turns from her usual bubblegum pink to a brilliant hot pink with streaks of electric blue as she squeals and hugs Harry.

“Aww, he's so cute! I'm taking him Sirius! He's mine now!!” She claims and Sirius squawks and that begins a playful argument with Harry hostage while the others laugh and leave to put away the books and papers before the old goat comes to his senses and tries to spy what they had been doing besides the obvious homework. They would not put it passed the old bastard to try and spell their homework to what he wants it to be.

When everyone had settled for lunch, Dumbledore had finally seemed finally come to his senses. Thankfully the rest of the Weasley clan came in before he could start anything. Harry heard Mrs. Weasley's shrill voice as she bustled in, telling Sirius that they needed to get rid of any and all 'dark' artifacts because she did not want any of them harming her family. Sirius just nods his head, laughing as if she said something hilarious, but the dark gleam in his eyes said otherwise. The woman came over, her smile like that of a doting mother's but that was only tempered by the malice and avarice shining in her eyes.

“Harry, dear! Are you alright? Where have you been? Look at you, skin and bones! I'll make lunch, why not sit down, deary...” She fusses, and it would be wholly welcomed and even appreciated if Harry didn't know that she wasn't a corrupt and greedy woman.

“Sorry, Mrs. Weasley, but I'm almost done making lunch.” He waves at the simmering pot of soup and sand timer that was almost done indicating he needed to pull the food from the oven soon.

She frowns and opens her mouth, but the Twins chose that moment to Apparate beside their mother, hugging her and kissing her ears, knowing it annoys her to no end. As predicted, she startles, turning to scold them, but getting them wrong as she does so, but the boys do not let it bother them because Harry is safe from any attempts from their mother for now. Severus Floos in not long after with several others bringing up the rear. The kitchen expands itself to accommodate everyone, Kreacher coming to bustle about with Harry, grousing in earnest with the strangers and traitors too close to his Master Hadrian. Harry discreetly hugs him, gives him his own lunch and the Elf calms, popping off to his newly renovated quarters where Milly and the others who worked for Harry were waiting in the wings when not needed.

Harry set about serving the bacon, corn and chicken chowder soup in bread bowls he made with rice, mixed veggies and blackened grilled chicken. Everyone after the first bite was too busy eating to really speak or anything, which gave Harry time to lock the special wards that he added into place. These wards would lock onto the Magicals' signatures and carefully strip away potions, spells and bindings that are not medically needed and prevent new ones from being placed and taking hold. This will happen gradually as long as they remain at Grimmauld and he's certain that several people will practically move in. There was another layer to the ward that would induce nightmares and hallucinations on those who are indeed aware of what they are doing and show no remorse for it.

When lunch was over, the plates cleaned up, washed, dried and put away Dumbledore began his meeting. He did the introductions, brought up Voldemort and the Death Eaters. He mentioned missing people and how it had to be Voldemort's doing as well as emphasizing that Harry was in danger and needed to be isolated, though not in those exact words. 'Protected' was what he said, but Harry knew better. Then he began to interrogate Harry, wanting to know what exactly happened, believing Harry was not telling the full truth, and he was right, he wasn't but Harry wasn't going to give him that victory. Harry even felt him trying to read his mind, but thankfully because he long since masted Occlumency, he kept false memories and random, harmless surface thoughts at the front of his walls, a set of crummy walls that 'protect' his 'actual memories' to mess with idiots.

He watched those blue eyes twinkle brightly when Dumbledore got passed his 'walls' and saw a few of his 'secrets.' Hook, line and sinker. When nothing else could be spoken about, other than everyone trying to convince him the ball was a bad idea, Harry had a 'teen moment' and stormed from the room. Molly began to grouse about his manners and talk shit about whoever raised him,while Sirius and Remus had to remind themselves and each other to not kill her yet...

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Dumbledore was a bit annoyed. He has practically been pasted to the Potter brat's arse since he arrived and nothing seemed to be taking root. It seems, the boy has his Lord rings and Heir rings, which means that unless he does things much more illegal and much darker than the Lord of Light would to go, he will never be able to get the brat under this thumb. Not to mention the brat wore random things of the Elf which kept his scent muddled so he could not get a good read on him. Then there was the issue with the Black Library. Every book he grabbed to read or any artifacts he managed to find to whisk away, insulted him or turned turned out to be a fake!

When he asked Sirius about it, he said that the Blacks have always been very paranoid and jealously protected their treasures. Even though he was Lord Black, he could not undo centuries of Family Magic and paranoia just to let them even borrow a book to read. Then there was the sleeping issues. At random, they would be woken up in the middle of the night because someone was suffering from night terrors. At first they thought it was because of the Weasley twins, but they had a shop and an apartment above their shop that they stayed at after the first day and minus the few pranks they played on Ronald and Ginerva, they haven't done anything else. He will not admit that his own sleep has been disrupted as well(he viciously fought not to let the horrors of his own mind rule him(but enough sleepless nights and his willpower will slip and sooner or later he will finally mess up and that was exactly what Harry was waiting for) and ruin his plans).

Then there was the issue that even though he was almost always on top of Harry, the brat somehow managed to vanish for hours on end and when he would assign one of his more loyal people to tail him, they somehow end up getting distracted or the brat settles somewhere for hours on end, but manages to slip away even with his tails sitting with him. Alastor has told him several times that the brat was not as stupid as Albus seemed to think he is. The grizzled former Auror had the best chance of anyone to keep an eye on the brat, but he had to admit the kid was good. It did not help that Albus had lost access to the Potter accounts, his reputation was being shot to shit, and while the brat seemed to be amicable right now, does not mean the child was suddenly his man. And then he was kicked out of Hogwarts because of Fudge stupidly trying to kill a Founding Lord!

That was a whole mess in its own right, but Fudge, like him, was now just barely holding onto his own position of power as well as his reputation. But at the rate things were going, they would soon be dead in the water unless he manages to get the brat under his control and facing off with Voldemort! But that blasted Enperadorea was a thorn in his side, making his perfect villian appear to be nothing more than a tragic victim! Sometimes, he thinks that bastard is Voldemort in disguise. The thought of challenging and killing the bastard was almost satisfying because it means he would be Lord Slytherin through Conquest!

However, first he would need to prove that Enperadorea was in fact Voldemort, but with the proof provided by the Goblins, the rotten little bastards, he cannot claim Conquest Rights! Could you imagine the amount of power he would have, how much control at his disposal!? Personally he'd prefer to have Gryffindor, but Slytherin was the House Merlin had been Sorted into, so as much as he hated that Dark Wizard cesspit, it holds some value. Shaking his head, he realized he was getting distracted as he tried yet again to sneak into Harry's room. He's been unable to get into Harry's room, so far, to even hope to lay down the runes or ritual diagrams to try and gain possession of the boy.

