Let Me Be Your Wings》Arrow (D...

By lovethebreeze

47.7K 1.1K 280

My name is Ashley Merlyn. For five years me and my best friend, Oliver Queen, were stranded on an island with... More

City of Heroes Part 1
City of Heroes Part 2
Identity Part 1
Identity Part 2
Broken Dolls Part 1
Crucible Part 1
Crucible Part 2
League of Assassins Part 1
League of Assassins Part 2
Keep Your Enemies Closer Part 1
Keep Your Enemies Closer Part 2
State v. Queen Part 1

Broken Dolls Part 2

2.6K 79 13
By lovethebreeze

The police found the victim's body an hour after Mathis's call. Felicity tried to hack into SCPD's private forensic's system but couldn't because of our little...hacks from last year. So this just left me and Oliver to hack in like we did back when my father used to run Merlyn Global. This should be even more fun since Lance is tagging along with us, note sarcasm. Tommy offered as some kind of backup but we figured it be best if he stayed in case we need some kind of distraction.

Oliver took out his tranquilizer dart and threw it at the upcoming security guard. The man felt a slight pinch on his neck before he was knocked out. Lance raised his brow at us as we walked along the dark hallway.

"So glad you two invited me to tag along," he said sarcastically.

I raised my brow at him as I held the doorknob. "Would you rather have him killed? Especially by me?" I didn't let him answer as I opened the door and we walked in. I wouldn't even kill this guard. He's not on my list.

Lance gave me a look but Oliver shook his head. "She's kidding," he said. "It's a tranq dart. He'll be out for 36 minutes." Very specific.

"Yeah, I remember," Lance replied.

I went over to the monitors and began typing. "Did you?" I wondered. "Or is old age finally getting to you?" I finally installed Felicity's flash drive. "You're up Felicity."

"So, this is what a typical night's like for you, huh? Just a little breaking and entering."

"Well, I prefer the term date but whatever floats your boat."

"Which isn't something I'd picture," Felicity said through the earpiece. Then she started blabbering and lying through her teeth. "Not that I'd picture your guys' date or anything. Not that you're together or anything. Obviously, you guys are together in this whole project. If you two did decide to date then I wouldn't object. And -"

"I get it," Lance interrupted.

"Thank, God," she mumbled. Even under my mask, I was still smiling a bit. "Alright, I got toxicology first." Everything Felicity sees on our system is being shown on this computer. A bunch of files started pulling up.

"What are all these?" Lance asked.

"Chemical ingredients of all the make-up found on the victims, skin cream, nail polish, lipstick." This guy's makeup bill must be high.

"Wait, wait, wait, stop."

I groaned. "Do you need reading glasses or something?" I snapped.

"No, but she does need to scroll back." I looked at the screen as Felicity scrolls back. "This one. Ethyl paraben, sodium laureth sulphate. I've seen this before."

"It's skin cream," Felicity clarified. "Forensics found traces of it on her fingers. Probably something she used before he grabbed her."

Lance nodded. "Skin cream. Mermaid something. One of the victims, from his last run, she had this in her purse and I had the lab analyze it, and it's the same...you know...it's the same formula."

"Felicity," Oliver began.

"Already on it," she answered. She pulled up a flyer for Mermaiden Skin Cream. Huh? Good thing I told Tommy to not buy that for Laurel a few months back.

"How the hell could she do that?" Lance asked in bewilderment.

"Because she's Felicity and she kicks ass," I responded.

"Thanks, Angel," Felicity said. "Ethyl paraben and sodium laureth sulphate is Mermaiden's proprietary formula."

"Two victims with the same taste in skin cream," Oliver began. "That can't be a coincidence."

"I could never figure out how he chose his victims," Lance mumbled.

"I think you just did," I said as I grabbed the flash drive and left.

Lian Yu

Stupid Oliver for always thinking with his dick and not his head. Shado is a big girl and take care of herself without him. But no, it's like since they've been a "thing" she's all he cares about. Put her in danger and he's willing to jump in front of her.

"Don't look so glum, Girl Scout," Slade said as we walked up the mountain slope. "It's Oliver's choice to stay behind. He didn't listen to my advice so he might end up getting killed."

"And what advice did you give him exactly?" I sorta snapped.

"The same one I'm giving you. To avoid attachment."

"That's terrible advice."

"But it will save your life."

"How? If people are getting hurt and I could do something to prevent that then you bet your ass I'm going to do it." I mean, if we avoid attachment and something happens everyone will be fending for themselves instead of helping each other out. The only person who would probably do that is my dad.

