A Fairy's Tail {Y/N X Various}

By Kito-Sensei

142K 3.1K 588

"Do fairies have tails, or don't they? It's and enteral mystery. And therefore an external adventure." ... More

**Enter! Y/n L/n! Ch. 1
**Fairy Tail!? Ch. 2
**Welcome back! Ch. 3
Home! Ch. 4
Heart to Heart! Ch.5
Wall?! Ch.6
Ice Make! Ch. 7
Beauty Pageant?! Ch. 8
Hot Stuff! Ch.9
Jealous?! Ch. 10
Date?! Ch. 11
Table Talk! Ch. 12
Sleepover!? Ch.13
Tears!? Ch. 14
The Thunder Legion?! Ch. 15
The Battle of Fairy Tail!? Ch. 16
Sirius Island! Ch. 17
The Test!? Ch. 18
Did We Win?! Ch. 19
When You Were Gone! Ch. 20
FlashBack?! Ch. 21
You'll Be The End Of Me Ch. 22
Welcome Back! Ch. 23
Make It Up To You Ch. 24
Yoga?! Ch. 25
Christmas Special!
Grand Magic Games?! Ch. 26
Beach Training?! Ch. 27
Crocus!? Ch. 28
Maybes? Ch. 29
Forgotten?! Ch. 30
Brother?! Ch. 31
Wake up?! Ch. 32
Another Visitor? Ch. 33
Awake?! Ch. 34
Mr. Weirdo?! Ch. 35
Mate?! Ch. 36
Bonds?! Ch. 37
Extras part 2?!
Reckless?! Ch. 38
Lucien?! Ch. 39
Pain?! Ch. 40
Grudges?! Ch. 41
Home ~ Natsu ending!
Close ~ Gray Ending!
Tears Are Words ~ Laxus Ending!
Mine ~ Sting Ending!
All Good Things Must Come To An End

Thanksgiving Special!?

3.1K 51 2
By Kito-Sensei

A.N.~ for this special chapter, it will be split between different guys. So read them all, or just scroll to your favorite


Tadashi and I were super busy in the kitchen. She was busy making potatoes and I slaved over the turkey. Once I finally got it in the oven, I started on the pies. Apple, pumpkin, pecan, chocolate, Natsu wanted all sorts. Luckily I prepared the crusts last night and I'll had to do was make the filling. I look over at Tadashi and see her starting to work on stuffing and the deviled eggs.
"Jezz, you should be on master chef, Dashi!" I smile at her. "We're almost done!"
She cracks a grin and salutes me, then quickly gets back to work. Once I pour all the filling into the pies I step back and examine our work. The counters were full of all sorts of food. Mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, deviled eggs, Mac and cheese, scalloped potatoes, green bean casserole, corn, and all the different pies.
I look over at Tadashi and start our secret hand/paw shake. We fly through it and end with a fist bump.

"We did good this year! Let's put the pies in the oven and then we're done. Put the chocolate pies in the fridge. It doesn't need to be cooked." I tell her, sliding the pie into the ovens.

She lifts the pie into the fridge, grunting.
I pinch her arms and look at her concerned, "Do you workout?"
She blushed and shrugs me off. "Go and get dressed. You're still in your pajamas, you baka." I smirk at her and head to my room. Before I walk in I turn to look at her. "You get dressed too. I washed your sweatshirt and joggers, but you should wear what I laid out for you.~"
She sweat-dropped and nods slowly.

I smirk and step into my room. I head to my closet and pull out the best sweater in the world. It has a huge turkey dressed like a pilgrim and holding a knife and a fork; It says Happy Turkey Day in huge letters. I slip out of my clothes and pull it over my head. I slipped on a pair of leggings and a nice pair of boots. I brush my hair and pull it into a bun. I look myself over in the mirror and smirk. I'm glad I bought this sweater for everyone. I can't wait to see Dashi in her's... I walk out into the living room and lay out on the couch. Tadashi walks slowly to me, scowling. Her paws crossed around her miniature sweater.
"Aww! You look so cute~ Pose for me, little buddy!" I say, pulling out my camera. She sighs reluctantly. Then she smiles wide and flashes a peace sign. I snap the picture and pull her onto my lap.
"When did Natsu says he would get here? The food will be ready soon." Tadashi sits and pulls my phone out of my pocket. She turns it on and quickly puts in my password.
"Happy said they will be back around 1:30... So an hour or so." I relax into the sofa and watch Dashi play Angry Birds.

