Lotus Blooming! Book 2

By AnyaKing97

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From the moment he left, Ren vowed to bring him back-- no matter what it took. She wasn't going to let him ge... More

Bingo Book: Ren Yukimura
Cover Art
Special Episode!
Special Chapter! What to Buy!
Special Chapter -- Kakashi's Real Face Pt. 2
Special Chapter! Befriending Sasuke
Chapter 1 -- Rekindle
Chapter 2 -- Journey To Suna!
Chapter 3 -- Homecoming
Chapter 4 -- The Beast Within
Chapter 5 -- Jinchuuriki of the Sand
Chapter 6 -- Poison
Chapter 7 -- Akatsuki
Chapter 8 -- Sasori Of The Red Sand
Chapter 9 -- The Unbridled Rage Of The Jinchuriki
Chapter 10 -- Gaara's Revival
Chapter 11 -- A New Team Member
Chapter 12 -- Yamato and Sai
Chapter 13 -- A Lesson In Strategy
Chapter 14 -- Tenchi Bridge
Chapter 15 -- The Traitor
Chapter 16 -- Orochimaru's Base
Chapter 17 -- The Uchiha
Chapter 18 -- A New Day
Chapter 19 -- Training Regime
Chapter 20 -- Sai's Uncomfortable Progress
Chapter 21 -- The Grave Robbers
Chapter 22 -- No Tact
Chapter 23 -- Daiouika
Chapter 24 -- Sora
Chapter 25 -- Warmth
Chapter 26 -- A New Mission
Chapter 27 -- The Death Of A Friend
Chapter 29 -- Mission Start
Chapter 30 -- The Invasion
Chapter 31 -- A New Clan In The Fire Country
Chapter 32 -- The Death of Orochimaru
Chapter 33 -- Team Hebi
Chapter 34 -- The Akatsuki's Hideout
Chapter 35 -- Back Home
Chapter 36 -- Jiraya's Last Message
Chapter 37 -- Shinseina Mizu
Chapter 38 -- Pain
Chapter 39 -- Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko
Chapter 40 -- Dispose of Sasuke Uchiha
Chapter 41 -- Lord Raikage
Chapter 42 -- Sakura's Feelings; Ren's Regret
Chapter 43 -- Fate
Chapter 44 -- To Be Hokage
Chapter 45 -- Preparation for War
Chapter 46 -- Seasick Babies
Chapter 47 -- Stone Vs. Mist
Chapter 48 -- The Paradise!
Chapter 49 -- Naruto Vs. The Nine Tails
Chapter 50 -- Tailed Beast Chakra Training
Chapter 51 -- Tailed Beast Chakra Training Cont.
Chapter 52 -- Entering The War
Chapter 53 -- Underworld Transfer Jutsu
Chapter 54 -- The Love Of A Parent
Chapter 55 -- Senju Vs. Uchiha
Chapter 56 -- Jinchuriki
Tailed Beast Counting Song!
Chapter 57 -- Nine Captured; Ten Restrained
Chapter 58 -- The Old Kage
Chapter 59 -- Hashirama, Madara, and Setsuna
Chapter 60 -- The Hokage's Together
Chapter 61 -- New Four-Way Deadlock
Chapter 62 -- Naruto's Feelings
Chapter 63 -- Save Naruto
Chapter 64 -- Ameonna's Love
Chapter 65 -- The Pawns
Chapter 66 -- Kaguya
Chapter 67 -- Unpredictable Brother
Chapter 68 -- Congratulations
Chapter 69 -- The Final Valley
Chapter 70 -- A New Day, A New Hokage
Extra Chapter -- Surprises
Extra Chapter -- The Big Day
Extra Chapter -- Double Trouble

Chapter 28 -- The Defeat of Hidan and Kakazu

378 17 1
By AnyaKing97


Sweat trickled down my body. My hands were burning from the amount of chakra I had been concentrating in my hands. Destroyed boulders and trees surrounded me, evidence of the number of Chidori I'd used. "Come on-- I need to make it my own... Come on! Once more!" Grasping my wrist, the Chidori started to crackle loudly against my palm. Sweat dripped from my face as I held up my hand, grimacing as I concentrated on the chidori.

