Imprinted Memories

By MagdaFromHell

263K 7.2K 1.6K

For a year Clary Fray had felt something was missing from her life. She felt the weight of memories and stori... More

A Familiar Stranger
An Advice And A Promise Kept
A Price Too High To Pay?
... Until I Die And If There's A Life After This...
A Place To Call Home
A New Life She Knew Before
Where To Go From Here
The Things We Do Out Of Love
A Sister After All
We all face our demons differently
Where you belong
A Shadow Of Doubt
A New Morning
Who And How I Am
It's So Familiar To Lose You
Waiting In Between The Lines
Not your time yet
The Things She Has To Do
A Different Kind Of Excellent Talk
The different meanings of justice
Change Out Of Denial
A Sibling's Bond
And If I Have To Give Up Myself To Remind You Who You Really Are
The Burden Of A Family History
The Small Things
Making Plans
Friends And Vodka Shots
What If We Could Rewrite The Past
A Master Plan And A Most Perfect Moment
A Secret To Keep
The Most Normal Banter
The Territorial Rules Of Dinner Dates
Thoughts Carried On Water
An Improvidently Slip And A Spoiled Secret
Irresponsible normalcy
A Trip Down Memory Lane Pt 1
A Trip Down Memory Lane Pt 2
Frosty Mundane Amusement
A Carefree Feast While Change's Ahead
The Impossibility Of Things Happening
The Haunting Of A Forgotten Past
A Walk, A Conversation And The Most Difficult Decision
The Truth Always Breaks Through
A Matter Of Family
Some Ways Depart, Some Come Together
A Risk Worth Taking
A Family Worth Fighting For
The Same Yet Different
An Angel's Share Of Pain
A Late Night Surprise
An Unusual Request
Girl Talk And A Lunch Invitation
My Friend, My Sister, My Parabatai
The Home I Never Thought I Had
A Matter Of Considerate Friendship
A Poolside Bet For Dinner
The Art Of Modesty
Nightly Confessions
The Calm Of An Early Morning Thought
Mimosas Give The Best Advice
No Expert On Gardening But Definitely One On Gossip
A date ahead of an icy curve
A Tasting Of Disaster
Grievances Won't Be Ignored Forever
An Honest Revelation Is The Most Painful
How To Find Our Way Back
Goodbye Is The Hardest Word To Say
How A Reindeer Says I Love You
A Tipsy Reindeer, A Bench & A Calm Morning
The Familiarity Of Holidays Pt 1
The Familiarity Of Holidays Pt 2
An Unpleasant Wake Up Call And An Escape
The Impossible To Escape Safe Haven
Family Bonds
The Loneliest Night We Could Remember
Shopping Insecurities
Endings And New Beginnings
The Past Weight
The Thought Of A New Year's Resolution
A Birthday Surprise
The Danger Of Trust Betrayed
Be there for me
A Familiar Feeling Of Distrust And Guilt
The Most Beautiful Sight To Wake Up To
A Known Threat Of Family History
A Release With No Relief
Late Night Doubts
The Ones Who Don't Want To Be Saved
The Long Road To Normalcy
The Hidden History Of A Dress
Unexpected Reunion
The Human Condition Of Nephilims
When A Short Temper Strikes
An Insecure Bridezilla
A Careful Convergence
Your Last Day As A...
An Angel's Advice
Last Minute Doubts
From Now On It's Forever
Too Late For A Getaway Pt 1
Too Late For A Getaway Pt 2
Too Late For A Getaway But Never Too Late For Heartfelt Conversations
Epilogue - The First Morning Of Forever

You Deserved Better

1.9K 67 8
By MagdaFromHell

Though Clary had appreciated the gesture, she rejected Simon's offer to drive her to Jonathan's apartment. She had always hated the subway but this gave her a bit to think about how to get through this conversation.

She was surprised to see Magnus already in front of the apartment building.

“What are you already doing here?” Clary asked after hugging him.

“I realized that there is one of my favorite restaurants just around the corner, best Dim Sums you can get in New York.”

“That sounds great.”

“How do you feel?”

“If you would tell me, it would be okay to run away, I'd consider it.”

“Biscuit, I love you and I hate to see you like this but I won't do this.”