Time skip

I wake up when I hear the door click open. I quickly fix my hair and get up to meet him.
"Wait! Don't look at me! I'm not dressed!"
I freeze and turn around.
"What do you mean you're not dressed?!" I say, a blush blooming across my face.
He laughs and walks behind me. "I don't have my sweater on yet. Did you leave it in your room? You have Happy's too, right?"
My body relaxes from it's tense state and I breathe in deeply. "Yeah, I left on the bed. Happy's is right next to yours."
He runs to my room and slams the door. I walk to the kitchen and start to set the table. I put all the pies and all of our sides. I feel Natsu's arms wrap around my waist and he plants a kiss on top of my head.
"This looks amazing, N/n. You're magic."
I blush and turn around. I look up and smile at him. "Well, I have to be. How else could I deal with you?" I tease.
He laughs and pulls me in tight. "Well, I'm not sharing with anyone..."
My blush turns fiery red. I don't know if he's talking about me or the food. I take his hand and set him down at the table. Happy sits on by his side. Tadashi sits across from Natsu and I sit by them both. I take in everyone's sweaters and smile smugly. "Well, I'd like to start this meal by saying how amazing everyone looks... Who found those amazing sweaters anyway? They really have an eye for beauty."
Natsu laughs and nods. "Yeah, she really is a sight."
I smile and we dig in. At the end of the meal the boys where barely finishing their 4 plate and I was only on my 2. "Have you guys ever heard of leftovers?" Natsu laughs and gets up from the table. He grabs my hand and leads me to the couch. He sits down and pulls me with him. Right when his head hits my shoulder he passes out. I snort and settle down with him.


I pull on my sneakers and coat, then I help Tadashi into hers and we head out the door. I meet Gray outside and he grabs my hand.
"Gray... You're not wearing anything?"
He blushed and looks down.
"Yes, I am..." He looks at me confused.
"Where is your jacket? You're going to freeze!" He sweat-dropped and pulls me away from my apartment.
"I'm not going to freeze, y/n. I'm an ice mage." I laugh and facepalm. "Where are we going?" I ask, as he leads me through the city.
"We're going to play football with the guild." I pump my fists and pull him into a shadow.
"Well, let's pick up the pace! We need to get there fast if we want a good team." I tell him as I start to jump the shadows. We arrive quickly and Gray leans over and puts his hands on his knees.
"Why did we need to do that?" He pants, looking up at me.
I laugh and grab his hands. "Sorry, Elsa. Next time, I'll let you know before we start to have fun." I joke and pull him into the guild.
"That was not fun." He pouts.
I drag him with me as I scout for good players. "Elfman... Laxus...Mira...Erza... me...you... Dashi... Anyone else?" I ask him.
He shrugs. "Maybe we should ask Gajeel too?"
I nod and quickly find Jeel in the corner with Lilly.
"Jeel, Lilly... You're going to be in our team and we are going to win~" I inform them and they nod in sinc. "Meet us with the rest of the team at the bar... In about 5 minutes." 
Gajeel gives me a thumbs up and Lilly nods. I head to Gramps to discuss my team.
"That sounds like quite the team. You'll be against Natsu, Lucy, Evergreen, Juvia, Fried, Brickslow, Happy, Wendy, and Carla. I'll go over the rules in 15 minutes so meet with your team now."
I nod and head over to my team. Elfman, Laxus, Erza, Mira, Gray, Gajeel, Tadashi, and Lilly were all waiting for me at the bar. We get in a huddle and I tell them my plan.

"Okay, we're going to be against Natsu, Lucy, Evergreen, Juvia, Freed, Brickslow, Happy, Wendy, and Carla. Laxus, Gajeel and Elfman, I'll need you to defend. Erza, Dashi, and Lilly will be offense. Mira will be the quarter back and Gray will be the hiker. I'll try to do what ever needs to be done. We need to watch out for Natsu. He is not going to play fair. Neither is Evergreen. Elfman, watch her. That shouldn't be difficult for you." I tease and make him blush and start to studder.
"I kid, I kid... Okay, our team name is The Terrific Turkeys. Hand in and Terrific Turkeys on three."
We all put our hand in the middle and I shout. "1...2...3..." We all shout on top of our lungs, "Terrific Turkeys!"
"Let's go!!" I say pumping my arms, "We're going to win this year, You better believe it!"
Gramps gathers everyone and tells us the rules.
"No magic, no fighting, no tripping, don't be sore losers. And most important have fun. I don't want this to be a source of conflict for the guild so don't be too competitive." He looks at me and I shrug.
"Let's go play football!" He yells and we all push each other to get to the field. Our teams huddle on each side and Gramps calls the team captains over. I walk to him, Lucy meeting us from the other side of the field. We flip a coin and I start with the ball.
"Shake hands, Ladies. Let's get this game started."
I look at Lucy and offer her a hand shake. She sighs and puts her hand in mine.We shook put hands once and then went to meet our teams.

