'Dragon's Grudge'

By LeoKenEvil

98.6K 1.9K 2.6K

It...It almost feels like a dream. The heroes and sidekicks who are gathered in this hall alongside me are no... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 3. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 5. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 6. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 7. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 8. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 9. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 10. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 11. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 12. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 13. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 14. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 15. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 16. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 17. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 18. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 19. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 20. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 21. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 22. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 23. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 24. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 25. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 26. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 27. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.

Chapter 4. (Under Rewrite)

5.9K 129 261
By LeoKenEvil

This was it, today was the day, the day that the couple's career as heroes start. The U.A entrance exam was only in an hour and Izuku was sleeping in his bed, Ochako was in dreamland as she layed on top of his chest as a trail of saliva dribbled down their mouths, the dragon boy's wings wrapped around his beloved like a blanket.

All the while, a ringing goes off from the alarm clock as Izuku stirs from his sleep and begrudgingly slammed down onto the small yet obnoxiously loud object as he slept, only for the noise to continue and to notice that he only hit wood, not metal. Growling in annoyance as he is forced out his sleep, Izuku opens his eyes and turns to the bedside table.

When his reptilian, emerald green pools land on the table, Izuku sees that the clock wasn't even there. It explains why he only hit wood, but it doesn't explain why the ringing continued if the clock wasn't even in sight. Then it donnes on him as he hears ringing from above his head as he closed his eyes and sighs, realizing the gravity of the situation.

And the keyword is gravity.

Izuku: "Huuggh, she hit snooze again."

Izuku sent one of his tails above his head to grab the floating alarm clock that Ochako had used her quirk on in her sleep. When Izuku got a hold of it and brought down to turn it off, he saw the time on the clock and saw that it was none other than 7:30 AM.

At first, he just shrugged it off as he laid back down and set the clock back on the table, much to Ochako's pleasure, due to him shifting about in his spot as he fixed the situation as a smile formed on the brunette's face as she snuggled her face into his chest, which was heated to the perfect temperature that wasn't too warm but not too cold.

And then it donnes on Izuku.


The sudden shouting from her boyfriend and what he said caused Ochako to instantly snap out of her sleep as she flails around frantically as the realization that if they didn't get themselves ready, they would end up late for the entrance exam to U.A and would have to wait another year for them to start the journey of their hero careers.

With the thought in mind, Izuku and Ochako instantly got out of bed, hopped onto the floor, rushed into the shower together to save time, much to each other's embarrassment as they faced away from each other, Izuku covering himself with his wings and Ochako wrapped in a towel from her chest down as they walked back into the room to get dressed.

Once in their clothes, Izuku and Ochako quickly made their way into their kitchen, grabbed themselves a quick breakfast that consisted of cereal and milk. Before dinner was made ten months ago and after All Might and Inko spoke with Mr and Mrs Uraraka, the parents all in agreement and told both Ochako and Izuku that they'll be living in an apartment together.

Temporarily of course, but nonetheless, the two former students of Aldera Junior High had no idea how they were supposed to react to it. They had no idea how they would manage without their parents, yet after a few days, they adjusted just fine and were living the life with each other, most of their time was spent just cuddling though, but needless to say, they loved it.

When they finished scoffing their breakfast down their faces, the two instantly got up from their seats and rushed out the house as Ochako cancelled Izuku's laws of gravity, the dragon held her from behind, he spread his large wings as wide they can go, and with one beat of his wings, they were high up in the air as Izuku and Ochako flew above the busy city.

A month after Izuku and Ochako moved into their new, temporary home, the greenette decided to study as much as he could about flying as ever since he was young. he always dreamed about taking to the skies, and now that he had wings, he studied everything about flight. After two weeks of practice, he was finally able to stay in the sky for long periods of time.

Izuku would often take Ochako on wonderful flights around the city, whether it's to take her to a place for their date or going sightseeing in itself as Izuku would take her high above the clouds when either the sun was setting or when it was night so they could see the beautiful array of stars in the dark yet gorgeous sky.

Of course, Ochako had to get used to the unimaginable heights, being scared to death of how high they were. At one point she was writhing a little too much due to panic and she ended up slipping out of Izuku's arms, causing the draconic boy to immediately dive down and grab ahold on her shoulders with the talons on his feet.

Yet after a good amount of time, Ochako got used to the wind blowing her face and now she doesn't panic when she looks down to the city below. Izuku was thrilled that she came over her fear and thus was allowed to take her to many places without the slow pace of being stuck behind crowds of people.

