Bruised, Battered, and In Tea...

By GirlandHerKeyboard

26.5K 1.1K 112

An abusive relationship causes Olivia to take matters into her own hands. She will no longer be stuck accepti... More

Thirty-Two: No Longer Bruised


2.6K 45 7
By GirlandHerKeyboard

Olivia entered the precinct with a thick coat of makeup on her face, and some concealer on her arms. She was trying her hardest to not limp, but it was hard when she didn't know if she had broken her foot or not. The night before had been hell, and now she had to face those she works with... those that care for her.

"Hey, Liv! How are you?" Elliot smiled, as soon as Olivia walked into the squadroom. She slowly shrugged as she went and hung her jacket up.

"Not gonna use your big girl words today?" Elliot teased because for some reason he couldn't tell that Olivia was off. That she was completely different than she had been yesterday.

"Just don't have anything to say," Olivia replied weakly. She sank down in her chair and felt pain in her tailbone. She had been thrown so hard, that when she landed she knew she bruised her tailbone. She could feel it throbbing and how swollen it was. Just like the rest of her body.

"Okay... Well, Kathy was wondering if you, Michaela, and Julia wanted to go bowling with us this weekend."

"I can't, Elliot. You know that Chris doesn't like us leaving the house on the weekend. It's his only time to see us, and he wants to spend as much time with us as possible." Olivia spoke. She glanced at the picture on her desk of her family. She didn't know how no one saw the sadness in her eyes, even if she was smiling.

"He can come..." Elliot sighed, as he looked at his friend. Olivia shook her head before sighing.

"Elliot, we are trying for a baby again. He wants a son. So if you won't drop this, then maybe you will now that you know our plans." Olivia huffed, before quickly shutting herself off from her best friend and the one person that could possibly protect her from Chris and his fists.


Friday night, Olivia went and picked the girls up from their sitter's house, before going home. She parked her car on the driveway where Chris wanted her too, and then she took the girls inside. At first glance, the house looked like it was perfect for a family. But once you walk inside, it didn't even look like children lived there. All of the toys were only allowed in Michaela and Julia's bedrooms. They weren't allowed to watch TV in the living room and weren't even allowed to do their homework in the living room.

"Go put your bags in your room and make sure to take your shoes off and put them away. I'm going to make dinner so Daddy doesn't get angry." Olivia spoke, as she took the jackets from her daughters.

"Mama, he's always angry... that's why he hurt you." Julia whispered.

"It's okay, Jules. Just go to your room and start working on your homework. You know the drill when it comes to him. Just don't come down here if you start hearing things."

The girls ran upstairs and Olivia started to make dinner. She made the same thing that Chris wanted every night, chicken, salad, and rice. Sometimes Chris let her make pork or steak, but everything else was always the same.

"Dear," Chris spoke when he walked into the house. He tossed his things onto the counter before moving to his wife. He pressed a firm kiss to her temple before walking to the living room to watch the news while his wife finished dinner.

Olivia could feel chills run down her spine when Chris yelled her name. She sat her spoon down before grabbing a beer from the fridge and walking into the living room.

"I'm sorry, Chris... I'll be better." She breathed.

"You say that every time, but it never happens. You always forget or not hear me when I tell you something. But if you continue that, I will kill you. Because a helpmate helps. They don't do what you do."


Chris forced himself onto his wife that night and had incredibly rough sex with her. And when Olivia didn't compliment him on the 'love' that they had just made, he started to beat her. He got angry when she tried to stop him, but he didn't care. He just kept kicking, punch, and whipping his wife.

"STOP!" Olivia screamed as she felt the belt hit her across her back. She bit her lip hard as blood dripped from many wounds covering her body.

"What did you just say?" Chris boomed, and Olivia kept her head down.

"Stop hurting me, Chris! I thought you loved me?!" Olivia sobbed. She heard silence, before feeling as Chris forced her to flip over. He pinned her to the ground, before smiling as he held her gun to her forehead.

"I know that we want a son, but I don't want that anymore. I don't want you to breathe again." Chris smiled. He had so much pressure on the gun, that it was bruising Olivia's forehead.

"Don't do this to the girls. I'm the only one they have... Michaela and Julia need me." Olivia begged, but Chris shook his head.

"They don't need a worthless piece of shit to be their mother. I'll find them someone better." Chris smiled, but Olivia knew she had to do something. She had to stand up for herself, so she closed her eyes tightly before starting to squirm. Chris started to yell at Olivia to stop, but she moved just right and he fell to the side. Olivia quickly scrambled to her feet before ripping the gun from his hands.

She aimed at him before moving to pull the trigger.

"You selfish bitch!" Chris spat.

"I loved you with my whole heart, Christopher. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, but then you changed to the point that every day was a struggle. Our daughters cannot be kids because of you. Because they don't know if one day they'll wake up and I'll be dead. So from now on, I'm in charge. I'm the boss, and you will be the one paying."

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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