Time skip

The game was in the bottom of the 4th quarter and tied 15 to 15. We had the ball and we were at the 65. I call for a time out and huddle with my team.
"Okay, Laxus is going to be quarter. I need Mira and Gray to protect me. I'll run to the end zone and Laxus needs to throw it to me. I need everyone else to hold the other team back." We puts our hands in. "1...2...3..."
"Terrific Turkeys!~"
We set back up and I make eye contact with Gray. He smiles at me and mouths, You got this!
I blush and nod at him. I takeoff to the end zone, pushing through the other team. I turn my head to see Laxus chuck the ball at me. It's too high! I look around and see Fried turned facing the wrong direction. "Sorry, Fried!" I call out to him and I climb up his body and catch the ball. I kick off of him and sprint to the end zone. I dodge Lucy's attempt to grab me and I reach my destination.

I slam the ball to the ground and break into my touchdown dance. I do the moon walk in circles and pump my hands in the air. I am lifted up into the air and spun around. I look down and see Gray with a huge smile on his face. He lowers me down and kisses my nose.
"What did I say!? I knew you could do it, N/n! We won because of you!"
I blush and smile, "We won because of our team."
He pulls me in and kisses the top of my head. "Stop being humble. You're the one that choose the team, you dork."
I look up at him and see my team celebrating in the background. "I guess your right. It's all my fault we won."
He snorts and lets me go. "Don't let that get to your head. Let's go celebrate with the team. You need to apologise to Fried, I think you broke his back." I chuckle and we walk, hand in hand, to our team.


I pull on my f/c sweatshirt and a pair of black joggers. I grab my hightop converse and shout to Tadashi.
"I'll be home later! You're going to the guild right?"
"Yeah!" She calls out. "Erza told me to come and eat with her. Have fun with Laxus."
I smile and leave my bedroom. I walk to Dashi and pull her in for a hug. "Thanks, Dashi! You're the best. I'll make a big dinner for you tommorow."
She smiles at me and nods. "You better make a lot of pie."
I laugh and head out the door. "See you later, little bud!" I call out to her. "Bye!" She shouts back, waving.

I jog out of the building and spot Laxus's car I the parking lot. He was leaning against it, checking his phone. I sneak up to him and wrap my arms around him. He acts like I'm not there and sighs.
"Where is she? Must I eat all of the food by myself? I slaved over the perfect meal and in return, she doesn't show up. I, Laxus, am being showed up."
I scowl and punch his arm. "You're about to be shown up, if you don't get out of the way."
He laughs and pulls me in for a hug.
"I'm just playing with you, Sparkles. Let's go to my place."
He lets me down and opens the door for me. I slip in and buckle up. He jogs and slides across the hood of the car like a FBI agent. My eyes widen in awe and I sit there shocked.
"When did you learn to do that!? That was freaking awesome!"
He laughs and shrugs, "That's my secret."
He turns on the car, and turns the radio up.
"Are you listening to Christmas music?"
He nods along to Last Christmas and replies, "Why? You don't like this song?"
I smile and laugh. "That's cute, I didn't know you liked this song."
A small smile spreads across his face and he tilts his head. "Sing for me?" He asks giving me puppy dog eyes.
I sigh, "No, you sing for me."
He nods and breaks into song, "Last Christmas, I gave you my heart. The very next day, you gave it away." He takes my hand and kisses it. "This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special. I'll give it to someone, I'll give it to someone special.~" The song ends and I break into applause.
"You're like Micheal Bublé!"
He laughs and pulls into his driveway. He opens the door for me and takes my hand. He leads me to the front steps and opens the door. The first thing that hit me was the smell. Oh my goodness, who invited Gordon Ramsey? It smells amazing!
I look at Laxus with wide eyes and he smiles and pulls me further into the house. I take in the massive amount of food layed across his dinning room table.
"Damn, Laxus. You went overboard. Are you sure it's just gonna be us? That's enough food for the whole guild!"
He shrugs, "I'm going to go get dressed. I'll be back, you can have a seat."
I sit down and try to process all the food layed in front of me. There was all the basic Thanksgiving sides: potatoes, stuffing, and ect, but there were also a bunch of random foods like pasta and salad. The turkey sat in the middle of the table, already carved.

