Eternity [Link x Reader]

By UnlikelyKing

326K 10.4K 6.8K

You didn't choose this, you didn't want this. But it was a destiny decreed by the Gods. You were his soulmate... More

0 || Sweetly Bitter
I || Another Night Ends
II || What Lies Beyond the Horizon
III || It's a Beautiful Life
IV || Your Bittersweet Voice
V || Running From Destiny
VI || Heartstrings
VII || This Time
VIII || Blackened Sky
VIX || Wandering Hearts
X || Take Care of Me
XI || Breaking Free
XII || Link's Resolve
XIII || Without Words
XIV || Heart Over Matter
XV || Endless Tears
XVI || Smile Today, Cry Tomorrow
XVII || Brand New Day
XVIII || A Smiling Sun
XIX || A Muddled Cloud
XX || A Summer's Sky
XXI || Light
XXII || Desire
XXIII || Only the Stars Know
XXIV || Unravel
XXV || Someday
XXVI || Fire Meets Fate
XXVII || Betrayal of Time
XXVIX || Fall With Me, Part II

XXVIII || Fall With Me, Part I

6.8K 203 110
By UnlikelyKing

Hi friends! Please stay safe during this time! <3

I'm so sorry for how long it took me to post this chapter. I actually wrote multiple versions because I couldn't decide which direction I wanted to take the story in. I ultimately decided on this one, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I had fun writing it!

Can anyone guess where I drew inspiration from? Tis an old movie/story.
You get a cookie for guessing correctly :3

⋆✩✮✩ ━━━━━━✩✮✩⋆

【 O F   A N O T H E R ,   OTH E R   L I F E

The colours of the sky danced in a blaze of fiery passion. Reds, purples, and blues swirled together across the vast canvas, eventually fading into pure white as night befell the world. The clouds were streaked bright red, reflecting and refracting the brilliant hues of the setting sun.

At the heart of a densely packed forest stood a particular tree. Its branches were spread heaven-bound as thousands of green hues fluttered along with the whispers of the twilight wind. Eons of wisdom were carved into its face, for its roots heard, learned, and saw how the world aged beyond the edges of the dense forest.

"It is ending... The era of the Goddess Hylia." The Deku Tree hummed in thought.

It stretched its strong roots back to direct its solemn gaze upon the shimmering horizon. The bark of its features contorted as it inhaled deeply. Unblinking eyes remained trained on the distance. Only until the last sliver of the sun descended past the edge of the world did the Deku Tree finally exhale a deep, reverberating sigh.

The pale moon ascended into the dark sky, accompanied by the brilliance of a million stars. There was a particular star that caught the Deku Tree's attention. It shone brighter than the rest, twinkling in a particular sequence as if it were trying to convey a message of sorts to the world below.

"But it appears that with the end will come a new beginning," the wise entity mused.

⋆✩✮✩ ━━━━━━✩✮✩⋆

Elsewhere, somewhere beyond the borders of the Lost Woods, lay a bustling settlement. It was a quaint community with a rapidly growing population. Once but a humble little hamlet, it eventually grew to be one of the main towns populated the region. Many flocked there because of its commercial success. Its riches culminated in the construction of many homes, markets, apothecaries, blacksmiths, and schools. However, there remained but a single church at the heart of the settlement.

The town was surrounded by fertile lands that yielded a bountiful harvest year after year. A small creek wound through town, acting as the townspeople's' main water source. During the hotter months, children would happily splash around in the shallow ends of the stream. There was also a small forest nearby, where the village men would depart for their hunt at the break of dawn.

On the eastern side, right at the border between the town and hunting forest, slept a humble blacksmith. Large slabs of stones, dark bricks, and clay tiles were unevenly slabbed together to form the small but successful forge. A large chimney reached up into the sky, its tip charred black from smoke. A large, wooden sign was bolted to the side of the building reading: "Smith & Sons" [1].

With just one glance, anyone could tell that the smithy had seen its fair share of the passing of time. Rumours say that Smith & Sons was one of the first, if not the first, building to have been constructed. Although several blacksmiths are open for business, Smith & Sons remains the preferred smithy in town with a loyal clientele.

The town's hunters especially favoured Smith & Sons. Before dawn's early light peaked over the horizon, the village huntsmen were already lined up outside the humble establishment. From that moment, until the sun dipped behind the horizon and the moon graced the night sky, Smith and his grandson, Link, would be working tirelessly.

Day after day.

The same routine.

While some may tire or grow weary of the same practice, Link quite enjoyed it. The young man preferred discipline over chaotic disorganization. He liked having a set schedule and knowing exactly what each day entailed.

The mornings were by far the most difficult time of the day. Despite having been raised on the same pattern, Link still found it difficult to bid adieu to his cotton sheets. He liked to sleep. Whenever he found the chance, he would eagerly doze off into a nap.

On the other hand, the afternoons were Link's favourite time of the day because of a single reason. Or rather, because of a single person.

Just as the thought of her crossed his mind, the familiar tune of a bell rang through the air. The cloudiness of daydream immediately lifted from Link's crystalline eyes. His head snapped up, and his gaze fell upon the ornate cucoo-clock, which hung above the door.

It was 2:00 pm.

A slow grin spread across Link's face as he hurriedly wiped away the sweat that had collected along his brow. Then he carefully placed his whetstone and the sword he had been sharpening down on his workstation. He quickly patted his hands against the dark apron tied around his waist, leaving behind a smear of dusty residue. Spinning on his heel, he made his way from the workshop, located in the back of the smithy, towards the front. This section of the establishment acted as a storefront, where Smith and Link could proudly show off their handiwork. As he took his place behind the sales desk, his gaze met hers.

A delicate pink dress hugged her small, slender frame. Her green eyes, like the sea, were calm. Long, blonde hair, almost like it was spun from fine gold, fell along her back like waves. Her perfect, ivory skin looked fragile and soft. Her cheeks were dusted lightly with a soft shade of rose.

Her name was Maria. She was the fairest and loveliest maiden of the village. There was just something about her... Something Link couldn't quite put into words. Her natural charm radiated from her like a wildfire, rendering her irresistible to everyone who came across her path. Men desired her hand in marriage, and women sought her friendship.

"Ah, good afternoon, Link!"

Link couldn't stop his lips from tilting upwards into a grin, nor could he deny the bashful blush that bloomed across his cheeks.

"Hi, Maria."

The blonde-haired beauty returned his smile, and by the Gods, it the most radiant thing Link has ever seen. For a brief second, Link thought maybe he was talking with Hylia herself. Surely, such a beautiful person couldn't simply be human, right?

"I'll be right back with your father- uh, I mean, Mr. Lamont's arrows." Link informed with a polite smile.

Every day, around the same time, Maria would visit the blacksmith to retrieve her father's bundle of arrows in preparation for the next day's hunt. Just as Link turned around, Maria called out to him once more, and he looked back at her.

"Say... Actually, Link, there was something else."

A light blush settled across Maria's cheeks as she spoke. Timidly, she began to twirl a lock of golden hair around her fingers. Then shyly, she looked up at him from under her eyelashes.

"Are you attending the Starry Night festival tonight?"

Link raised an eyebrow. "That's tonight?"

"Ah, yes!" Maria answered with a sweet smile. "I was wondering... Would you care to accompany me?"

Link blinked once, then twice. He almost couldn't believe the words that had come to be spoken. Did Maria, the most beautiful maiden of their village, just invite him to join her at the most romantic festival there is?

"I... T-That's... I-I mean-"

Link tripped over his words several times, unsure of how to respond to such a bold move. He scratched the back of his head, a nervous habit of his. Then he grinned sheepishly and answered, "it would be an honour."

Maria's face immediately lit up. "That's fantastic. I was really hoping you'd say yes!"

"Don't take this the wrong way... But I didn't think you, out of anyone, would ever ask me."

Genuine confusion appeared across the female's face. "What do you mean?"

"Well... You're beautiful, Maria." Link admitted shyly. "And I'm... Well, I'm me."

The blush on Maria's face darkened at the mention of her beauty. She was quite used to the compliments and letters of admiration. However, part of her was also quite annoyed that people were only drawn to her for her physical appearance.

With Link, however, it was different. He was different than the others in that they were actually able to hold a conversation that progressed past her physical appearance. She genuinely enjoyed spending time with the young blacksmith.

"You know... You're quite handsome, Link." Maria giggled. "The other girls and I don't just stop by to pick up our fathers' hunting gear. It's so that we also get a chance to see the handsome blacksmith."

Link flushed at the compliment. He honestly had no idea! Thinking back, ever since he became an adult, there did seem to be an influx of women coming by. Link had just assumed they had just been running errands on behalf of their family members. The entire time, the oblivious Hylian had been completely oblivious to their dreamy eyes and flirtatious behaviour.

Feeling rather embarrassed by her sudden admission, Maria hurriedly suggested, "um... So well, shall we meet in front of the church?"

Link grinned. "It's a date."

⋆✩✮✩ ━━━━━━✩✮✩⋆

As the sun retired beyond the horizon and night befell the world, the village began celebrating one of its oldest traditions: The Starry Night festival. The custom dates back to the village's founding when the residents would gather together in the village square. They would share a meal and spend the night gazing at the stars. On this particular night, midway through the summer season, is when the stars shone the brightest.

Years later, as the village expanded and developed, its customs remained strong. These days, however, the Starry Night Festival was exactly that: a festival.

Merchants and vendors lined the village's streets, offering anything and everything from native and exotic foods to clothing, toys, and even mysterious artifacts collected around the region. It was rather difficult to see the stars from the village square with all the bustling and the lights.

The corner of Link's lips tilted upward into a smile as he spotted Maria standing in front of the village church, patiently waiting for him. As he approached, she instantly spotted him and offered him a small curtsy.

Link laughed before bowing back. "You look lovely tonight."

Maria smiled while tucking a curl behind her ear. "Thank you. You clean up well too." She then took notice of the blanket folded over his forearm and basket gripped in his dominant hand. "What's that?"

"I thought it might be nice to stargaze somewhere where we can actually see the stars." Link explained while gesturing up towards the dark sky with his free hand.

Maria's eyes followed, and a silent 'o' fell from her lips when she realized that the light pollution of the festivities drowned out the stars' natural brilliance. Returning her attention to Link, she grinned and agreed.

"That sounds lovely."

"Shall we?" Link asked while offering her his arm.

Giggling, Maria cheerfully looped her arm in his. "We shall!"

Link gently led the beauty away from the village and towards a nearby hilltop, oblivious to the stares and gossiping whispers. Their journey was short but sweet. Link didn't think he was a good conversationalist, as he preferred to listen rather than speak most of the time. However, it really easy to hold a conversation with Maria. Perhaps it was because Link didn't give himself enough credit, or perhaps Maria was a good conversationalist, or perhaps it was due to their natural chemistry... Whatever the reason, Link truly enjoyed himself during their walk.

After ascending the hill, Link carefully laid down the blanket he had brought. He invited Maria for a seat, and she settled down gracefully. After unpacking the assortment of snacks, Link sat down beside her.

"I wasn't quite sure what you liked..." He admitted bashfully, as Maria curiously scanned over the food items. "So, I kind of just brought everything..."

The blonde-haired beauty giggled, finding Link's actions adorably sweet. "It's very kind that you did all this, really. May I have a biscuit?"

Link's smile widened. With both hands, he offered to plate of baked goods to her. Gratefully, she took one of the cookies between her perfectly manicured fingers.