"Then you might as well stayed in that cave with Shado. You could sulk in your jealousy and turned a blind eye."

"I'm not jealous. If anything you're jealous but you're too scared to admit it because you won't be proving your point."

"Why would I be jealous? I'm not the one graveling over some idiot who cares too much."

"Better than someone who cares too less," I retorted.

Slade let out a disappointing sigh. "Then I was wrong about you. You're definitely an idiot."

"If I'm an idiot for caring too much, then I must be the biggest idiot out there. And I wouldn't change it for anything."

Slade let out a scoff before he started walking again. I heard something crunch from under him before he lost his footing on the edge. Slade let out a grunt and rolled away from me. I reached out and grabbed him before he could fall over the cliff.

"Be happy that I'm attached to you," I said through my gritted teeth before pulling him up.


Starling City

"So this is it? Skin cream, that's our lead?" Diggle asked ridiculously.

Tommy sighed as he crossed his arms. "At least it's something."

"What do you know about this stuff?" I asked.

"What makes you think I know?"

I gave him a look. "Tommy, you did some research about this product because you almost bought it for Laurel."

"And you slapped me for it because you told me it's like I'm telling her she needs to moisturize some more."

"You didn't actually get it for her, did you?" Felicity asked.

"No. No. Ash, would have slapped me again which is something I'm trying to avoid." Oliver raised his brow at his best friend and urged him to continue. "Fine. The product is made from crushed mother of pearl and it's super high-end. This stuff is only carried in a handful of boutiques and it's marketed for women with extremely delicate complexions."

"He picks his victims for their skin," Oliver said. "The cream is how he finds them."

"And since four of the stores in the city carry it, it shouldn't be a problem pinpointing which one he should go to. And if he's trying to avoid surveillance than he would be stalking them outside, right?"

"Right," Oliver agreed.

"So we'll do the same," Diggle added.

"But that could take days," I pointed out. "Which is what we don't have. He could be looking out for another girl." Then a lightbulb went on inside my head. I looked at Felicity and pointed at her. "Which is something we'll give him."

"Me?" she asked shockingly.

"Yeah. But don't worry, I'll go with you. We'll have a small 'shopping trip' and go to each store that sells it and buy it in each one to cover our bases."

"Yeah, that's a really good idea."

Oliver shook his head. "No, it's too dangerous," he shot down. "How could you even think of putting yourself and her out there?"

Felicity rose from her seat. "Because it's a good idea. Do I have to remind you who went undercover in a mob casino or jumped out of a plane? Besides, I know I'll be safe with Ashley next to me." Oliver didn't break. "It's my life. It's my choice." Then she looked at me. "We're doing this."

Lian Yu

After Slade's little fall, I made sure to stay behind him at all times. As much as he doesn't want to admit it but I could see him glancing behind to make sure I was there.

"There are only two ways onto this island-- by sea, and by air," he opened with. Not really seeing the point.

"So what, you're going to steal whatever they use to get onto the island?" I asked.

"Well, I'm tired of living here, aren't you?"

Slade set his bag down once we were at our destination. We took our binoculars out and looked to see a camp on the other side of the island. But once we got a look at the water, there was a small boat sailing.

"Oh, my God," I gasped out.

"It appears to be two or three clicks offshore," Slade said.

I jumped back when I heard missiles being fired. "What the hell?" More shots were fired towards the middle of the island.

"It's firing off its location. The plane! They must have found it."

My eyes widened. "Ollie and Shadow!" I exclaimed before running back to camp.

"Girl Scout!"


Starling City

See, without the whole bait thing, it would have been nice shopping with Felicity. The only thing I wished was that she dressed as her regular self and not as some snobby rich girl. But we needed to act the part. Lance, Tommy, and Diggle were behind us while Oliver stayed on the roof. When I arrived with Felicity as Ashley Merlyn, you could understand how furious Diggle was about "me" getting involved. He scolded Oliver for bringing me into this but Oliver said he didn't know I was coming. And it' just funny hearing Lance threaten Oliver if anything were to happen to me. Oh, if he only knew.

"I feel really bad about this," Felicity stated as we walked out of the store.

I decided to play dumb. "Why? You said you needed new skin cream. My friend actually recommended this place to me."

"I just hope this stuff is good. And you didn't have to buy any of these for me."

I shrugged. "You're my friend and we haven't hung out in a while."