“I know. Let's go in before I really run.”

“You're doing the right thing.”

“I hope, you're right,” Clary sighed and rang the doorbell.

She wouldn't have thought that a walk up to the second floor would feel that long. Clary was worried when she saw Jonathan standing in the doorway. Clearly he hadn't slept that well either. She didn't care if it was too much in that moment but she went over and hugged him. Jonathan was a bit surprised but he relaxed and wrapped his arms around her. Clary's thoughts snapped back to the day when she had confronted him on her own in Toronto. She felt the tears prickling behind her eyes but she pulled back nonetheless.

“Jonathan, this is Magnus, the friend I've told you about.”

“Hi, Clary said, you might be able to help me to access my memories.”

“That's true.”

“Come in. Can I offer you something?”

“No, thank you.”

Clary looked around the small apartment. She couldn't have imagined how Jonathan would have lived as a mundane and she liked it. She sat down on the couch next to him while Magnus took a seat in an armchair opposite to them.

“Jonathan, I can imagine, this must be really confusing for you.”

“To say the least.”

“When did you start to have these dreams?”

“It started the day we met. But you said, those weren't really dreams. But how couldn't they be? They were so strange and frightening. Also you looked different, you had all these tattoos, we both did. The things I've seen, they didn't really make sense.”

“I have to show you something,” Clary sighed before she got her stele out and deglamoured her runes.

“What the...what is this? What are you or we...? I don't understand.”

“I will explain this to you and you will most likely think, I'm crazy. I felt the same when I learned about it but it's true.. Jonathan, you and I, we aren't mundanes at least not completely. We're Nephilim, part human, part angel. Our parents were Nephilim too.”

Jonathan looked at Clary as if she had lost her mind.

“This can't be. Why should something like this exist?”

“Because there's more to this world than you know. Nephilim exist to protect the mundane world from the demon world. We're Shadowhunters. All these stories about fairies, werewolves, vampires, demons are true. They do exist, they live among the mundanes but hidden.”

“You forgot the warlocks,” Magnus added.

“I'm sorry.”

“Warlocks? You mean something like witches or wizards like Harry Potter?”

Both their heads spun around to Magnus when he snorted disapprovingly.

“Magnus, please...,” Clary scolded him slightly amused.

“Is he a warlock?”

“He is and one of the best.”

“Let's say I believe you. Why can't I remember?”

“Jonathan, our family history is at least complicated. Our parents were both powerful Shadowhunters but our father became a fanatic who was obsessed with the concept of pure blood. He hated Downworlders and anyone who wasn't purely Nephilim. He gathered people around him to lead a revolt. Within time his delusions got so bad, he started to experiment with pure angel, demon, Downworlder blood to create the perfect warrior. He even did it with his own children. We're on different sides of the same experiment.”

“What do you mean?”

“During our mom's pregnancy, she..,” Clary desperately tried to hold back her tears, “He injected her with... I can't tell you this. I can't..., I can't do this to you.”

“I need to know.”

“Clary, do you know the whole story what has happened?”

“I do. My mom and Luke shared their memories with me after we got her back.”

“If it's too painful for you to tell, you can show him...”

“Show me what?”

“I can establish a connection between you, so Clary can share her memories and recollection of the events with you.”

“How? You're really a warlock, aren't you?”

“Did you think, I was joking?”

“Jonathan …,” Clary cupped his face with her hands, “What you will see, will scare you, it will hurt you. But no matter what you will see and no matter what will happen afterwards, you're my brother and I love you and I'll be there for you.”

He looked at her and the fear in his eyes broke her heart.

“Are you sure you want to see this?” she asked with her voice cracking.

“I have to. How are we going to do this?”

“You need to hold on and focus on each other. Clary I need you to concentrate on what you want Jonathan to see. Jonathan, I need you to focus on Clary. You have to trust her and let her in, otherwise it will be nearly impossible for me to establish a connection between you.”

“You don't remember it but we kinda the same thing over a year ago in Paris. You showed me what had happened to you. I trusted you back then and now I need you to do the same for me.”

“But how had we been able to do it back then? Did we also have a warlock at hand?”

“No, back then it was different cause you still had your power. We don't have to do this.”

