naughty but so very nice part one

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Sebastian smythe was stood at the bar sipping his beer he couldn't believe tonight was actually happening the fact that their parents were allowing it surprised him.

His brother Skylar was engaged to Marley Rachel berry's sister and they were only sixteen.

Marley had suffered with an eating disorder and Skylar had promised her if she got better he would marry her so here they were celebrating their engagement with a party.

Sebastian stood there looking at his brother who seemed to be happier than he recalled him ever been. He was also looking out for his pars ts sporting hom drinking beer after all he was 19 so he was underage.

Sebastian looked around to see his many family members who he only saw at parties wedding and funerals.

He thought he saw several relatives looking at him and he knew why.

You see while Marley and Skylar were infact engaged he knew that most of the family would have expected him to be married given he has a child a ten month old son called Jacob with Rachel berry.

People think it was a drunken one night stand but it wasnt only he and Rachel knew the thruth.

Sebastian had heard cryingnone time when he left the Lima bean and looked around and saw Rachel sat on the floor in the rain crying harder than he had ever seen anybody cry.

He had gone over to her and she had told him to go away but he couldn't have just left her there.

He lifted her up onto her feet and she started to run away so he grabbed her he was worried about her she was in such a state.

It turned out to be because of several things firstly she had choked at her nyada audition. Finn had then told her to go to la with him and they had a big fight and broke up. Then she had told her dads about her audition and they had yelled at her. She was devastated heartbroken and hurt and didnt want to go home.

So sebastian had suggested she go to dalton and had been surprised she had agreed.

That night as they watch TV and just hung out he could tell she was devastated and tried to cheer her up. By telling her how amazing he thought she was how beautiful she was and how he knew she had a great future ahead of her.

Yes they had drank wine and Rachel had cheered up a little but they weren't drunk they both knew what was happening and what they were doing. Sebastian thought that night was incredible and had tried to have several repeats only Rachel didn think it was a good idea though she did thznk him for cheering her up.

So now sebastian stood looking around waiting for Rachel and their son to arrive. His parents were going to have Jacob tonight  so that he and Rachel could relax and enjoy themselves.

Rachel had her own place which his dad paid the rent on she had remained in Ohio after having Jacob and not really knowing what to do. Though she was now working at a childrens drama school and seemed to genuinely love it. Sebastian had also decided to remain in Ohio he could be away from Jacob. He was attending Ohio state studying pre law.

The reason his dad paid for her an apartment was because sebastian didnt like Rachel's dads. He thought they were controlling and always completely oblivious to Rachel's feeling and thoughts. He couldn't believe they were okay with Marley getting married but then again as awful as it sounds Marley was never really their concern Rachel and stardom was what they dreamed of.

Sebastian saw his parents talking to Skylar and Marley the four of them looked so happy.

" hey" he heard and turned to see Rachel stood there wearing a purple glitter dress that showed off her body brilliantly he thought. He saw the stroller and looked to se his son beaming at him.

smythebrry short stories part twoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora