Becoming Royal

By fatiezaarah

78.6K 10.3K 457

Nawal has her life all perfectly planned out. Which involve living her ordinary life peacefully with her pare... More

Author's Note
Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven.
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fouty One
Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Fourty Three
Chapter Fourty Four.
Chapter Fourty Four: Part 2
Chapter Fourty Five.
Chapter Fourty Six
Chapter Fourty Seven
Chapter Fourty Eight
Chapter Fourty Nine
Chapter Fifty: Epilogue

Chapter Eight

1.5K 219 1
By fatiezaarah

"It can't be" he murmured, his jaw clenched staring at me with his eyes cold.

Adam looked at him, then turn to look at me and said "Nawal are sure is here, you might be mistaken".

With a sly smile on my lips, gazing at adam "Don't waste your breath Adam, am very sure about the order I

Turning my gaze to the prince "from today I am a sign as the new stylist of the prince with effect immediately".

To my utter amazement he let out a sudden laugh. I raised my browns in surprise. I thought the jerk will be furious.

And what came out of his mouth further annoyed the hell out of me.

With his signature smirk he said "you want to be my stylist right"

He said looking at me directly in the eyes. I raised my head to stares right back at his eyes and answered with a simple "yes" nodding my head

Talking small steps with grace he walk to where am standing, then bend a little to my ears he whispers "you're welcome to join, but am sure you're gonna regret it" loud enough for all of us to hear.

Moving back a little to get access to his face. I stood and said "fine, but am sorry, cause you gonna be greatly disappointed".

Smirking he said "deal".

"Deal" I responded.

Adam took swift steps and stood before the prince, whispering something in his ears. They both look at me at the same time while the prince shook his head with the smirk I wish to wipe off this face.

"If you all don't mind, I'll take my leave now expect me to start my work fully on monday" I said all the while pointing to the door.

"You may leave".

With that I turn and leave whispering "jerk" under my breath.


Prince Fahad's pov

I watch as she closes the door behind her, giving out a frustrated sigh, I turned to Adam who is watching me with blazing eyes.

"What" I question not quite sure I want to hear his thoughts on the matter.

"You shouldn't have done that" he voices out, clearly showing his disapproval.

Giving him a side look I march to the sofa and sat down. Knowing quite well what's going on in his head "what's between you and that girl Adam" I asked closing my eyes and resting my head on the arm rest.

And there it is, his voice quickly change from concern to denial.

Putting his hands in his pocket "Nothing am just looking out for her, we grown up in the same environment and I know how hard it is to mix with you Royal".

I immediately opened my eyes and narrow them at him saying "seriously Adam".

The room grew quit for a minute before he said

"look am sorry man, is just that you're so temperamental, working under you will be hard for her, is better to work with QueenRabia or someone else".

I stood up and stares at him my hand curled into a fist, am very sure if it wasn't Adam that said this, i could have shown him exactly how temperamental I can be.

"Wow" I said with a chuckle "you know what? I'll pretend I didn't hear what you said"

with that I walked out of the parlour cause I know staying there will only make me regret it later.

I walk directly to where am sure, without even a guess that Nawal received her orders. What i didn't understand is why Nawal of all people? She can easily apoint Farida as my stylist.

Without waiting for the maids to open the door, I barge in.

there she is sitting on the sofa with her most trusted person in the whole palace sitting right beside her.

As soon as they saw me, they all kept quiet while Umma magajiya's eyes shows how frightened she is then quickly turn to her normal emotioness expression.

Which only means they are definitely plotting something.

Her jakadiya stood up to great me,I didn't even have the time to answer her as I stood gazing at umma magajiya directly.

Regaining her normal composure she asked "To what do I own the pleasure of this visit Fahad" her voice and her face clearly showing how displease she is.

With a stupid grin on my face I went and sat down opposite her "I believe a son doesn't need a reason or an invitation to visit his mother".

We stares at each other straight in the eyes. Challenging each other.

I can't believe that after the death of my mother and before mami came all I ever did and ever wanted was to get this woman's approval. She is the most conniving, corning, selfish ungrateful person that I've ever met in my life I try respecting her as my father's wife but that didn't work out either so what's left between me and her is just carrying out our responsibility which always clashes.

Giving out a dry chuckle, she rolled her eyes pointing to herself

"I believe that when your son is wrong you should correct him, something that Rabi'a doesn't do because she thinks she loves you more than us".

I just kept quiet observing her, my purpose in the first place wasn't about Nawal, I needed a valid reason to visit her, to know what she up to those days. It's been too quiet."

whatever happens and whatever she does is to benefit herself. she assigning Nawal definitely means there is something behind it.

One of the doors suddenly burst open as I heard a slap hard on the face with an annoying voice saying "how dare you, don't you know who I am, I am soon going to be your queen that's when am going to teach all you maids a lesson".