“Oh, Harry, there you are!” Molly calls loudly, the woman doesn't seem to understand shouting all the time does not endear one to her, but it had its uses and he quickly walked toward the kitchen to see Harry shaking snow off his person, the Floo connected fireplaces had permanent dusting spells on them to keep everyone who came in soot free and from tracking any into the house.

“I went shopping for gifts for the coming holiday.” Was hie calm response as he moved and Tonks came out next. The bubbly Auror had her own shopping bags and her hair was in a near permanent candy cane state with a 'flower' crown made with holly and mistletoe which made everyone kiss her cheeks on a constant basis which she enjoyed.

Seeing Tonks, they could not scold Harry because he had taken someone with him to be out in public, but it annoyed them all to no end never the less because the brat was being so stubborn! Even sicking Severus on the brat did not seem to hinder him.

When the pair were in the same room, Harry kept this impossible calm around the cantankerous Potion Master, who came up with the most brutal and creative insults to issue, which led to fights with Black, Lupin trying to keep the peace but sometimes he sided with his fellow Marauder and that led to almost all out duels in the house(If only he knew that everyone who sided with Harry or were newly brought into the know were simply fucking with him and the untrustworthy Order Members).

“Wotcher!” Tonks chirps as she moves and her mother comes through with her own shopping and Kingsley stepped thought last, looking chilled but content.

Kreacher popped up a moment later with a steaming mug of hot cocoa and the black man smiles in thanks, dipping his head at the small Elf who then hands one to Andromeda, peppermint flavored marshmallows shaped like snowmen floating in her mug much to her delight. Former Black or not, Kreacher remembered his young Miss's favorites. He popped off and returned with a mug of peppermint hot cocoa for Nym and a mug of white hot chocolate for Harry before taking their purchases and popping off to wrap, label and place them under the tree in the family room.

“You should get rid of him, Sirius, he's so rude!” Molly starts, glaring at where Kreacher had been. She's lost a bit of weight, looks pallid and there were deep lines and bags forming under her eyes from her sleepless nights. If it wasn't because this house was so much better than hers, had so much that she could sell to make good coin, she'd rather be at Burrow where she could get a decent night's sleep. She swears the House is pure evil! But not everyone seemed to be suffering.

“Mom, enough...” Bill says as he steps out of the Floo, nodding at the other Order members and pretending to meet Harry for the first time. “Hello, you must be Harry Potter! William Arthur Weasley, please call me Bill.”

“Pleasure! Hot Cocoa?” Harry says and then asks.

“No thank you, I've had a nice big spot of tea before I left work.” He assures.

Harry nods and then announces he's going to play Exploding Snap with the Twins. Molly insists that Ginny and Ron join them, not so subtly pushing her favored children onto the boy Hero. Harry agrees, only because Hermione, Fred, George and him have gotten into a bit of contest to see who can flick an exploding card the closest to either of them. They had to make sure it wasn't obvious nor could they get caught by someone outside of the game. So far Hermione and Harry were tied for the lead, George was in second with Fred in Third, much to the older twin's annoyance.

Harry calls up the stairs and soon the kids move to the living room and the four grin evilly as they set up the game, the two brats unaware of what was about to happen to them yet again. The Tonks women joined them, if only to watch. After they had been vetted out and Harry swore them to secrecy, he told them the doctored real story and they swore their loyalty to family and since he was a Black through his paternal grandmother and via blood adoption from Sirius, that meant they were loyal to him as well. Besides they had to be completely barmy to make enemies with a Devi, especially after they caught him having a civil conversation with Walburga of all people and finding out that they had been setting up pranks by using the picture frames through out the house to fuck with the Order.

Nym asked Harry if they could bring in Kingsley, the man had a very strong sense of justice and believed in doing the right thing, even if it meant breaking the rules or any oaths he took. Harry agreed to vet him out first before bringing him in. Kingsley had passed the vetting and had been brought in and the man made sure that when Harry needed to go out, he and Tonks were his escorts or helped cover for him when he would vanish without prior warning. Nym, now that she was accepted into the Black Family Magics, had fully settled and mastered her Metamorphamagus powers and it did wonders to cut back on her clumsy behavior.

She would make herself look like Harry and often took advantage to catch up on her reading or to join Fred and George in pranking the rest of the unwanted residents. Hermione's job was making sure they did not get caught nor did they go too far when they happened to catch plots being hatched or learning of what these people were trying to do to Harry, they had all adopted the younger boy as their kid brother and like hell were they going to let them get away with this...

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Harry woke early on Christmas eve and quickly got dressed, Milly appearing with his clothes and cloak. She also handed him a satchel that held what was needed for the Ward Stone at Hogwarts. He thanked her and easily Apparated to Hogwarts where three other cracks sounded out. Severus and Tom appeared with Tom in his Enperadorea disguise and Neville looking a bit sleepy, but eager.

“Alright gentlemen, I've found the room and have been reading through the books from Grandpa Godric. I believe I have pinned down the right ritual we need to preform. Have you found anything?” He asks as Hogwarts welcomes them in and guides them to her heart which is surprisingly in the Great Hall behind the Headmaster's chair.

Walking behind the golden monstrosity that Dumbledore called a chair, Harry told them they had to cut their palms and press them to the embossed Hogwarts crest on the wall.

“If it is the one I think it is, I believe it is the same ritual.” Severus said in his Verasev disguise as well, his accent thicker.

They walked into the room and the steady flow of magic that mimicked a human heartbeat pulsed around them, wrapping tightly around them as if giving them warm hugs. They quickly confer over the ritual and then Harry and Severus set it up. Harry because he was the most practiced in preforming rituals of all types while Severus prepared, mixed and arranged the potions needed. Tom and Neville hung back as the two Omegas moved around the room, bathing it with the potions and drew the needed runes and diagrams. When they finished, pedestals suddenly appeared at the for corners of the compass with their respective House engraved into it.

“Alright, we each step up to our respective House Crest, as you do so, we need to be of one mind in what we wish, which is the cleansing and renewel of Hogwarts and her wards. If done right we will glow the colors of our House. From there we can add and change things, majority vote carries if we are not unamimus.” Harry explains and Severus 'helps' Tom into place before taking his own spot while Harry and Neville take theirs.