"These are so cute." Maria giggled while admiring the star-shaped treat. "Did you make these yourself?"

"I can make other things than swords, you know."

She took a bite out of it, and the sweetness that filled her mouth brought an immediate smile to her face. "Link, these are delicious!"

The male sighed in relief, releasing a breath he didn't even know he was holding. "I'm glad you like it."

"Truly. You'll make a wonderful husband someday, Link."

A blush appeared across Link's face at the implications of her words. He scratched the back of his head nervously, finding it hard to maintain eye contact. "You really think so?"


Should I tell her now...? How I feel about her?

He glanced upward, stealing a furtive gaze in Maria's direction. Link didn't think she could be even more beautiful. However, as she was right now, bathed under the moonlight, enjoying the sweets he had especially prepared for her... There were literally no words.

Steeling his nerves, Link turned his body towards her. His heart began to race, his stomach flipped, and his palms began to sweat. He parted his lips, prepared to confess his affections for her. However, before a single vowel rolled off his tongue, Maria suddenly stood up with an excited squeal. Link lurched backward in surprise. This time, however, his heart was beating quickly from the shock, rather than from nervousness.

"W-What is it?"

"It's a shooting star!" Maria exclaimed. She extended an arm forward and pointed toward the sky. "Make a wish!"

Link tilted his head back, and his eyes widened upon seeing the rare phenomena. Streaking across the dark canvas of sky was a blaze of shimmering white light. Glittering in all its finery, it outshone all the other stars and even the moon. The star travelled in an arc overhead, leaving behind a tail of reminiscent light.

Slowly, Link stood up from his spot. Maria had closed her eyes from beside him and clasped her hands together as she silently made a wish. Link, however, found it hard to take his eyes off the star. He watched as the star, resembling a ball of luminous light, suddenly change its course. It pulled away from the atmosphere and began a descent towards the earth. Its intense light began to fade as it fell past the tree line and into the depths of the forest- Wait, what?

The trees around the point of impact were blown outward by force. The earth shook dangerously, and tremors of the aftershock were felt beneath Link's feet. Maria cried out as her eyes flew open in shock. She immediately grabbed hold of Link, who responded by wrapping an arm around her waist. Link's wide eyes remained trained on the area where the star had collided with the earth.

"W-What was that...?" Maria asked, still rather shaken up by the turn of events.

"The falling star..." Link replied. "Or I guess it's now called a meteorite."

"It actually fell somewhere around here?" Maria gasped in disbelief. After receiving Link's confirmation in the form of a silent nod, she settled back down on the blanket and released an airy 'wow.'

Link followed suit. He placed both hands behind him and leaned back. "So, what did you wish for?"

Maria sent him a sly look along with a small smile. She shook her head, indicating that she couldn't divulge such information to him. Instead, she sighed and softly asked, "wouldn't it be nice if we could stay like this forever?"

"It would be," Link replied. When he noticed the frown painted across her lips, he couldn't help but softly ask, "what's wrong?"

Maria hesitated, debating whether or not she should share her concerns with the blacksmith. After a couple of long seconds, she finally confessed, "my father wishes to marry me off... To an older man from another village in the East."

Link couldn't contain the surprise in his voice. "You're... Getting married?"

"I... I don't know." Maria cried out while burying her face into her hands. "I don't wish to leave my family and friends in this village... But my father refuses to listen to me."

"Marry me." Link suddenly declared, boldly.

A look of surprise briefly appeared across Maria's face before settling into an embarrassed one. Her face turned red, her heart sped up, and she almost forgot how to breathe.

"W-What... What are you saying?"

"I'm serious." Link declared while gently taking Maria's hands into his own. "Marry me. That way, you can stay here in the village."

