smythebrry short stories part...

By Pugsbunny88

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my first collection of smythebrry short stories has reached it parts limit so i am starting a new collection... More

author notice
unexpected valentine
a walk in the woods
the invitation
little sister the matchmaker
it would be him
do you wanna make out?
second chances
Rachel's choice
sweet sunday
she's back
her visitors
sebastian's Choice
new arrival
make a wish
here in my arms
making memories
jackson off
in hot pursuit
lets have fun
your not who i thought you were part one
your not who i thought you were part 2
allow me sweetheart
i have an idea
again and again
light of my life
her three heroes
when she needed someone
sneaky sneaky
unexpected reaction
Santana's evasion
present and future
a turn of events
a fresh start part 1
a fresh start part 2
a fresh start part 3
a fresh start part 4
love is annoying
we need to do it
trent's plan
what do i do?
are we flirting?
brand new start
safe and sound part one.
safe and sound part two
safe and sound part three
safe and sound part 4
the most beautiful moment
how dare she part one
how dare she part two
how dare she part three
she is mine
you deserve each other
in this moment
hello rachel
run away with me
naughty but so very nice part one
naughty but so very nice part two
a furry surprise

the best of us

321 8 7
By Pugsbunny88

Rachel berry was stood with her sister Marley with tears in her eyes Marley was getting married to her boyfriend of three years Skylar smythe.

The berry's had a unique relationship with the smythes because not only were Marley and Skylar deeply in love but Rachel and sebastian though not together had a four years old son Jacob.  Jacob was the result of both of them going through a hard time. Sebastian devastated over his part that led to Dave karosky's attempted suicide. Rachel over finn's death they had both found themselves at the Lima bean late one night. So e boys had given Rachel some grief and sebastian had come to her aid. They ended up talking and then going back to his dorm to have a pizza and a watch a movie. One thing had led to another and several weeks later Rachel had discovered she was pregnant.

Jacob was a mini sebastian in every way he definitely had his father's naughty streak he was a handful but Rachel loved that about him. Having spent her entire life being bullied she was glad her son had a tough personality.

" Marley you look beautiful" Rachel said

" thank you so do you" Marley said the sisters hugged before the music started Rachel was maid of honour. She was wearing a maroon silk thin strapped dress. Both their dads were stood by Marley's side ready to escorted their youngest daughter down the aisle.

Rachel set off down the aisle as Marley followed with their dads she looked up at the alter a d saw Skylar with sebastian by his side who was holding the hand of Jacob who was wearing a matching suit with his dad. Jacob was fighting against sebastian's hold trying to get to his mom though sebastian kept hold of him.

As they reached the aisle sebastian let go of Jacob who ran and cuddled her before returning to his dads side.

The ceremony was perfect and in no time at all Marley was now Mrs smythe the guests were cheering and Jacob was once more cuddling up to Rachel.  He might look like his dad and have his personality but he was a mommy's boy.

After the photographs were taken it was time to go to the reception Marley and Skylar had chosen to get married in a beautiful hotel in westerville and the reception was held there too.

Soon it was time for the dinner to be served Marley Skylar and their parents were on the top table while Rachel jacob sebastian and his grandparents were sat at the table close to them.

" mommy" Jacob said as the waiter brought their plates to the table.

" yes Jacob" she said.

" why is auntie Marley married before you" he said Rachel gasped in surprise.

" well um..." Rachel started to say but didnt know what to say.

" it doesnt go by age sweetheart" lily said lily was sebastian's maternal grandmother Jacob's great grandmother.

" oh" Jacob said before starting to eat.

" isnt Marley a vision in her dress and Rachel you look absolutely beautiful...doesnt she seb" sebastian's grandfather sj said.

" yes she does" sebastian said

" I'm not getting married" Jacob announced and made them all laugh.

" why" sebastian asked.

" it's to much effort" Jacob said Rachel had to hold in her laugh as Jacob looked serious.

" too much effort" lily said.

" yeah I cant watch cartoons" Jacob said.

" one day wont harm you" Rachel said.