For only a single moment in time did their hearts and the magic syncronize. Their magics shot out of them of their own accord and connected like chains to the crystal pillar that floated in the center of the room. The chains solidify and gently lower the pillar into the ground where their magics pool and form the Hogwarts crest. Once it lands with a soft, but still deafening thud, the room lights up more brilliant than the starts at night and a girlish giggle fills them as Hogwarts laughs and sings as she opens herself fully for the first time in centuries, renews her wards and extends them to her lands proper.

Her four newest masters, the sons of her parents, are safely cocooned and unaware of the changes. She takes her time to look them over, to look at their souls and their past and giggles as she creates a Golem to be Voldemort so that insanity and stain on her Papa's name can vanish once and for all while her Tom can live his life free off his sins. She giggles at the memories of Severus getting even with his bullies and as a treat finds her Papa's old potion lab and moves it up to where her Mama's son's rooms are. He will enjoy those tomes as well as those he is borrowing from her Daddy's son. She gives Neville a suggention to lend her Mommy's books to him as well.

She opens the Founders rooms and even finds her parents portraits and moves the frames into the Great Hall with others placed all over the castle proper so their portraits can run about and mess with the mean man who has hurt her parent's sons and the children in her care. She sensed what her Daddy's son wanted and while she would love to simply launch the meanie man off her highest tower with a canonball tired to his beard, she can respect his wishes and desires. Giggling again when she felt whole and settled, her reserves having been laying dormant and overflowing for years, allowed her to create a second Golem, this one a mix of her parents.

She had her Daddy's rich tan with her Mommy's round curves and short height and her Papa's long black hair and her Mama's sharp features and blue eyes. Her dress shifted from each House color as she moved and she smiles when Tarian appears a moment later and sits upon her head, singing gaily and so full of exuberance that her very walls hum with him. Out in the lake she feels Hestia's excitement and sees Aldeztaile slithering through a hole to curl around Harry's form. A moment later Natini, her Mama's Sphinx appears as an old mangy cat with glittering eyes. With one final giggle she releases her parents' sons and they gasp upon seeing her.

“Hello, I am Hogwarts.” She greets, with a proper curtsy and they bow to her. “I know who you are and what you wish and have already implemented a number of them. I am not pleased to keep the Meanie Goat here, but since Daddy's Son has reasons and plans, I will allow him to stay. Just do not expect me to be nice about it.” She huffs and Harry smiles at her.

“Thank you for understanding.”

“Yes, Verasev and I are in agreement with Hadrain's wishes.” Tom says.

“I am not fully aware of everything, but so far Harry's been nothing but kind and helpful, so I agree with him as well.” Neville bravely says with only a minor stutter.

Hogwarts nods as she then waves to the Golem of Voldemort, frozen still.

“You need a way to get rid of your 'cousin' so I've created one. He will do as you wish and cause enough havoc to be believable, but not enough to endanger anyone. This should help you distract the Meanie Goat until such a time you need to end Voldemort's reign of terror. When not in use, he will go back into Stasis. Only you and yours will know this is a Golem, Tom, I am sorry I could not save you, though I tried very hard.”

“Hush, Lady Hogwarts, you have not been fully manifested in centuries. Whatever you could have done, may not have prevented everything, only delay it. However whatever you did do helped to soften the aftermath. We do not blame you, it is Dumbledore's fault.” Tom assures.

“Wait... he's the Dark Lord!?” Neville gasps and Harry smiles softly, petting his head. “So does that mean...” He looked at Verasev, who dons his glamours and Neville squeaks in fright.

“Calm down, you foolish boy... we've been... friends since the introduction have we not? So what if I am your professor and my husband is the Dark Lord, clearly he is not insane and clearly Hadrian would not endanger you. You trust him correct?” Severus drawls and Neville nods, because no matter what happens, he believes in Harry and knows he will not lead him astray.

Hogwarts smiles and hugs Harry, her blue eyes sparkling with mischief while he chuckles. They had been talking since he arrived, even if it was through impressions and random sparks of magic here or there. She cuddled him close because his power was strongest and filled her the most.

“So the castle is fully opened... shall we have a look and begin compiling the classes?” Severus suggests.

“I still say Divination needs to be tossed, it causes nothing but misery.” He huffs.

“Not true, it should only be open to those with the Gift for it and taught by someone who is not Trelawney. From what I've seen, Firenze has been doing a wonderful job and Divination is using the celestial bodies, your own perception and the ambiant magic of the world to make predictions of several future outcomes. It's not meant to tell you a solid future unless it is something that is absolute and cannot be avoided at any cost by anyone, such as the Seers who predicted WWI and WWII. Those could not have been avoided even if we tried.” Harry tells him. “And Trelawney is a legit Seer, but she suffers from the Casandra Curse.”

“Hadrian is correct Thomas.” Hogwarts tells him. “Papa taught Divination when he, Mama, Daddy and Mommy were alive.” She tells him petting Aldez, who croons her agreement. “I am currently sifting through the Room of Lost Things and gathering all the books. I will go over them, take any and all notes and place them in a compendium while shelving the others in the Library. I will be rearranging that as well and now that I am fully awake I can recreate the lost books that Meanies like Dumbdumb destroyed.”

Harry cackles evilly at the name she gave Dumbledore and Tom has to cover his mouth to keep his cartoon like laugh under control. Severus just grins and Neville snorts.

“Wizard Studies and ettiqute are a must, and I am making Muggle Studies a must, but also updating the sylibus. Dumbledore is going to get more people killed at the rate he is going and if he doesn't the damage will be beyond repair with the continued inbreeding.” Harry says. “I am also adding Math, Social Studies and Science, more specifically Biology, as core subjects. Not only will they come in handy with Spell crafting, bridging the gap between Purebloods and Muggleborns, it will also hopefully help us reverse the inbreeding by better explaining genetics.”

“Yes, I have been reading up on it and I can see why your father was so adamant about that. If the so called Muggleborns are actaully the Pureblood children of Squib lines, then we can revive many of the families that have gone dormant, but there are entire bloodlines that have completely died out and those are forever lost to us.” Tom says, thinking.

“Leave that to me.” Harry smiles brightly, even as a dark shadow dashes over the walls.

“We will discuss the classes and where they will be set up later. For now we should allow our dear Lady Hogwarts finish waking fully and settling herself.” Severus says. “Shall we start in our respective Dorms and work our way to the Great Hall?”

“Sounds good. We can see what has opened, rearrange things as needed and add more or take away others. I know for Gryffindor, I'm going to set up smaller rooms for Fifth and Sixth years, two to a room and Seventh years get a solo room or a room with their fiance with a few charms to prevent too much fun from being had.” Harry tells them and they consider this and agree to do similar as they break up to do just that.

