Protect My Mate//Billie Eilish

By MitchezHunter

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Those eyes haunt her dreams,those green eyes light up more differently than other werewolves eyes. Those eyes... More

✓Chapter 1
✓Chapter 2
✓Chapter 4
✓Chapter 5
✓Chapter 6
✓Chapter 7
✓Chapter 8
✓Chapter 9
✓Chapter 10
✓Chapter 11
✓Chapter 12
✓Chapter 13
✓Chapter 14
✓Chapter 15
✓Chapter 16
✓Chapter 17
✓Chapter 18
✓Chapter 19
✓Chapter 20
✓Chapter 21
✓Chapter 22
✓Chapter 23

✓Chapter 3

3.9K 137 99
By MitchezHunter

Billie's pov

Morgan raised her hand as lightning bolt came from the staff,I was expecting to be blown but a shield formed around us blocking it.

"Awe... Afraid I might hurt your mate dear sister? You know she's as powerful as you now or maybe you don't trust in your power" Megan asks cackling stopping her attack making Morgan roll her eyes putting her hand down "you really need to get a new lines" she waves her hand as if dismissing her and a cold wind blew taking a her away.

"I will be back! I'll take everything I own back!" She screams and I turn to Morgan for an explanation.

"She thinks I took her place in the pack says I stole her powers, thinks I took the love of our father from her but she did it all herself"

"What do you mean?" My mate stares at me for a while before letting out a sigh.

"When we were born my mother said she saw the darkness in her eyes therefore decided that I would inherit her powers,as we grew up my sister always stayed close to my mother as I was close to my father one day she just runs away and our mother is dead,I'm not sure what happened nobody ever told me" she says walking us back home.

"Our father tried getting her to come back home but she tried killing him too,for killing our mother and attempted murder of our father,the pack decided to banish her" we reach the door and she opens it for us as we walked up the stairs to my room.

"She came back apologizing begging for forgiveness only for her to try and kill him again a week later poisoning his food but was caught by an Omega she escaped but the pack made me take her place" we sat on my bed lying on our backs gazing up.

"She's been harvesting dark powers making herself stronger to manipulate me to get the pack back" she whispers out the last word laying on her side, throwing her arm around me then set her head on the crook of my neck kissing me lightly making me breath out she has alot on her plate.

"I don't know what to do Billie,I don't want to fight her"

"It's going to be okay baby" I whisper rubbing her back but she shakes her head.

"I don't want to banish her and I don't want to fight either,I wish to rule like my father creating bonds with every supernatural creature but it won't be like this for long"

"What do you mean?"

"The council will intervene and it won't go down well, they'll force me to do something I don't want to" her grip around my waist tightens.

"I'm here now, we'll do this together" I whisper kissing the wrist of her hand and she smiles.


"I'm hungry" I whine

"I know"

"Very hungry"

"I know"

"Today's meal smells nice"

"I know but I wanna have a few more minutes with you in this classroom making out,is there a problem?" I shake my head fast moaning harder as her lips stick to my neck again leaving hickies her hands roaming my body.

"Miss Raid and Miss Pirate" Morgan groans lowly but removed her lips from my neck.

"Yes Mr Gee?" She asks nicely and the teacher shakes his head "next time go to the washrooms or in a closet like the rest of the students! Respect my desk please!"

"But the washrooms stink and the closet is small,I want to grab as much as possible" she says gripping my ass cheek making a moan slip from my lips and I cover it up with a cough feeling my cheeks heat up.

"You two have thirty seconds to run to lunch before I ask for a free porn show"

"I like you but we can't tayou up on that offer" Morgan says laughing carrying me out of the classroom then sped off to the cafeteria.

She gets two trays quickly getting me some food and some for herself. We sit with the rest of the werewolves and i finish my burritos fast and start stealing fries from Morgan.

"Hello Billie" Luca says coming to our table with one of his friends in his arms.

What was her name again,ouh Agalcha!

I stare blankly at him for a while "what's up?" I say before turning to look back at Morgan, stealing another fry from her tray her jaw falls then she narrows her eyes at me,I pout batting my lashes making her groan covering her face.

"This is my girlfriend" Luca voices "this is my wife" I tell him smiling widely at Morgan who chuckles.

Luca huffs and leaves dragging the girl along making everyone on the table laugh. "Phenomenal!" Morgan says laughing hardest of all.

"The guy was cool but he doesn't take 'were over' too well" I say stealing another fry from Morgan who gives me her own puppy eyes.

She looks all cute being soft and shit. I falter and give her the fry back making her smile widely.

The bell rings and she grabs her tray going to the restricted kitchen for some time and she comes leading me out of the cafeteria with a noodle box full of fries and a chicken wings.

"Your going to eat that in class?!" She nods draging us into our second last lesson for the day... Double lesson... Kill me please.

We sit together and Luca and his girl sit in front of us while Luca can't stop talking about their date throwing side glances at me.

This guy is really dumb "good afternoon?" The teacher comes strolling in casually and starts the Spanish lesson... I don't really pay attention because I'm busy staring at my mate,I'm sure hearts are floating all over my head.

"Wanna dip?" Morgan's voice echoes through the mindlink and I nod furiously.

"Yes Miss Raid?" The heavy accent of Senorita Hear is always something I've liked.

"I like wanna go make out with my girlfriend and shit is that okay?"


Lesbians?" Morgan nods "Ok but if you're caught, you skipped." The class erupts with questions and she shrugs turning to the board smiling to herself. Morgan grabs my hand leading me out of the class to the field down the bleachers ,pinning me between a polar and herself attacking my lips.

"Y'all's bold!" Slevin's voice says through the link making me laugh.

"I honestly thought Billie was gonna freak out finding a female mate,your turning her into a maniac!" Her voice says again but Morgan and I don't answer.

Morgan breaks away from me looking around and I almost cringe with her

"Rogues" we growl together turning to the end of the field where the rogue scent is coming from.

Almost 8 wolves hidden in the bushes,it would be hard for a normal human to see them but all my senses are alert.

"There's rogues in school make sure the humans are safe" I tell my pack through the mindlink.

"I need to leave the compound" Morgan says "why?" "If they know they'll unleash attack on this place until everyone is gone,the spell I've casted will protect everyone for now but i have to find a way to lead them away"

"You mean..." She nods "a bait..."

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