
By Jiminiebabymama

179K 7.7K 1.1K

Off loves women. He doesn't care that seemingly everyone in his life seems to think he is in love with that s... More

Chapter 1 ⚡⭐
Chapter 2⚡⭐
Chapter 3⚡⭐
Chapter 4⚡⭐
Chapter 6⚡⭐
Chapter 7⚡⭐
Chapter 8⚡⭐
Chapter 9
Chapter 10⚡⭐
Chapter 11⚡⭐
Chapter 12⚡⭐
Chapter 13⚡⭐
Chapter 14⚡⭐
Chapter 15⚡⭐
Chapter 16⚡⭐
Chapter 17⚡⭐
Chapter 18⚡⭐
Chapter 19⚡⭐
Chapter 20⚡⭐
Chapter 21⚡⭐
Chapter 22⚡⭐
Chapter 23 ⚡⭐
Chapter 24⚡⭐
Chapter 25⚡⭐
Chapter 26⚡⭐
Chapter 27⚡⭐
Chapter 28⚡⭐
Chapter 29⚡⭐

Chapter 5 ⚡⭐

6.5K 273 48
By Jiminiebabymama

"Off why do you look like a Zombie? " P'Boy asked causing Off to snap out of his day dream. He looked away from the window and faced P'Boy.

"Oiii P'Boy if you wanted to say I look ugly you could have just said so," Off said while rolling his eyes.

P'Boy took one hand off the steering wheel and smacked Offs arm before fully taking control of the car again.

"Ow!" Off cried out while smiling cheekily and rubbing his arm even though it wasn't really that painful. P'Boys punch was just as weak as Gun's honestly.

Offs smile dropped from his face. Fuck this was probably the hundred time Gun had popped into his head just today. And it was still 10am in the fucking morning!

"See that's what I'm talking about. You keep on disappearing into your head. What's going on with you Off?" P'Boy asked glancing quickly at him before looking back at the road. Off could see and hear just how worried P'Boy was but Off couldn't exactly tell him what was bothering him so much.

Off couldn't exactly tell P'Boy that he was freaking out because Gun, that fucking shorty had given him an erection and he had spent the past three days in solitude trying his hardest to make sense of it.

Why did he get hard while kissing Gun? It made no fucking sense. Off would admit that Gun was attractive, he was cute and all that and Off could see why so many girls and guys were lined up to get with him. But this was all objective. Off was in no way whatsoever attracted to Gun at all!

If you compared Gun to people he has been attracted to in the past you'd find literally nothing in common. The biggest difference being none of the people he's ever been attracted to had a penis attached to them. Also none of them were ever as well... small as Gun. Off liked tall girls who were at his eye level.

But if Off looked past all that physical stuff which Off had done with some difficulty (he just couldn't comprehend how he got an erection for someone else who could also get an erection fuck) he also couldn't find any similarities between Gun's personality and the girls he was usually attracted to.

Off liked mature girls. Soft hearted girls who had that motherly touch to them. Gun was literally the exact opposite. He was immature and usually had people looking after him then him looking after others.

So why did he get an erection because of Gun?!

"Off!" P'Boy shouted seeming like it wasn't the first time that he had been trying to get his attention.

"Oiii I'm fine P'Boy, I was just distracted thinking about the new girl in my life, you know how it is," Off lied unable to think of anything better to say.

This seemed to immediately put P' Boy at ease. "Awu Off! Not even  3 months since you broke up with Alice and already you're moving on?!"

A pang shot straight to his heart. Fuck he hadn't even thought about Alice once this week. Someone who had been the center of his world for three years and that shorty had managed to shove his way into Offs head with just one kiss.


"Awu P'Boy I'm not some manwhore! It's just a girl that I met recently and I was just thinking about how gorgeous her legs are, nothing serious geez," Off practically snapped.

"Okay okay my bad calm down there lover boy," P'Boy said glancing at Off again while laughing softly at him. "Either way today's your first day of shooting and you need to be totally focused. No getting distracted by thoughts of girls with long legs okay?" P'Boy warned.