I extended my arm, and I blew out a soft breath. The crackling chakra started to swirl up my arm, and it was like a large golem glove. I reared my fist back and started running at the last large boulder. I slammed my fist against the cold surface, and the boulder exploded from impact.

My arm trembled as I stood before the destroyed landscape. I gazed down at my arm and grimaced again. It was like I had been struck by lightning. Jagged scars covered my hand and up my arm to my elbow. I held my other hand over my arm, and started to heal the damaged tissue. "Time to get home." I breathe out. I lugged my bag over my shoulder and started back towards the village.

I've been training my butt off on my style of the chidori for hours now. Squad Ten went on a mission with Kakashi. They were going after Hidan and Kakazu again, and even if I wanted to go, I was still healing from nearly completing all the tails in my chakra cloak, but I'd always been a fast healer. I'd be back on my feet in a couple of hours if I rest. My apartment felt so empty. I yawned tiredly and collapsed onto the bed, my arms coiling around the pillow besides me.

I groaned in annoyance as I finally manage to settle enough for sleep when the doorbell goes off. I get up and trot towards the front door. Swinging it open, I glare at the perpetrator. "Sorry to bother you, Ms. Ren," Shizune apologized. "But Lady Tsunade is requesting you in her office."

I scratch at my cheek and nod. "All right, let me get my gear."

Shizune stepped into my apartment as I slipped back into my room. I threw on my ninja attire and grabbed my tools before grasping my sandals and meeting Shizune back at the door. Fully equipped, I started to braid my hair while traveling to the Hokage Mansion.

"Yes ma'am." I hum as I enter her office. I stave off the glare to my father and focus on Tsunade.

"How are you progressing on your new jutsu?" She asks.

"There's the issue of tissue damage after I use it, but it's easily remedied with simple medical ninjutsu. " I explain. "Milady, if I may," She nodded swiftly. "Since Kakashi-Sensei has joined Team Ten, I think it's best to send Team Seven after him, my team. We've worked with him and know his battle style to aid him. We're the best choice."

"That's very sharp, Ren," Tsunade praises. "Just as I'd expected."

"However, we have no way of knowing just when Naruto will perfect this new jutsu of his." Shizune mentions. "Perhaps we should send a different squad."

Tsunade hummed softly. "If I may," Shun put in. "Why not make a wager? If Naruto can perfect this new jutsu within twenty-four hours, Team Seven will be sent as back up. If he can't, a different squad will be sent."

"That's an excellent idea. Ren--" Tsunade snapped her gaze to me. "Relay that information to Yamato."

"Yes ma'am." I nod quickly and leave her office.


Naruto stops his training as I arrive and meets Yamato and I. "Kakashi has gone with Team Ten on a mission after two Akatsuki members."

"What? Kakashi-Sensei and the others went after the Akatsuki?" Naruto gasped.

I nod with a hum. "They left early this morning." I explain.

"I see," Yamato sighed. "And what did Lady Tsunade say about us?"

"She agrees that we'd be the best squad to supply backup," I say. "But, she also said in order for her to send us, Naruto-- you need to master your new jutsu, and quickly."

Naruto gazed at his hand thoughtfully. "Master the new jutsu, huh?"

I hum again. "You've got the next twenty-four hours to wrap it up. Otherwise, she'll dispatch a different squad."

Yamato cupped his chin thoughtfully. "Just twenty-four hours..."

Naruto turned towards the wooden bench with Sakura's... nasty food pills, and grabbed a handful. "You're... You're gonna eat that?" I ask as my stomach turns. He finishes it off with my stamina serum.

He wiped his mouth and turned back to Yamato. "Okay, Captain Yamato. What are we waiting for? Let's get to work." I smiled sweetly. "Ren, you get some rest. Don't worry, I'll get this done in time."

I nod swiftly and use the bench to take a nap. With the warm sun lulling me to sleep, I listened to Naruto train until I managed to doze off.

'I'll use my chakra to focus on healing your body. I am sorry for causing so much damage, Ren...'

I blew out a soft breathe and slipped deeper into my sleep.


