By oyencats

16.9K 717 282

《爱恋》 WARNING : this fanfic contains swearing! If you're an army, then this story is for YOU! But if you're... More

chapter 1 ( tear )
chapter 2 ( the unknown number)
chapter 3 ( JK )
chapter 4 (Jungkook's story)
chapter 5 (calories matter)
chapter 6 ( something seems funny )
chapter 7 (Eat Jin??)
chapter 9 (Exams!)
chapter 10 (awkward moment)
chapter 11 (a dream)
chapter 12 (who do I pair with?)
chapter 13 (it's the day!)
chapter 14 (love)
chapter 15 (how I almost got killed)
chapter 16 (why we aren't friends anymore)
chapter 17 ( good night, bbg.)
chapter 18 (happy moments)
chapter 19 (flying back)
chapter 20 ( sing with me )
chapter 21 (coincidence)
chapter 22 (NEVERMIND)
chapter 23 (Nan Hwa's got talent)
chapter 24 (once we have one another, followers don't matter. )
chapter 25 ( happy birthday, Jin.)
LAST CHAPTER. Chapter 26 ( the most beautiful moment in life)

chapter 8 ( fake love )

777 29 14
By oyencats

By the time I got home, it was already 6. Mom is not home yet, and she'll be flying to the US tommorow. I did my usual routine. Shower, change into fresh clothes and sat at my study table. I couldn't concentrate. I kept thinking about Seokjin. He's actually such a nice person... My phone rang. It's a message from Jungkook.

Jungkook: hello!
Me: hi!
Jungkook : are you feeling better?
Me: so much better!
Jungkook : that's good to hear! If Seokjin comes to you again, please tell me! I'll beat him up :p

I stopped. I got to tell him. So I press the call button. " hello! " Jungkook said, smiling at the screen. " Jungkook. Wanna hear something? " I said, feeling excited. These 2 can finally come together again. " sure. " he said, and I told him everything that happened today.

" really? Are you serious? H-he apologised? " Jungkook asked. " mhm! And he miss you alot too! Maybe both of you can meet up tommorow and talk? " I said, anticipating to see his reaction. " o-of course! I wanna talk to him! It's been years! " He said, voice full of excitement. I was happy to see the boys finding hope in their friendship again.

-next day-

I woke up pretty early today, so I decided to make oats for breakfast and walk to school. The sky was dark, and outside was cold and windy. I shivered, and took a jacket with me before I left the house for school.

My skirt feels loose. I think it's time to buy a new skirt.

" WOOOOOSHHHH!!! " the strong wind blew across my face, messing up my hair. " ugh " I swiped my hair around. The floor was wet from the heavy rain last night. Another wind flew past me. This time, my skirt flew up.

" DAMN IT! " I groaned, pulling down my skirt. I continued walking and looked around me to see if anybody saw that embarrassing moment of mine earlier. I took the next step and

PIAK! I stepped into a puddle and my feet slipped. That's when I know I almost died.

I fell on my back and my hair got drenched in the wet puddle. Today is not my day.

I screamed in pain and stood up slowly, feeling another wind coming. I shivered even more this time and my teeth were chattering. I cursed at the rain and continued walking despite being soaked in rain water.

" It's only the start of the day and I'm already in this DISGUSTING MESS!" I screamed, stomping my feet angrily. " FUCK THIS STUPID RAIN AND THIS WIND AND THIS WEATHER. UGGGGGHHHH–.....oh. "

I felt a sense of warmth around me. What is this? I touched the piece of cloth wrapped behind me.. A jacket? I turned around and was shocked to see Seokjin behind me.

" Seokjin... It's you! " I said, and he smiled.

" You're such a clumsy girl. " he said while he adjusted the jacket around me. I looked at him, sacrificing his own jacket for me. Heat crept up onto my cheeks. My face turned from cold, because of the cold weather, to hot.

" Thank you, Seokjin." I said and looked up at him.

My heart was beating really fast, in a way that it might explode into confetti any moment. The way he stared at me... I think I'm gonna fall for him-

Oh no. Wait, I must be crazy! I need to chill... I need to chill!!!!

" Let's walk to school, shall we? " he asked, voice so gentle and delicate. I nodded, averting my eyes from him. I couldn't look at him. I just can't... I can't fall for him no way.. He's just my friend and he's taken.

" KEEP OUT!" someone shouted. I turned around and a bicycle at full speed was riding towards me. Shit.

" AHHH-"

Am I dead yet?