Off nodded. "And.. did you do what I asked you to do?" Off asked.

"What checking out other agencies?"

Off nodded. "Yeah I've been checking out other agencies and there are actually quite a few that would be interested to have you join. A lot of them were putting really nice offers on the table. This is not a surprise though since you're such a hot topic these days," P'Boy reported causing Off to roll his eyes.

" But Off are you really sure you want to leave Gmmtv? They're like your family, " P'Boy tentatively asked him.

Off shook his head." I haven't decided if I want to leave Gmmtv yet. I just wanted to see if I did decide to leave what my options would be," Off explained and shrug his shoulders.

Earlier this week, about a day after the...kiss with Gun had happened Off had been in such a frantic state of mind that he had called P'Boy asking him to look into other agencies for him. P'Boy had been shocked to say the least, Off had been with Gmmtv for so long and grown connections with the people there.

It had been a rash decision on Off's part, he was just freaking out about having to see and work with Gun again after... that happened but since he already asked P'Boy to do it he couldn't help but be curious.

"Listen Off, are you really sure you want to leave Gmmtv? You know as your manager I'll always support you with whatever you want to do but I-"

"No no no P'Boy I'm not leaving Gmmtv. I was just curious about other offers that all. I'd never make you leave your precious friends behind," Off teased P'Boy who rolled his eyes but seemed to be more at ease after hearing Off's confirmation.

Off knew that if he ever left Gmmtv it wouldn't be just him leaving but his team as well. And honestly he didn't think he had the heart to split up P'Boy and his precious best friend P'Godji.

But one thing was for sure, this was definitely his last time doing a BL series. Obviously years of doing this BL shit had finally gone to his head and now he was popping hard ons for other fucking dudes. He was done!

Now he just had somehow survive shooting this series with Gun. Fuck he hoped this wouldn't get awkward.

There really is a God! Off was extremely relieved right now. He had gotten on the set and found out that P'X had decided to take pictures of the cast for the posters of the series instead of shooting the university orientation scene as planned.

As soon as Off arrived he was told about the change of plans and luckily before anyone could see just how Fucking relieved he was he was being lead to do hair and makeup. Off really just needed more time to put himself in the right mindset so he was extremely grateful for the change of plans.

However his happiness was short lived when he walked into hair and make-up and saw Mike getting his hair done while a already finished White and Gun sat on the couch laughing at something on Whites phone.

FUCKKKK he still had to face Gun even though they wouldn't be acting out a scene together.

No but it's fine, Off was cool okay, there was no reason for him to be acting so weird dammit. Off had kissed Gun because he had wanted to proof a point, which he did! So absolutely no reason whatsoever for things to be so weird between them.

Off casually walked into the room and greated all the staff. He flicked Mike's ear in greeting who smiled at him using the mirror and nodded at White when he looked up at him as he made his way to the empty chair where he would be getting his makeup down.

Gun kept his head down the whole time and didn't once look up and acknowledge Off. Jesus the little shorty was going to expose them!

"Awu Gun what's wrong, usually by now you'd be molesting me already," Off teased Gun trying to act as normal as possible.

Gun's ears just turned red and he softly shook his head without looking up.

What the Fuck.

Off had never, NEVER in all his time working with Gun had he seen him act so meek. Damn Off must have given him one hell of a kiss to make him do a complete 180.

... Off wasn't sure why that made him so happy.

White frowned at Gun suspiciously and nudged him softly "Oii what's wrong with you why are you acting so weird," White asked. Okay so Off wasn't the only one freaked out by Gun acting so meek and quiet. And Off definitely wasn't getting excited at the thought that he was the cause for Gun's change in behavior.

"Ooooo Mom and Dad are fighting!" Mike teased from the seat next to Off.

"Oh as if you wouldn't love that uh nong'Mike," P'Sorn, the hairstylist currently working on Offs hair, teased causing everyone to laugh at a blushing Mike. Wow so literally the whole staff knew about Mike's crush. That must suck but for some odd reason Off couldn't help but feel a little bit smug about it.