She lowered her gaze, finding it hard to maintain eye contact. Link looked at her with so much passion and conviction that it made her feel incredibly embarrassed. The prospect greatly excited her as she knew that Link would care for her and the children she would bear. However, the fact remained that Link was a humble blacksmith, and in the eyes of Maria's father, would be unworthy of her hand in marriage.

"I'm afraid Father will not approve..."

Link frowned. However, he was not the type to give up so easily. Determined, he asked, "how can I prove myself?"

Lifting her head, Maria gazed off into the distance. Her mind was spinning, trying to develop a strategy that would guarantee her father's approval. Then it hit her. She turned towards Link with the largest smile. Unable to contain her glee, she innocently presented him with an offer:

"I will be yours if you bring my father the star, dearest Link."

⋆✩✮✩ ━━━━━━✩✮✩⋆

Your new life began surrounded by the scent of pine, rain, and dirt. Life was literally breathed into you, and your [e/c] eyes snapped wide open. Your fingers twitched, and your toes curled, yet you made no movement to rise from within the earthen cavity.

Your gaze had been captivated by the expanse of the midnight sky. The moon hung low within the dark canvas above. Luminous patterns of the stars swirled and danced along the sky in various patterns, stealing every thought from your mind. The carousel of worries that had been imparted on you by the heavens was simply forgotten at the moment.

A constellation of stars twinkled as if they were trying to send you a message. Alas, you were no longer a resident of the heavens, having been sent to the earthly world to carry out a mission.

That's right! You suddenly jerked upward into a sitting position.

There was a reason why you were here, after all. It wasn't like you had accidentally tripped over Aquarius' urn, lost your balance, and fell to earth. The Gods explicitly chose you to carry out the task that they could not.

There wasn't a second to spare.

"I mustn't forget..." You muttered while tapping your temple.

Your clear [e/c] eyes slowly took in your surroundings. Despite the eerie darkness, you were able to make out the top line of the forest. Its dark branches and leaves swayed along with the chill of a midsummer's breeze, causing you to rub your bare arms. Glancing down, you took notice of the fact that you were dressed in nothing but a short, sleeveless, white dress. The material was soft against your skin and hugged your figure nicely. However, it failed to offer any kind of protection whatsoever. There was no magic weaved into the threads to protect you against the cold, let alone from anything sharp

A frown tugged at your lips as you realized that you were terribly ill-equipped to carry out your divine mission. Couldn't the Gods have sent some help?

You rose into a standing position, wiggled your bare toes against the cool earth, and prepared to climb out of the crater. Before you could even take a step, however, a sudden chill crawled down your spine. The tiny hairs on the back of your neck suddenly stood upright, and your stomach dropped. You spun sharply around on your heel while raising both arms into a fighting position.

You surveyed your surroundings cautiously. You couldn't see them, but you could feel them. They were the embodiment of evil, malicious servants of darkness masquerading as the looming shadows. A whisper of a breeze passed through the silent area, carrying with it an eerie chorus of inevitable doom.

The muscles in your legs tensed as you readied yourself for battle. You may not have armour or a weapon at your disposal, but you had ambition.

You were going to fulfill your divine duty, no matter what. After all, that is the whole reason why you were brought into existence.

"Hey! Hey!"

Just like that, the evil scattered. The unseen figures lingering in the darkness instantly retreated, slithering off to who-knows-where. You lowered your arms back to your side and straightened your posture.

What just happened?

"Hello? Miss, are you alright?"

You spun sharply on your heel, turning your body in the direction of the foreign voice. The flickering of a bright flame entered your vision. The sudden intensity, coupled with the surrounding darkness, caused colourful spots to swim across your vision. You quickly blinked and rubbed at your eyes as if that would help chase away the annoying spots. When your eyes managed to re-adjust to the darkness, you found yourself staring up towards a Hylian male.

He stood at the edge of the crater, his toes just barely touching the edge. You immediately took notice of the lamp he held within his dominant hand. He leaned down and stretched his arm out as far as possible to shed some light on the crater.

