My Brother From Another Unive...

By KemasGift

93 25 8

Teenage inventor Avan Allen creates a one of a kind invention that can transport things and people from one p... More

1: Parallel Universes
3: Rats & Crackers
4: Technical Difficulties
5: Party Invite
6: Rave Craze
7: Party People
8: Friday Night Rave
9: Truth or Dare
10: Invention MIA
11: Everyone is a Suspect
12: The Plan
13: Burglar Reveal
14: Mysterious Stranger
15: Mission Dinner Date
16: Inventor For Hire
17: Lab Chase
18: Welcome to The Team
19: Burglar Alert

2: Parallel High School

7 2 0
By KemasGift

I wake up and find that Travis has got out of bed. I check the time and it's a quarter to six. Where could he have gone so early in the morning? I go into the bathroom to take my bath and find Travis brushing his teeth toothbrush??

"Good morning friend," He greets when he sees me in the mirror.

"Isn't that my toothbrush?" I ask.

"Yes. I found out it's electric; you don't have to do the work, all you have to do is move your hand. That's genius! I've never seen anything like it." He smiles, revealing his nice set of teeth.

"Yeah," I say sarcastically. Guess I'll have to use another toothbrush.

"Today is a school day so you have to hurry so I can have my bath," I tell him. I show him how to use the bath and shower so he doesn't burn himself with hot water and also how to use the water closet. I also give him some of my clothes to wear cause his are in the laundry.

We get ready for school and go downstairs to have breakfast before mom starts singing out our names.

"Good morning Avan's parents, good morning Austin," Travis greets.

Mom smiles. "Good morning Travis."

Dad grunts his response, his eyes still fixed on the newspaper he's reading. "Morning."

Seriously, who still reads a newspaper these days?

"What's for breakfast today, sandwiches containing balls of meat?" Travis enquires and everyone gives him a look.

Why would we eat that?

"When are you taking him back to his universe?" Austin turns to me.

"When I get my invention fixed."

"And when is that happening?"

"After school."

Travis and I proceed to sit at the table as mom serves us her delicious flapjacks and maple syrup.

"Thank you," Travis smiles.

Mom beams at him. "You know, I wish you kids were as appreciative as Travis is."

"Whatever," Austin says. Yeah, what she says.

"Your food is always delicious, Avan's mom," Travis compliments as he takes a huge bite of his flapjack.

"Thank you Travis, and by the way, you can call me Denise," mom tells him.

"And you can call me Ted," dad adds. They just met the guy and they're already on first name basis.

"Denise and Ted," Travis echoes as he memorizes the names.

"Since you would be going back to your universe today, there's no point in following Avan to school. Why don't you just stay back?" dad suggests.

"I know, but I want to experience school and a couple other things in this universe before I leave," Travis says and dad shrugs.

"Suit yourself."

Travis turns to me. "I love your home; it's very homely. Your parents are welcoming, your mom makes good food and your sister is fine as hell," Travis comments. Austin scoffs.

"I bet you'll love our school even less," Austin tells him.

"Austin, don't give him a bad impression of school on his first day," Mom warns her.

"I had a bad impression of school before I was born," she quips.

We finish our breakfast and mom drives us to school. I take Travis to the principal's office where he is given a schedule then I direct him to his locker and help him arrange it.

"Thanks friend," He says and I smile at him in response.

"It's gonna be weird when people discover you vanished after attending school for only a day."

"I'll miss them too. Where is the bathroom?"

I guide him to the bathroom and the bell rings. Oh no, I hate being late for class. I urge Travis to hurry up and he tells me to go ahead without him and that he'll find his way to class. Not wanting to be late and miss any important topics, I go to class and take my seat at the front row as always.

"Good morning class. I know you must be excited to see me after we missed our class last week," Mr. Theron says and the class groans. Austin's groan is the loudest.

I look around and realize Travis is not yet in the class. I shouldn't have left him to find his way when he's new to this school and universe. He must've gotten lost. I'll wait another two minutes and if he doesn't show up, I'll go find him.

Just then Travis walks into the class and everyone's attention is on him. Some girls even start to murmur.


"Who is that? He's so cute."

"What a hottie."

I roll my eyes at them.

"Hello everyone. Since this is my first time in this class, I think it would only be appropriate for me to introduce myself. My name is Travis and I hope to get to know you all better, as well as learn new things from this universe," Travis beams at the class and they just stare back at him, even Mr. Theron is surprised. Can't blame them. He turns to Mr. Theron. "Hello Teacher, teach us well so we can learn a lot of new things today. I like your tie, it's funny." We all burst into laughter at Travis' comment and Mr. Theron's shocked expression. Bet he hasn't met a student like this in his decade long career.

"Hello Travis, you must be new to this school. Go have a seat so we may begin the class," Mr. Theron responds.

"Hello friend," Travis says as he sits in the empty seat next to me.

"You are quite the character, Travis," Austin snickers from behind us.

Mr. Theron starts teaching but is interrupted by a bird that flies in through the window and attacks him, causing his toupee to fall off, revealing his glistening head that could give the sun a run for its money.

"Get out of here you stupid bird!" He chases the bird and it flies back out the window. Looks like some mischievous delinquents he had punished wanted to get payback.

He smoothly picks up his toupee and puts it back on but everyone already had their phones out taking pics of him and laughing at him. "Stop that!" He orders but we keep on laughing.

"If you cancel this class, we might consider not posting these pictures and videos," Austin offers, a smirk playing on her lips.

Mr. Theron thinks about it before giving in. "Fine. Class dismissed," he says as he returns to his seat. He cares so much about what his girlfriend thinks of him so he wouldn't want her to see pics of him being bald and attacked by a bird. Everyone cheers as they leave the class. I'm sure some naughty students would still go ahead to post some pics and vids.