“I trust you, Clary.”

Clary couldn't pinpoint why but she felt relief over his statement though she feared, it would change right after what he saw. But in this moment she didn't let go of him and tried to focus on the first memory she wanted to show him.

She had expected it to be painful for both of them and but she felt it physically when his hands grabbed hers tightly which were still resting on his face. To go through that all at once, Clary wished she could take the burden away from them. So much had gone wrong and the shock and disgust about his own actions were written all over Jonathan's face. Clary knew, she had no influence on how he felt but she held onto him as tight as possible to assure him, she was there for him now and afterwards. She showed him all she remembered stopping at the day she encountered him at the café a few days before. 

“What have I done? I'm a monster.”

Jonathan tried to break free from her grip but Clary still held onto him.

“I'm so sorry I couldn't show you something better. But you're not a monster. You didn't choose to become this way, the choice to change had been taken away from you before everything else.”

“You wanted me to change but I hurt you too.”

“Jonathan, you're not that person anymore. If you would be, you wouldn't feel remorse right now. We both have lost so much and I always wanted you to feel welcome in my family. And this hasn't changed.”

“I'm sorry but I can't, Clary. You're better off without me. And even if you have forgiven me, there are way too many people who have more than good reasons to hate me.”

“We can fix this. I talked to my family before and ...”

“I appreciate what you're willing to do but I can't ask that of you. From what you've shown me, you already have a loving family. Don't waste your time trying to fix a mess you're not responsible for.”

“But you're also my family. I can't let you go.”

“You already went through enough because of me. If you make me a part of your life again, my past would always be a part of it and that's the least thing I want for my little sister.”

“I can't lose you again.”

“It's for the better. Go and live your life.”

“But what about you? How can I be happy when I know that a part of my family is out there completely alone?”

“Don't worry about me. I'll make my way somehow. But I don't have a place in your life anymore.”

Clary couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

“All your life you wanted to be with me and now you give up on me?”

Jonathan broke free from her grasp and got up from the couch to walk over to the window facing away from her.

“And what had it gotten you that I wanted to be with my sister? Did you forget what you've just shown me? I don't know how you can be willing to look past all I've done but I can't. Please leave and don't come back.”

“Jonathan, please... “

“Don't make it harder for us than it already is,” he said.

“If you change your mind, I'll leave you my phone number.”

“You don't have to. I know, it hurts but it's better this way.”

“Can I at least say goodbye to you?”

“I leave you two alone, I'll wait outside for you, biscuit,” Magnus excused himself and left. Clary walked up to Jonathan, putting a hand onto his shoulder who then turned around to her.

“I'm sorry.”

“Don't..., I wish, things would have gone differently. You deserved so much better, Jonathan. I know, you don't see it now but I'd do everything I can to give you a second chance.”

“I know but I'd only be a burden to you and that's not what you deserve.”

Jonathan wrapped his arms around her.

“I feel like I'm abandoning you.”

“You don't. I know now, I have a little sister who cares about me despite all my wrongdoings in the past.”

“Jonathan, if you ever feel ready to come to terms with what had happened, you'll always have a place in my family.”

He wanted to say something but Clary shook her head. She knew he wouldn't promise her anything but the least she could do was to remind him, she would be there.

“You should go now. Take good care of yourself. I love you, little sister.”

“I will and I love you too, Jonathan. I only wish, I could have saved my boy in the tower.”

“Maybe one day you will,” he said before placing a kiss on her forehead and releasing her from the hug.

Clary tried to smile through her tears before she turned around to leave. The feeling of sadness was overwhelming for her. She had known beforehand that this was one possible outcome but somehow she had clung onto the most irrational hope. She stumbled down the stairs and out of the building.

She stopped dead in tracks when she didn't only see Magnus but also Jace waiting for her. She kinda leaped into his arms and hid her face in his chest. He held her tightly to himself, softly cooing into her ear to calm her down.

“What are you doing here?” she choked out after a while.

“Magnus called me and told me what happened.”

“Thank you,” Clary mumbled with her head turned around to Magnus.

“Of course, biscuit.”

“Do you want to go home?”

Clary nodded before she leaned into his touch softly wiping her tears away.

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