Laxus walked out and sat next to me. He changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt.
"Why did you change?" I ask, lifting my eyebrow. "I wanted an elastic waist band. If I wear a belt or something else than my pants will get too tight. It's all about strategy when it comes to feasting." He says, winking.
I look down at my joggers and laugh. "I seems like I already got the memo."

He smiles and excuses himself for a second. I look at him confused and watch as he goes to the kitchen. He picks something up off the counter and brings it to me.
"What's that?" I ask, trying to get a good look at it.
"It's the wishbone. We'll break it and see who gets the biggest piece. If you get the biggest half, then you get 1 wish." He says, putting in in my hand.
I look at it closely and smirk.
"A wish you say? I can wish for anything and It'll come true?"
He nods slowly, "That's how it's supposed to work... I don't like that expression you're making."
I smirk even more and hold it up to him. He takes the other half and course us down.
"1... 2... 3... Pull!"
We yank at the same time and quickly compare our pieces.
"Hah, I win." Laxus says, breaking into his victory dance- the sprinkler. He finishes with a wink in my direction and then he closes his eye and his face scrunched up in concentration.
Once his eyes open he give me a big smile. "What do ya wish for?" I ask.
He smirks and shrugs his shoulders, "I can't tell you or else it won't come true."
I nod and turn back to our meal. "Let's dig in, Chef Ramsey!" He laughs and dishes out the food.

Time skip

We put everything away and settle next to each other on the couch. Laxus turns on the TV and flips it to Charlie Brown. He pulls the blankets around us and pulls me closer to him.
"Getting comfortable are we?" I ask, teasingly.
He looks down at me and flashes a small smile.
"I'm just trying to keep you warm. It's cold in my house. Being the host, I must keep all my guest comfortable."
I chuckle and snuggle closer to him. "What ever you say, Sparky."
He laughs and wraps his arms around me.

When the show is over, I pry Laxus's arms from around me and I look up at him. He was fast asleep. Why does this always happen? He must have been exhausted from all the cooking he did... I didn't know it was possible, but he is way cuter when he is asleep. His face was slack, no scowls, no smirks. His mouth was pulled into a small smile and he was breathing was quiet and peaceful.
My hands reach to his face hesitantly and I touch his eyebrows. My finger runs along them and down his nose. I run my thumb across his lips and cheek. His skin is way to soft, exspecialy for a guy. I brush my thumb along his long eyelashes and he groans. I freeze and hold my breath. Damn, did I wake him up?
I take a deep breath when he settles back down. My hand moves back to his face and I run it along his jawline, and damn is it sharp. I'm so concentrated on his face that I didn't notice his eyes flutter open. He watches me stare at him and he tries not to blush. He eventually fails and I feel his cheeks heat up under the palm of my hand. I look up to his eyes and find them wide open. I freeze for a millisecond and break into a guilty smile.
"You're awake?" I whisper.
He nods his head slowly. "Yeah..." He replies, his voice husky from sleep.

His arms wrap around me and I notice that I'm basically sitting in his lap. I blush as he brings me closer. He stops when out noses are touching, and he just keeps it there. He stares into my eyes and slowly smiles.
My eyes drop to his lips and bounce back to his eyes. His smile turns into a smirk and he tilts his head to our foreheads are touching too.
"Am I teasing you?" He asks, keeping his voice in a low whisper. I shiver and barely nod my head. He frowns and starts to pull back.
"Why won't you talk to me?" He asks, running his nose along my cheek. My voice won't work. I feel like I'm scared, but I've never wanted something more. I clear my throat, "Stop teasing, Laxus..."
He smiles and closes the distance between our lips. He kisses me softly and sweetly. He pulls away and pulls me close to his chest.
"I guess whishbones do work. I got my wish." He whispers in my ear.

A.N.~ The Laxus part is dedicated to one of my close friends. She wanted some more fluff so I delivered. ~It got pretty spicy for Y/n and Laxus though.... Also, this chapter is 3360 words. Yay!

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