It takes most of the day to fully explore the castle and to help Hogwarts reorient herself and once it is down, she allows her physical appearance to vanish as the four leave, a few items weighing them down, lost books and items that have been found and returned to them. Hogwarts also gave them frames to allow the Founders portraits to visit them at home while more hung around the school with the originals hidden safely in the Ward room to keep them from being damaged. They had also managed to get a new outline set up and Severus and Tom would begin interviewing and hiring the new staff in a few days to allow people to enjoy the holiday.

“Don't forget the Ball is tonight, I shall you there, my friends!” Harry calls and they wave before they each Apparate away...

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When Harry arrived at Grimmauld, it was in a bit of chaos. Most of the occupants seemed to have lost their minds while the others were trying to get ready for the Ball, but looking just as mad. Kreacher appeared at his side and he handed off the items to be stored in the Elves quarters for now since the House Elves took their jobs very seriously and would kill to protect what they deem theirs, that means their masters and all that belongs to them. Not a moment after the old Elf vanished did someone spot him and everyone seemed to converge on him.

“Where have you been, young man!?” Molly screeches at him and he frowns at her.

“I went to visit my parents grave. After all, isn't this the time for family?” He tells them, the vicious barbs in his voice meant to hurt those who were against him more than his allies.

Everyone flinched at that, looking a mix of scolded and mullish. Molly sputters, but waves him off. He snorts at the dismissal and informs them that he was going to go up to his room to relax for an hour before he would be leaving to get ready and making sure that the venue was ready to receive guests. Before they could argue or stop him, he was up the stairs, those going to the ball purposely getting the way again.

Harry sat in his room, Mors floating about the room as they talked about possibly reviving the lost bloodlines and what Harry needed to give him to do such a thing. Harry was also trying not to worry too much because Legolas was not back yet. Mors told him he was well and will be here soon. But soon could mean anything to the Immortal, so Harry took it with a grain of salt. When the alarm he set on his wand sounded, he gathered what he needed and walked pointed down to the kitchen where the shady members of the Order were plotting, Severus might as well have been a wallflower with how they stupidly ignored him and plotted in front of him. But then again, they were under the false pretense that Severus hated his guts.

“I'm leaving.” He announces and everyone protests. Harry merely cocks a brow and gives them the most unimpressed stare he has. It actually makes them all flinch back. “In case you forgot, I personally set up this Ball, chose the venue and set up the protections. Anyone who intends to cause harm or start trouble will find themselves either vaporized at the ward line or landing painfully in St. Mungo's with massive boils.”

“It's still dangerous!” Molly huffs, not to be deterred. “One of us should at least go with you. Why not take Ronnie?”

“No, thank you.” He says as he turns to Sirius. “Remember in three hours is when it begins. Bring only those who will obey the rules. Kreacher, I'm ready to leave.”

The House Elf appeared at his side, grabbed his hand, sneering at the Order and then popping away with Harry, to the protests of the others. Landing in his bedroom at Potter Manor, he thanked the older Elf and sent him to finish his tasks and to get ready for their own ritual. Kreacher's soft sniffles of gratitude followed him out as Harry went to his ensuite and got his bath going. He soaked for about an hour, washing his hair and basically pampering himself before he got out of the water and drying off. Casting a warm wind spell on his hair, he dried it as he combed through it. Once it was done, he applied only eyeliner in a shimmering color similar to his skin so no one would really see it.

He did not really need to prim up too much before he began getting dress. He chose form fitting slacks with one of the tunics Legolas had commissioned for him. The pale green cloth had vines of deep gold and crimson racing up his arms and winding their way around his waist. There was a thick padded belt with matching vines stitched into it. He carefully put it on and fussed with it a moment before he wondered what to do with his hair. As he looked at it in the mirror, he jumps when the door opens and he sees Legolas dressed to the nines in silvery white with faint accents in green and gold, the only red in his circlet that had branches woven into it with bright red berries and a few rubies.

“Leggy?” He asks and turns to face him.

“Sorry I'm late... things took a bit of time.” He laughs softly and comes to pull Harry into a hug, their brows pressed together as they close their eyes and breathe each other in.

“I've missed you so much... the Order is driving me insane... Honestly they think I'm some foolish child who will do as they say without question.” He complains and Legolas chuckles.

“They don't know the stubbornness that you are capable of... come let me fix your hair...” He grabs a comb as Harry sits and closes his eyes, relaxing into the feel of Legolas' elegant fingers carding through his hair.

Legolas combs and pins the long tresses, plaiting them in other spots while adding snowflake shaped pieces of jewelry to it. He then pulls a box out and opens it to reveal wintry version of his new circlet, this one donned in sapphires and diamonds. Carefully setting it in place. He gives a low pleased growl. Harry opens his eyes and gasps. The circlet looked like a slightly more masculine version of Legolas' mother's crown. It brought a watery smile to his face and he turned to kiss his mate, who wipes his tears away gently.

“I am honored to where this...”

“Thank you... I spent three days making it for you...” Legolas admits and Harry gives a soft Omegan whine of pleasure. He just cannot with this man.

“So tell me what have I missed?” Legolas grins and Harry huffs as he begins to bitch about all that happened...

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About an hour before the start of the ball, Harry had prepared the Yule log to be burned. He made sure to carve several runes from many cultures and peoples, asking for the safety, happiness and well being of all peoples and carefully decorated the log with deep green holly leaves with bright red holly berries, he made a bouquet of Mistletoe and Christmas Roses and sprigs of pine branches to lay the log on and set samples of the food made to be burned at midnight. He prayed for Magic to be renewed not only herself, but within her children as well. Setting the Log as the centerpiece and warding it to the gills to keep any potential saboteurs away. The ballroom was magically changed to look like a frozen pond in the heart of a winter forest with muggle and literal fairy lights decorating the trees that hugged the out edges.

There was a section in the center that was was marked with a ring of benches that was actual ice for those who wished to ice skate while tables were placed in a snowflake formation around the ice ring filled with delicious foods and drinks, smaller tables to sit an eat with more than enough space to dance and mingle. Above them the glass ceiling allowed the full moon to shine brightly and since it had snowed earlier the windows had a naturally frosted look while inside it was charmed to snow with crystal icicles spreading the colorful fairy lights in rainbow prisms. The fairies all giggle and flitter about, having been given Honey Wine and all the roasted hazel nuts they could gorge themselves on earlier as compensation.

