ErrorInk:To Be Enemies Or Not...

Par HappyWriter62

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It's an ErrorInk story. Ink gets taken and Error helps. Will this change their enemy-ship? Read to find out... Plus

Chapter One:The Missing Ink
Chapter 2: A Clue!
Chapter 3: Finding Ink
Chapter 4: Bonding In the Void!
Chapter 5: Dreams can Get in the Way.
Chapter 6: The Roles Have Swapped.
Chapter 7: A Trip to OuterTale
Chapter 8: Nightmare.
Chapter 9: Nicknames
Chapter 10: The Setup
Chapter 11: The Figure.
Chapter 12: Jealousy
Chapter 13:Brother and his Tricks!
Chapter 14: The Deals!
Chapter 15: Ink!
Chapter 16:Error!
Chapter 17: Tiny!
Chapter 18: A Birthday Scar
Chapter 19: Hearts and Heartbreak
Chapter 20: Torn
Chapter 21: Together
Chapter 22: Ending Chaos
Chapter 23: Cracks and Siblings
Chapter 24:A New Start
Chapter 25: Not Another One!
Chapter 26:Forget or Not Forget
Chapter 27: Swap!
Chapter 28: Renew and Change
Chapter 29: Free!
Chapter 30: Love
Chapter 31: New buds
Chapter 32: Tricks and Fakes
Chapter 33:Weakness
Chapter 34: Strength
Chapter 35: Pirates and Theft
Chapter 36:Changes!
Chapter 37: Scattered
Chapter 38: Regroup!
Chapter 39: Away Again
Chapter 40:Trouble, Trouble and more Trouble!
Chapter 41: Tiny Error and Forests
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:Palette?
Chapter 44: Goth!
Chapter 45:Dream :3
Chapter 46:Blue!
Chapter 47:Joining Change
Chapter 48:Memory
Chapter 49:Promise Me...
Chapter 50: Raven!
Chapter 51:Overprotective
Chapter 52:Rescue and Reunite
Chapter 53:Tasks and Rivers
Chapter 54:Travel
Chapter 55: Experiments.
Chapter 56:Run!
Art area
Chapter 57: Arrows to the Point
Chapter 58: We have a Situation!
Chapter 59:💧👇✋💀🏳️
Chapter 60:Geno....
Chapter 61:....Is Gone
Chapter 62:Found By a Friend.
Chapter 63:Taking a Friend's Advice
Chapter 64: If You Love Him....
Chapter 65:....You *Let Him Go.
Chapter 67:Silent Love
Chapter 68:Clues and Hobbies
Chapter 69:Brother!
Chapter 69.5:You Idiot!
Chapter 70: Code Thief
Chapter 71:Big Boom
Small announcement
Chapter 72:Mix Up!
Chapter 73:My World!
Chapter 74:Reaper?
Chapter 75:Where You Belong
Chapter 76:New Home and Goodbyes
Chapter 77:It's Time
Chapter 78:It's only the beginning
Chapter 79:Big Bear
Chapter 80:Love and Recruits
Chapter 81: Seriously?
Chapter 82: Where is He?
Chapter 83: I'm here!
Chapter 84:Dameon!
Chapter 85:Ohana means...
Chapter 86: Just a Knock Away
Chapter 87:Talk and Go!
Chapter 88:Protection
Chapter 89: Love you
Chapter 90: No More Nice Guy
Chapter 91:No...
Chapter 92:Reborn
Chapter 93: Papa...
Chapter 94:Break!
Chapter 95:Fear
Chapter 96:The Wall
Chapter 97:You're Welcome
Chapter 98: Burn
Chapter 99:Puppets and Hourglasses

Chapter 66: Hold Him Close

285 7 105
Par HappyWriter62

(watch from 0:00-0:40 when you see this sign:^^^)

Geno's POV

The battle started and ended quite fast. He shot some attacks but then stopped after we dodged it. The idiot began monologuing to us and explaining the plan. He says we don't have a chance, should fear him, yada yada yada. Swap!Geno and I look at each other. We shake our heads. We shoot attacks at him easily. He fled once Swap!Geno fired some Gaster Blasters. It was quite like ^^^.