After a good five minutes of flying in the morning warmth and breeze above the city, Izuku dives down to the ground just in front of U.A's entrance, getting close enough to the ground to drop his beloved safely onto the tiled walkway, her bag still strapped on her shoulders whilst Izuku got his modified to not just fit on his shoulders but his wings as well.

When he stopped beating his wings and landed next to Ochako, the brunette grabbed a hold of his scaly hand and arm as she pushed her breasts into his limb with a sweet, closed-eyed smile as Izuku wraps one of his large, muscular charcoal grey tails around her waist and his large orange wings around as they walked to the door.

Walking to the entrance didn't come without the ridicule of other students who are applying for U.A, all of them calling Ochako crazy for being so close to such a vile thing while calling Izuku villain spawn and a monster. Izuku could handle his part of the name-calling, but hearing them call Ochako crazy and even insane caused Izuku's temperature to rise dramatically in anger.

Ochako, of course, notices it and so she decides to kiss Izuku's cheek and speaks softly to him to bring down the calamity that is his burning rage.

Ochako: "It's okay Izuku, they clearly don't know the person you really are."

Izuku: "I know that but it still pisses me off regardless."

Ochako: "Ever since the day it all started with you and Bakugou's fight you've been a lot more prone to anger."

Izuku: "Guess he finally managed to crack my psyche enough after all."

Suddenly a group of boys behind the two lovebirds called out to them, catching their attention as they turn around with curious looks on their faces. The boys wore smug and perverted grins as they eyed Ochako with some slight sadism in their eyes as who appeared to be the head of the group spoke to Ochako, who felt really uncomfortable with how they looked at her.

Group Leader: "Hey girl, ditch the villains spawn there and come with us. We'll be sure to treat you right hehe~"

As he says this, the boy pulls out his wallet and takes out, much to Ochako and Izuku's horror and disgust, a condom. Ochako looked at the boys in horror fueled shock, but Izuku was a whole other story. With this, consumed in rage, Izuku turned around, scales sprouting all over his body as he hunched back and placed his hands on the ground.

Seeing what he was about to do, Ochako tried to get him to not do what she knew he was going to do, but her words fell on deaf ears when Izuku's wings spread out, catching on fire that scared the group of four perverted males and anyone who was watching them. The panic was made all the worse when with a single beat of the large appendages, Izuku lunged at the sick teen.

The boy was too scared to even move when he knew that he shouldn't have been as slimy, arrogant and disgusting as he was when Izuku suddenly sprouted Charcoal grey scales all over his figure, the dragon boy in question rapidly turning up and bared his large and lethal talons and latches one onto his shoulders and the other on his face.

Izuku clapped his overly large wings when they trailed on the tiled walkway, hoisting himself and the boy off the ground by a metre before Izuku slammed the boy down onto the hard concrete, an audible crunch being heard when the angry Dragonoid pressed his scaly foot further onto his face as he broke his nose.

Through the gap of the vicious talons that are clasped around his head, the boy looked deep into the fiery orange eyes of the draconic greenette, Izuku glaring down at him with anger that no one could even comprehend. Suddenly, Izuku starts taking in a huge breath of air as his wings flared, the flames licking the air around them as the intake of air sounds like a vicious growl.

Ochako: "IZUKU DON'T DO IT!"

The boy was scared shitless, he thinks that this is where he dies, on the edge of U.A's border, his hero career ending really quick at the hands of the draconic boy's hand as he closed his eyes, preparing for the torrent of flames. Instead, Izuku only roared in his face, the sound was so loud the ground nearly broke from underneath them as he almost splits the assholes ears.

When Izuku clamps his mouth shut, he looks at the boy, who appears to have been staring at death itself for longer than he should've as Izuku let's go of his head and shoulder as he sets his feet on the ground, the boy trying to sit up and get his bearings.

Only to end up getting whipped across the head with one of Izuku's tails, instantly knocking the boy back down onto his side and knocking what remained of his consciousness as he walked back to Ochako and wraps a tail and wing around his sweet mochi, the fire on his wings vanishing, smoke emanating off of the giant appendages as they walk to the building.

Izuku: "You thought I was really going to kill him weren't you?"

Ochako: "You really had to go and nearly give me a heart attack didn't you?"

Izuku: "I wasn't going to let sick fucks like them do the filthy things they do, you know that."

Ochako: "I know but you could've at least held back with the fire."

