The Demon, the Wizard and the...

Av micheal_achonye

632 332 116

Sometimes the evil we fear are just in our minds. Sometimes the good we revere are not really what we expect... Mer

In the days of old
Different but the same PT 1
Different but the same PT 2
Birth of the Swan
The Omagi Creatures
The life of a speedster
Now you know
Is it worth it
The plan
Wish come true
The beginning of the Dark duo
Almost four decades ago
Appreciation note
Nobody dies
Safe for now
Speed kills
Broken identity
Change of heart
Mr Xeronicolantheronienta
Cold embers

Once upon a time

104 18 14
Av micheal_achonye

** The Wizard **

The Full moon shone down on everything that was once showered with the sun. The woods being as quiet as ever with an uneasy tension that lurked about. Only the crickets could be heard until a scream rang out in the midnight sky. Growls and howls brought terror into the forest as the creatures of the night hunted down their preys.
Deep in the woods, four campers lay in a tent huddled together in fear, waiting for the unknown to come upon them.
Camper 1: I knew we should have stayed at home like I had suggested
Camper 2: Oh don't bring this on me Tony. It was your girlfriend Sherry's idea to be "one with nature"
Sherry: Seriously Harry? You're gonna blame me?
Harry: Yah, I wanted to go out and see the city with Anne, "my girlfriend", not get stuck in the forest
Anne: Technically we're not really dating so...
Tony: Oh please shut it Harry. Don't blame Sherry for this
Harry: Why not? She's the reason we're stuck in the middle of nowhere
Anne: Would you guys shut it for just one second. Jesus.
The screams get louder and suddenly stop
Sherry: What was that?
Tony: Maybe a squirrel
Anne: Squirrels don't howl genius.
Sherry: Go check it out
Tony: There's no way in hell I'm going out there
Anne: Guys, I think there's someone out there!
They hear footsteps and the lights in their tent go out
Sherry: What just happened?
Anne: The torchlights went out
Sherry: Are you kidding me? Fix it. Don't just sit there, do something!
Anne: Like what Sherry. The batteries are dead
Tony: All of em?
Anne: Yup
Harry: Oh God!!!
A shadow loomed up at the entrance of their tent. It was a man in a cloak, but what caught their eye was the weapon he had in his hand. An axe
Harry: If we all stay quiet in here, he'll go away.
They all agreed to this idea, until the zip started to give way opening the tent to the outside world. Sherry couldn't hold it in any longer. She was so terrified that she screamed making Anne and the boys join in. A hooded face looked into the tent and they saw two cold blue eyes which made them shut up
Tony: Please don't eat me take Sherry it was her idea to visit your land. I promise never to be back here again.
Sherry: WHAT!!! Tony!
Harry: I second that Sir
Sherry: Harry?
Stranger: No,no,no. I'm not here to eat or kill any of you. I'm actually here to save you.
Tony: Save us? From what?
Stranger: Wolves
Anne: But wolves aren't native to this part of the country
Stranger: Trust me lass. They are
Sherry: Oh God!
Stranger: It wasn't smart of you to come into the woods on a full moon night. Pack what you need and follow me.
When the stranger was out of hearing range
Sherry: How do we know that we can trust this man. He might be a serial killer
Anne: Well I don't see you bringing up any ideas
Stranger: Are you all ready to go?
Anne: Yes sir
Stranger: Alright, follow me
He led them through the woods hacking away at the branches that stood in their way. A few minutes later they came up to a road leading out to a highway
Stranger: Follow this path and go to the intersection, there'll be a bus there to take you to town.
Tony: Thank you so much sir
Stranger: Don't thank me. Just leave and never come back here! It's dangerous
His cold blue eyes sending chills down their spines and stamping it in their minds.
Sherry: You can be sure of that, cos I am never coming back here again
He watches as the four campers run down the road then he heads back into the forest.


The scream that was heard had come from a boy who was running away from something. He had a branch stuck in his thigh when he stumbled upon a tree stump. He had crawled into a clearing and was beginning to back away from the bushes as a huge creature emerged from it growling and walking towards him. It looked like a man but it was bigger, scarier and hairier. It's teeth and claws still dripping from it's last kill. Nine other creatures like the first one came into view and the boy began to pray to God to save him by any miraculous means. Just as the creature raised it's large hand to finish him off, a voice rang out from the forest
Voice: Granger don't!
A black shadow had appeared from the sky as the figure of a man began to emanate
Granger: What do you want Wizard?
Wizard: I want the boy
Granger: I'm sorry, but he is our meal and wolves don't share
He floated down. He was not going to take this from the wolf man
Wizard: Did you have to kill all his friends?
Granger: We were hungry and we found something good to eat. Do you have a problem with that?
Wizard: Something good? We have MacDonald's for that.
Trying to lighten the mood didn't seem to help
Granger: Well I love my meal fresh, unlike you humans that prefer it dead and decayed.
Wizard: So tell me...if I let you kill him, what happens next?
Granger: We'll kill other humans until we're full
Wizard: Ha. Such a shame I won't let that happen
Granger: Dermot do not get in my way
Dermot: But I'm already in your way. "Spactulia regarda!!!"
With those words the boy was being pushed into the ground with vines that wrapped themselves about him. The werewolves rushed to where the boy was but tree stumps had already replaced him.
Granger: Where is the boy Wizard?
Dermot: He's home. A place you will never find him again
Granger: What happened to the truce? You promised that you wouldn't interfere with my business?
Dermot: But I didn't, I just saved a boy who called for my help.
The wolves slowly walked towards Dermot who remained very calm for someone who was about to be ripped to shreds.
Dermot: I don't want to do this Granger. If you attack now, I won't hold back.
Granger: I've been patient enough. It's time to end your reign. I'm the one who controls this forest not you. Rip him to shreds!
The wolves all rushed towards Dermot but he had a few tricks up his sleeve. He turned the first wolf into a bunny and the rest he entangled with the trees. He played with them like they were nothing more than toys. Of course they were toys. They were not real wolves. Their blood was diluted and the strength was not going to be the same as a real werewolf. Granger rushed towards him but the wizard knew what he had to do, so he removed the werewolf curse from Granger and all his friends
Granger: WHY!!! Whyyyyy!!! Why would you do such a thing?
Dermot: Well now you'll know what it means to be human. Now run along with your friends before I turn you into an Orangutan of some sort
Granger: This isn't over, you hear me. This isn't OVER!!!
Dermot: Oh yes it is
With that last statement he floated into the air and disappeared in a cloud of darkness.

