
By dera134

478K 19.2K 995

Read how Eva Green an orphaned girl with schizophrenia struggles to survive in a criminal world of Mafia and... More

Cast list
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Final chapter


4.7K 227 18
By dera134


I was sitting on a chaise and staring out of the window, when I heard the door unlocking.

I didn't bother to turn and just assumed it was one of the maids returning to get the plates that I had cleared,

When I don't hear any more noises.

I turned swiftly, and gasped abruptly, jumping quickly to my feet.

Carlos was at the doorway, doing nothing but staring at me.

I looked away, not baring to look at him, not because it broke my heart to see him with that walking stick, but because I was not prepared to see the suffering in his eyes, knowing I'm the cause of it.

After a long-pending silence, I slowly raised my head to find him still staring,

"Come...." he said, turning and leaping away.

I gulped, and slowly followed him down the hall and towards the front yard, where a car was already waiting, with some guards.

One of the guards escorted me to the front seat, where I sat and waited patiently for Carlos to get in himself.

"You can leave now, all of you." He ordered the guards away, once he was settled with me.

The guards were hesitant, "Don, it's not safe for you to be out there alone.." he said and looks swiftly towards me.

"I'll be fine.." he assured them.

They were reluctant but obeyed him.

He started the car and I panicked,

"I don't think you should be driving," I whispered in concern.

I was more concerned about his health than anything.

He doesn't answer me though, just starts the car and fled on the road.

I remained quiet the whole ride, there was a lot I wanted to say to him, but it didn't seem like he was in the mood for talking, let alone with me.

He continued driving and spurred down a gravel road. I just stared out of the window, distracting my mind with the passing trees.

I was nervous, terrified to say, we were alone in the middle of nowhere, there are no cars, no buildings.. Nothing.

If he plans to get rid of me this would be the perfect place.

"Don't worry, I didn't bring you out here to kill you." he reads my mind.

I cleared my throat, saying.

"I'm not worried."

He snorts and continues driving another mile before finally stopping. I looked out of the window to see nothing but grasses and trees.

Granted, it's a nice scene. But why did he bring me out here.

"Now we walk." he helps himself out of the car and I get down as well, following him behind. I don't understand how's able to walk such a distance.

I worried more for him, more than myself.

After a few minutes of endless walking we spurred on top of a hill. I had no idea how this came to be, one minute we are in the woods and the next on a hill.

It was incredible, I felt like I was on top of the world.

I wanted to scream.

"Do it.." I heard Carlos's voice, having me snapping my eyes to him,

He was watching cautiously me.

I gulped, "Why did you bring me here?"

He moves forward, until he was in front of me.

I swallowed, suppressing the voices in my head, taunting me.

He's going to kill you.

Say your last prayers, Eva.

Run, Eva

Push him....

"Those voices only torment you because you're vulnerable, afraid." he starts as if reading my thoughts, "Fear is a weakness. It makes a person lose their sense of control, and when that happens, there are always people who would want to take advantage, or use you as a pawn."

My heart constricted at his words,

"Do you remember our first lesson?" he asks.

I gulped, nodding,

He stares, waiting.

"First lesson: fighting your fears." I muttered.

"And, you remember everything we learned?" he asked and I nodded again, reminiscence on the past.

"Good. Now to the second half of the lesson. Controlling your mind." He said, "On top of this hill. You're going to scream, you will scream until you regain control." he says,

"Why are you helping me?" I spurted.

He clenches and doesn't answer,

"Your time starts now." He says and steps aside.

I pushed my qualms aside and started prepping with slow steady breaths, before I began to shout, more like squeal.

"Louder." he said.

I raised my voice.

He groans, moving forward.

"You need to put all your emotions into it, every feeling, every pain, it's your time to own them-"

Carlos voice growls persistently and I began screaming louder,

"louder." He urged me as different voices wailed and screeched in my head.

I screamed louder as well, my fists clenching and nails digging deeply into the palm of my hand.

"Louder.." he growled.

The voices in my head became louder, having me screaming with my whole body.

There was a scream from deep within me that forced its way out of my lips, it is as if my terrified soul had unleashed a demon.

All I felt was anguish, pain, misery,

Each scream tore through me like a great shard of glass.

My breathing heavier, my heart thudding like a rock rattling in a box and making it harder to breathe,

I kept on screaming, when suddenly I just fell to the floor, sweating, heaving, panting and whimpering in tears.

Carlos walked over and stooped down to my quivering body, whispering.

"Very good."

I just cried harder and wrapped my arms around him.


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