I opened my eyes slowly.

" Where's the bicycle? " I asked, but it was only then I realized a pair of arms were wrapped around my waist. Recognising those crooked fingers, I gasped and looked up, my eyes meeting his.

We stared at each other for awhile, and he immediately put his hands off me. " S-sorry I.. I... I was just trying to save you from the bicycle. " he stuttered.

Oh my god.

My heart was palpitating. " Lets .... Let's go to school. I have to buy my uniform. " I said, turning away from him. His face- I just can't handle it. I can't handle that hot stuff...

I was walking infront of him all the way until we reached school. I stopped infront of the school canteen, and turned around to face Seokjin but still, I'm unable to raise my head to look at his face.

I continued staring at the floor while I mumbled my words softly. " I g-gotta go buy the uniform n-now... " I said and walked away immediately
and I swear,
I heard him chuckling.

That was embarrassing. I stepped into the uniform shop, while the auntie inside looked at me, shocked.

" W-what happened to you, girl?! "

" Well, I fell into a puddle. " I explained.

" Poor thing! Come! Let me find you some new uniform... " she said and rushed to grab the clothes behind her.

" Why is your uniform so... loose? " she asked, eyeing me up and down. I shrugged. She measured my waist, and passed me a new set of uniform. Wow, They're 2 sizes smaller.

I paid the money and she told me to leave my uniform to her so she can help me to wash them. I thanked her, and then proceed to change in the toilet.

I walked out, checking myself out in the mirror. " wow! Y/n... You've lost weight! " I said, smiling to myself. There was indeed a huge difference after that stupid diet. My arms got so much thinner, and my waist got smaller. I walked out smiling at myself, feeling so much more confidence in me than before, until I saw Seokjin waiting for me outside the toilet.

Why the hell is he so hot for?

" JIN! " Another voice called out. I turned to see Jungkook running towards him. As Seokjin saw him running over, his eyes got huge. " Jungkook.... " both of them collided with each other, and they hugged each other tightly. Both of them clearly have been thinking about each other. It's just that none of them has the courage to start a conversation. I stared at the 2 boys who longed for each other's embrace. Jungkook looked at my direction and walked over to me. He placed an arm around my back, pulling me towards Seokjin.

" If it's not for you, I would have never forgiven him. " Jungkook said, smiling at me. " She's the one who told me how much you missed me too! " Seokjin said and the both of them looked at me with a grateful expression.

Erm... Awkward.

" Ahah... I was just helping out... " I mumbled, not knowing who to look at. Plus both of them are so hot I CAN'T do this.

" I... I GOT TO GO BACK TO CLASS. YOU GUYS CAN CONTINUE TALKING!" I said and ran off to class. I stopped halfway and turned around, surprised to see both of them hugging each other tightly. Two emotional men hugging each other lovingly in front of the female toilet in school. That's what I call bromance.

Things were going well in class. I talked alot to Seokjin, mostly because he needs to catch up with his studies, and the teacher allowed us to do so. But I knew something was bad..
Someone is watching us.

It's Jennie.

I tried ignoring her because I know she doesn't love Seokjin truly. She just wants his money because Seokjin is rich. What a gold digger. She was staring at both of us, the whole time.

" Hey! Pst! " Seokjin hissed and I turned around. " I need help. With this. " he pointed at one of the math questions.

" Ahh. This one is actually pretty simple. You see? Just subtract this off, and substitute the equation here. " I explained, and look up at Seokjin, but he wasn't focusing. He was looking at me.

" ....Do you understand?"

He just kept quiet, and smiled at me, killing me with that charisma. I was drawn by his looks, and I just couldn't stop staring at him too. Suddenly, he winked at me. Literally, just winked at me, casually.

" Did you just wink at me? " I asked and his smile faded.

" I-I did? " he asked, scratching the back of his neck.

" Yea. You did. " I said.
" O-oh. I'm sorry. That's my.... A bad habit of mine-"

" SEOKJIN! Y/N! make sure you two are discussing on the topic, not on something else! " The teacher shouted, and I felt all eyes on us. People started whispering to each other, and I could sense an anger rising in Jennie.

" I'll... Explain to you later... " I said, avoiding any misunderstandings between Jennie and Seokjin. After all they're still dating. But Seokjin pocked my back gently and I had no choice. He wants my help. Jennie can't blame it on me...