Harry smiled as sitting in the trees were the musicians, their instruments were made of magically carved and enhanced ice, giving the music a crystallized and wintry feel. He made sure they were comfy and had prepared guest rooms for them to sleep in after the ball was over. He decided to use his position to his advantage and since the Elves had did a wonderful job of make convincing knockoffs, he didn't have to worry about letting some people spend a night. And since he had master control of the wards, no one can place any wards or spying spells of any kind without his notice.

The Elves only had to greet the guests and when something ran low, replenish it. But overall, they had the night off and Harry made sure to set up a large bonfire for them to have their own Yule celebration. They had been shocked to see him dancing around the fire earlier, dressed only in a white pillow case, charmed to fit his size, a wreath of winter blooms creating the image of virgin innocence and vivid passion as he danced. He sang their songs, said their prayers and when he completed his 7 circuit he dropped where he stood, his hands just touching the edges of the fire and the tongues blazed brighter. They had been warmed at the show of respect and acceptance. Their Goddess had approved of him and so when they danced while the Ball was in full swing, they would dance with extra vigor and they will sing with more fervor. The Devi honored them and they would honor him as well.

Nodding his head, Harry turned to Legolas, who walked in, looking floored by the transformation of the ballroom which had been a stunning sun themed room before.

“This is amazing.” He breathes.

“The Elves really outdid themselves. I hardly had to do anything other then prepare the log and some of the dishes.” Harry agrees, though he pouted a bit. He wanted to help more, but the Elves had gently bullied him to let them do the work. “Ah, the first wave is beginning to arrive...”

Legolas blinks as Harry turns to walk to the grand foyer where he had allowed the two fireplaces there to allow his guests through, Portkey or Apparate in. The first to arrive were his fellow Founding Lords, Lady Augusta marveled at the winter wonderland theme the house was decorated in, a plush chair appearing a moment later for her to sit in. She gives Harry a nod of approval, she was not as young as she use to be and needed to rest more and more often, which annoyed her. Not long after them, Hermione and her parents Floo'ed in, Mr. and Mrs. Granger dressed in their best formal where, a fine tux and a beautiful high neck three quart skirt cocktail dress in a rich sapphire with an open back.

Hermione wore a soft pink to lavender ombre dress that was slightly off the shoulder, hugged her form beautifully and fell in tiered ruffles down her legs, the length a bit shorter since Harry told her about the ice ring and she wanted to at least have a pass or two during the ball. The dress seemed to be the same one from her fourth year, but he was not sure. Her hair was carefully curled into soft ringlets and picked up and pinned into a half coif bun and half left to fall over her shoulder. Harry noted that she had fine silver hair pieces with a distinctive flare to them. It seems he knows who her date is. As if to confirm his thoughts, the Malfoys stepped out of the Floo not a moment later, the Lord and Lady dressed in glittering white and icy blue winter colors and Draco as well, but instead of the icy blue, he wore a very pale pink shirt with an equally pale lavender tie.

Harry smiled when Draco spotted Hermione, his cheeks warming slightly before he walks up to her with the poise and grace that was expected of a young Lord. He gives a deep bow at the waist, catching Hermione's hand and giving it a soft, if lingering kiss, pleased to see she wore the bracelet and ring as well. He stood and took her arm as she gives Harry a small squee of delight and he chuckles. Enperadorea hummed as he enjoyed the decore, he has always been fond of winter, especially because it allowed him to curl up around Severus more often than not and he had a secret hobby of ice skating. Verasev was speaking quietly with Lucius, speaking about the potions he was working on and experimenting with, his mood so much improved since Hadrian gave him the missive and all but shoved it down Dumbledore's throat almost two months back.

A chair appeared for Narcissa and she gracefully took it and blinked when ginger tea and early pregnancy nibbles appear on on a small table to her side. Harry winks at her and she gives a pleased, if small smile. Her husband and son have yet to notice and she was enjoying watching them try to figure out why they were suddenly more attentive to her. Lucius was hardly a foot from her side, his posture screamed 'My Mate! Mine!! Back off!!' at anyone who knew what he was. A crack sounded and Madam Bones appeared with her niece at her side and a moment after that the Weasley Twins Apparated in, both dressed in candy cane themed suites with Santa hats on and holding a large basket of winter flowers, weaved into a wreath with branches of winter bushes and pine. At the center was a fabreshe egg the size of a football(soccer ball).

“Merry Christmas and Happy Yule!” They chime together and Harry smiles at them.

“Thank you...”

“A special surprise for the youngens in addentance, nothing bad, but it might cause a few dramaqueens to have melt downs.” Fred says as George nods in agreement and Harry is almost wary to take it. But still he does and hums at the clean crisp smell of winter wafting up from it.

He leaves a moment to place it down in the Ballroom and by the time he comes back he is surprised to see the Fellowship, Arwen, Lord Elrond, Lady Galadriel and her husband, Lord Cerebrain, King Thrandruil, Faramir and Eowyn, Haldir and Eomer, and Theodred.

“It is traditional for your people to present gifts at this time of year... so here is my gift to you, Meleth min...” Legolas whispers in his ear and Harry gives a soft whine and runs to hug the Fellowship, his inner Omega and Devi crooning at having their Coven whole, even if for one night. The Hobbits were dressed in their best, their hair combed and decorated in little crowns of winter sprigs and nuts. Even their feet had been carefully groomed. Boromir was in formal regalia like Aragorn, though his was a bit understated as the Captain of the Guard, Faramir was a bit more flashy in his full Steward dress and Eowyn looked stunning in her deep red and gold gown, her belly was also a bit prominent as well.

A chair quickly appears for her and Arwen, allowing the pregnant women to sit and cups of tea and nibbles appear for them as well. Arwen was stunning in her silver and lavender gown, her natural glow even brighter with pregnancy. Aragorn stood over her in a manner not disimilar to Lucius or Faramir for that matter. Haldir and Eomer smiled at the happy Devi chatting with his friends, Theodred in his kingly garb was pressed into Boromir's side, looking very happy as Gandalf chuckled, having brought along his famous fireworks and smiling with twinkling eyes that did not hide malice, but shown with genuine love and delight.

“Well met, young Omega.” Thandruil greets Harry and then hugs him warmly. “My son, I look forward to this Yule Celebration.”

“Di- what!?” Harry looks between father and son and when Legolas nods, Harry starts crying tears of happiness as he hugs the taller Elf King as tightly as he could. He was elated to have been acknowledged as Thrandruil's son to be.

