Who me?

By NoraBest

3.1K 54 66

Gabby is 12 but she loves one direction.When she gets the chance to meet them,what happens?One hint:it involv... More

authors note
chapter one
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21

chapter 14

84 3 3
By NoraBest

sorry guys i got really busy and couldn't upload.



  When I woke up I couldn't find Niall.After giving up on my search,I made my self breakfast.Just as I was finishing,Niall rushed in.

  "Come on lets go."

  "Go where?"

  "You have an interview,and you're going to be late."

  "What?"I shouted."Why didn't you tell me last night?"

  "I just got asked this morning.Now come on!"

  With that,Niall rushed me out of the room,down to the lobby,and into a van waiting out front.I was calm until i saw a glimpse of how I looked.I screamed at the top of my lungs,causing the driver to swerve a small amount.

  "What?What is it?"Niall questioned when he stopped cringing.

  "I look horrid!"I yelled.

  "Calm down.It's a radio interview.You'll be fine.You look beautiful.Ethan thinks so too."

  "You two saying that means nothing!"I claimed."You're my brother!He always says that!"

  "Just calm down."

  "Fine,"I mumbled as I started to finger comb my hair."Give me your jacket."


  "I am not getting out of this car in  just my pajamas so give me your jacket."


  I slipped Niall's jacket over the top half of me.I was so happy I decided to where leggings to bed.I gave myself a once over and stated,"Much better."



  Thirty minutes later the van pulled up to a building.Niall and I were rushed inside.The next thing I knew I was sitting in a radio booth with Niall beside me."And we're back with Niall and Gabby Horran,as promised.So Gabby what is your story?"

  Before I could answer,Niall came in with,"She doesn't actually know.I didn't tell her the truth."

  "So tell us."

  "Well she was born on February 29th 2000-leap day.A year later she was kidnapped.The kidnapper then put her in an orphanage in Ireland.Some how the lady that raised her adopted her.I was 8 when she was kidnapped.I only remembered that she had the blondest hair so ever since my mum let me,I've been dying my hair blond.I never lost hope that she was okay.I went out and searched everywhere I could in Mullingar.When I became famous,I hired private investigators.When the leads went cold I kept looking.I refused to think she was gone.I told the boys and they agreed to do everything they could do to help.Every place we went on tour,we checked every place we could think of.We all kept our eyes open for blue eye blonds that looked anywhere from ten to twelve years old."

  "Wow,"the reporter guy said."Why did you keep persisting?I mean private investigators couldn't find her,so what made you think you could?"

  "Where there's a will there's a way."

  "Wow.So Gabby what's this all been like for you?"

  "It's been this one huge rush.It's a ton of fun even when it gets really hard.I'm always recording some song or something.But it's fun.I get to do what I love.Whats better is i get to share this dream with my brother."

  "Here's your single now."Suddenly I heard my song throughout the room.I smiled when I realized that hundreds of people were listening to my song.I started to sing along and didn't notice when the music stopped after a few seconds.When I finished the song I looked around.

  "Well it sounds so much better in person."

  "Thank you."I smiled.

  "No problem."

  The next hour or so went on with the radio guy asking questions and Niall and I replying.At one point they asked us to do a brother-sister duo.I had a ton of fun and laughed along with everyone else.Even though I was having so much fun,I was happy to leave.Today I had the day off.I could not wait to start reading this book that sounds interesting.


i know it is short.sorry i have really bad writters block. :-P

please put up with me!

who likes her story?



I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young

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