Pokemon: The Aura Guardian St...

By GuyWhoMakesFanfics

105K 1.3K 699

Ash had just come Runner-Up in the Lumiose Conference, and decides to head on back to Pallet Town with Pikac... More

Ch 1 - A fateful encounter
Ch 2 - A warning for the future
Ch 3 - The Betrayal
Ch 4 - Aloha Alola!
Ch 6 - The First Day at the Pokemon School
Ch 7 - A Battle with Tapu Koko!
Ch 8 - The School Bullies
Ch 9 - Pokemon Battles
Ch 10 - Family Problems
Ch 11 - To Save Lillie
Ch 12 - Ash's Aura Awakens
Ch 13 - Enter: Team Rocket
Ch 14 - Ready Up, Aether Foundation
Ch 15 - Ultra Beast Invasion
Ch 16 - Ultra Beast Invasion (Part 2)
Ch 17 - Back in Kanto
Ch 18 - Pokemon Masters Tournament
Ch 19 - Back in Alola
Ch 20 - Reunions and more!
Ch 21 - Ferry Trip to Pasio!
Ch 22 - Let the festival, begin!
Ch 23 - Festival end
Ch 24 - The Big Day
An update - 3 and a half years later.

Ch 5 - Welcome to the Pokemon School!

5.8K 76 39
By GuyWhoMakesFanfics

Ash was running through the forest with Pikachu clinging on to him for dear life, and with Riolu doing the same. To find out how they ended up in this situation, we will have to rewind back about 5 minutes.

5 minutes before

Ash and his Pokemon were wandering through the forest when they spotted a Pokemon. It looked like a bear, it had big arms and was primarily pink and black, with tufts of white fur. "Hey Pikachu, Riolu, I found a Pokemon I have never seen before!" "Pika!" Ash walked towards it, until it turned around and saw Ash.

The bear stared at Ash for a bit, until it held up it's arms, making it look like it wants a hug. Ash went towards it, thinking it was friendly. But what Ash didn't know is that when this certain Pokemon has it's arms out like that, it is marking it's territory. Then out of no where, the Pokemon screamed and started punching the tree's, making them fall down or go flying into the air.

With Ash acting on his instincts, he ran away, but with one problem, the bear was running after him. They kept on running until where we are now. Ash was slowly running out of breath and slowed down a little. "Well, Pikachu, Riolu, this is where we say goodbye." The two Pokemon were confused.

Then out of no where, another Pokemon flew by, stopping the bear in it's tracks. The bear then turned and walked away. "What was that all about?" "Pika" "I don't know, Ash." "We may as well keep on looking for the school then, we shouldn't be too far from it."

They continued walking until they found an opening. Once they got there, they found a building. It was quite big, it had a river going around it and had a slide going down the school. Ash saw lots of kids his age playing with Pokemon outside the building. "Hey guys, do you think this is the Pokemon school." "I think it is, Ash." Riolu responded. Ash then jumped the fence and started walking towards the school.

"Hey you, move out the way!!" Ash saw people riding on Tauros coming right for him. Ash couldn't get out the way in time and was trampled by the Tauros, along with Riolu and Pikachu. "Ow, that hurt, you guys ok?" "Pika!" "I am ok Ash." Someone called out to Ash. "Hey you, are you ok?" She asked. She had green hair, was quite tall and was pretty tan. "Yeah I am ok, what is this place?" "Oh, this is the Pokemon School." "Oh, so I finally found it, do you know where the professor is?" The girl then grabbed his wrist. "I know where he is, by the way, my name is Mallow!" "Well my name is Ash Ketchum, from Pallet Town."

"Wait, no way, you the boy than ran away from there!" "Wha- hey how do you know!" "It was all over the news last night, your the one that came second in the Kalos league as well!" "Ok well can you keep it down, I don't want to get found out just yet..." "Ok sure." After that, they started walking towards the school.

They walked through the winding hallways until they reached a room. "Hey Mallow, you know you were holding my hand the whole time, I could've just followed you." Mallow blushed at this and stuttered. "A-ah I'm s-sorry, do y-you want me t-to let go?" "Uh, sure." They walked in, and they were greeted with a person in a lab coat, looking after some Pokemon. He didn't have an undershirt on, and had bather shorts on. The other person was about smaller than the other, he had white hair and looked alot like, Professor Oak? "Oh hey Mallow, who have you brought here?" "Oh Professor Kukui, this is Ash, he has come here to enroll!" "Wait, Enroll!?! I didn't say that!" "Really? I thought you did, sorry, I just jump to conclusions alot." "Wait, Ash, your the boy that ran away, right?" The smaller man said. "Uh, yeah, you look alot like Professor Oak by the way." "Oh, so you realized, I am Principal Oak, I am his cousin, and he is Professor Kukui." He said while pointing to the Professor. 