They all chatter, make introductions, Harry almost immediately regrets letting Hermione, Gandalf and Elrond from meeting each other and even worse, the pregnant women. Someone was going to be set on fire before the night was over, he just knew it!

“We didn't think this through... not only is my current family all trigger happy and secret evil masterminds, but now my sword happy Ardian family is here and oh my god, who let the pregnant women talk!? No, this is bad, this is horrible...!” Harry gasps out, having a small panic attack because dear Gods was the world screwed right now!

“It will be alright.” Frodo chimes, smiling up at Harry.

“Easy for you to say, Frodo, you get to go home after this, I have to deal with the aftermath if someone says something out the corner of their, excuse my language, arse. We have three hormonal pregnant women, one whom can preform magic and is prone to turning into a bird like creature and throwing fireballs at whatever upset her. Then we have two well trained Swordswomen! One of whom has some magic over water.... do you see my worry, yet? Now let's add in their mates. One is a King with nearly a 100 years of battle prowess under his belt, one is an exceptional archer for a Man and is no slouch with a sword either, and then we have one who has access to magic and turns into an ice breathing dragon who makes Smaug look like a little worm.” Harry points out at the increasingly pale faces of those who listened in.

“And Lord Elrond and King Thrandruil are both very old and just as skilled in battle and archery. And Gandalf's been known to be super scary when only annoyed or slightly miffed, outright anger?” Frodo points out.

“.... Lucius doesn't even know Narcissa is pregnant yet.” Severus points out and Harry groans, yep, he was so fucked and not the fun kind....

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Despite his misgivings, Harry was glad his Coven was nearly complete. Soon Sirius and Remus arrived with the Order, all dressed in their best, the Weasleys unfortunately looking frumpy compared to the others in attendance as officials and Lords, Ladies and their Heirs began arriving. The Minister and his usual entourage were the last to arrive and his little toady looked ready to have a conniption fit seeing the very tall and very beautiful Elves dressed in silver, gold and jewel tones of the highest quality and then the crowns upon their brows. Now, Harry was thinking of how best to egg the three pregnant women into causing some wonderful multiation. Legolas must have sensed the evil pouring out of Harry because he leans into his ear and growls at him to behave.

Harry will deny almost creaming his trousers or the needy Omegan whine that nearly came out of his throat, but those of superior hearing and senses caught them and either looked away in most cases, Legolas leaned to nip at Harry's neck while others watched on jealously. Harry had also invited a number of Creature Leaders and their mates, he did extend an invite to their heirs, but made sure to indicate that it was an option. He knows Creatures were especially protective of their children. Once all his guests had arrived, the Quibbler Quartet standing off to the side, dicta-quills writing away as each received a gift from Mr Weasley, warded audio recorders that had infinite tape that would be cut when they finished recording and ejected in a casset to be played back on a separate device to allow them to manipulate it to playback, enhance sounds and to look specific parts if needed.

Harry waited only a moment more to check if everyone was there and sensing that yes they all were, he locked down the wards to prevent uninvited guests from popping up and to ensure the safety of his guests. He also waited to make sure all the Elves had gone to their own celebration before he clears his throat and casts a wandless, soundless Sonorous on his throat, making it so his voice carries without being overly loud.

“Welcome my dear guests to Potter Manor and welcome to the first, and if a success, annul Yule Ball. I am your host for the evening, Lord Hadrian James Potter and with me is my fiance, Prince Legolas of the Greenwood.” He waves at Legolas who gives an imperial nod, looking the picture of a prince in his formals, his circlet a smaller version of his father's crown, looking impressive and imposing. “In just a moment, I will guide you through my family's ancestral home to the ballroom, but first to anyone who brought young children with them, please step forward!”

A decent number came forward and Legolas turned to a small table that had been set to the side and began to pick up brightly wrapped gifts that contained gender neutral toys and prank candies from the Twins Winter Wonderland collection. Nothing permanent or damaging, just harmless fun. The Alpha and Omega wished each child a good Christmas and Yule, blessing them with happiness and magical growth as well as growth of kindness and love as they grew. This made many smile happily at the young couple and annoyed a select few.

“Now then, this is Ms. Belle.” He waves at a disguised Bellatrix, a Goblin made one at that, “She will be looking after the children during the Ball, I have set aside a play room and an attached pillow fort room for when the little ones undoubtly grow bored or tired to retire to. She is a certified caregiver and is a combat specialist. I highly doubt it will happen, but should an attack happen, she will take any and all threats down with little prejudice. She works with two others, Mr Red and Mr. Blue.” He waves at the equally disguised Rudolphus and Rabastan, again Goblin made, who were dressed up in a red and blue governor clothes as Bellatrix was dressed in a soft yellow governess dress. “Their duty is to keep the children entertained and safe. I take safety very seriously as you will quickly learn.” The room will be a bit away from the Ballroom, I do not want to give potential threats quick access to viable hostages. The rooms will lock down and will not open unless I open them or I die. Rest assured your little ones will be safe. And yes all three are certified to hand Magical Creature children, should you wish to let your little ones rest or play.”

Many sighed in relief, though they felt a small frisson in the back of their heads that there might be an attack. Belle greets the children with warm smiles and cooes as Rudo and Bastan accept a few diaper bags from some of the parents. Harry smiled as a few of the Creatures who brought their children with them let their little ones join the others. The children also receive a present from the couple. The children who needed minders were 7 and younger while those 8 to preteens were asked to step aside for the moment.

“I also set up a secondary room for the older children, again it has been set up to entertain them and a room connected to it to let them rest if they need it. It is actually apart of a set of suites. They will have the same protections as the little ones, though should an emergency happen, I set a ward to produce plenty of pots and pans. Children, feel free to bash anyone who even looks remotely like they want to hurt you on the head with them. Girls, I suggest the cast iron skillets, well balanced and very sturdy. A good smack ought to do the trick.” Harry tells them before he and Legolas hand out slightly bigger presents again filled with gender neutral toys and candies from the Twins shop, and a few Creature friendly knickknacks to help bridge the gaps. “Finally for the teens and young adults, there is an entertainment room for you as well, though there will not be any toys, sadly. However you will find some things to do as well as quieter atmosphere to speak if the Ball becomes a bit much.

Again there is a secondary room with to sleep in, however I warded it to keep any hormonal shenanigans to a minimum as well as to protect your vitures. I will not have any fighting or disreputable behavior happening under my roof. Please respect my home as you would expect others to respect yours. Now then finally there is a parlor for the gentlemen to sip brandy and chat while a tea room has been set up for the ladies to sip tea and gossip. For those of you who are pregnant, if at any point you wish to retire, please come inform and I will have an Elf escort you to a room that has been prepared to carter to your needs. With that being said, everyone please follow me and Ms. Belle!”

