The Boy With The Irish Accent

By _taylorgree_

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*Post Note: this fan fiction is when the boys aren't famous and before the go on the X Factor* Tanya and Bria... More

The Boy With The Irish Accent
Chapter 1- The Letter
Chapter 2- Breaking The News
Chapter 3- Still Going
Chapter 4- To England Or Bust
Chapter 5- Who Are You?
Chapter 6- My Second Attempt
Chapter 7- UAL
Chapter 8- Lunch
Chapter 9- Sarah
Chapter 10- First Day Of Classes
Chapter 11- Apologies
Chapter 13- Monet
Chapter 14- Movies
Chapter 15- Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater
Chapter 16- Is This True
Chapter 17- Two Can Play at That Game
Chapter 18- The Phone Call
Chapter 19- My Nightmare
Chapter 20- Where? Why?
Chapter 21- I Did It
Chapter 22- What Are You Doing Here
Chapter 23- Live Television
Chapter 24- Where Did That Boy Go?
Chapter 25- Harry's Story
Author's Note
Chapter 26- Over
Chapter 27- More Than Anything
Chapter 28- Back to England
The End Is Not The End

Chapter 12- Date Night

63 0 0
By _taylorgree_

*Herès your much anticipated update! I hope you guys are enjoying this so far :) please don't forget to vote-fan-add to list-comment! It means alot to me =)*

Tanya's POV

I go through all my classes in a daze, the next day, worrying over tonight. Over several intervals I catch Brianne shooting me worried glances and Niall looking over at me with a flirty glance. I roll my eyes to the latter.

"Are you OK?" Brianne asks at lunch. I am sitting at the same table as before, ignoring most of the idle gossip.

"I'm fine," I smile at her. She doesn't look convinced.


It is now half five and I am still wondering what to ware. I'm not exactly sure what we're doing on this date or whatever you want to call it. I settle on a pretty blue dress with hearts on it, a cream cardigan, black tights and plain black pumps- you can never go wrong with pumps. I leave my hair down and apply my make up. Finally I'm ready.

It's ten to six so I have ten minuets to spare. I flip randomly through a book until I hear a gentle knock on the door. I feel an anxious knot in my stomach. I haven't quite forgiven Niall but I was angling towards forgiving him now. I smooth down my dress and open the door nervously.

"Hi." Niall smiles.

He looks lovely in simple chinos and a shirt.

"Ready?" He asks.


He takes my hand and leads me out of my room, my stomach swarming with nervous butterflies.


I should have got with a fancier outfit. Niall had the entire night perfectly planned out. I was beginning to think that he had actually sat in his room all day going over every single detail. When we pulled up to the front of this place, my jaw simply dropped. The building loomed overhead casting a dark shadow over the street. At first glance I thought it was a church, but upon closer examination I realized it was a fancy restaurant.

"Omigod" I whisper.

"You like?" Niall asks smirking at me.

"Are you sure you can afford this?" I ask.

"Just leave that to me love." he replies giving me a wink.

I feel my cheeks turn hot, damn this guy is good looking. He places his arm around my torso and hands the keys to the valet. He led me into the large dining room with glimmering crystal chandeliers, beautiful satin table cloths, and ancient wool rugs. Niall caught me staring and he laughed.

"Oh, I'm sorry, It's not every day that I stand on something that costs more than me!" I retort.

"Your right, I'm sorry, but just for the record. Nothing is worth more than you." he said, smiling sweetly. Once again I completely melted.

"How are you used to this? Are you rich or something?" I stammer as he pulls up a seat for me. He's such a gentleman.

"Lets just say my family is fairly well off and leave it at that." he stated, clearly not wanting to elaborate.

So, what? He's rich? Why wouldnt he want people to know about that? I gave him a quizzical look and he lightly shook his head.

After a few minutes of idle small talk our waitress came to take our order. Her black uniform complementing her slim, girlish figure. Her short blonde hair was pulled back into a loose pony tail. Her eyelashes flutter as she addresses Niall.

"Ok, well, we'll have two of your t-bones steaks, two large cokes, and whatever this lovely lady is having. Oh, yes, and a garden salad on the side...trying to eat healthier." Niall ordered.

The waitress, Monet, laughed and playfully slapped Niall's arm, "Goodness Niall, hungry as always!" she chuckled and fluttered her lashes once more.

Normally this sort of thing doesn't bother me. But for some reason, in this case, it not only bothers me, it down right cheezes me off. I order spaghetti and a glass of water; ignoring her glaring, accusing stare.

"You know her?" I ask in a tight controlled voice.

"Uh, ya, she's my lab partner." he muttered and looked away.

"Oh." I say.

We finish the rest of the meal in awkward silence with the occasional comment on the food.

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