My Angel

By Deescent

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Jinyoung fell from Heaven... literally. More

End Note
Bad Angel Drawing lol


1.3K 73 52
By Deescent


It was Jinyoung's voice, frantically calling out to him. Jaebum's world went black, the last thing he remembered was headlights, the sound of a loud horn, and Jinyoung lunging forwards towards him. Then his back hit something hard, which is why pain was shooting up his spine.

Something heavy was on top of him. He'd forgotten how to work his eyelids, wondering why he couldn't see until he remembered that he should probably try opening his eyes. Everything was blurry and spinning, for a few minutes Jaebum wasn't sure where he was or what was happening.

But he felt this soft warm touch on his cheek. It had to be Jinyoung. Was Jinyoung okay? What even happened?

Jaebum blinked a few times, his eyesight finally clearing. He blinked some more, and as his vision cleared the ringing in his ears that he hadn't even noticed began to face.


It was Jinyoung again. Jaebum's eyes searched for the angel, immediately being attracted to a slightly blurry outline of a person. A few more blinks, the blurriness faded away. It was Jinyoung, kneeling over him, his body being the heavy thing Jaebum felt on top of him. The angel had his cell phone, seemingly in the middle of dialing something as Jaebum came to.

"Jinyoung?" Jaebum called out, his eyes setting on the angel who looked incredibly relieved to hear his name leave Jaebum's lips. The last thing he saw was headlights, then he was suddenly on the pavement with Jinyoung kneeling over him.

Jinyoung leaned forward, cupping Jaebum's cheek."Hey, are you okay?"

Jaebum nodded, allowing the angel to inspect his eyes to check for anything unusual. "I... I think so..."

"Are you sure? Does your head hurt? Are you dizzy?" Jinyoung questioned like a doctor doing a patient check up.

"I'm okay. Nothing hurts but my back, and the dizziness is gone. Just a little dazed and confused, but don't worry I'm fine." Jaebum assured. He hated seeing Jinyoung so worried. He didn't think anything was hurt too badly or broken, so there wasn't much to worry about.

Jinyoung let out a heavy sigh of relief. He gently caressed Jaebum's cheek, handling him as if he were glass.

Until Jaebum suddenly felt a sharp sting on his cheek.

"Are you out of your fucking mind!" Jinyoung yelled, shaking Jaebum by his shirt, the sudden switch in moods catching him way off guard.

Jaebum rubbed his cheek, still not 100% Sure why he'd just gotten slapped. "Ow..."

"I knew I fell in love with someone stupid but god you're a real dumbass y'know!" Jinyoung complained, his voice loud and shrill.

Jaebum was utterly speechless. Why was Jinyoung angry? "S-Sorry?"

"Don't 'sorry' me like an idiot! Who the hell walks into the street not paying attention! Your parents never taught you to look both ways!?"

Right. Jaebum was walking backwards. The lights he saw must've been the front of a car. No, probably a truck considering how big they were. Jaebum sat up a bit more, looking around at his surroundings. Just across the street was where Jinyoung had been standing, he recognized the mailbox on the corner. Jaebum realized that he must've walked right into the street without much thought, not even registering any incoming traffic until it was too late.

Jinyoung saved him, that's how they ended up on the other side of the street. And that's why his back hurt, Jinyoung pushed him to safety. Everything was beginning to click.

He now understood why the angel was angry.

But he wasn't broken or hurt badly. It was just a close call. They should be relieved to be alive, not upset. "Jinyoung I'm fine, calm down-"

"Don't tell me to calm down!" Jinyoung snapped, those words only making him rage more. He was breathing heavily, his eyes full of fear despite the fact that they were safe. "I saw it..."

Jaebum blinked. "What?"

Jinyoung shook his head before leaning down and pressing it against Jaebum's chest. He spoke in shaky puff of breaths. "I saw it. You started to get that black glow around you before I noticed the truck coming. You dumbass..."

Jaebum's eyes widened. If it weren't for Jinyoung, was he really supposed to die just a few minutes ago? No wonder it was a big deal to Jinyoung, this must've struck up his bad memories. "Oh shit, did I scare you? I'm sorry-"

"You were literally an inch from death, do you think I can handle losing you?" Jinyoung sobbed, a wet puddle soon spreading across Jaebum's shirt.

What was he supposed to say? There was nothing he could do to make the situation better, he just felt awful, and was still in shock from the fact that he was saved from death. Something that Jinyoung failed to do with the last person he watched over, he did for Jaebum without even a second thought. How was he supposed to react to the weight of it all? "I..."

"Shut up." Jinyoung mumbled, his hands holding Jaebum close despite the fact that he was quite pissed off by the situation. He was angry out of love, and the possibility of losing the person he cared so much for terrified him.

Jaebum hadn't meant to frighten him that bad. He never meant to make Jinyoung sad or hurt. All he could do was hug the angel tight, though his signature back rubs didn't help him calm down at all. "Sorry..."

It took a while for them to get themselves together and go home. But eventually they got up and headed back to the apartment; even when arriving there Jinyoung was still quite shaken up by it all.