A trembling voice at the verge of crying reply with "am sorry yata i didn't know you where behind the door that's why"

Umma magajiya rolled her eyes in annoyance, she turned to look at me and realized that I know exactly who is talking, raising from her sit a little she shouted "will you stop that get here now".

"Get the hell out of my face and from today I'll make sure they change your duties to washing plates at the main kitchen" she yelled at the top of her voice.

Sometimes I just can't imagine people having no humanity for people that are below them....."umma the day I became the queen the first thing am going to do is fired all those annoying worker we have. they're such a...."

She stop on her track on sighting me, looking so scared out of her mind.

I know she never expect me sitting down there. But then she recover quickly. Making a surprise face she strode towards me with a fake smile

"My prince you're here, I didn't know I couldn't have tell the maids to bring you drinks" all the while extending her hand trying to put it on my arm.

"Don't you dare put your filthy hand on me" I said with a voice full of anger.

I turn to umma magajiya and said "you already know why am here so tell me why her".

She scoffed, blinking her eyes "why not her" she asked picking her phone from the stool beside her, with a serious tone "Clearly the girl can't stand you and she is one of Rabia's favorite person"

Pursuing her lips to a thin line

"I want some entertainment for once, watching how Rabi'a will handle his. On one side is her favorite person and on the other is her so called son, don't you think".

What she said angered me like hell.

I am furious, but I can't let her know that it affects me.

I smirk,my normal signature smirk "well I thought is something serious, since you're less busy looking for entertainment suits you, and I honestly don't give a fuck on who the hell my stylist is cause no matter what, am going to dress the way I like".

There it is the moment of my victory as her smile fell off her face and replaced with a scold.

Smiling brightly I stood up putting on my suit bottom "and please tell your niece to stop dreaming cause so long am the prince she can't never be queen except if you guys are planning to go and steal another kingdom but not here".

With that I walked out of her parlour leaving them both speechless.

I honestly don't have time to worry about umma magajiya and farida, but I just can't help it.

I don't know what am feeling about that Nawal. I just know that am fascinate by her. She is the very first person that challenge me and she is clearly not afraid of me knowing who I am.

I Kinda like her confidence and then in the other hand I need to worry about the wife that I'll meet in a few months. who am going to spend the rest of my life with.

Having no idea about who she is scared the crap out of me and there is the state affairs that I need to handle His royal highness doesn't do much lately. everything is on me, so if umma magajiya thinks that she can mess with me right now, I think she need to think again.


Nawal's pov.

Right from our entrance I scream umma's name. running, I entered her room and saw her sitting down on the couch while Asmy sat down opposite umma scrolling through her phone.

Umma stares at me, with a scold on her face she asked "what's wrong with you Nawal? How can you be screaming my name from the door".

My face brighten with a wide smile. I bend down to hug her and said "umma am sooooo happy, my dream is finally going to come true".

She let go of me, her face showing confusion. Using the back of her hand she touches my forehead checking my temperature.

Again I burst into another sudden uncontrollable laughter

Asmy gaze at me her eyes wide with terror "now am officially freaking out".

Regaining my composure I stood in front of thrm and said "You are officially looking at the head of stylist of the prince, isn't that exciting? Yayyyy" I continue doing a victory dance.

Umma frow staring at me she asked "what those that supposed to mean".

I stop doing my victory dance and said "umma magajiya just employee me as his stylist, I already report to the HR and to the prince" shrugging my shoulders "every one is cool with it my works starts on monday"

I watched as umma's face suddenly changed from frown to worry "what about the Queen and the king, do they know about it" she asked worry evident in her voice.

Immediately I feel my happiness disappearing I hate anything that'll make my parents worry. I sat down close to her with a gentle voice I said

"Yeah Mami knows so is just a matter of time before she inform the king."

Without uttering a word she stood up and enter her room.

Turning my gaze to asmy i asked "Is everything OK".

Asmy's lips purse to a thin lip as she said "everything was perfect before you drop the bomb on us"

"But I honestly don't understand why that's a problem, this is my chance for my dreams to come through" I asked asmy confused as hell.

"Hello...have you forgotten the fact that he is a man" Asmy reason.

I open my mouth to talk then close it back not finding the right word to say.

"Sometimes you don't think at all when you do things, why do you think they'll allow you to work as I stylist of a guy when you are not even allow to date when you're in your final year university".

Frustrated with everything I drag the cap that hold my hair as it fall on my shoulders, I ran my hand through it sighing I said

"I don't understand why they don't trust me for once in their life. Am going to be twenty soon I can take care of myself. Am never going to do something that'll put their name to shame".

"Is not us that they don't trust, is the world that they're afraid of". Asmy said like the wise person that she not.

With that I just kept quiet thinking if umma and abba stop me from doing this, they're literally going to crush me not just my dream but my entire being.


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