I heard Diggle chuckle through my earpiece. "Come on, Ashley. Just walk Felicity and leave. Or someone messages you an emergency," Lance mumbled worryingly. "Just for the record, I'm not a huge fan of dangling helpless girls in front of psychopaths like meat."

"She volunteered," Oliver argued.

"And what about Ashley? Laurel would have my head if something happened to -"

"Nothing won't."

I pretended to chuckle while I turned on my microphone while fishing out my phone and pretended to message someone. "And nothing will as long as no one loses their focus," I said as my hair covered my face. "Felicity believes in us, so you should too."

"Like your daughter used to," Oliver added sadly as I turned off my mic.

Lance sighed. "She almost suffered a loss. And when someone you love almost loses someone they love, it has a way to shift their beliefs. You guys lost people, too, right?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Why else would you two be doing this? My youngest, she died."

"I'm sorry."

"Less than a month after it happened, I...I ended up catching the Doll Maker case. Threw myself into it. I think on some level, with each girl I was trying to save...Sara. And just like with Sara, I couldn't." That small pang guilt built up in my chest. Oh, God, I miss Sara every day. "He killed eight girls Sara's age before I caught him."

I heard footsteps behind us. "Somone's coming," Felicity said.

I looked to see a guy following us as we crossed the street. "Don't be scared," I reassured her.

"I'm not scared...just really wigged out right now." I let out a breath of relief when the man went inside the restaurant. I didn't even realize Felicity was gripping my arm. "False alarm, but next time you offer to make me bait for your serial killer, please turn me down after I give that big speech."

I nodded. I guess Mathis isn't coming. "Well, I guess this is where I leave," I said. I gave Felicity a look that told her she needs to head back with Oliver. "Next time?"

"Big Belly Burger any day."

I looked towards Oliver at the building before deciding to take my "leave." I turned the corner and heard Felicity scream. My eyes widened as I ran towards her and see Mathis grabbing her.

"Hey, get away from her!" I shouted. Felicity was crying as Mathis carried her around the corner. Oliver shot his arrow and it landed on Mathis's back. He groaned as he pushed her away. "Felicity!"

She hit her head on the cement. Mathis was about to reach for her but I grabbed his shoulder and punched him in the nose. He staggered back and lifted his fingers to wipe the blood off. His mouth was wide a bit as he looked at me. Then he looked behind me as Oliver zipped lined down the building.

"She hit her head," I told him as Lance and Diggle ran over to us. Mathis turned around and started running. I knew Diggle would take care of her so Oliver and I ran after him.

Mathis was ahead of us so Oliver took a short cut while I followed Lance. Mathis whacked Lance with the wooden board before dropping it. He grabbed Lance's gun from the floor. "I thought there'd be more ceremony to this moment. I'm a little disappointed, to be honest," he said.

He raised the gun at Lance and pointed it at him. I pulled my dagger out before throwing it at the gun. The gun was knocked out of his hands but I dropped down to my stomach while I heard Oliver's footsteps. I looked up to see Mathis gone as police sirens were heard in the background. My mouth flew open as Lance got up and looked at us.

"Take Ashley and get her out of here," he rushed out.

Oliver rushed over and picked me up. He grabbed my hand before we ran.


This sucks ass. Not only is Lance arrested for obstruction but Mathis is still out there and possibly looking for another target. Felicity did email the servers of Mermaiden about the product being defective so that should slow Mathis down a bit. And with Oliver attending his mother's court hearing, there's not much he could do right now. And I'm late for this court hearing but Laurel called my phone after Lance told her I was with the Arrow and Dark Angel. She practically bombarded me with questions then said that she's glad I'm ok.

"You should be thanking them," I said as I fixed my hair.

"That is the last thing I'm going to do," she snapped. "They put you through crossfire. You could have died, Ashley."

"But I'm not dead. Five years on that island proved otherwise."

"You don't know these people. They only care about themselves and they don't care who gets in their way. They almost got Tommy killed or did you forget about that?"

"My father almost got Tommy killed," I corrected her. "And thanks to them he's alive. That means I can trust them."

"And how long will that trust stay there until Tommy gets killed? Or if they killed you because you were at the wrong place at the wrong time?"

I'm not going to get killed. And I'm sure as hell will make sure Tommy is protected. He's been training with me for months and he's actually getting better at it. And I know Oliver would make sure we're safe along with our friends.

I heard Laurel sigh at the other end. "Just...promise me you'll be more careful."