It was thanks to his lamp that you were able to see the dirt smeared across his cheeks, the twigs stuck in his blonde hair and the numerous rips in his clothes. However, despite his unkempt appearance, you found him irresistibly handsome.

There wasn't a single feature that made him handsome: the symmetry of his face, his high cheekbones, or his sharp jaw. You were, however, especially drawn to his eyes. They were a vibrant blue, bluer than anything you've ever seen. The ocean herself and even the brilliance of the summer sky couldn't compare. Just by looking into his eyes, you felt as if you could see his very soul. He was kind, gentle, and noble. Although the years would soon come to pass and he would age, his beautiful soul will continue to shine through.

A similar look of admiration settled across Link's face as his eyes met yours. Bathed beneath the light of the full moon, you looked absolutely ethereal. Your flawless complexion was illuminating, outshining everything. Luminous strands of soft hair framed your beautiful features, falling elegantly along your back. Long, dark lashes kissed your cheeks every time you blinked. And your soft, pink lips looked so soft and delicate.

As you carefully watched the Hylian male, your mind concluded; with a start, you realized that this man had been responsible for chasing off the monsters... With his presence alone?


You tilted your head back slightly, eyes peering curiously up towards the starry sky. A cluster of stars winked at you as if telling you that the sudden arrival of this particular Hylian was the work of the Gods.

A sudden sound drew you back to reality. Turning your attention back towards the blonde, you watched, in amusement, as he effortlessly slid down along the curve of the crater. He came to a stop at the bottom and, with his long legs, easily closed the distance between you two.

As Link approached you, he noticed that you appeared to be too flawless, especially for someone standing in the middle of a terrestrial crater. There wasn't a single speck of dirt anywhere, not on your skin or your clothes. Well, actually, your feet were another story seeing as you weren't wearing any shoes.

In a polite tone, he asked, "Miss, are you also here for the star?"

It took you two seconds to process his words. "I'm sorry?"

"I'm looking for a star," Link replied calmly. "Isn't that what you're doing too?"

Although he appeared calm and collected on the surface, Link was struggling internally. He should've known that others would also be seeking out the star for various purposes: whether it was for research, profit, or love - like himself. Now, he wasn't sure what to do if the star had already been claimed.

With his free hand, he gently patted one of his pockets. The rupees clinked softly together. He estimated that he had about 50 rupees on him at the moment. Would that be enough to convince you to allow him to take possession of the star?

Link carefully watched your reaction to his question. You crossed your arms over your chest and tilted your head. Then ever so innocently, you finally replied, "um... I guess that would be me? I fell from the sky."

Link was at a loss for words. Out of all the responses that could have come spilling from your mouth, he definitely did not expect your answer. At first, he thought perhaps you were messing with him or perhaps weaving an elaborate lie so that you may claim the star. However, when he looked into your large, piercing [e/c] eyes, he saw no indication of such foolery.

You were serious.


A sheepish smile bloomed across your face, almost as if you were embarrassed by the confession. "Yeah... So that falling star you saw was me."

"I... I don't..." Link stammered. The shock that had settled in prevented him from stringing together a coherent sentence. "You...? Star?"

"Yes, that's correct." You replied calmly, unfazed by his strange reaction.

You turned your attention away from him then, letting him stew in his own confusion. Instead, you redirected your attention skywards, reminded once more of your divine mission. However... Did the Gods truly intend to send this Hylian to your side? He didn't seem like anything special. Though that sword strapped to his back might prove useful. Perhaps you should just take it and-

A high-pitched, inhumane scream suddenly tore through the air. The cry was unnerving and caused cold chills to crawl down your back instantly. If you had just been anyone, you would've trembled and perhaps fallen to your knees. But you weren't just anyone - you were divine.