While making our way to the quad, Travis and I walk past Austin and her best friend, Wyndy. Wyndy Hammers. The most beautiful creature I have ever set my lowly eyes upon and have had the privilege of being in love with ever since I was twelve. Three years, nine months, two weeks, five days and counting. I still remember the day Austin brought her to our house and introduced her as her new best friend. Asides being beautiful, she is nice and sweet, with her beautiful hazel eyes that glisten whenever she's talking about something she loves, and her curly ginger colored hair cascading down her elegant shoulders. I shouldn't forget to mention that she walks like a model and has the voice of an angel. I could go on and on, but let me stop here. The girl is just...perfect.

Wyndy, being the nice human being she is, smiles and waves at us as Travis stops to greet Austin. I want to say something to her, but don't know what to say.

"Hello Austin, fancy bumping into you on our way," he says to her.

"We didn't bump into each other, you just stopped us," Austin replies saucily.

"I just wanted to say hello."

"Now that you've said it, can we go?"

"Austin don't be so rude to the new guy," Wyndy nudges her. The both of them are polar opposites, no doubt. I admire Wyndy as she scolds my sister; she looks extraordinarily beautiful today although she's wearing minimal makeup, and the little bubblegum pink dress she's wearing looks perfect on her. How can one girl look so heavenly? I stop myself from staring so I don't seem like a creep.

"Hi Wyndy. You look really pretty today, as always. I love your dress." I give her my best smile, hoping it would melt her heart just like her smile melts mine.

"Thank you Avan," she smiles back at me. Oh that heart-melting smile of hers. I hear Austin snicker.

I continue to stare at her, unable to get any more words out of my mouth and unable to look away. She breaks the silence by clearing her throat. She knows how much I've been crushing on her for the past few years so I'm sure she understands why I'm speechless.

"So... Are you done with the invention you've been working on?" she asks politely.

"Yeah! I've even gotten my entry in for the contest," I reply, grateful to her for making conversation to end the awkwardness.

"Have you tested it yet? Does it work?" she asks curiously and I can't even tell if she's being genuinely curious or just feigning interest.

"Oh, it works perfectly well," I answer, holding Travis in front of me.

"Did he help you out with the invention?" she asks, puzzled.

"No, but he's a product of the invention," I answer and I watch her expression go from puzzled to utterly puzzled.

"Let me explain," I tell her, "my invention teleports people and objects from one universe to another and Travis here was teleported from a parallel universe."

"You mean Travis is from another universe? No way!" She exclaims and I smile proudly while Austin scoffs. "Is that why his clothes are like two sizes smaller?" She asks, tilting her head to get a better view of Travis.

"These are my clothes."

"Oh. So can you teleport him back?" she continues to ask like she cares though I know very well that she hates science.

You don't have to try so hard, Wyndy, I'm already smitten by you.

"Of course, but my invention's a bit faulty now so I'll have to get it fixed first and return Travis to his universe tonight."

"Teleporting someone from a parallel universe? I bet this invention would be one of a kind and the science people would have no other option but to give you the prize cause you are a fucking genius, Avan!" Wyndy says and I am unable to stop myself from blushing like an idiot. Though, she has always openly admired my brains and complimented my inventions so encouragingly. I really wish Austin could take lessons from her.

"I know he'll be leaving soon but permit me to introduce you guys. Travis, this is Wyndy, Austin's best friend and the most amazing and beautiful girl in the world, and Wyndy, this is Travis as you already know," I introduce them and Wyndy smiles at Travis politely.

"Nice to meet you, Travis," she greets.

"Nice to meet you too, Wyndy. You are indeed beautiful," Travis compliments her and her smile widens. I give him a look.

"Are you done? Can we go now, please?" Austin interrupts.

"Chill, I'm just saying hi to the new guy and to Avan," Wyndy tells her.

"You've been saying hi to them for the past five minutes. Let's go."

"Sure. See you around Avan," Wyndy says as she and Austin walk away. Did she just wink at me? I couldn't have missed it, that was definitely a wink.

"I see you really fancy Wyndy." Travis nudges me with a smirk.

"Yeah, she's the best," I muse, replaying her wink over and over in my head.

"Does she fancy you too?" he asks.

The loaded question.

"I don't know, I think she likes me, but I'm not sure if she likes me likes me," I say.

"What does it mean for her to like you like you?" he enquires.

"It means she has deeper feelings for me, just like I do for her," I reply.

"Does she know you like her like her? Have you told her?"

"I haven't."


Dang, this guy should be a detective or something, he's such an inquisitor.

"I haven't been brave enough to, whenever I want to tell her, my feet turns to jelly and I just ramble," I confess.

"How do you want her to know that you like her like her if you don't tell her?"

"I'm sure she sees the emotion in my eyes when I look at her and in my voice when I speak to her. According to Austin, it's unmistakable."

"It is, but don't you think she needs more than emotions to confirm your feelings for her? She needs you to say it to her face."

"What if she rejects me?" That also counts as one of the reasons I've been scared to confess my love to her. Wyndy is a beautiful girl with a beautiful heart, everyone loves her. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only guy in her life that thinks same. She probably has her eyes set on one of the more handsome, cool and popular boys in school so I don't know if she'd be interested in someone like me.

"Even if she does, at least you were able to get it off your chest instead of keeping it bottled up, which is worse." Travis says like it's no big deal but I'd prefer the latter to heartbreak.

I don't get why he's trying to play the role of a relationship counsellor.

"I hear you," I dismiss him before he can ask any more uncomfortable questions. He follows me as I make my way to the chemistry lab, my third home after my real home and my room, which is also home to my workshop.

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