Swap!Geno and I smile. We head through the halls. The building shook again, except more violently after a big boom. I hold onto the wall while Swap!Geno falls. Once it stops, I help him up. He didn't want to think of whatever is causing those events. He'd rather wonder who is here.

"You noticed that Epic was wearing a cloak like your Reaper's, right? He was the strange one ticking before I did the plan."He says

"Same with me."I say

"So we should be careful. Dunno who else is disguised or 'has the Grim Reaper power'."He says

"Or anyone. We don't know who is here and who isn't."I add

He nods.

"Our goal is to find a way out of here, possibly without going to the source of the noise."He says

Just then, the noises stop. It goes quiet. Way too quiet for a tense situation like this. It's unsettling. Then we hear footsteps.

"Run!"He tells me, taking me by the hand

We run as fast as we can and duck into a hallway. We stay quiet and still. We wait. A figure with a cloak like Reaper's runs right past us. We look at each other and then to a window in the hallway. Both of us try to pry it open. Both of us fail. The window was boarded and barred up too much to even get a hint of light from outside. I found a ladder leading up though. Maybe it leads to the attic, which could lead to the roof. We could break out from there. I begin to climb with Swap!Geno close behind me. The ladder led to a stairwell, which we went up. But then we retreated since we heard multiple pairs of footsteps. Now isn't the best time to fight. Especially if we're outnumbered. We run and hide, but wait this time after some figures come past us.

"What is this, ReaperCon? If the situation wasn't so serious, I'd think they were just cosplaying or something."Swap!Geno says, shaking his head

"Ya. Well, what do you think your Reaper is doing right now?"I ask, trying to pass some time or get to know him

"He's probably enjoying me being gone. Not even questioning the reason I am gone. He thinks I'm annoying. What about yours?"He says

"Hard to tell. He's full of surprises and very unpredictable."I tell him

"I see. So since I'm a Swap of you, do you find him annoying?"He asks

"Eh, he has his moments. But I care for him. He's the greatest friend to have and I wouldn't be surprised if your Reaper feels the same about you in the Swap! sense of things."I say

He smiles.

"That's nice to know."He says

He peeks out.

"Let's move."He says, getting up and taking me by the hand

We run and try to find other ways out. Noises have started on the floors above us so we start going to the lower floors. We abandon the attic plan. Then, we see something that made Swap!Geno cover his mouth to hold back a cheer of joy.

We saw a trail of light on the floor, kinda like light shining into a dark room from a doorway or a shadow on the ground. It was the first sign of light or outdoors that we've seen in this dark building. We happily head toward it, but then hear footsteps coming from that direction.

Trouble. We assumed.

"Dang it! Oh come on!"Swap!Geno growls

We run and duck into a hallway. I press against the wall. But nobody went past us. It unsettled us, as well as the tense silence. Then, a voice calls out.

"Geno? Where are you, you idiot? You better not be dust!"A voice shouts

I didn't recognize the voice, but Swap!Geno did. His eye-light shrank and he looks at me in shock.

"He came...?"He whispers

"Yes and it seems he came for you."I reply

His face goes red.

"Reaper?"He yells

"Geno? Where are you? Come here!"The voice shouts

Swap!Geno looks at me.

"What if it's a trap?"He asks

"I'll come with you to make sure you're safe."I say

He smiles, nodding and thanking me. I take him by the hand.

"Geno?"The voice calls

"Coming, Reaper!"Swap!Geno says

We cautiously head towards the voice, which ended up being where the light was coming from. Pieces of a door laid everywhere, broken down. A skeleton sat against a wall, tied up and out cold. A note said:"Don't untie. Troublemaker here. Ally of Epic." We look at each other and keep walking past the skeleton. A figure was in the doorway, looking around. They look at us and jumps. I release Swap!Geno's hand. I see a smile spread across his face.