"Hey I'm not your mother you shit," Gun said to Mike causing a still blushing Mike to break out in surprise laughter. Okay so Gun was still capable of being a little shit, nothing had changed, but why the hell was he acting so strange around Off?!

The incident in the hair and makeup room wasn't a one time thing. Gun kept on avoiding Off. They would take pictures together with the rest of the savage gang and immediately when P'X said cut he would run off set to talk to his managers or ignore Off completely and talk to either White or Mike only until they had to take the next set of pictures.

Off honestly hoped everyone thought Gun was just having one of his moods again and didn't suspect anything was wrong with them. And honestly Off was kinda glad Gun was ignoring him. He felt so awkward around Gun, more awkward then the first time they had met. He had no idea what to even say to Gun which was weird in itself because he usually never ever agonizied over what to say to Gun usually.

Unfortunately the day got even worse when the last set of pictures had to be taken for the day which just had Off and Gun in it. Without White and Mike to buffer the awkwardness they were basically screwed.

Right now the set had been made into a little cinema and Off and Gun were silently sitting side by side with their props in hand waiting for the photographer to finish his set up.

Off softly coughed "Erm have you eaten yet?" Off asked before he could stop himself. He wanted to punch himself. He had been literally sitting at the same table as Gun when they had their lunch although they had both been talking to other people.

Gun softly chuckled and quickly glanced at Off out of the corner of his eye before looking away and smiling. "Oiii how many times is a person supposed to eat a day!?" Gun softly said teasing Off for his admittedly stupid question.

"Okay, let's start taking some photos now!" P'Fan, the photographer shouted out.

Off reached down his free hand and brought it down to Guns thigh and pinched him as revenge. Gun squeaked out softly and  P'Fan looked at him weirdly. Since there were seats in front of them to complete the cinema look no one saw Off pinching Guns thigh so it probably seemed like Gun was just randomly spasming. Off smiled a little in victory while Gun softly glared at him which just made him want to smile even harder but he had to control himself for the camera.

The both turned towards each other in the chairs and posed as P'Fan instructed them changing it up ever so often as P'Fan shouted out instructions. As they were taking pictures Gun tried to exact his own revenge on Off by pinching him back on the thigh but Off didn't even flinch one bit, he just carried on posing.

Gun was also posing, smiling at Off as instructed even though Off could see from Gun's eyes that he rather wanted to swear at Off instead of smile at him. Off laughed on the inside. Teasing the brat was kinda fun.

This time instead of pinching Gun's thigh he placed his hand on Gun's midthigh. Gun's eyes widened ever so slightly before returning to normal.

Oh okay the brat wanted to act tough uh?

Off started gently rubbing circles on the inside of Guns thighs with his thumb ever so slightly along his seam. Gun's smiled faltered ever so slightly before  it returned to its full smile.

Off kept on rubbing his thumb along Guns seam as they carried on taking pictures. To the untrained eye you'd think absolutely nothing was happening to Gun but Off could see that he was starting to affect Gun. Gun's breathing had gotten ever so shallower and his cheeks looked flushed.

Off brought his thumb higher and higher and  Gun let him by  spreading his legs wider and wider. Off couldn't help but feel smug. He was definitely affecting Gun.

Just as his thumb had reached the place where Gun's thighs met with his groin P'Fan spoke. "Okay that's good, I think we have enough photo's now,"

P'Fans voice was like a bucket of cold water that brought Off and Gun out of the little trance they had been in, staring into each other's eyes. Off had even forgetten there were other people in the room honestly.

It seemed like Gun did as well because his eyes widened to a comical extent before he quickly got out of the chair and walked out of the set without looking back once.

"OK that's enough for today, good job everyone and Off I really like that intensity you had in the last pictures, I want to see more of it," P'X spoke dismissing them for the day.

What the Fuck did he just do.

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