My eyes snapped open after a few hours, my body acting on reflex. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I stare at the crater Naruto had created. The bench I had been snoozing on was completely gone. "Man, and I was having a great dream, too," I sigh unhappily. "Oh, hey Sakura, Sai." I hum as I turn to them.

"You seemed like you were having a great nap, Ren," Sai mentions with a soft smile. "I've never seen you look so peaceful."

"That's... weird." I grimace.

Sakura giggled. "Naruto!" She called loudly. "Come on, you two--" Sakura urged, and we all slid down the crater to Naruto. "Great work. Really awesome!" Sakura complimented him.

"Thanks!" Naruto hummed.

"And your training," Sai said. "Is it going well?"

"You could say that!" Naruto chimed.

"So, you'll be done soon?" I ask excitedly.

Naruto nodded confidently, but Yamato didn't think so. "Well, not quite yet," Yamato mentioned. We all hummed in confusion. "We still need a little more time, I'm afraid. There's one more thing we have to try."

"Well, I believe in you, Naruto~" I coo and flash him a pearly smile.

"Thanks, Ren!" Naruto cooed in the same enthusiastic manner.


After Yamato and Naruto managed to finish their collaboration, we let Lady Tsunade know, and we headed towards Team Ten's location. Upon arrival, Kakazu was preparing a big jutsu with Kakashi, Choji, and Ino captive within his stitches. "Naruto, Yamato-- Now!" I exclaim.

"Right!" Naruto and Yamato chime.

"Wind Style: Rasengan!"

"Water Style: Ripping Torrent!"

With the two jutsu's colliding, the two shinobi exclaim, "Hurricane Fortress Jutsu!" It extinguished the fire style jutsu Kakazu had released.

"Sorry we're late," I hum swiftly. "But better late than never. You okay, Old Man?" I ask teasingly.

"Yeah!" Choji exclaimed. "Let's hear it for the cavalry!"

"Sakura, Ren, Naruto, and Sai!" Ino sighed.

"I've never seen you looking so disheveled, Kakashi," Yamato mentioned.

"One of those days." Kakashi simply retorted.

"The enemy must be powerful indeed." Yamato stated.

"Definitely," I scoff.

"Perfect," Kakuzu hummed. "Another weirdo to deal with. Though this one's already bruised up a bit. And the little fussy Jinchuriki is back. Wonderful."

"Naruto, are you sure you're okay?" Choji asked.

"Where's Shikamaru?" Naruto asked.

"He's dealing with the other enemy by himself a little further away."

"Sai, Sakura, you and I will go assist Shikamaru. Naruto, Yamato, and Kakashi have this one." I state.

"Yes. Shikamaru needs a medic, and two long distance fighters." Kakashi explains.

I slam my hand against the ground, and a cloud of smoke appears. "I'm here," Pakkun's voice echoes out.

"Follow Shikamaru's scent," I order. "Sakura, Sai, let's go."

"Right," They hum.

"Naruto, we're counting on you." I say. Naruto nodded his head, and the four of us headed off. "This Akatsuki member is going to be dangerous. No matter what, do not let him get any hits on you." I explain.

"I know this was personal for him, but he shouldn't have gone to face him alone." Sai mentions. "It seems reckless. Do you think he's okay?"

"Shikamaru worked on a strategy for hours. I have no doubt in my mind that he's still thinking ten steps ahead." I snap. The forest greets us, and we start through the trees. I'm trying to keep my mind clear when I hear an explosion in the distance. "Pakkun, what was that?!"

"They're close!" Pakkun states.

We land in a clearing, and starting running towards the edge, when Shikamaru appears with deer on his trail. "Shikamaru!" I exclaim. "We found you!"

"Reinforcements, huh?" Shikamaru chuckled. "You're just a little late."

"But hold on--" Sakura gasped. "You're saying you've really defeated him by yourself?"

"I had no idea you were that good!" Sai complimented him.

"Well, he is the smartest man in all of the Land of Fire," I mention proudly.

"Sheesh," Shikamaru groaned as his cheeks tinted pink. "I just had a feeling that this was something important that I had to do on my own."

"Yeah, of course," Sakura sighed.

"So, what's going on with the others?" Shikamaru asks as the deep trots forward and nuzzles my arm.