You turned back towards the Hylian, intent on grabbing him and warning him of the impending danger. However, to your surprise, it was he who grabbed you first. His warm hand circled around your wrist, pulling you towards him. He pushed you behind him to shield you from the danger with his own body. He shuffled his feet, widening his stance into a defensive one. Then slowly, he unsheathed the sword that was strapped to its back. The blade caught the moonlight against its sharp edge, and it glimmered dangerously.

You blinked once, then twice. Then one more time.

The blonde's decisive actions had completely caught you off guard.

Just who was this Hylian, who was willing to protect a stranger he had just met? One who claimed to be a fallen star?

"What's your name?" You asked.

Although Link was bemused by your random question, he decided to entertain it, especially given the situation at hand. "Link. And yours?"

You hesitated on giving him a name. "... I'm [Y/N]." You decided.

Decidedly, you stepped close to him before grabbing one of his hands in between your own. Through a rather large tear in his protective glove, you felt the warmth of his skin. The exposed palm of his hand was rough, hardened through years of dedicated labour. But it also exuded kindness.

You immediately knew these were the hands of a hero.

Caught off guard, Link's risked a glance over his shoulder at you. His eyebrows were raised, and his eyes were wide with surprise. A question formed upon his lips. But before he spoke, you cut in:

"The time for you to play hero will come someday." You reasoned, wisdom laced through your kind tone. "But that's isn't today."

He raised a perfectly curved eyebrow, silently asking you to elaborate.

Tightening your grip on his hand, you pulled him along. "For now, we run!"

"H-Hey! Wait!"

Link protested against your hold, but you were much stronger than you looked. Even as he tried to dig his heels into the earth, he could not counter your strength. You continued to pull him along, and he lurched forward, stumbling clumsily after your smaller physique.

You finally released his hand as you neared the inner wall of the crater. Digging your hands and feet into the earth, you began to ascend quickly.

"Hurry now!" You instructed, and Link heeded.

As the two of you scrambled over the curve of the crater, he saw them. His blood ran cold as waves upon waves of unnatural chills crawled over his skin. His breath hitched, and for a second, he swore his heart stopped.

They were shapeless but terrifying. Piercing, bloodthirsty eyes conveyed to Link a mental image of his theoretical death. He could practically feel the ghost of their sharp claws digging into his flesh, holding him captive before they sank their sharp teeth into his neck. He could almost envision himself screaming out for help, for salvation. But the darkness was so thick that it swallowed his voice and eventually his entire being... Leaving not even his bones or a drop of blood behind.

"Hey, look at me."

Link tilted his head upward, his alarmed eyes meeting your calm gaze. You weren't rattled in the least, maintaining a cool demeanour as you stretched a hand out towards him.

You were an enigma that seemingly descended from the heavens. Against the backdrop of this obscure night, you shone. The darkness cowered in your presence, for you illuminated everything.

The foreboding terror that had consumed Link's entire being suddenly disappeared. Within his chest, he felt the spark of a gentle fire beginning to kindle. Then it quickly spread through the rest of his body, filling him with a sense of calmness and security. In that instant, he just knew that his chances of survival lay with you.

Did you really fall from the sky?

Link was beginning to believe it. Your very presence was heavenly. You exuded a level of grace of elegance that could not be encapsulated by the earthly race. And although your physical appearance suggested you were around Link's age, your eyes contained wisdom that transcended a lifetime of knowledge.

Who were you, really? What were you doing here?

Link completely forgot about the terrifying monsters lurking in the shadows. He forgot about his promise to Maria. He forgot about his blacksmithing duties. Instead, all his thoughts had become consumed by you, and you alone.

"Don't be afraid," you whispered. "I'm here with you."

You offered him your hand once again, and Link grabbed it without hesitation.

⋆✩✮✩ ━━━━━━✩✮✩⋆

[1] A large, wooden sign was bolted to the side of the building reading: "Smith & Sons." ----- In The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap, Link has a grandfather named Smith who is also a blacksmith!

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