Bellatrix pulls a set of bells and begins to shake them as her husband pulls a small hand drum out and taps a beat on it and his brother pulls a fife out and plays a cheery tune. The children up to at least 10 all cheer and follow the three caretakers as Harry takes Legolas' arm and they turn to guide their guests to the Ballroom, stopping first to show off the rooms that he indicated, the Parlor was a deep browns and crimson motif, the fireplace burned merrily as fine crystal decantors of expensive hard liquor sat on several tables with matching tumblers and boxes of cigars and pipe weed sat around them. There was a few poker tables with professional dealers hired for the night. For the ladies, it was sharp contrast with a calming blue and white motif, a few tables for bridge and rummy set up with baskets of sewing and knitting items for those who wanted to busy their hands. There was lovely flowers in pots and planter boxes and it felt so light in this room.

Both rooms had matching furniture and had a little something for everyone. Harry made sure of that. Walking passed the Ballroom doors he should the teens and young adults their room which had tables for billards, Mythe(a card game similar to Magic and Duel Monsters) a ring for Gobstone to be played in with smocks ready to protect clothing and a few other things to keep them entertained. Next was the older children's room, a few life size play houses with toys and dress up clothes for games of make believe, things to color with, a table to play Realm of Fairies(think Sorry crossed with Uno, it gets intense!) and more.

And finally the room for the little ones, chests of clothes for dressing up and toys to play pretend with, again life size play houses, but these clearly geared towards smaller children with more than enough toys, the room was colorful and everything was soft or rounded to prevent harm, there was a boarder to keep the older of this age group from accidentally harming the toddlers and babies while keeping curious little ones from eating potentially dangerous items. All the toys in the baby area were too bit to put in curious little mouths. There was even a section to change and feed the babies that only the adults could see which allowed them to keep an eye on the little ones while giving the babies being put to sleep somewhere calm and quiet.

Many a mother cooed and fussed at the adorable rooms and quickly set up the little ones in their respective play area with instructions to be good for Ms. Belle, Mr. Red and Mr. Blue while making friends. When they were done, Harry guided them toward the Ballroom once more and with his power threw the doors open as Carol of the Bells began to play, welcoming their guests who ooh and aah, eye wide with delight and wonder. He gives them a warning about the center of the room which the older children and teens are instantly delighted about as everyone moves about finding a place to sit and mingle, grabbing plates of dilectable little nibbles and bites.

Harry smiles brightly at how everyone seems to find someone to chat with and the atmosphere is peaceful and inviting for now. He smiles at Legolas, who is watching his father look in wonder of the magical decorations with his fellow Elves. Gandalf was talking to Neville, who happily transfigures his formal white robes into an inverted version of Santa Claus's outfit making him smile like a child getting to have cake before supper. Eowyn was sampling some of the food and Faramir quickly fetches the ones she likes, her chair morphed to offer her the best comfort and she looked like she would fight anyone who tried to touch it. Arwen was no better, though she seemed to give an icy stare down.

The Hobbits had found their table, which had been sized appropiately, it was actually going to be funny watching how many people mistook them for children and the Hobbits, pranksters by nature, were game to making a few people feel stupid. Especially when they learn that their baby faces are highly deceptive. Frodo was the oldest among the four and would certainly delight in breaking a few brains.

Draco was being the perfect gentleman and very attentive to Hermione's needs and her parents. Hermione was glowing and looked lovely with her flushed cheeks and starry gaze. Sensing someone approaching, he turned and gives a low curtsy to Count Tepes and his mate, his many brides standing in a row behind them, Legolas gives a low bow as well before they both rise when he gives a soft sound.

“This is a most wondrous Gala. I believe, if you host any other such events, We will be pleased to attend.” the Ancient King of Vampires says.

“I'm pleased, his Excellency is enjoying himself thus far. How are the meals to your pallete? I personally cooked the meals for my non human guests, wanting everyone to enjoy what they eat and not worry about any attempts on their person.” Harry asks with a demure look on his face, keeping his face angled down as was proper for an Omega in the Vampire's presence. He was very old, Vladamir Tepes, or as the modern world knows him, Dracula, grew up around the great Persian regime, Omegas were meant to be seen and only speak when spoken to. Tepes was a bit more forward thinking, though he did ask that the Omegas at court always keep their heads slightly bowed, a sign of submission, but also to protect them in away from attracting unwanted attention. He was very protective of his own Omega, Johnathan, a human who gets reincarnated ever other century or two and the pair find one another and fall in love again. It was rather romantic that Tepes loves his mate regardless if he is a man or woman. If he recalls correctly she had been his wife before he became the Vampire and it was her death that forced him into this life to protect their son.

The Vampire's eyes glowed a soft red due to his very nature, but shown brighter when someone else approached. Harry turns his head only enough to see out the corner of his eye, but careful not to expose his neck to any of the Blood drinkers. He frowns seeing Umbridge approaching. She was again dressed in pink, her dress looked like a prom dress gown wrong and did nothing to improve her looks. She was paler, thought she made a valiant effort to hide how gaunt her face was or the large and unsightly bags under her eyes were. How she managed to find energy to be a bane to everything fun, was beyond Harry, but he was viciously pleased his little potion was making it impossible for her to sleep and not to mention his little added punishments. He was hoping to make her have a full psychotic break.

“Hem, hem!” She clears her throat delicately. “Such a lovely gathering, but I feel it is lacking some... maybe not enough decore? Or perhaps it is the company? You know bad company can spoil an otherwise splendid evening!” She is not as subtle as she thinks she is when she cuts a nasty look at the Vampire royal and his harem. Jonathan, as is his name in this life, quickly places a soft hand on his mate's arm, the Vampire King looks at him with soft eyes and the minute change in his posture make his brides step back, when they had moved into position to quickly shield their Husband and his Mate, Harry did not care to think about, but was glad these women knew how to be subtle.

“Oh? So far no one seems to have a complaint and so far all my guests seem to be quite happy. Count Tepes was just praising me for the work and effort I placed into making this event. Surely, you can see how happy everyone is?” Harry waves at their surroundings and then he steps closer to her, but the move seems reminiscent of a stalking predator and the woman gulps and takes a step back as Harry gives her his charming smile, but the dead look in his eyes makes her frightened. “I meant what I said about taking safety serious. I will not have my guests in a foul mood especially since we are supposed to be honoring Mother Magic this evening. However if any of my guests feel they have been disrespected, I will allow for a duel to settle it right away. And as it is Lady Magic's day, the duels are automatically a forefit of one's magic. While no deaths are allowed this day, you will be cast out into the Muggle world to fend for yourself and you will be branded by Lady Magic so all know you have disgraced her and her gift to you...”

