Murder She Wrote

By fxckrauhl

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A couples' good deed turns into something they have a hard time getting out of. A sadistic stranger takes ove... More

1. Veronica
2. Inconvenience
3. Lunch date
4. I Watch You
5. "Shit! Fuck! Shit!"
6. Temptation
7. Till Next Time
8. Lady in Red
9. Do You Wanna Get Out of Here?
10. Calls After Calls
11. You're Sick
12. Power
13. Research
14. Yoga & Tension
15. Lets Play It Safe
16. She's not crazy, You are!
17. I, too, Am Lifeless
18. I Know What You Did
19. The Snitch
20. I Spy
21. Greater Damage
22. The Truth
23. The Truth Pt 2
25. Fear
26. Past Relations
27. Picture Perfect
28. It's Over
29. Impulsive Liar
30. Sick and Tired
31. You're fired
32. Divorce
33. Heavy Evidence
34. Leave While You Can
35. You're A Monster
36. The Intruder
37. Locked In
38. Sorry I Can't Help You
39. Then Shoot Me
40. Murder She Wrote
41. I'll Find You

Part 2: Smooth Sailing

194 15 10
By fxckrauhl

4 weeks later.....

Laughter exploded in the air as everyone seemed drunk. "No you should've seen the sweat that was dripping on my face, I nearly passed out." I said rambling on with a story I've probably told a hundred times now. "God I never knew how hard was it to watch a baby delivery but that was the hardest thing to deal with."

"Try be the one who has to push it out," Sierra joked, crawling up closer against me on the couch. All of our close friends were seated in the living room with the fireplace lit up. It was a small get together, something that would give us a break from all the parenting. It was nights like this that I treasured the most, drinking, laughing about unnecessary things and enjoying ourselves with the people we love. It's been 4 weeks since we've been bothered with any harassment and it's such a relief to say that she finally walked out of our lives. Two weeks after the last encounter we had with her, Sierra went into labor. It happened in the middle of the night, just when I arrive home from a late shift from work so you can imagine how difficult everything was at the time. We rushed into the hospital and under 12 hours of delivery. We were both restless as ever, and Sierra had the worst pain contractions the doctors have ever seen. I was worried at first that everything wouldn't turn out the way we wanted but god bless, we had the opportunity to see our baby girl healthy.

We named her Starr. The name stuck with Sierra the first time it was mentioned.

I felt more grateful to be able to reach this level of my life. I know I might have had my doubts about this whole parenting thing but it's just something about seeing and touching your baby for the first time that truly changes your perception about life. We've created a person so fragile and innocent and it was our jobs to protect and cherish them. I'm grateful Sierra gave me another chance to improve on myself and be there for her completely.

"It must be a hassle having to wake up in the middle of the night with the cries, Lin and I barely survived," Luis said, holding his third beer close to his mouth.

"Don't even remind us, I'm just happy we're getting a break for the night," Sierra responded. "Alright should we get started on the food or the movie?"

"I'll get the food ready and you can run the movie babe," I told her, already jumping up from the couch to do so. Luis insisted of going with me to help out. The girls were then left in the living room and they immediately proceeded their profound usual gossip.

We entered the kitchen where the food was already wrapped up and placed on the counter top. Luis stumbled around the place trying to keep his balance. "Don't you think you had enough?" I laughed taking the beer out of his hand dropping it into the trash can.

"It's great night, what are a few beers going to do?" He slurred his words.

"Have you throw up in my kitchen floor," I joked.

"Hey," he patted my back trying to catch my brief attention. "This was great of you. We haven't done these small get togethers in a while and I'm glad you did."

"Yeah now that everything's smooth sailing for Sierra and I, we just wanted to enjoy our time together more than ever."

"I'm guessing you have that situation cleared up then," he mentioned. At first I was confused about what he meant by it but he was probably talking about the whole thing with Veronica.

I chuckled a little, "That has been resolved a while now. Everything is back to normal."

"Yeah?" He smiled for a second. "She's completely out of the picture?"

I nodded, "we haven't been bothered at all so yeah, she's gone."

"That's good. You and Sierra never looked happier." He said. "We should get back in there before they start yelling for the food." He grabbed the trays along with the plastic cups, balancing it both in his hands steadily. I grabbed the beverages and napkins along the way. I was about to head out out the kitchen until I heard a loud distracting noise that came from the patio door. At first, I assumed it was just the dog playing around outside in the backyard but the motion sensor security lights turned on shortly after. I placed the beverages and napkins back on the counter. I slowly stepped towards the noise, not knowing what I would expect.

"Michael?" I heard Sierra call from the living room.

"I'll be there in a second...." I responded.