"No clue," I sigh out. "We made a beeline here. I was hoping for a rematch with that jerk."

Sai chuckled. "We should get back. They may need us."

Shikamaru nodded and we turned on our heels. It didn't take long for Shikamaru start to stumble. I quickly wrapped my arms around his torso. "Shikamaru!" I gasp. "Are you all right?"

Shikamaru nodded. "I'm okay," Shikamaru grunted. "It's no big deal."


Shikamaru cut me off. "It would be a drag if I was the one who slowed us down, when we've got friends in danger." He got up on his own. "Let's get going."

"Right," I sigh.


With Kakazu's body in tow, we all made it back to the Leaf, where Tsunade congratulated us all. "Well done, everyone." She hummed. "But it's not time to celebrate just yet. Not when there are still more of the Akatsuki at large." We all nodded in response. "Naruto-- those wounds of yours."

"Yeah," Naruto chuckled. "Kind of like a badge of honor, huh?"

"We gave him some preliminary treatment, just to stabilize him." I explain gingerly.

"Make sure he gets to the hospital for a full examination." Tsunade ordered.

"It's okay, really, I'm fine--" Naruto tried.

"Shut up!" Sakura growled. "Don't you worry, my lady. Leave everything to us! We'll make sure he gets there!"

"Right, Naruto?" I ask through my teeth.

Tsunade heaved a big sigh of relief as Naruto complained in pain. "All right, then. As far as the rest of you are concerned, I order you all to take a few days off. Give your minds and bodies a rest. Got it?" No one spoke. "Dismissed."

"I'll see you at the apartment, Shikamaru!" I exclaim as I hoist Naruto's arm over my shoulder.

"I'll buy dinner," He hums in response and follows after his squad.

"All right, Naruto, we're going to get you patched up like new!" I explain cutely.

"But I'm fine guys, seriously--"

"Try and fight it, and Ren and I are going to strangle you." Sakura snapped.


I only managed to get back home late into the night. Shikamaru lay on the couch with his head propped on the arm. A book lay across his lap, and I couldn't help but smile affectionately. I set down my weapons pouch on the coffee table.

I moved through the kitchen and pulled out the plate from the fridge. A small note lay on the cellophane. "Eat up, and come to bed." I read out in a soft tone. I giggle and grab my chopsticks from the drying rack, and eat my food. Warm arms coiled around my waist. "How is Kurenai and the baby?" I ask curiously.

"How'd you know she was pregnant?" Shikamaru asks as he presses his nose against my throat.

"She asked me to be her sole medical examiner." I shrug. "Actually, she's got an appointment soon, so I should  probably go see her tomorrow."

Shikamaru just chuckles, his lips brushing against my skin. "I got a lot of growing up to do if I'm going to be this baby's mentor, it's protector."

I turned around in his arms and looped my arms around his neck. "I'll be right there besides you. We both have to grow up a lot." I hum. "This kids gonna love you, I can already tell."

Shikamaru sighed through his nose and smiled. "I love you." He says easily, and his face turns bright red. I can even feel the heat on my own face. I just smile up at him and lean up quickly to kiss him sweetly.

"I love you too," I hum softly. Shikamaru rubs at the back of his head nervously. "Didn't mean to say it like that, huh?"

"You have no idea," He sighs. "It just... slipped out."

"Yeah, I know." I grin and kiss him once more before moving to put away my dishes. "So, you do anything else besides visit Asuma's grave finally?"

"I went and played shogi with my Dad." He hummed. "He beat me."

"Your dad is kinda a genius." I mention impishly.

Shikamaru's finger's pinch my side. "Hey," He warns. "Let's go to bed, I'm tired."

"You were just asleep," I hum in annoyance as I start rubbing my side. Shikamaru shrugs and loops his arms around my waist. With a slight tug, my legs are wrapped around his waist, and my hands grasping at his shoulders. "Sh-Shikamaru!" I exclaim as my entire head catches fire.

"Bed time," He mentions with a cheeky grin, and tromps through the apartment and into the bedroom. My back meets the bed, and I gaze up at him through a hazy gaze. "After I kiss you a few more times, anyway."

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