Umbridge gives a soft whimper and flees and Harry straightens up and turns back ot the Coven of Vampries.

“I must beg your forgiveness, your Excellency. I cannot control stupid, sadly, but I meant what I said. If for any reason you feel threatened, you may call the offender to a duel. As one of the proper Sons of Magic, you have the advantage, so if you want to clean house, you know how... Please refrain from killing during the duel or you will be the one to forfit your magic.” Harry tells him, curtsying again.

“Nothing to forgive, as you said: One cannot control stupid. Stupid is what stupid does.” He gives a low laugh, cupping Harry's chin and lifting it to look him in the eyes. “Your mate is most lucky. You are not only lovely, but you are fierce. A fine mother you will make one day. It is my wish that perhaps one of my children shall marry one of yours... A union through marriage and blood is unbreakable to a Vanpire. Call on me and I shall answer. And to answer your previous question, We are most pleased with the fare, perhaps We could have a recipe or two?”

“I will be sure to give those to you before you depart. Please enjoy, also the garden is free if you wish for privacy and I had your old Coffin properly cleaned and refitted should you wish to remain here for Yule. A bed has been prepared for Mr. Harker as well.”

“Thank you, we will inform you later of our decision.” Johnathan says before he nods to the couple and leads his Alpha back to their table and they join a debate with a Tengu and a Harpy. Harry moves through his guests with Legolas at his side, making sure everyone is having a good time and is pleased that so far the stupidity of the British Ministry is being kept to a minimum. He is also enjoying how Dumbledore looks like he is having a stroke because everyone is having a good time.

He smiles at the children who enjoy the ice skating ring and has seen the parents come and go every now and again to check on their children. As the evening wore on, everyone under 13 eventually went to the playrooms and remained there to play or having played themselves to sleep. The Parlor was filled with politics and financial talks while in the Tea Room, tips and tricks, advice and gossip were being traded. At 11:55pm, all who have not passed out gathered in front of the large fireplace in the ballroom, the lights were out minus the fire and the Musicians had climbed down to join the ceremony.

Each leader and head of the family came up and tossed offerings into the blue flames as they spoke pray rites. The Creatures did not voice it but they were displeased that their human brethern have all but forgotten the proper pray rites and gestures. When they went, they did it properly and humbly, and then Harry as the Host came up last as the bells began to ring that it was Midnight.

“To Mother Magic, on this your patron day, I offer this humble gift, the Yule log. On it is carved the wishes and desires I make on this eve and offer it, my magic and the food of my table to you.” He kneels before the fire and reaches in, careful to not be burned and drops the whole tray into the flames. They shoot up with power and then condense, turn white and blast outward. As it happens, everyone who participated gasp as they feel their magic more strongly, feeling cleaner, lighter and singing.

Harry begins to sing, wordless, but enchanting as the Harpies and Tengus begin to croon, Vepes and his brides begin singing while the Werewolves begin howling in time, Centaurs stamp their feet rhythmically and chant as the Fairies trill and dance a special dance. Soon the Magicals who did it correctly begin to sing as well and it is so beautiful as the fire pulls back in and crackles merrily and everyone is left renewed and settled. After that the Ball goes back to full swing, the atmosphere feeling brand new. Harry smiles as he walks over to Tom and Severus, both are cuddled on a bench by the ice skating ring, a pair of magical ice skates on their feet.


“You're brilliant.” Tom slurs, a bit drunk from the ceremony and feeling his renewed soul and magic free of Dumbledore's sins for the first time since he was a boy.

“I think you should go to bed, Enperadorea...” Harry chuckles, “The Elves have finished their celebration so I'm certain that Milly will happily guide you to the family wing to get you settled.”

“Thank you... come, beloved...” Severus, vanishes the skates and helps Tom up and nodding at Harry as he turns them to leave the room.

“You're full of surprises, my dear boy.” Dumbledore suddenly says and Harry turns to face him, mentally growling at the bastard getting that close without his notice. While his face is the picture of serene grandfatherly joy, Harry can see he is beyond furious. “I must congratulate you on such a success, but I must voice disappointment, preforming a dangerous ceremony--”

“There is nothing dangerous in offering back to Mother Magic that which she gave to us in the first place. If you have studied the Old Ways, really learned the history of where our magic comes from, you would realize that at the rate we are going, magic will be taken from us completely and the Gods will come to collect the price we owe. By preforming these ceremonies and rituals, we are offering payment, these also gives us more power, gives us a stronger connection to Mother Magic and the other Gods.” Harry says. “Besides what aspect was dangerous? There was no sacrifice other than some food and a piece of wood that I used my magic to carve into. So your argument is voided.”

“....” Dumbledore glares at him and then he grabs Harry's wrist and Harry gasps as he feels, literally feels magic locking him into place, as if he were caught in a body bind. “I have much to correct, my dear boy, your are too willful... But not to worry soon you will be back on the path to the Greater Good--”

“You will release my son, mortal, or I shall cleave thine head from thy shoulders and offer it to your Goddess as an apology for spilling blood on her patron day since I have no magic to offer her in instead.” Thranduil grows low, his sword resting against a quivering throat and then he allows his formidable presence free and it cripples everyone who he does not deem his to their knees. Those from Arda are safe as is the mortals of this world that his son calls friends. Hadrian is also spared as his his son to be. Thranduil glares down at Dumbledore where he is practically grovelling at his feet, the edge of his sword still at his neck. “I do not know what you did, but should you touch my son ever again, know that I will flay you slowly and rub Orc blood into the wounds. You will die so slowly, so painfully, you will feel it even in death...”

“Hadrian?” Legolas came to check him, worried, trusting his father to keep the old fool at bay.

“I don't know what he did, but I could not move... it was as if my magic was trapping me... I.. I need to get to the Alter... I am locking down the Wards. Father, if you will please escort him to the dungeon, I would be most thankful. Kreacher! Please guide King Thranduil and Mr. Dumbledore to the dungeons and make sure the old man cannot leave, I need to see if he did something to my magic or me...” Harry calls and then all but flees the ballroom, shaken something terrible.

The feeling still lingered and he needed to get rid of it as soon as possible. He would not allow this old bastard to have a foothold. It looks like the time for slow torture was over, Dumbledore showed his hand and so publicly too.

'So let it be war...' He thinks grimly...

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