I can't make that promise. Instead I said, "I'll call you later." Then I hung up. Ugh, what am I going to do with her? Laurel clearly hates the Dark Angel and I'm her. If she ever figures out who I really am then she'll hate me forever. "Don't think about that, Ash. Just go to the hearing that you're clearly late for. Ugh!"

I ran and grabbed my purse before running out the door. But I was stopped the moment I stepped out and help a handkerchief pressed over my mouth and nose. My eyes widened as Mathis stood in front of me.

"Such beautiful porcelain skin," he commented as his free hand ran down my cheek. I felt my vision go blurry. "You would make a fine piece in my collection."

I tried to fight up but I was getting so weak. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as my body went limp.

Lian Yu

"Ollie!" I shouted as I ran towards camp. I kept jumping out of the way to avoid being hit with the missiles. Ollie might be an ass right now, but I still care about him. And I'm not blaming Shado for anything really. She was just being herself and Oliver got hooked on it. "Shado!"

"Girl Scout!" Slade yelled from behind.

I covered my head to avoid the dirt falling down on us. More missiles flew by us but I didn't care. I just care about getting to Oliver and Shado.

"Ollie!" I screamed one last time behind I felt the impact of the missile behind me. My body went flying a few feet away. My back landing on the ground before I was covered in dirt. My ears started ringing as I coughed up the dirt. I slowly opened my eyes to see the plane on fire.

I weakly sat up as I heard Slade yelling. Everything started spinning as Slade held his hands up. He continued screaming as his glove were up in flames. My vision started to blurry as Slade fell back. My eyes grew heavier before I fell back and shut them.


Starling City (3rd POV)

Tommy had a rough day. Well, a rough week. He had to lie to Laurel again about his late nights with the Vilgilante gang. A gang that his sister is a part of. Tommy didn't like the idea of Ashley dressing up in that mask and taking people down, especially how she's been doing it on her own since Oliver left. He tried to talk to her out of it but all she did was shut him down or say she won't stop until the people responsible are dead. He knew she meant the people that helped their father builld that machine for The Undertaking. But there were so many people on that list, Tommy was afraid that Ashley was going to lose the person she was supposed to be. Then Oliver came back and he could see that she was getting a bit better. She was rough at first but she's not getting that urge to kill, which was good enough for him.

"Hey, it's Ashley. Leave a message," her voicemail spoke as Tommy tried to call her for the fifth time that day.

"Hey, Ash, you missed the court hearing," Tommy said as he entered Verdant. "Yeah, they're actually considering the death penalty, can you believe it? I mean, you should if you were there." Oliver and Thea looked at Tommy as he walked in. "I don't know if you're with Barry or taking a day off but not answering your phone...just be glad I'm not scolding you like Dad used to and call when you get this message."

"No answer?" Oliver asked.

Tommy sighed with a little shake of his head. "Not even a message telling me to stop calling her."

"She should be here. It's not like her to miss anything like this." Tommy and Oliver's phone vibrated into their pockets. It was a short message from Felicity to tell them to turn on the news.. "Thea, can you turn to channel 52, please?" Thea nodded as she turned on the TV.

"Laurel Lance and Ashley Merlyn were abducted earlier today. No ransom has been demanded," the new anchor said. Oliver and Tommy got close to the TV. "SCPD are urging anyone with information regarding their whereabouts -"

Tommy's mouth flew open before he excused himself from them. Oliver followed Tommy down to the warehouse. Worry and anger filling the Merlyn boy as he spotted Felicity typing on her computer.

"How did he get them?" he almost snapped. Mathis took his girlfriend and his sister. Oliver pursed his lips as he stood behind Tommy.

"I don't know about Laurel. But I found the security camera from Ashley's loft." Felicity pulled up the security footage of Mathis dragging Ashley to the back of a van before Mathis turned around and shot the camera. "He pulled out in a Metamorpho Chemical van, which was condemned after the quake."

"Perfect place to make dolls," Diggle informed them.

Tommy was beyond furious. He leaned against the table and gripped the corners as he watched Ashley getting dragged away. His sister needed help. His baby sister needed his help now more than ever. And Mathis taking Laurel...that really pissed him off.

"The cops aren't going to make it in time," Oliver said. Tommy pursed his lips before he walked over to the chest and opened it. His eyes looking over the variety of weapons. Oliver cautiously walked behind him. "Tommy?"

Tommy got the weapon he needed and closed the chest. "Let's go."


