Nanny for my Nieces

By iloveSiphokazi7

13.2K 407 29

With the recent passing of August sister, August is now left to take care of his three nieces. He faces diffi... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 1

2K 39 5
By iloveSiphokazi7


A lot has happened ever since my brother Mel passed on. My career took off and  things seemed great. A nigga was able to take care of his youngins and family. For once I was somebody and my music touched lives. When my brother passed away it gave me the courage to hussle even harder and take myself out of the hood. I've been able to sustain my life I don't spend much on unnecessary shit but a few sport cars and fancy house has satisfied me. Shit I'm living good to be honest. I've been touring around the world doing interviews, creating and performing and my music has given me the opportunity to meet all kinds of people and learn new things. A week back my sister Angie passed away. Just when I thought things were getting better just when I was accepting my brother's death and living with it my sister follows. My spirit has been all over the place, it feels like this dark cloud has been hovering  over me lately. I feel heavy as if I'm carrying this weight that's weighing me down. I haven't had the time to grieve or even begin to deal with my own pain. I have to be strong for my nieces they need me more than anything. Especially now that they dont have a mother. Their father is Mel, my brother the one who passed away years back. Angie was dating my brother Mel for years hence I take her as my sister .I know how it feels like growing up feeling like you don't have anyone to run to, knowing that no one has your back and you only have yourself. That's why I want to be there for my nieces and adopt them. Even when their mother Angie was still alive I still played a part in my nieces lives. I took care of them financially and made sure they were straight. They didn't stay with me but I would always visit to check up on them. I love them with all my heart they honestly keep me sane. People always asked me why I do so much for them. They really don't understand that I  owe my brother my whole life. That nigga took care of me when he was still alive. He made sure I always had food to eat even when my momma would kick me out he would take me  in. He always made sure the whole family was standing upright. He contributed to the man I  am today. He taught me all that I know. He took me in his drug business we used to run the streets before I got into the music industry. Everyone knew him he was the real G. He taught me how to be a man and take care of my own and not take shit  from anyone. His passing really messed me up man. He took a part of me with him. The little I can do for him is taking care of his three girls. I knew he loved them to death. Before my sister passed she asked me to take care of her girls cause she knew this is a cruel world. Shit I have no idea how I'm going to do this on my own but I know God has my back. I planned Angies  funeral and paid for everything, not that it matters but I felt like taking up the responsibility and doing one last thing for her. It all took place in New Orleans where we all grew up. Everything went well to say the least. I'm back in L.A. to do a few shows and interviews. As much as I want to take some time off I have to make my money. My three girls are headed back to school soon and I want to make sure everything is in order. They are  with their family at the moment and when things start to calm down they'll come and stay with me.

"August we have to get going otherwise you'll be late for your radio interview" Triston  yelled . I was getting dressed in my room making sure I look good as always. A nigga always got to look clean where ever you're headed I mean you never know when you'll meet important people or the paparazzi will be around.
"Ya nigga I'm ready now, shit I ain't even eat yet" I walked out of my room. Only to find Triston laying on my sofa.
"Nigga you called for me but you busy laying on the sofa doing nothing"
"Well if you didn't take your time I would be doing something"
"Well nigga get the car ready and get off your ass and do your job"
Triston is my bodyguard, he has become more than that though. He's  like my older brother now. It was about time we built a close friendship I mean he's  always there wherever I go. He probably knows me more than most people he gets to see the bad and the good. I trust him and I know he would protect me no matter what. We were headed to the Power Station 97.3 to talk about my newest project that I've been working on lately.

An hour later we were at the station getting ready for my first ever interview since the passing of my sister. I really don't know how this will go.
"I am Thembi  and you have tuned  into the right radio station 97.3, with me I have the amazing August Alsina. I can already hear the ladies screaming. Please do stay tuned....So August"
"Yes maam that's me"
"How have you been lately?"
"I mean I'm doing good I could be better but I'm taking each  day as it comes" 
"Well before we get straight to things I just want to say thank you for agreeing to this, I know it must be hard but you still came"
"Well I'm also glad I could make  it.  My fans haven't heard from me in a long time I think they deserve to know what's been happening in my life I've been Mia lately."
"I'm sure they'll understand, you had your reasons. I don't know if you ready to talk about it, but with the passing of your sister how are you handling things?"
"Well to be honest with you I'm still asking myself that question, all I know is that I'm here by the grace of God. That is where I get my strength  to continue with life even when I don't feel like it. My sister's death really took me back in life. But I'm a soldier I shall pass this too."
"Well I know what you're  capable of and I'm sure you'll get through this...And with your three nieces are you willing to step up and adopt them?"
"Well I wouldn't say adopt because they also have family from their mothers side whom they very close with. I wouldn't want to take them away from them. But they'll be staying with me and  I'll take care of them"
"That is a really nice thing to do August and I just want to wish you the best of  luck with them"
"Thank you I appreciate that"
"Well on a lighter note we are very excited to announce that August has released  an EP called Forever And A Day. Well August I've listened to it and I must say I love it. How on earth do you continue to create such amazing love songs when you're  going through so much in your life?"
"Well as an artist I've learnt to always take a step back from everything and channel my artistry side to create music. I always have to channel that side of me so that I can make magic. It has always been my escape from reality. This Ep is really about the love I wish I had in my life. The romance I wish I could experience in this dark patch"
"You mean to tell me that you're still single"
"I mean ya, I just haven't found the one yet"
"Well ladies you heard it here August is very much single. Anything else we should know?"
"Well I just want to thank my fans my days ones for always sticking with me, for always supporting my music and being there. I really appreciate y'all.  This Ep is my love letter from me to you. Go out and  get it on every platform"
"Well thank you so much August Alsina for stopping by we can't wait to indulge and listen. Since it's Valentine's day ladies and gentlemen this is the perfect playlist to set the mood. Ain't that right August?" She chuckled and looked at me
"Oh shit I totally forgot all about that, I've been so single that I don't even  celebrate  that"
"Wow August wow! I'm shocked right now...but anyways stay tuned listeners and I'll be  playing a few songs from the Ep thank you for listening"
After the interview I was ready to head home and actually have something to eat.

I'm making a vow that every chapter will have 1000+ words nothing less. This book is based on August "actual" career and life. But obviously with a different story line. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm honestly hoping that this book will be better than my first one called The Neighborhood I Once Knew. I  just want to improve.

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