" and if your still watching cartoons your not old enough to get married" sebastian said.

" and you have to kiss the girl...yuck" Jacob said.

"One day it wont seems so yucky" sj chuckled.

" daddy" Jacob asked

" yes" sebastian answered.

" are you ever going to get married" Jacob asked

" well i dont know" sebastian said looking flustered.

The meal was done and it was time for Marley and Skylar's first dance.

" now if the parents of the bride and groom would care to join them on the dance for along with the maid of honour and the best man and the ring bearer" the lead singer of the wedding band announced.

They all got up Jacob was holding onto her hand a d they walked to the dancefloor. Rachel was relieved to have Jacob join them because she had caught sebastian looking at her alot during the wedding and felt it might be awkward if it was just the two of them dancing.

The song came to an end and Skylar and Marley came over to them.

" Jacob would you dance with us" Skylar asked Jacob nodded and tuck hold of both auntie Marley and uncle Skylar's hands now Rachel was left with sebastian looking at her.

" dance with me" he said she nodded and they began to move to the music shd felt awkward shd could see her dads watching them. It was no secret that their parents wanted them to get together.

After the song ended Rachel excused herself to the ladies while sebastian went to get Jacob who was  now eyeing the wedding cake.

Rachel stood looking into the mirror in the ladies bathroom fixing her make up and trying to make herself relax.

" it's being wonderful hasn't it" lily said having walked in and seen her.

" yeah" Rachel said.

" Marley was made for Skylar no doubt about it" lily said fixing her own make up.

" yeah they belong together" Rachel said.

" seb looks very handsome in his suit doesnt he smythe men always look good in a blazer" lily chuckled.

" Jacob looks adorable" Rachel admitted not acknowledging the comment about sebastian.

" oh he is the most precious little thing he takes after his dad but I can see you in him too" lily smiled.

" I wonder when Marley and Skylar will start their family" Rachel said.

" Skylar said as soon as they are married he told me Marley doesnt want a big age difference between Jacob and theirs" lily said.

" it will be nice for him to have a cousin" Rachel said.

" yeah it will" lily said Rachel noticed lily was looking at her.

" everything alright" Rachel asked

" I'm just thinking" lily smiled they left the ladies to see Jacob dancing with Maggie sebastian's mom.

" I know Jacob was a surprise but he has brought so much joy to our family" lily said hugging Rachel.

As Rachel stood watching her son enjoying himself sebastian and his grandfather sj appeared next to her and lily.

" lily my love will you dance with me" sj asked

" ofcourse" she said and they headed to the dancefloor leaving her and sebastian stood next to each other.

" you ok you were a while she wadnt bothering you was she" sebastian asked.

" we were talking but she wasnt bothering me" Rachel said.

" good I thought she might be considering I have being bombarded with questions from my granddad" he said.

" oh" she said

" I think they are planning an intervention to get us together you know" sebastian said

" oh" Rachel said

" yes but I think I have an idea of how to stop that" sebastian said

" you do" Rachel asked

  " yes " he said smiling at her before his eyes trailed down her and he exhaled.

" am I allowed to know what your idea is" she asked feeling herself flushing with the way he was looking at her.

" you want to know my plan" he asked she nodded and ge moved closer to her.

" my plan is to not need their help" he whispered in her ear before placing a gentle kiss on her cheek.

" so rach will you dance with me" he asked she nodded and he tuck her hand and lead her to the dancefloor.

They began slowly moving to the music Rachel caught their parents watching them Maggie looked close to happy tears while Charles was holding onto Jacob who was looking tired.

" its been a beautiful day" sebastian said as they slowly danced.

" it has I'm so happy for them" Rachel said.

" so am I but I was actually talking about you and Jacob it's nice having you both in the same room for more than ten minutes. Especially when your wearing that dress" sebastian said.

" sebastian..." Rachel started to say.