" Stop ignoring me!! " Seokjin said, and I couldn't help but smile. I turned to face him again. " I wasn't listening to you just now. I'm sorry. Could you... Repeat?" Seokjin asked, voice so gentle, almost like the whisperings you will hear in Asmr videos, but not as creepy. I explained it to him, while he took down notes on his worksheet. I know Jennie's glaring at me. And I also know shits gonna go down.

-after school-

Seokjin placed his bagpack over one of his shoulders and stood beside me. " exam is in less than 2 weeks, wanna study together? With Jungkook? " he asked. Before I could answer, Jennie stomped towards Seokjin.

" Yah oppa. I need to talk to you. " she grabbed Seokjin's hand tightly, and glared at me, before pulling him out of the classroom. I took my bagpack, and hid at a corner, watching the both of them. They were talking really softly, so I couldn't hear a thing.

A minute later, Jennie shouted.

" OPPA! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! " I peeked at them again. Seokjin looks annoyed, and Jennie had tears in her eyes. Not gonna lie, I kinda felt bad for Jennie, and I wanted to comfort her but I know I really should not butt in at this time.


Ouch. Hearing that was absurd.


" SHE'S NOT A LOSER! SHE'S MY FRIEND! " Seokjin shouted back.

" YAH JUNG Y/N GET THE FUCK OUT! " Jennie screamed.

I rolled my eyes, and walked out of the classroom towards them. I stopped a feet away from Jennie. She eyed me up and down, frowning.

" Look carefully who you're hanging out with, Kim Seokjin. Look at her! She's different from us. She isn't cool enough to be with us. " I closed my eyes, clenching my fist in my hands, holding myself back from slapping that bitch.

" What's your definition of cool? " Seokjin shut her up. Jennie looked away, and continued.

" Look, " she sighed. " You're popular, and I'm popular. So we can be together. Plus, I'm much more prettier than her! Oh and she only has like what? 450 followers on Instagram! You have 600K! THATS A LOT OF FOLLOWERS AND I HAVE 550K SO WHAT MAKES YOU THINK SHE DESERVES TO BE YOUR-"

" JENNIE! STOP! DOES FOLLOWERS MEAN SO MUCH TO YOU? " Seokjin asked, and I opened my eyes.


" Oof. " I mumbled.

" Oppa no that's not-"


Wait. Jennie is cheating? What...? Jennie stumbled upon hearing his words. But she took a step forward and stared at Seokjin.


At that point Seokjin went silent. His breath was louder than the  surroundings of the entire school, but I could hear how unsteady it was.

Oh no. Poor Seokjin.

" So. " Jennie stopped to catch her breath. She closed her eyes. " Let's break up. " she said.

I could see the expression on Seokjin's face. He's heartbroken.

Jennie's words torn him apart.

It must hurt to hear your partner confessing that she only dated you because of your popularity and looks, instead of actually loving you.

" What a bitch. " I said.

" Both of you are losers. BOTH OF YOU ARE TRASH! " she screamed and stomped off. Seokjin stood there, while tears flowed down his eyes.

" Hey... It's okay. She's not worth your time. " I said, tip toeing to ruffle his fluffy brown hair that he just dyed. For the first time, he made an effort to follow the school rules, but was just told he wasn't cool enough.

" I'm here. " I said. Seokjin looked at me, and more tears started flowing from his puffy eyes. He pulled me close to him, hugging me tightly like a teddy bear.

" Why are you so kind, Y/n? Why??? " he asked, sobbing.

" Just cry it all out. It'll make you feel better. She's not worth your time, Seokjin. "

" Y/n...you have no idea... I loved her so much... I bought her all the stuffs she wanted. She wanted a Gucci handbag, and I got it for her birthday. She wanted a Chanel jacket and I got it for her, too. But whenever I asked her for help, she'll ignore me and call me a useless man. What do I do y/n? It's all fake love... And I'm sick and tired of it. " Seokjin voice cracked, and my heart ached hearing that.

" That's right Seokjin. She don't deserve you. She said she love you. But it's all... Fake love.
I'm sorry, Seokjin. I'm sorry that you have to go through this... "
I said, feeling my eyes getting hotter as well.

Wow! This chapter is longgg. But I had fun writing it! It's just so nice to write fanfictions haha. I have alot of time because it's the school holidays and that's it why I am able to write more than 1 chapter per day cuz I have nothing better to do lmao.
Anyway hope everyone enjoy the story so far. I'll continue chapter 9 tommorow!
P.S I don't hate Jennie I actually really love her hahaha sorry she had to be a bitch in this FF 😂😂😂

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