"Geno?"The person calls

"Reaper!"Swap!Geno cheers, raising his hands

"Geno! It's you! You're okay!"They cheer, starting to run to Swap!Geno

I could now see them clearly. Swap!Reaper had a long black scarf, a cap, grey shirt and dark grey pants with black shoes. And he came running like the Flash to Swap!Geno. I even noticed his face had a little color if you get what I'm saying. (>w0)

They hug each other happily. Swap!Reaper noticeably clenched onto Swap!Geno tightly telling by wrinkles formed in his cloak starting from Swap!Reaper's hands. Swap!Reaper didn't let go. I just lean against the wall and watch this unfold.

"Reaper! What are you doing here?"Swap! Geno asks

"I've come to get you! I got so worried when you disappeared! I tracked ya down to here! I'm so glad you're okay!"Swap!Reaper says

"R-Really?"He says in surprise

"Really! I never want to lose you, silly! I can't!"Swap!Reaper says

"But I thought you'd be happy with me gone. I didn't think you'd really care. I'm surprised that you're even here! I am an annoyance to you, am I not?"He asks

"No! See, this is why you're an idiot. You think of the silliest of things. You have your annoying moments, but I care about you, Geno. I enjoy being with you."Swap!Reaper says

""He says

"Mhm! I thought you were dead! I'm so glad you're not!"Swap!Reaper says

"Oh....Your face is bright again."He says

"Sh-Shut up."Swap!Reaper stutters

I could see an idea form in his eye lights. He shifts his hold on Swap!Reaper and picks him clean off his feet.

"Geno! Put me down!"S!Reaper snaps

"No."He says

"Why not?"S!Reaper asks

"Cause I don't feel like it.~ I care about you too."He says, holding S!Reaper close

"G-Geno!"S!Reaper stutters nervously

"Yes?"He says

"Just because you care gives you no reason to mess with me and pull these tricks! Put me down!"S!Reaper says

"It's no trick. I'm not messing with you. Nope. Hmm, maybe you're right."He responds

"Yes you are! Please! Wait, you're agreeing with me?"S!Reaper says

"My care for you doesn't give me a reason. But my love for you does."He smoothly tells S!Reaper

"W-Wha-? G-Geno!"S!Reaper stutters, stunned

(*S!Geno used sweetness, it was very effective!*)

He nuzzles his head against S!Reaper's and that got S!Reaper quiet. There were a few moments of silence with the two. S!Reaper kept avoiding eye contact while S!Geno gazed at him in his arms sweetly. I stayed off to the side as a witness to this. I was happy for Swap!Geno to be back with his Reaper.

"Did they hurt you? Are you hurt?"S!Reaper asks, breaking the silence

"No. No. I'm okay."He replies, though I knew the truth

"Good. They would be dust if they hurt you."S!Reaper says

"What made you come here if you thought I was dead?"He asks

"Some other Geno's Reaper gave me hope for you. I owe him. He showed me that you were on his list and alive. That convinced me to come. We broke in as you could tell by the door's condition. I hope he finds his Geno, he seemed awfully worried about them."S!Reaper says

"That's probably his Reaper then."He says, pointing me out

S!Reaper looks at me. His face got brighter. He looks at Swap!Geno.

"You pulled that trick on me in front of someone?! Seriously?"He says

"For the last time, it's not a trick! I'm not trying to be funny!"S!Geno says

S!Reaper looks at me again. He smiles.

Good to see you're okay too. Your Reaper seemed very worried about you."He says

"He's here?"I ask

"Yep, right upstairs looking for ya. Wait, this is your Reaper, right?"He says, pulling up a picture on a phone

I nod.

"Ok, I'm paying him back now, then. YO REAPER!"He says, then yells

The noises upstairs stop. I freeze up. What's he doing here?

"What is it?"Reaper's voice yells in response

"I found my Geno! Yours is with him!"S!Reaper shouts

He is!

"Really?"Reaper asks

"Yes, really! So get down here already and see him  yourself!"S!Reaper replies


Joy consumes me quickly. I smile a bit. Rapid footsteps were heard upstairs or the floors above. Time to get some payback. On him!

"I think he has an idea..."S!Reaper says

"Good. This will be interesting, then. Geno, do whatever you're thinking. I support you."S!Geno says

I nod and grin. Then, I hear the footsteps grow closer. I use some of my power to teleport. I succeed but didn't teleport where I wanted to. I was at the top of some stairs. But, but...I could hear them.