Izuku: "Hmph, right. Sorry."

Ochako: "Don't worry, just try to hold back a little more."

As Ochako grabs Izuku's arm and pecks him on the cheek, giving the draconic boy the same closed-eyed smile from earlier, they continued their way inside, much to the relief of so many terrified students. However, there was one student with spiky red hair who was looking at Izuku, not with a look of fear but a proud smile, seeing that he can and will protect his woman.


*Inside the auditorium*

Izuku and Ochako just made it inside the auditorium where the written exam would be taking place soon. Once Izuku entered the place, all the students, who were having their own conversations that echoed loudly through the huge room, went dead silent as soon as the draconic boy entered the room.

Everyone began whispering under their breath in fear of the scaly cinnamon roll but one voice boomed out through the entire auditorium as soon as the boy's eyes landed on the greenette, catching Izuku, Ochako and all the other students attention.


The angry pomeranian was absolutely fuming that Izuku was here with Ochako, but so much as hearing his voice is enough to set Izuku off into a bad mood as he glared at the ash-blonde. The two stared each other down, much to everyone's fear if they decided to break out into a fight as Izuku speaks out to Kaachan.

Izuku: "You're wasting both my time and your breath. And the former has value."

Hearing this, Katsuki raised both his hands, creating tiny explosions in his hand as a threat display to get Izuku to take back what he just said and to skulk back into whatever hole he crawled out of. However, Izuku noticed something different about Kaachan and sees his nose is slightly messed up as it clicks he ended up ruining his nose.

And this only made the greenette give a toothy grin as he spoke to the living time bomb with serious pride with what he did.

Izuku: "By the way Kaachan, how's that nose of yours doing? Hehehe."


Without any other thought in mind, Katsuki created two explosions from his hands, sending himself flying towards the couple as Ochako hides behind Izuku, the draconic boy spreading his wings wide. With a single clap of the giant protrusions, Izuku sends a gust of wind barreling towards the ash-blonde, ruining his trajectory and sent him flying back to his seat.

It was at this moment that a pro hero entered the huge room, the hero in question being Present Mic. The pro had just seen the whole thing play out and decided it was time to end the fight and begin the announcement of the U.A entrance exam.

Present Mic: "Okay okay guys, let's settle down now! Don't want to ruin your public image now, would we!? If everyone will be so kind as to take their seats so we can get the exam started, that will be great!"

With the hero's announcement, Izuku collects his composure as Ochako hugs him from behind as they walk over to their allocated seats. When they sit down and everyone is quiet, Present Mic begins to go over the rules of today's exam, but not before he gave his introduction.

Present Mic: "Well how's it going kids, maybe you've heard some of my songs but if you don't know who I am, I'll gladly tell you now! I am the Volume Hero: Present Mic! Can all you guys give me Hell Yeah!?"


Present Mic: "Yikes, tough crowd today huh!? Well with my introduction out of the way, I want to say welcome to U.A! The first test is a written exam! I'm pretty sure that a lot of you will make it past that since it's the same thing you all did in middle school! The second test is what everyone is looking forward to! The practical exam!"

As he says this, a projection is flashed onto the whiteboard behind him as it shows a fake city and what looked like robots as the overly loud yet optimistic hero goes over the rules of the practical.

Present: "As you can see here, this is the fake city that the participants will be working in! There are four of these specially designed places for four separate teams so it's not too crowded and the fake villains won't all be destroyed as soon as the bell goes! Each place has at least three villains, each one worth one to three points each!"

Ochako: "We're fighting fake villains Zuzu! Isn't that exciting!?"

Ochako silently whispers to her boyfriend, the excitement was really starting to get to her, as well as her scaly boyfriend who had just as much hype on his face as he whispers to her his response while Present Mic finishes up.

Izuku: "It is! Once we pass and make into U.A, we'll end up as heroes together!"

Ochako: "Yeah! Together!"

As Ochako leans into him slightly, giving him a pec on the cheek, causing Izuku to giggle at her affection for him, Present Mic finishes his talk about the rules of the entrance exam and asks if anyone has questions.

Present Mic: "So you need to get a minimum of thirty points to get within the ten-minute time limit! Does anyone have any questions!?"

From amidst the crowd stood a tall boy with navy blue hair as raises his hand, signifying to the hero he does indeed want to ask something as, with his usual smile and loud voice, Present Mic urges the boy to speak up and ask him what his question is.