Jaebum was too, he still couldn't believe he missed death by just a few seconds, but he figured it was best to just be thankful that he was still alive, thankful of Jinyoung for being there to save him, and move on.

It was a bit awkward speaking to Jinyoung after it all, but he was too worried about him to avoid interacting with him. "So um... you want me to order dinner or-"

"I'm not hungry." The angel responded.

Jinyoung's tone was a bit scary; Jaebum could tell he was still upset. He didn't want to press or anything though; given enough time, Jinyoung would surely cool down on his own. "Okay. That's fine."

Jaebum decided to try taking a shower. He could at least get his mind off of things, and maybe when he finished Jinyoung would be a bit calmer. He headed off towards the bathroom after shedding his light jacket by the door.

"What are you doing?" The angel asked, his eyes watching Jaebum like a hawk.

"I'm gonna go shower before changing clothes?" Jaebum reported, a bit curious as to why Jinyoung wanted to know.

"Okay." Jinyoung nodded then walked over to Jaebum's desk and grabbed a book he'd been reading recently.

Jaebum watched him walk back towards him, the angel's behavior still unclear. "Where are you going?"

"With you." Jinyoung replied.

Jaebum blinked, growing a bit flustered as his mind quickly plummeted to a darker place. "T-To shower? I mean, I didn't think you were in the mood for that but okay-"

"Not for sex weirdo." The angel corrected, rolling his eyes at Jaebum. "To make sure you don't do anything stupid."

It took a moment to understand what was going through Jinyoung's mind, but based on what happened earlier, Jaebum quickly put together why he was acting this way. "Jinyoung, I can shower on my own and not die. I know I scared you today, admittedly to my own idiocy and I'm so sorry about that, but c'mon, this is a bit far-"

"I let someone die because I didn't go far enough. You're not gonna be the second person on that list." Jinyoung snapped. Jaebum wanted to argue, but Jinyoung was already pushing past him. He sat down on the toilet and began to read his book, dead set on his plan to keep watch over Jaebum's every move.

Jaebum sighed and followed him into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. "This is weird of you to do?"

"Just pretend I'm not here." Jinyoung shrugged, flipping a page in his book.

"That's kinda hard to do."

"Well too bad. I'll be here reading my book"

Despite already having seen one another in their full nude glory, being naked around each other was still a bit of an awkward thing since they hadn't gotten too comfortable with that aspect of their relationship yet. Jaebum still reluctantly stripped off his clothes in front of Jinyoung, and though the angel pretended to be engrossed in his book, he caught glimpses of those chocolate brown pupils flashing up to sneak a peek at his body.

He crossed his arms over his chest while completely naked, staring at Jinyoung who acted as if he hadn't seen a thing. "Y'know I can see you looking."

"I was not." Jinyoung argued; his mouth may have poured out lies, but his red ears shamelessly told the truth.

"You were too." Jaebum retorted. He shook his head, deciding to let Jinyoung enjoy the show since he was more focused on cleaning his body more than anything else. "Whatever."

Jaebum got into the shower and pulled the curtains closed, finally putting some privacy between them. Even though he did like how attracted Jinyoung was to staring at him in his total nudity, it did get uncomfortable after a while.

He washed like normal, nearly forgetting that Jinyoung was there, though that illusion soon faded when Jaebum reached out of the shower to reach for shampoo he kept on a shelf just outside the shower. He often had to blindly search for it, but this time Jinyoung was suddenly right there to assist him.

"What do you need?" The angel questioned with unnecessary urgency.

"Um... I planned on washing my hair..." Jaebum replied, staring back at him through the small opening between the shower curtain and wall.

"Let me do it for you?"

Jaebum shook his head at the offer. "I can wash my hair myself-"

"Y'know if you accidentally ingest too much shampoo you could die. And if you get it in your eyes you might not die, but it'll burn like hell. and with your eyes burning in a wet slippery place, you could fall and have numerous injuries. You know an alarming amount of deaths happen in bathroom accidents, don't you? And even in none of the worse stuff happens, what if you accidentally grab the wrong product and ruin your hair or skin? You'll look terrible. I like dating someone handsome, not chemically deformed. So let me do it."

Jaebum blinked, not knowing how Jinyoung spewed out all that information so fast, but it was obvious  that he was paranoid about Jaebum's well being. It was his own fault that Jinyoung was suddenly acting this way, and though it was a bit over the top, he still felt bad for causing his anxiety over it in the first place.

Jaebum let out a breath, giving in easily. "Fine..."

He sat on the side of the shower while Jinyoung scrubbed his scalp. Despite his initial complaints, having someone else's fingers buried in his hair felt really nice, especially since Jinyoung did it so carefully and made sure to reach every spot.

Once he'd done a final rinse, Jinyoung allowed Jaebum to finish up his shower, those eyes shamelessly taking in his nakedness yet again. "Would you like me to wash the rest of your body too?"

Jaebum raised a brow, knowing that the offer didn't have any dirty intention, but his mischievous side just wanted to mess with the angel anyway, "Not if you don't plan on getting in here with me."