"What? I thought you said he was here! I sensed him too!"Reaper says

"He was just here..."S!Reaper says

"The idea is coming."S!Geno says

"What idea?"The Reapers ask

I decide to improvise. Can't run down the steps, he'll hear. I hop on the railing and slide down it. I go flying right off it and knock right into Reaper. I quickly cover his eyes from behind before he could react.

"Guess who!"I say

S!Geno chuckles. S!Reaper smiles.

"Ah, that one."He says

"Ge-Wait! Don't you hate it when I do this game with you?"Reaper says

"Do I? Now come on and guess, Reaper!"I say

"G-Geno!"He guesses

I release him and uncover his eyes, dropping down behind him. I smile. 

"The look on his face! Haha!"S!Geno says

"That's what you get, Reaper!"I say

S!Reaper gives me a thumbs up from around Reaper, stuck in S!Geno's arms still. Reaper does not move. It's silent.

Reaper begins to shake.

"Umm....other Geno? We have an issue."S!Reaper says

"Something is wrong."S!Geno says

I step forward and grab Reaper's hand softly.

"Everything okay, Reaper?"I ask

He slaps my hand away.

"I knew I got my hopes too high..."He mutters

"Reaper?"I call

He ignores me. He lifts a hand to his face and when he lowered it, his sleeve is wet. He's crying?! Over what? What hopes did he have?

"Reaper? What's wrong, bud?"S!Geno asks

Reaper ignores him too. He tries to push past S!Geno but S!Reaper stopped him.

"Answer him! Answer both of them!"He snaps

"Let me by. I want to go home."Reaper says

"Why'd you even come here then?"S!Reaper says

"I came for my Geno. But I guess I'm too late."He says

"You're being very rude to him, that's what you are."S!Geno says

"Geno is GONE! "He snaps

"No he isn't, you idiot."S!Reaper says, taking something out

Reaper's list. S!Reaper scrolls through it and points to one.

"Here!"He says, shoving it in Reaper's face

Reaper is silent. He snatches it back and tucks it away.

"Also, he is standing right behind you, dude."S!Geno says, gesturing to me

I reach up and tug at his sleeve.

"Reaper? Are you okay?"I ask

He turns around now. I step back.

"Let's give them some time, Geno."S!Reaper says

"K."S!Geno says

They walk out. I look at him curiously. He has tears in his eyes and a shocked look on his face. He steps forward. I don't budge. I look up at him. He touches where S!Geno bandaged me.

"Is this where...? They hurt you..? It caused you to....?But then, how are you...? Back...?"He asks, his voice shaking

"It is...I'll explain..Yes. I'm okay, though. Swap!Geno, the other Geno, helped me. I'm guessing that's how I am back."I respond

"Your eye...."He says, softly placing a hand on my cheek, near my eye

I had completely forgotten about that one. I had it uncovered! Revealed! It probably looks bad!

"Shoot! I forgot to hide it! I'm sorry! It must've looked horrible! One sec, I'll just-!"I say, raising my hand to summon some glitches over the eye

He grabs my wrist and pulls it down.

"No. Don't hide it. I've just never really saw it before. It looks amazing. You, look amazing. I like it. I, like you."He says

I look at him and feel my face burn up.

"R-Really?"I ask

"Mhm."He says

"R-Reaper..."I stutter

He reaches out to me and grabs me. I jolt. He smiles. I look up at him still.

"R-Reaper? What are you-WOAH!"I say, then shout when he lifts me up

"I got you! Don't worry! I'm so glad to be back with you! I'm so glad you're ok!"He says

"But weren't you sick of me? You said on the pho-"I begin

"I'm sorry, Geno! I'm so sorry for everything you heard from me! I didn't mean to hurt you! I didn't mean to question our friendship! I didn't mean to seem like I lie to you! I do love you! I didn't know about your nightmares but that still gives me no excuse! I don't know what I was thinking! You were just trying to keep me face and I was being an idiot! You aren't weak! And what you heard me saying on the phone was what I thought you're thinking after what I did! I was focusing so much on my other job to distract myself from everything that happened that I forgot about my job to be a friend! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I-I-I-!"Reaper cries, apologizing

I listen to every word. As he goes, he speaks quicker, and quicker until he was talking what seems to be a mile a minute, a tear ever half a mile going down his face. He was trying to get so many details in and he kept repeating the words sorry and love and idiot. Soon it became the point where he was talking so fast and crying so much that I couldn't understand him. But he kept repeating himself as if he were a broken record player. I realize something and laugh. I actually laughed. He stops talking and looks at me. He raises me higher up.