Present Mic: "It would appear that someone does have a question! Let's hear it man!"

Blue-Haired Student: "Yeah I've noticed something on the pamphlet! You said the were three types of villains worth one to three points each! But the pamphlet shows four faux villains! If this a mistake then this is an embarrassment to U.A! It's supposed to be the #1 hero school in the world, so a mistake like this won't do!"

Everyone had one thing in their mind after the boy's question/exclamation.

Everyone: "Yeesh, this guy's uptight."

Present Mic: "Ahh! I forgot to talk about that, didn't I!? Well, that is actually a fourth villain that is in the practical, but it doesn't offer any points and is more of an obstacle you need to avoid! Sorry that I didn't mention that before!"

Blue-Haired Student: "It's very much alright sir, thank you for your explanation! And as for you two!"

Suddenly, the student with glasses turns around and points in Izuku and Ochakos directions as they looked at the boy confused as they point to themselves, asking him if he as talking about them.

Blue-Haired Student: "Yes you! You've been cuddling, kissing and giggling like children for a while now! A school like U.A has no time for love birds like you two! You're distracting everyone from their chance to make it big, so if you aren't going to take it seriously, you can leave now!"

As soon as he said this, Izuku and Ochako's faces darkened, the dragon boy's eyes turning bright orange as his mouth glowed a vivid yellow as Ochako scowled at the boy. They wouldn't have responded and let it the situation go, but no, the teenage stuck up just had to go the extra mile, didn't he?

Blue Haired Student: "Also madam, I've seen how your quirk works! It can only make things float when you touch anything with all five of your fingers from either hand! I saw you use it on your boyfriend when he nearly fell down the stairs due to how his legs are built! In all honesty, I can't see you getting far in the exam with it! My advice, take your bag and leave now before you embarrass yourself!"

The entire auditorium went silent with what the teenager with glasses had to say, and Ochako was extremely embarrassed that he had exposed her to everyone inside the room, leading to some students snickering in a mocking style as she looked down. But Izuku was a whole other ball game, to say he was angry was an understatement.

He was a raging tornado that cannot be caged and with a calm, yet deadly tone in his voice, that caused everyone in the room to fall silent, he spoke.

Izuku: "Excuse me, what did you just let slip out of your trap?"

The angry greenette got up from his seat and set one of his reptilian-like feet onto the table and with one beat of his wings, he jumped high into the air before plummeting right down in front of a student who was sitting beside the boy who called them out. The student could easily tell just how much he had really pissed off the draconic boy as smoke poured from his nostrils.

Izuku: "If you've got something to say. Say it to our faces, not from the other end of the room. Let me tell you something, Ochako is the most powerful person I have ever met in my life. She defended me and stood up for me ever since we were children. So if you call her weak again...I'll season you with salt and pepper and sear you on a campfire."

When she heard this, Ochako was shocked to hear it, but the words of her boyfriend brought great joy and reassurance to her heart as a smile crept its way into the contours of her face. But then something happened that she, Izuku or anyone else had never expected from a complete stranger to the greenette.

Much to the dragon boy's surprise, the teen with glasses was surprisingly unfazed as he not only stood his ground but he even got into Izuku's face, saying how his behaviour wasn't heroic and that he's more villain than hero, just like his father. Seeing that a fight will break out if nothing is done, Present Mic intervenes as he tries to stop them from letting loose.

Present Mic: "Hey hey guys, let's not do anything rash! We're here to become heroes right, so obviously the dragon boy and gravity girl are here for the same thing! Let's just go back to our seats and get the written exam started, alright!?"

This worked as the boys turned to the pro for a few moments before looking back at each other with heated glares. After a few more moments of silence, Izuku speaks to the blue-haired stuck up, the tone of his voice remained but what he said reassured everyone inside the auditorium, especially Ochako, as they breathed a sigh of relief.

Izuku: "Alright, let me be the mature one here."

Without another word, Izuku turns back around and flies back to his spot in the upper row of students next to Ochako while the navy blue-haired teenager sits back down in his chair as the exam starts, but not before the brunette silently lectures Izuku about picking fights.

The written exam went by rather quickly and we can see the students in their fitness wear and make their way to their allocated busses to go to the cities they were assigned to. Luckily Izuku and Ochako got city-A while Katsuki got city-D, thus they were travelling on separate busses.

What didn't help was that when they were busy minding their own business on the vehicle, they felt a specific pair of eyes on them, the feeling from them is judgement and when they looked in the direction they felt it coming from, they got their answer.