I proceeded to walk towards the door. I slowly looked out the screen window that gave a view of our backyard. It was absolutely dark and filled with silence. Our dog was nowhere to be seen and our security lights beamed bright towards the neighbors and the pool. I shrugged it off, assuming that it might've accidentally set it self off or a small animal of some sort like a squirrel ran across our yard. I turned the lights off and checked the lights on the doors. I joined the others in the living room where a game of charades has unexpectedly taken place. Everyone was already split up into teams of two and it looked like they were waiting on me to start. "What happened to the movie?" I said curious to why the plans changed so suddenly. I was lowkey looking forward to rewatch John Wick probably the hundredth time.

"We decided to play a game instead. Plus I can't count the amount of times we've seen John Wick babe," Sierra said, clearly stating that the movie plan was put on hold solely for my purpose. I rolled my eyes knowing I can't argue with the majority of the room, they just lack taste that's all.

"Fine, fine. What's the category?" I said.

"Sex," Luis blurted out. Everyone simultaneously bursted into laughter.

"Of course it is," I added.

Twenty minutes into the game, it was starting to get competitive. Sierra and I were on the lead with the highest points compared to the two other pairs. Luis was barely paying attention to the rules of the game, as he played out his chosen word through speaking and extreme hand gestures. He struggled the most of all and he blames it on his wife, whom he claims can't read lips or understand gestures. Watching him scream and get frustrated was the most amusement of the night.

Shortly after, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I retrieved it slowly and checked the screen. A notification from the security system displayed, indicating that the garage door was open. I furrowed my eyebrows with confusion. What the...

I didn't want to cause any alert to everyone else. I placed my phone back in my pocket. "What's wrong?" Sierra said sliding her hands on my lap already detecting my worried look. I grinned a little.

"I'm fine, I just need to check on the garage." I informed her.

"Why?" She responded.

"I don't know I think the security system is acting up or something, just a minor inconvenience." I said.

"You sure?"

"Yeah I'll be right back," I got up and left the living room. Before I made my way into the garage. I pulled out the security footage on my phone, where I had access to see every single room in the house. The cameras didn't show anything at all, everything seemed normal. The garage was even empty. Just to be sure, I turned on the flashlight on my phone and made my way out the patio door, near the right corner of the backyard, close to the kitchen windows, there was a door that led to the garage. The door usually locks on its own but for some reason it was open. I looked around the place for any sign of intruders. "Hello?" I called out. The sound of my own voice echoed back to me. Then a second later, there was a sound of whimper coming from underneath our storage locker. I knew exactly what that whimper sounded like. I whistled for him to reveal himself but he didn't come out. "Astro, come here buddy," I called out for the dog. After another failed attempt of calling for him, I walked towards the space he was hiding at.

He was laying on the ground with his head down and his eyes filled with trouble. I stared at him trying to figure out what could possibly be causing his discomfort. One of his legs were barely on the ground and there was a huge cut and a stain of blood around it. The cut wasn't deep but it was very visible. I scratched behind his ear still confused about how he could've gotten hurt. There might be a possibility that he was running around the backyard hoping over the metal fences or going through items in this garage. Whatever the case may be, he needed some aid. I gently picked him up and wrapped my arm around him. "It's okay.." I whispered as his small whimpers continued. I closed the garage door behind me and set off the alarm once again. On my way in, I turned off the backyard lights and went back inside the kitchen.

"Hey, there you are," Sierra soon walked in with several cups in her hands escaping from the laughter that was taking place in the living room. She looked at me first confusingly but noticed Astro wrapped around my arms causing a quick look of worrisome. "What's wrong with him?" She asked dropping the cups on the table and walking over to pet him.

"He hurt himself. One of his legs are bleeding and I can't figure out why," I explained. "I found him in the garage balled up. I think he set the security lights when he was roaming around as well."

I set him down on the floor. "My poor baby," Sierra cooed, scratching behind his ear. "What could he possibly be doing in the garage?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. He could hurt himself around the fence or something outside. It doesn't look that bad thank god."

"You think we should take him to the vet?"

I checked my watch, it was way passed 1:00 am and I don't think any vets are open nearby plus we had a room full of guests that can't be left alone, that would be a rude gesture to do so. I could just clean up the wound and wrap a cloth around his leg until we visit the vet tomorrow morning.

"It's way too late for that," I said. "I'll just take him upstairs and fix him up until tomorrow morning. No need to worry he'll be fine."

"Are you coming back, the game is still rolling and I can't play without my partner," she smirked, showing off her half drunk side.

"I'll meet you back in 10 how about that?" I responded. She reached to fix the collar of my shirt and planted a kiss on my lips then my cheek.

It took me approximately an hour to clean up the dog's wound. I wrapped a bandage around it so his leg would be protected for now. The dog immediately fell asleep on our bed. The party downstairs seemed as if it was going to end anytime soon. Laughter and screams irrupted by the second. I was a little exhausted, I took the opportunity to hop in the shower real quick before heading downstairs again.