"What's so funny, huh? I'm trying to apologize to you!"He asks

"You're apologizing! You've never done that before! You're crying! You've never done that before! You've made your point! Hehe. But you couldn't have been more wrong about what I think of you! I love the kids! You're only stupid or clueless at times! But sometimes it's funny! You're not selfish or a jerk! You're just like anyone when they're in a bad mood! I've never questioned my time with you. I enjoy being around you. You don't suck. I wouldn't rather anything as serious as death over you. That's just not what I think or feel about you. Especially since I'm guessing you didn't fake your own death?"I say, chuckling

"No! I would never fake that! That's Renew-level stupid!"Reaper says

"Stupid hallucinations...I'm so happy to be with you again, Reaper! I'm so glad you're ok!"I cheer

"That's what I've been telling you! I love you!"He says

"Then will you do like the saying or song goes and let me go? I'd like to be put down now."I suggest

"Well I don't listen to those. I have my own saying to replace it."He says

"Oh really? What's this saying?"I ask

"If you love them/him, keep them/him close."He says, pulling me closer into a hug.

I chuckle, feeling my face brighten. He looks at me, a look of joy and amazement in his eyes. I wipe his tears.

"You're actually letting me hold you close..."He says

"You have a problem with that?"I ask teasingly

"N-No! I don't!"He says, his face warming

"Good."I say with a smirk

He's silent, looking away. He looks at me again.

"So what do you think of me?"He asks

"I'm gonna let you figure that out for yourself."I tell him with a sly grin

"Aww, come on...You're evil."He says

"I like to call it...strategic, heh. Want a hint?"I ask

"Yes please."He says

"Ok, here's one."I say

I lean in and nuzzle his head lovingly with mine. I tug his hood down and quickly kiss his cheek. I let go of his hood and continue nuzzling to cover it up. 

His face warmed up. I had to hold back a chuckle at the shock on his face. He's silent. He's thinking. But his face got brighter the more he did.

"You just...n-nuzzled my head..."He says

"If that's what you want to call it, sure."I say

He's silent.

"What's your first guess?"I ask

"Guess one? Ok...You are enjoying the ability to mess with me. You think I'm silly."He says

"While that may be true right now, you're close but incorrect."I say, chuckling

"Dang it...You're not gonna make it easy, are you?"He asks

"Depends...Are you gonna make it easy to catch my hints?"I reply

He's silent, looking down now.

"Ya know...In the world that I was at, there was someone that reminded me a lot of you. They were almost exactly like you! Then again, they were a Reaper."I say

He looks at me as if he recalls something and got nervous. He puts me down.

"L-Let's go."He says

"Okay?"I say

We walk outside to find the Swap universe versions of us waiting. S!Reaper comes over me and we begin to chat while S!Geno is accompanied by Reaper.

"So did you tell your Reaper yet?"He asks me

"Nah, I decide that I'll let him figure that out. Put the pieces together. He's messed with me enough so I decided to mess with him back."I say

"You sly dude!"He says

"Thank you. Did you?"I tell him

"No..."He says, looking away

I notice Reaper and Swap!Geno turn away from us while they talk. All the way until their backs are to us. I smile and shrug it off. They're probably planning some tricks. I continue chatting with S!Reaper.


-Bam, end chapter cause I am outta ideas rn and it's a good place to end-

Also, here are TWO extra sketches I made towards the end of the chapter. It's them talking. I bet you can guess about what, or who. I can imagine this being how expressive they are with the topic if they ever met their swap selves.


Continuer la Lecture

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