Wolfdanes' Darkness (1)

By BiosDelta12

582 51 17

Our world was not always dark, it used to be full of vivid colors and the sun would beam down on us with its... More

Chapter 1: Our Mother's destruction
Chapter 2: My Mother's provenance
Chapter 2.2 : My Mother's misfortune
Chapter 3.0: My Mother's demented
Chapter 3: My Mother's resolute
Chapter 4: Our Mother's Surname and Promise
Chapter 5.5 : Bonus Chapter - Character Time!!
Chapter 6: U.C.
Chapter 7: A Wolfdane's temper
Chapter 7.5: Bonus Chapter - Character Time (2) !!
Chapter 8: Part 1: Our Uncles's penance
Chapter 9: Part 2: Our Uncle's masked savior
Chapter 10: Part 3: Our Uncle's competence of time
Chapter 11: The Wolfdane's daily morning routine
Chapter 11.5: Bonus Chapter - Character Time (3) !!
Chapter 12: The Wolfdane's daily afternoon routine
Chapter 12.5: Bonus Chapter - Character Time (4) !!
Chapter 13: The Wolfdane's daily night routine
Chapter 13.5 : Bonus Chapter - Character Time (5) !!
Chapter 14: A Dark Creature's Evolution
Chapter 15: A Dark Creature's Abilities
Chapter 16: A Dark Creature's Oath
Chapter 17: A Wolfdane's Guardian
Chapter 18: Our Mother's future and past
Chapter 18.5: Bonus Chapter - Character Time (6) !!
Bonus Chapter: Character Time (7) !!
Bonus Chapter : Short
Bonus Chapter: Character Time (8) !!

Chapter 5: Our Mother's paradox

16 3 1
By BiosDelta12

Carefully flipping the red fabric over my shoulder, I smiled at my little brother Ajax, who gave me the beautifully handmade scarf. Even though there was no “weather” down here in the caverns, we still felt the effects of what the seasons where doing on the surface. So we knew what month we where in, plus thanks to the scientists who made a device to check on how our Mother Earth was doing every know and then, on the surface that was. They never dared to actually see themselves, what she really looked like up there.

Smiling down at the little blond boy who stood up to my hips, gleam with such pride I didn't think anyone else could smile as big as him. Kneeling down, I was now eye level with the little dude, who tilted his head in confusion. Only to earn a soft kiss on the forehead from his big sister, did he scoff at me, trying his best to hide his pink cheeks. Shoving the red fabric in my face, I ended up falling backwards, tangled up in my brother's creation that was suppose to keep me safe, but I was definitely sure it was going to kill me.

A soft laugh was heard from behind us, making my brother scoff even more, and ended up running away in the process. I turned to glare at our older brother, Aero, who interrupted a sibling bonding moment.

Thanks, big bro. I almost had the twerp...” I grumbled the last part, and tried my best to get out the mess I always seemed to get into.

Here let me help you, little sister.” I felt strong arms lift me up, and soon I was being unwounded from the crimson fabric. With one little push, I was finally free and spiraled onto the floor like the maniac I was. Dramatic, yes, but sometimes everyone needs that little drama in their lives. Right?

Laughing at my dramatic leave, my big brother let the fabric fall to the floor, but I came in with a sweeping motion and caught it before it could hit the ground.

Watch it! Little Ajax just finished this beauty! And here I thought you were a good guy,” I growled at him while snuggling the fabric closer to my face and dusting some of it off. As if there was dirt there, which there happened to be.

Where then my next focus was, instead of paying attention to the sneaky teen who then jumped on me. Causing us both to fall with a cry of surprise from the both us. With a loud crash we managed to not only cause a major dust cloud to form inside the house, but somehow we made a very large hole in the middle of the floor-board.

What the hell, Arion! I thought you were stronger than that?! Shoot get your foot out of my face will ya, and get this crazy thing off of me! What is it made out of anyways?” Speaking of being dramatic, geez brother....Such a girl....

Well, if a certain someone,” I gave him a really hard nudge in the face with my lovely foot, “Wouldn't have sneaked on me, while I was making sure the poor scarf you almost ruined, wasn't dirtied,” I scrunched my nose when my brother's own barefoot made its' way towards my face I bit it.

Yes I bit it....


Then we wouldn't be in this crappy predicament, now would we?” Even though it tasted gross, I gave another swift kick to my brother's face, who in returned grabbed the red scarf from my hands and somehow managed to get me into a choke hold.

We were now wrestling in the gap we had made only making matters worse. What was worse was that we didn't hear the footsteps of our mother's return, nor did we hear our little brother's plead of stopping. That didn't stop us, and soon the rough housing became a full out brawl between the two of us. Now when we got into a brawl it was normally hard to get us two to stop, even with our own mother's pleads did we not stop.

Only when the soft ripping sound of fabric being ripped, and me getting plowed through the side of our house. Red pieces of fabric was seen being ripped between my brother's grip and my own as I was still sailing through the air. It felt like time had stopped for us all, and I only had little time to react to stopping my own safety and the ripped material in my bruised hands. I only did the logically thing I could think of before I saw that last thread being slowly pulled apart between our death grips. I used all my strength and sped back towards my brother catching him off guard, along with my other sibling, that I didn't realize that my own speed became to quick for me to stop at all.

We both went barreling out the front door, missing our mother barely in the process. A large dust cloud, and some other pieces of the house was seen flying through the air. Making it seem as if a small bomb had blown a piece of our house apart. Neighbors were appearing out of their houses, and slowly coming towards us, but some were too scared to even come towards our house. As if they would have been affected by the disaster that was known as the Wolfdanes'.

True the Wolfdanes' were a feared family name to bear, but that didn't mean that they had to treat us with difference.

Slowly, my brother and I treaded apart from one another. The red scarf laying on the ground between the two of us. The dust cloud had calmed down, showing the damage to the neighbors and passerby's what true power the Wolfdanes' held. We both glared at one another; I wiped some dirt that found its way in eyes and felt a burning sensation erupting from my throat. I bent over in coughing fits, only to feel a coolness exploding inside my mouth. I coughed into my hands as the taste became bitter did I not notice the crimson color had my brother not say anything.

Arion.....Why? There's-Look at your hands...” He was slowly making his way towards me, arms out in surrender, that I finally noticed the crimson color bathing my bruised up hands.

That was the world became a haze in the few seconds it had taken me to realize that I had taken more damage than planned. When did that happen? When I was thrown throughout the side of the house, or I used that to get back at brother?

'Kid, you really need to learn how to control that little attitude of yours. Or it's going to be the end of you.'

Stupid voice.....Stupid brother.....Stupid me.....

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