Jinyoung's jaw fell open, his ears suddenly burning red. His eyes flashed down Jaebum's body again before quickly looking away. "I don't."

Jaebum smirked, reaching out to pat the angel's head. "Then no, I'll take care of it myself. Thanks."

Jinyoung huffed, the redness of his ears spreading through his cheeks as he reluctantly went back to reading, still taking glances at Jaebum through the shower curtain separating them as he finished washing. Jaebum turned off the water and reached out for a towel, though none were on the rack that he usually kept them on.

He let out a long sigh, knowing that the angel must've had something to do with their disappearance. "Where are the towels, Jinyoung?"

"I took them down." He answered.

"For what reason?"

You could accidentally wrap them around your head and suffocate yourself. So if you don't mind, I'd like to help you dry off."

Jaebum pressed his forehead to the wall, wiping a hand down his damp face. "Jinyoung, this is crazy. One near death experience and you're suddenly super overprotective. It's weird."

"If I had my powers I'd be able to do way more than this. But this is all I can do for you right now, so deal with it." Jinyoung retorted.

"Frankly I don't want this. I'll be fine, really." Jaebum assured. As much as he loved Jinyoung and adored him when he was being kind and helpful, the angel monitoring his every move felt like it was going way too far.

A bit of silence passed before Jinyoung eventually mumbled out his response. "I can't lose you..."

Jaebum peeked his head out from behind the shower curtain, his eyes resting on Jinyoung who looked back at him with those shiny brown eyes. His heart throbbed in his chest as he looked upon his melancholic state. "I can't lose you either. So I'm not going anywhere, and neither are you. Right?"

Jinyoung slowly looked away, shrugging in response.

It was hard to see Jinyoung so troubled over something that was his own fault, it only made Jaebum feel worse. He let out a soft breath, reaching out to gently caress Jinyoung's cheek. "Hey, if it makes you feel better, I'll let you take care of me for tonight only. But from then on, don't worry so much. I don't plan on dying anytime soon."

"That's the problem. No one ever really plans to die, you just do. I can't have that for you. Not anytime soon, at least." Jinyoung stated.

Jaebum couldn't really argue that. Even if he promised not to die, he couldn't even be sure that he'd keep that promise, which albeit sucked, was the reality of the situation. And Jinyoung, who's probably dealt with an unhealthy amount of death, was terrified to lose anyone else to an unfavorable fate, which Jaebum knew he couldn't even try to relate to.

He kept quiet as he stepped out of shower, allowing Jinyoung to help dry him off. The angel even walked him back to his room since he was worried about Jaebum slipping and falling on the way there due to his feet still being wet. Though Jaebum had to cut it off at putting on his clothes for him since he wasn't a three year old who needed help with everything, but the angel still insisted on watching to make sure he didn't accidentally 'cut off blood circulation by wearing a shirt that was too tight', as Jinyoung had put it.

It felt like he was under constant surveillance, and for some reason Jinyoung felt like everything he did could possibly kill him. The angel even pouted when Jaebum refused to let him help with shaving; showering was one thing, but Jaebum trusted no one but himself with a blade so close to his skin.

As the two eventually went to bed, Jinyoung snuggled up extra close to Jaebum that night, holding him close with the intent of never letting him go until morning. That was something Jaebum couldn't argue against; it was nice to have Jinyoung pressed against him in any circumstance, so he allowed it with no difficulty.

Jaebum was nearly half asleep when he heard soft mumbles in his ear, his heart fluttering from the brutally honest request coming from his lover.

"Kiss me."

A smile immediately spread across his lips.
How could he deny Jinyoung anything, especially after the wild day they'd had?

He rolled over and took Jinyoung's face into his hands, placing a chaste kiss to the angel's soft lips.

"Night." He whispered, swiftly running his thumb over Jinyoung's cheek before pulling away.

As Jaebum turned onto his back he felt a hand on his chest, with Jinyoung quickly sitting up in the space next to him. "Not like that."

Jaebum raised a brow in question, softly gasping when Jinyoung tugged hard on the front of his shirt and pressed their lips together hard. Their teeth clashed, the kiss sloppy at first until they found the perfect position, tongues sliding together and saliva clicking in the deep lip lock.

Jaebum was left breathless, utterly shocked when Jinyoung finally pulled away. Jinyoung was panting as well, his hot breath ghosting along Jaebum's lips. "Like that. As if it were our last. I want kisses like that from now on."

Jaebum shook his head; he didn't want to think that every kiss or hug or touch they shared would be their last. He wanted to be with Jinyoung forever, and though even that was uncertain, he didn't want to remind himself that their time together might be limited. "Jinyoung don't speak that way-"

"Please?" The angel begged, gently pressing his forehead to Jaebum's. He ran his thumb down Jaebum's chin, pressing a small kiss to his jaw.

Jaebum let out a breath, gripping Jinyoung's hand in his own. There was no arguing with the angel, Jaebum didn't have it in him. He gave a gentle nod, kissing Jinyoung back on his nose. "...okay."


(*omg I hate my writinggggg 😭 it's soo confusing at time ugh I need to do better!sorry!! 😭😭😭*)

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