"So, apparently you wanted to talk to me about something, is that right?" "Yes, is it ok if the other two head out?" After hearing that, Mallow and Principal Oak walked out. "So, I want to talk about what happened back in Pallet Town, and if there is a way I can stay here. I might want to enroll at this school as well.""Ok Ash, so what happened back in Pallet Town." "So, in a nutshell, what happened back in Pallet Town is that I was betrayed by most of my friends, telling me I should give up on trying to become a Pokemon master after I came second in the Kalos League, so I ran away with my best friend Gary and landed here in Alola." Kukui just had to process that information for a bit, thinking for the right thing to say after he had heard that.

"Well, it seems you have been through quite alot Ash, and if you want to stay here in Alola, you can stay at my house if you want." "Really Professor, thanks so much!" "Anyway, no need for the formalities, just call me Kukui." Professor Kukui said as he handed Ash an enrollment form. Ash filled it out. 

Just when he handed it back, he heard an explosion come from outside. "Hey, what's going on!?" Ash looked outside to see a gang of three people talking to some students. They were dressed in the same attire. "Hey Kukui, who are they." "They are team skull, they are people who harass people into battling them, and if you lose, they steal your Pokemon." Ash got frustrated. "Sounds a lot like Team Rocket." Ash said. "I am going down there, you stay up here Ash." "No way! I am going to beat them in a Pokemon battle." Ash said. Kukui knew he was talking to the runner-up in the Kalos League, so he went down with Ash.

"Hey, what do you think your doing? Attacking the School and stealing their Pokemon?!" Ash shouted out, frustrated. Team skull looked at him. "What are you going to do about it kid?" "I want a Pokemon battle, and if you lose, you scram on out of here!" The Team Skull grunts nodded and sent out 3 Pokemon each. "1 against 9 I see, not like it will be that hard to beat you, Greninja, I choose you!" Ash said as he sent out the Ninja Pokemon. "Grenin?" "These people are trying to steal these guys Pokemon, lets get them back Greninja, and lets go full power from the start!" Ash shouted as Greninja got surrounded in a water veil. 

The water veil then formed a Giant water shuriken formed on Greninjas back. The team skull grunts looked intimidated, just realizing who they were facing off against. "N-no way, it's Ash! The kid who ran way! If we win, we take that Greninja of yours!" "Fair deal, not like you will win anyway." Ash said coldly. The Team Skull grunts got frustrated at his words. "Salandit, use Poison Fang!" "Garbodor, use Sludge Bomb! " "Zubat, use Wing Attack!" Greninja dodged those attacks with ease. The students stared in awe, especially two girls. "Greninja, form a giant water shuriken and knock them out all at once!" Greninja did was he was told. He knocked them out all at once.

Scared, the Team Skull grunts ran way. "This won't be the last of us!" Cowards Ash thought. He turned to everyone, which then everyone cheered for him. "Hey guys, give him a bit of space." Kukui said as he dismissed school, which then everyone went home. 

"So, this is my house Ash." Ash saw a cabin that looked real nice. He saw a dog run out the door and pounce on to Kukui. "Hey, Rockruff, stop that it tickles!" Kukui giggled. "Hey Ash, when we get inside, I got a gift for you." Ash was excited as he ran inside.

Kukui montioned him to go to the basement. Kukui was digging through his drawers when he found it. "So, this is a Pokedex, but not a normal one, hey Rotom, get into the Pokedex!" Ash was surprised, this was a Rotomdex. Ash knew how rare they were and that he was about to have one. Ash saw one of the wall sockets spark and out came a Rotom.

Rotom flew into the Pokedex. It then came to life, showing Rotoms eyes and I screen. "Hello, I am Rotomdex, and you are?" "Oh hi, my name is Ash!" "Oh, hello, user Ash." "Ash is just fine Rotom." "Ok, Ash, and who are you?" Rotom said as he looked at Kukui. "Oh, my name is Professor Kukui, but Kukui is fine." "Ok, Ash, Kukui, I am running low on battery so I have to recharge, see you." After Rotom said that, he flew to some sort of charging port to charge up his batteries.

"Hey Ash, since he is charging up, you will need to charge for school tomorrow too, so why don't you go to sleep." "Sure thing Kukui, I am looking forward to tomorrow!" As he said that, he ran of to his bedroom. "Ash is sure a joyful boy, how can anyone hate him?"

Kukui was caught off guard by Ash suddenly. "Hey Ash, what do you need." "Before I go to bed, here is my Greninjas Pokeball, is it ok if you can do some research about the bond between me and Greninja?" "Sure thing Ash, now you go to bed, I will see you in the morning." "Ok! Goodnight Professor!"

Then the night went quiet.

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