The stuck up with glasses was looking at the couple with a judgemental scowl.

As both cinnamon rolls returned the facial expression, Izuku spread his wings and covered both he and his girlfriend as they ignore the boy for the rest of the trip. When they arrived, all the students left the bus and were getting themselves ready for the mock battle ahead, the real challenge.

As Izuku was doing his stretches in his modified fitness outfit, one of his tails wrapped around his water bottle as he brought the cold, refreshing beverage to his scaly clawed hands and downs a good amount of water to keep his temperature regulated since it is pretty hot outside. And yet, despite all his training, he still felt really nervous about not making it into U.A.

Felling the urge to go and speak to his beloved, he looks over the crowd of students that are signing up for U.A as he tries to spot Ochako amidst them all. And sure enough, he sees the familiar colour of Ochako's hair and her hairstyle as he smiles and begins to walk to her to have a talk.

That is until he felt a hand grab his shoulder.

When he turned around, he was met with the navy blue-haired boy who exposed him and Ochako back in the auditorium, and he was giving him the same disapproving and judgemental scowl back on the bus, Izuku returning the look as the boy lectures him.

Blue-Haired Student: "You had better not be going to your lover and distract her from what's to come. From the looks of it, she's really got her head in the game. Mind your business would you."

Izuku was really starting to lose his patience with the stuck up prince as his eyes flared orange again, his wings beginning to quiver and shake violently as the spines on his tails start rattling with his seething anger as smoke escaped from his nostrils and the gaps of his teeth. Yet Izuku remembered what Ochako had told him about getting into fights with others.

And so he calms down, the fire in his eyes vanishing as they turn green again, the smoke stopped pouring, his spines stopped ratling and his wings stopped shaking as he spoke to the boy calmly. But don't get him wrong, he was still very much angry at the stuck up as he shoved his hand off his shoulder, stunning the boy with how aggressive he was in doing so.

Izuku: "You're telling me to mind my own business? You're telling me to leave my girlfriend alone when she could be just as nervous as I am? You know what you are, you're a hypocrite for telling me to mind my own business when you're invading me and my girlfriend's personal life. So you may want to go and check your privilege, idiot."

Without another word, Izuku turned around and walked to Ochako, leaving the teen to stay where he is as he immediately realized his fault and that he was actually a hypocrite and that the boy he had just spoken to was indeed just minding his own business and was probably just going to check to see if his girlfriend was alright.

What Izuku didn't expect was for Ochako to meet him halfway, wrap her arms around his neck and give him a quick kiss on the lips. When she pulled back and hugged him, she tells him she's proud he didn't act as aggressively and violently as he usually would in these sort of scenarios.

Ochako: "Seems you've finally managed to get your anger on the leash huh?"

Izuku: "How much did you hear and see?"

Ochako: "All of it."

As the two cinnamon rolls quickly connect for another kiss, the announcer goes off with Present Mic shouting through the microphone.

Present Mic: "Alright everyone, we're about to start! Get yourselves ready!"

As everyone braced themselves to get ready, Ochako climbed onto Izuku's back as the dragon boy beats his wings as they are about three metres off the ground. Suddenly, the gates open and Present Mic shouts through the speakers.

Present Mic: "AND GOOOOO!"

In an instant, Izuku dove down slightly to gain momentum as he and Ochako flew into the fake city, ready to tear apart any and all fake villains they came across, leaving other students in the dust as they look at the couple flying over them as Mic shouts into the intercom once again.

Present Mic: "Well what are you waiting for!? Follow those two lovebirds!"

Snapping out of their little trance, all the other teenagers that are hoping to get into U.A suddenly begin sprinting inside, many of them getting stuck in the gate as they tried to get into the fake city to start earning their points to try and get into the worlds most prestigious hero school.

And Boom! That's it! Chapter Done!

Hope you guys enjoyed what you read here and if you did, then vote for what you read here, add it to your libraries and reading lists, leave a comment and drop a follow, please and thank you...Aannnd onto the cliffhangers!

The mock battle has just begun and Izuku and Ochako were passing with flying colour. Every robot faux villain they came across, they obliterated as the greenette shows the world what he can do as Ochako demonstrates how she trained her quirk with her combat skills.

But then something happened that no one had expected. What's going to happen? Well...You'll need to read the next chapter for yourselves.

See you in the next chapter lads and lassies, take care of yourselves!

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