" just give me a chance give us a chance Rachel we both know we are so much more than a one night stand. Jacob is to perfect to have being an accident. When Skylar tells me how he feels about Marley how seeing her smile makes him smile. Hearing her laugh makes his heart feel light well I understand how he feels because i feel the same way about you. " sebastian said Rachel felt her eyes prickle she was emotional as she had being suppressing feeling for him since that night but never thought he would want her. He was gorgeous he could have anyone he wanted.

Rachel looked at him they held each others gaze before they both leaned in and started to kiss. The kiss was incredible the fireworks were undeniable.

As they kissed Rachel felt small hands on her leg they both broke the kiss and looked down at their son who was holding onto them both looking so happy.

Rachel glanced to see her dads reaction and saw lily and sj high giving each other while her dads were stood with Maggie and Charlie's all four parents looked happy. Rachel saw Marley crying happy tears as Skylar comforted her.

" daddy" Jacob said making Rachel look at Jacob.

" yes jacob" sebastian said picking him up.

" kiss mommy again " Jacob said

" gladly" sebastian said placing Jacob back down and wrapping his arms around Rachel before kissing her again.

They broke the kiss but remained in each others arms.

" I'm so happy for you " Marley said rushing over to her and hugging her as sebastian was hugging Skylar.

" thank you I'm so happy your married" Rachel said.

"We could be sisters in law as well as sisters" Marley squealed.

" steady on marls he hasn't even taken her on a date yet" Skylar chuckled.

" true sky that is true but I think we can safely say Marley isn't the only berry that will one day be a smythe" sebastian said wrapping his arms around her once more.

" I knew you two were made for each other" sj said walking over to them.

" thank you granddad" sebastian said as all four parents came walking over Maggie hugged Marley then Rachel.

" Leroy hiram what can I say it seems our children are meant to be" Charles said.

" Jacob wou.d you like to stay with grandad and I " Maggie asked him.

" yes yes yes" he said jumping up and down.

" good thinking Maggie let then have alone time" sj said Rachel felt her face flush.

" sj" lily scolded him.

" I meant to talk" sj said but his expression showed otherwise.

The party was starting to come to an end people were leaving and Jacob was currently asleep in sebastian's arms has his parents were still saying goodbye to guests.

" right then shall I take him" Charles asked sebastian  who nodded as Rachel cuddled her dads.

" he is gorgeous rachel absolutely gorgeous " Leroy said

" he did the best of us" sebastian said has his dad tuck Jacob.

" he certainly is although I was actually talking about you" Leroy said.

" daddy'Rachel said

" I have to agree with him Rachel I remember first time we met seb we are struck by his face we had planned to yell at him giving he had impregnated you but we simply couldn't be mad at him" hiram said.

Rachel kissed the top of Jacob's head then watched as Charles carried him along side Maggie and her dads now it was just her sebastian and Marley and Skylar in the room.

" what a day" Skylar said.

" greatest day of my life" Marley said before kissing Skylar.

"Come on rach let's leave the newlyweds and go talk as my granddad said we should" sebastian said taking her hand and leading her outmof the room.

As they walked to her hotel Rachel couldn't believe the turn of events of the day but she knew in her heart that this was how it was meant to be.

Seeing Marley and Skylar so happy had being the push both she and sebastian had needed to admit they were in love with each other.

As soon as they reached her room he pulled her to him.

" you know rach it's being a long day and I'm kind of tired to talk do how about we have a physical conversation" sebastian asked looking into her eyes.

" I like the sound of that" she giggled.

" although I remember our first physical conversation you were pretty vocal if my memory serves me correctly" sebastian chuckled.

" it was your fault you knew exactly what you were doing to me" ash said blushing.

"  yeah and you loved it" he said before kissing her as they moved towards the bed...

Rachel knew as  she let sebastian free her of her dress that this was it this was the start of her happy ever after sebastian was her soulmate.

Two years later

Rachel and sebastian were stood swaying to the music as they had their first dance as husband and wife a six year old Jacob was sat on Marley's knee while Skylar held his and Marley's daughter rosie who was one years old.

Rachel knew what she had with sebastian was special after all it was a love story of two sisters and two brothers who were each others soulmates.

The end.

Author notice

Happy new year

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