I ran the hot water, and stripped out of my clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror, looking at my not so pleasing complexions and features. It was pretty clear that I was aging in the face. Sooner or later I'll have grey hairs making an appearance on my dusty brown hair. I hopped in the shower and began my cleanse.

I caught myself whistling while I washed my body, a tune that went along with the melody of a familiar song that was stuck in my head for sometime now, Valerie by Amy Winehouse. The whistling continued until my eyes caught a glimpse of a black shadow figure reflecting from the curtains of the shower. I furrowed my eyebrows not sure if it's some light bouncing off from one of the objects in our room or if it's just the dogs shadow. "Hello?" I said with curiosity. Nothing but silence was heard. I stopped the water and quickly grabbed my towel. I wrapped it around my torso and stepped out.

The dog was still asleep on the bed and there wasn't anyone else in the room. I chuckled at my sudden scare and delusion. I retrieved some fresh clothing from the closet. I just grabbed some comfort clothes, knowing the party that was happening downstairs would end soon and I could jump in bed shortly after.

As I was placing my shirt on, a whistle similar to the one I was doing just moments ago, came from the bathroom. I furrowed my eyebrows and took a few steps back. It continued and just then I realized the delusion I had before was very much real.

"Whoever is in there, you better come out now!" I warned.

Then there was laughter. A soft one, that sounded like it belonged to a female. "Sierra?" I said confused.

"It's a fine tune you know," the person spoke. A pair of red bottom heels revealed itself from the corner of the bathroom door. Seconds later, the person walked out slowly. It was her. Veronica.

I looked at her in disbelief. Shocked that she's been in this room the whole time or possibly in this house the whole night. And she somehow found a way to come back into my life.

"I'm a huge Amy Winehouse fan myself....never expected you to like her. Looks like we're much similar than I expected," she spoke. She looked different. She always looks different with her appearances but this time there was something particularly different about her. Her hair was dyed much darker and her eyes blank and the flush of her skin, pale as if every blood that's been circulating in her body has stopped. She stared at me closely and chuckled to herself.

"What are you doing in my house?" I said, demanding to know on why she felt the need to sneak in. There should've been a clear understanding on what would happen if she entered this house again. Sierra told her. I told her. And our lawyer also told her.

"I missed you," she said taking a step closer.

"Don't move!" I said.

"I haven't even taken a full step jesus Michael," she rolled her eyes. "You act like I'm going to hurt you. I just came to say congratulations."

"On what..."

"Your child of course. Is her name Starr?" she said. "Such a pretty name."

I looked at her with complete shock. "You're still stalking us?"

"No, I was just lucky enough to see you walking out of that hospital when you brought her home for the first time. Must've been something special," she smiled in the distance. "It's a shame her father might not be around for too long."

"Is that a threat?" I responded. "I can call up my lawyers-"

"As if I care. I don't care anymore Michael. You've already hurt me once, there's no other way you could get to me. I'm going to hurt you as bad as you hurt me," she said with gritted teeth. "Do you know how embarrassing it was for me to sit at that restaurant that night and have your stupid wife yell at me and throw a drink at me," she chuckled, moving back and forth.

"You're fucking crazy! Listen to yourself! thought it was embarrassing? If anything it should've been a wake up call," I spat at her. "You broke into my house this late at need help Veronica."

"I don't need anything from you!"

"I'm calling the cops," I took a slow step back and once I did, her head shot up.

"If you step out of this door, I will scream so loud that you'll end up explaining to your wife why I'm here. I know she's given you a warning too. She told you not to talk or see me again, am I right?"

"You came here on your own," I responded.

"How could I possibly do that with security around your house?" She smirked. "Besides I don't want to stay for long, I just came to say good luck and that goes for your wife too...she's the one whose caused us to separate."

"I wouldn't do something you'll end up regretting," I said to her before she had a chance to walk away from me.

"I never have regrets," she smiled with her piercing eyes. "Just so you know, no one walks away from my life this easily."

I could feel my hands hit the door knob from behind me. I thought of swinging the door open and calling for Sierra loudly so she'd be caught in the act but something tells me, it won't even matter to her. As if there's nothing anyone can do that's going to get in the way and stop her from getting to me.

So I did what my first initial thoughts were. I took out my phone and dialed 911. I placed the phone on my ear. She walked towards the bedroom window as I was doing so. I watched her climb out of the window and disappear once again.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Yes I would like to report a break in."


HEY LOVES! I know it's been a while since i updated this story and in all honesty i straight up forgot this story and have a lot of unfinished drafts yikes and i really neglected wattpad due to the messy life i currently have but this quarantine about to motivate this bitch to finally finish it! thanks again if you're still reading and invested in my books

OH ‼️ I'm releasing a book i wrote a while back but was too scared to publish. anyways it's a murder mystery. have a look at it if you're interested in that sort of stuff


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