The Mafia's Princess

By Kayla16__

330K 11.5K 1.2K

(Bonus chapters coming soon) Ariana Knight has spent her entire life in the shadow of her father, a ruthless... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Author's Note
Author's Note

Chapter 5

11K 364 77
By Kayla16__

Ariana's POV

Waking up with a stretch, I glanced at the clock and realized it was nearly nine in the morning. "Stephen, wake up," I whispered, gently nudging his arm. "No, I'm not ready to get up," he mumbled into his pillow. With a mischievous grin, I yanked the covers off him, prompting him to finally open his eyes and sit up. "Can't we just decide on the food tomorrow?" he whined, flashing me a playful pout. "Get up now," I teased, heading towards the bathroom. Shedding my clothes, I indulged in a steaming hot shower.

Emerging from the bathroom, I encountered Stephen at the top of the stairs. Every inch of him exuded a commanding presence, reminiscent of a Greek God. "Ready to go?" he inquired, his gaze intense. "Absolutely, let's get this show on the road," I responded, leading the way downstairs. Upon entering the dining area, my eyes scanned the spread of various dishes. However, one thing was missing – soul food. "I have a request to make," I announced, capturing the attention of Stephen's mother, the wedding planner, and the chef. "I want soul food added to the menu," I declared with determination. "Consider it done, my dear. Whatever you desire," Stephen's mother replied with a warm smile, clearly pleased with my involvement.

"Soul food?" Stephen questioned, his curiosity piqued. "You've never experienced soul food before?" I asked, surprised. "No, I haven't," he admitted. "Well, Chef Gian, I'd love for you to learn some recipes from my home and for everyone to taste it," I proposed, feeling a surge of excitement. "But first, let's sample this spread," I suggested, picking up my fork and preparing to indulge in the culinary delights before us.

After savoring a variety of dishes and making my selections, we made our way to the kitchen. Gathering the ingredients, I eagerly took charge and began demonstrating to the cook how to prepare each dish, from crispy fried chicken to delectable candied yams. As the delightful aromas filled the kitchen, I poured my heart into each recipe, infusing them with love and memories of home.

Once all the dishes were cooked to perfection, I carefully arranged a plate for Stephen. "Let's start with the chicken," I suggested, watching intently as they each took a bite. Their expressions transformed into pure delight. "This is amazing," his mother exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with joy. Overhearing Stephen's mumbled comment, my heart swelled with pride. "Looks like I might have just changed your favorite dish," I teased him playfully, basking in the satisfaction of sharing a piece of my heritage with him.


As the family gathered for what seemed like an intense meeting, the air crackled with tension. "During the shipment transfer to Ariana's father, there was an incident," his father announced, his gaze piercing as he addressed the room. "I won't go into specifics, but I suspect there's a traitor among us... And if that's the case, I wouldn't hesitate to end you with a bullet," he declared, his words laced with a chilling undercurrent.

Turning the floor over to Stephen, the atmosphere grew even more charged. "You all know the consequences of betrayal within the Family – swift and merciless death. But for the one responsible for this betrayal, a slow and agonizing demise awaits," Stephen proclaimed, his fingers deftly toying with a knife. "Now, let's review today's earnings and see if anyone has fallen short," he concluded before I discreetly slipped away.

I found myself face to face with his mother, who greeted me with a knowing smile. "Eavesdropping on the family discussions, I see," she remarked, her eyes warm with understanding. "Just trying to navigate through it all," I replied, walking alongside her. "Let me share a story with you," she began, her voice soft with reminiscence. "At 18, the same age as you, I was married off to Stephen's father. My own father was the head of the Mexican Cartel, and I, too, rebelled against the path chosen for me. But Alessandro, with his fiery spirit, changed everything..."

She continued, revealing the struggles and sacrifices made by her son, Stephen, and the toll that a life in the Mafia had taken on him. "I see a reflection of myself in you," she confided, her eyes filled with maternal concern. "Please, take care of my son. Help him find warmth and stability in a world that has hardened him," she implored, her hands clasping mine. "I'll do my best. I promise," I vowed, touched by her trust and vulnerability. "Thank you. Tomorrow, we'll go shopping for your dress," she mentioned, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "I appreciate it," I replied, feeling a newfound sense of purpose as I walked away, determined to fulfill the promise I had made.


As I turned the corner, my eyes blazed with fury at the sight of Stephen and that bitch Sarah engaged in conversation. A surge of anger fueled my actions as I advanced towards her, grabbing her by the hair with a fierce grip. "You pathetic hoe," I snarled, punctuating each word with a forceful yank that left her stumbling. With a steely glare, I dragged her towards the front door, each step emphasizing her helplessness and my unyielding dominance.