(Ashley's POV)

Mathis is lucky I'm strapped to this thing or else I would have dug my arrows into his body. He had a tube strapped to my mouth when I woke up and I've been screaming at him. Calling him a psycho bitch and tried to break free when I saw Laurel stapped to a table just like mine without the tube in her mouth.

"Isn't this nice? All of us here together. It's like Thanksgiving," Mathis chuckled as he mixed more solutions together.

"I'm going to kill you, you son of a bitch," I shouted through the tube.

"Why are you doing this, huh?" Laurel asked. "I know you hate my father, so I get why you took me. But why did you take Ashley? She has nothing to do with this. This is between you and my father. You can take me but let her go."

"Now, why would I do that?" Mathis questioned as he walked over to me. "I will admit that taking her isn't actually the plan but the moment I saw her perfect skin, I knew I just have to have her." He went to move a hair out of my face but I jerked my head to the side, which made him chuckle. "So lovely. So perfect."

"Let her go! Just...Just take me. Not her!" Laurel cried.

"Oh, I plan on it. You see, you're your father's world. His very soul!" Mathis shouted at her face. He moved around and started tying more tubes and getting that mixture ready. "I could have killed your father, maim him, slice him up into a thousand pieces, but if his soul remains intact, what have I wrought, huh? Nothing."

Mathis opened the huge container that was hooked to the tube and began pouring the mixture.

"You son of a bitch!" Laurel screeched. "I'm going to kill you! Leave her alone. Ashley!" I looked down as the mixture started coming up my tube. I tried to breathe rapidly in fear that the mixture would be sucked up quicker but I couldn't my chest started rising and falling frantically. "Ashley, Ashley, look at me." My eyes slowly peered up at hers. Tears stained her cheeks. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, ok. For hating you when you came back. For everything I've ever done to you."

Mathis leaned closer to my ear. "If you struggle, it will take longer," he whispered.

I could see the solution coming close to my mouth until something went flying in the air and but the tube in half. My head snapped to see a little red x lodged into the wall and looked back as two figures dropped down. The first one I noticed was Oliver as he held up his bow. The next one, I couldn't pick out. Wearing black body armor that had a letter x pained at the chest piece. A skull mask covering his face with a huge pained X in the middle of the forehead.

The guys jumped down. Oliver was about to run towards me but the guy pushed past him and started cutting me free.

"I've got you, Ash," he said.

My brows furrowed as Oliver freed Laurel. "Tommy," I breathed.

He nodded. "Yeah. Yeah. I got you." He looked at Oliver. "Let's get him."

Tommy and Oliver ran after Mathis. Laurel ran towards me and pulled me into her arms. "You ok?" she asked.

I nodded as I hugged her back. "Yeah. I'm - I'm good. They...They saved us." Laurel started crying again. "It's ok."

"No, it's not," she cried. "After I hunted him and the Dark Angel, they still came to save us."

"I know they did. It's ok."

"He came. He came to save me."

"Yeah. The both of us."

"No. Not him. Not the Arrow or whoever that new guy is. Tommy." I furrowed my brows. "Oliver told me to stay out of the Glades, and he told me to get out of CNRI, and I didn't. Tommy was only there because I was too stubborn! Too stubborn to get out when I had the chance. My dad was right. I was only blaming the Arrow and Dark Angel because..." Laurel cried even harder. My eyes softened as I pulled her into another tight hug. Laurel cried on my shoulder as I looked up. Tommy stood in the shadows watching over us. "I'm so sorry, Ashley. It's all my fault. It's all my fault Tommy almost died."

I shushed Laurel as she pulled me closer. My eyes never leaving Tommy's but I could tell even behind that mask...he was in pain.


Today was sorta a success. They finally caught Mathis - only for our masked blonde friend to kill him. Just like all our other meetups. She came. She helps out then disappears.

"Something's going on with this woman. She keeps following you around, helping you out," Diggle pointed out.

"We've got to find her," Oliver said.

"To stop her, or to send her a thank you note?" Felicity asked.

"That depends," I said.

"On what?" Tommy asked.

"What side she's on."

Lian Yu

I didn't know how long I was out. My head was pounding as I felt something wet drop on my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes and expected to be back at the camp. But I wasn't. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a cage.

With other prisoners.


A/N: *Fist pumping in the air* Yes. Yes. Yes. Another chapter is done. I'm so sorry it took so long, but Tommy actually got involved with Team Arrow! And if you guys want a closer look here is what Tommy's suit looks like with and without the mask.

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