** The Demon **

Sitting at the top of a local church, he looks down and watch the people go by. His red hair flowing in the wind, his cloak like a drape of death bellowing to lost souls, his green eyes like that of a snake that had no soul. The dark was his home and the night his day. He hears the cries of women and children and knew it was his cue to leave. He created a cloud of shadows and moved to the direction of the sound. The cries were getting weaker and weaker until he could not hear anymore of it. Looking down there was nothing to describe the horror that had been done. Women and children all lay dead in his path. He was late. No one could be saved. After all, he had warned them to stay in and not come out at nights. Humans, they never listen. About to call it a night, he hears someone snarling and turns to find what he believed had caused it
Man: What are you doing here Demon?
Demon: Of course. I should have known that it would be you creatures. You leave destruction and pain in your wake. Killing Mothers and children alike
Man: I was hungry. So I had a little snack
Demon: Snack? Let me see, a whole Orphanage is what you call a little snack. You must be gluttonous if you ask me
Man: The thing here is that I was not alone
Some creatures begin to come out of their hiding spots
Man: See, we were hungry and...
Demon: You will pay for what you've done. You slaughtered everyone here. That's one of the reasons I don't like vampires, Never have, never will.
Man: If you don't like it, you can go to hell and stay with the devil.
Demon: I was thinking about that and you know what? Say hi to the devil for me.
His hands became red with flames. He was really pissed. It was time to end this madness. If they could not control their thirst, why would he control his anger. Stretching out his hands towards the vampires he let the flames blow out of control. They all tried to use their speed but they found themselves being engulfed in the flames. The whole area had been circled with fire with the shops and houses melting
Man 1: Please stop, it hurts
Woman 1: pleaaasssseee!!!
Woman 2: ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Their screams started to fade away until there was none left alive. He stopped the flames and looked at the ashes that remained
Demon: And my name isn't demon, it's Paul Edward

** Swan **

Alarm bells from the bank rang out. They had stolen enough money to set them for life. The leader of the gang called the driver
Robber 1: Where the fuck are you?
Robber 2: In the Ferrari, where else?
They all rushed to the car and got in
Robber 1: Come on drive, drive, drive!!!
Robber 3: Why would you bring a Ferrari to a bank heist. It's supposed to be a Van and not a hyper car with back aching seats
Robber 1: It's a fast getaway car
As the car sped down the road a blur goes past them but turns around and begins it's pursuit
Robber 1: What's that?
Robber 2: Looks like a bike. Oh shit!!
Robber 4: What is it?
Robber 2: It's her?
Robber 1: Who?
Robber 2: Swan
All the Robbers: Oh Shit!
Robber 4: There's no way we're gonna outrun her in this
Robber 1: Come on shoot her
She begins to close in on them as something whizzes past her ear. The machine guns clapping with each bullets missing her. She runs on the walls dodging the rounds as they lay waste to every shop and house they pass through
Robber 3: I'm out of ammo!
Robber 4: My guns jammed!
Robber 2: Jesus!
Robber 1: Stop the car
Robber 4: What!!? Are you crazy!
Robber 1: Sooner or later she'll catch up with us and what do we do against something like that, huh
They all agree and the car tyres screeched
She slid to a halt. Finally they had known that they were not gonna get far. Walking towards the car as the robbers got out, it was time to bring on her detective voice
Swan: Well boys I'm glad we could come to a mutual understanding
Robber 1: Does that mean we're free to go?
Swan: Yah, sure
With superspeed, she cuffs the four of them both hands and legs
Robber 1: What's the meaning of this? I thought you said we were free to go?
The sirens could be heard as the robbers begin to panic and try to escape
Swan: Yeah. Free to go to prison. Ha. God I've been waiting to use that one


The Officers get out of their cars and take the robbers away
Voice: Well, well, well. What do you know? It's my least favorite hero
Swan: Hello Officer Bob
Bob: I've told you that this is police work. And...
Swan: "I don't ever want to see you get caught up in this again. It doesn't concern you" I know I know. But you guys were too slow for my taste. I had to speed things up you know. But you're welcome by the way.
With that she speeds off leaving the officers dazed
Bob: One of these days I'mma put her behind bars Nancy
Nancy: Ha. Till then, let's deal with these robbers which we can actually catch.

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