"Bitch, I've warned you multiple times to steer clear of what's mine," I hissed, my voice laced with venom as I unleashed a barrage of punches, each strike a testament to her foolishness. Once finished, I coldly dragged her outside, her form discarded amidst the harsh terrain, a fitting reflection of her worth in my eyes.

Returning to the house, my gaze settled on Stephen, his expression a mix of shock and apprehension. Without a hint of remorse, I delivered a swift knee to his balls, followed by a punishing blow to his jaw. "You thought you could toy with me and get away unscathed?" I spat, my voice cutting through the air with icy precision. "Do not test me, Stephen. I will not tolerate you disrespecting me with your whores," I declared with a chilling finality before ascending the stairs.

Rummaging through my belongings, I swiftly changed into gym attire, the adrenaline from the confrontation still coursing through my veins. Making my way to the home gym, I slipped on my earphones, the music drowning out any lingering doubts as I channeled my aggressive energy into a punishing workout. Each step on the treadmill echoed with a fierce determination, a physical manifestation of the power I held within me.


After an intense workout, I decided to freshen up for dinner. Stepping out of my room, I made my way to the dining room, where I found some of the men still lingering for the meal. Stephen's simmering anger was palpable as I took a seat beside him, unfazed by his silent hostility. The tension crackled between us, adding an electrifying edge to the atmosphere.

As the food was placed before me, I absently toyed with it, the appetite for sustenance overshadowed by the lingering confrontation. "Eat," Stephen's command sliced through the air, demanding compliance. "I'm not hungry," I stated flatly, refusing to bend to his will. "I don't care, I said eat," he retorted, his tone challenging. A fire ignited within me at his attempt to assert dominance. "You're not going to dictate my actions. I'm not some pet to obey your commands. If I choose not to eat, that's my prerogative. I'll be in my room," I declared, rising from the table, leaving the men in stunned silence at my bold defiance. I wasn't about to be treated like a child by anyone, not even Stephen.

Later, as I lay on the bed, the sound of the door slamming behind me sent a shiver down my spine. Stephen's presence loomed over me, his demeanor predatory as he advanced towards me. In a swift move, he seized me, pinning me against the wall with a ferocity that sent a chill down my spine. "I warned you about disrespect, Ariana," his voice low and menacing as he tightened his grip, cutting off my air supply. Gasping for breath, my vision blurred, my senses overwhelmed by the threat he posed. Darkness enveloped me as consciousness slipped away.

Three hours later, I awoke on the floor, disoriented and groggy. My last memory was of Stephen's hands around my throat. Shock flooded through me as I saw him unconscious beside me. "Stephen," I called out, panic rising as I knelt by his side, the tables turned in a moment of unexpected vulnerability. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!" I screamed, the urgency clear in my voice as his mother rushed into the room, concern etched on her face. "What happened?" she asked, her voice laced with worry. "Stephen choked me until I blacked out, and now he's like this," I explained, fear gripping my heart. Without hesitation, she reached for her phone, dialing the Family Doctor in a frantic bid for help.


After a tense two hours at the Family clinic, the doctor emerged with information. "Stephen was drugged with a potent substance that induces sudden aggression. It's imperative that we flush it out of his system due to the heavy dosage. You can see him now," the doctor informed us, leading the way back to the room where Stephen awaited.

"What's going on?" Stephen inquired, looking visibly fatigued and bewildered. "Someone spiked your drink with a drug that triggered aggressive behavior. You came at me and choked me unconscious," I explained, the memory still fresh in my mind, the fading bruise a stark reminder of the ordeal. "I'm so sorry, Ariana. I don't even recall doing that," Stephen expressed genuine remorse. "Did you have a drink during the family meeting?" I probed. "Yeah, Alanzo fixed me a scotch on ice," Stephen recalled.

"I have a plan," I announced, capturing the attention of the room. "And what might that be?" his father inquired, intrigued by my proposal. "Invite Alanzo over under the guise of a special job offer with potential for promotion. I'll take care of the rest. Provide me with five of your most trustworthy men," I outlined my strategy, determination etched in my gaze. "I'm coming with you," Stephen declared, his resolve unwavering as he removed his IV, a testament to his determination. "You should be resting," I protested, but he brushed off my concerns, sealing his resolve with a tender kiss on my forehead. "Ho bisogno di un equipaggio di cinque uomini fidati a casa in dieci minuti," his father barked into the phone, setting the plan in motion.

Following Stephen's discharge, we returned to the house, where the group of men awaited outside. "Well, hello, boys," I greeted them, exuding a sense of purpose as I led them inside, ready for the task ahead.

After a tense wait, Alanzo finally arrived at the house, sporting a smirk of arrogance. Without hesitation, I took a lamp and knocked it over his head. "Take him to the warehouse," Stephen commanded, delivering a firm kick to Alanzo's prone form. The game was on, and we were ready to play.

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