Why don't we imagines

By cherrydevilx

101K 877 87

Just a bunch of imagines about Wdw β™‘ (Discontinued) More

Authors note
Jack Avery imagine β™‘
Daniel Seavey Imagine β˜†
Corbyn Besson Imagine ♧
Zach Herron Imagine ♀
Jonah Marais Imagine β—‡
Jack Avery Imagine β™‘
Daniel Seavey Imagine β˜†
Corbyn Besson Imagine ♧
Zach Herron Imagine ♀
Jonah Marais Imagine β—‡
Jack Avery Imagine β™‘
Daniel Seavey Imagine β˜†
Corbyn Besson Imagine ♧
Zach Herron Imagine ♀
Jonah Marais Imagine β—‡
Jack Avery Imagine β™‘
Daniel Seavey Imagine β˜†
Corbyn Besson Imagine ♧
Zach Herron Imagine ♀
Jonah Marais Imagine β—‡
Jack Avery Imagine β™‘
Daniel Seavey Imagine β˜†
Corbyn Besson Imagine ♧
Zach Herron Imagine ♀
Jonah Marais Imagine β—‡
Jack Avery Imagine β™‘
Daniel Seavey Imagine β˜†
Corbyn Besson Imagine ♧
Zach Herron Imagine ♀
Jonah Marais Imagine β—‡
Jack Avery Imagine β™‘
Daniel Seavey Imagine β˜†
Corbyn Besson Imagine ♧
Zach Herron Imagine ♀
Jonah Marais Imagine β—‡
Daniel Seavey Imagine β˜†
Corbyn Besson Imagine ♧
Zach Herron Imagine ♀
Jonah Marais Imagine
Why dont we Imagine
Jack Avery Imagine β™‘
Daniel Seavey Imagine β˜†
Corbyn Besson Imagine ♧
Zach Herron Imagine ♀
Jonah Marais Imagine β—‡
Jack Avery Imagine β™‘
Daniel Seavey Imagine β˜†
Corbyn Besson Imagine ♧
Zach Herron Imagine ♀
Jonah Marais Imagine β—‡
Jack Avery Imagine β™‘
Daniel Seavey Imagine β˜†
Corbyn Besson Imagine ♧
Zach Herron Imagine ♀
Jonah Marais Imagine β—‡
Jack Avery Imagine β™‘
Daniel Seavey Imagine β˜†
Corbyn Besson Imagine ♧
Zach Herron Imagine ♀
Jonah Marais Imagine β—‡
Jack Avery Imagine β™‘
Daniel Seavey Imagine β˜†
another A/N

Jack Avery Imagine β™‘

809 7 0
By cherrydevilx

it was 2 in the morning and I've been trying to fall asleep but I can't. I keep twisting and turning around in bed trying to get into a comfortable potion. I let out a little huff out my mouth and waved my hands in there saying great it's one of those nights.
I got up from my bed and went near my window opening the curtains to see the moon shining it looked beautiful. While I was staring at it I saw slight movement from the house next door and then I saw across from my room was another window and another room and I saw figure move to the window and it was a boy, it was Jack Avery. He stod there with no shirt on but with sweats on, rubbing his eyes a little he seemed frustrated. I couldn't peel my eyes off him he was goergouse not to mention hot. Then he sees me staring and my eyes go wide immediately he forms a smirk on his lips then chuckles slightly.
Ugh Y/n he probably thinks your a fool I say to my self.

Then I see Jack Grab a piece of paper and he grabs a pen and writes something on there. He then puts the piece of paper up on the window and it says "You can't sleep either" I smile and nod in response.
Then jack scribbles something on the paper again and shows it up on the window and it says "here's my number text me :)" I see a smile form on his face. I nod in response and hold a finger up saying hold on. I quickly go grab my phone and go back up to my window and add his number to my phone and his contact name as
Jack ,Then I text him.

Y/n: Hey

Jack : Hey :)

Y/n : So you couldn't sleep either

Jack: Yeah I couldn't, I gues you couldn't either 😂

y/n: Yeah 😂, ik this sounds weird but do you know who I am cause I know who you are?

Jack: Oh you know me.

I look up from my phone and so does jack and I saw him smirk, I just roll my eyes playfully and he answers my question.

Jack: Yeah I know who you are Y/n, also can I say your really beautiful.

Y/n: Oh um ok, thank you I guess.

Jack: Are you ok you seem unsure of something.

Y/n: I'm ok it's just guys don't usually compliment me I guess :/

Jack: Oh wow I think that's stupid because your fucken beautiful and I actually like talking to you.

Y/n: Aw that's actually really sweet Jack, thank you :)

Jack: You deserve it beautiful :). Anyway I'm bored.

y/n: Ngl same but at least your here talking to me :)

Jack: True I don't think I'll ever stop talking to you.

Y/n: Aw that sounded cheesy ngl lol. Anyway how do you know me Jack 🤔.

jack: First of all your my neighbour second your in almost all my classes at school. Yeah ik I can seem like a douch and a dick but I do notice other people and things :)

Y/n: Oh wow I'm impressed 😂.  But you don't seem like a dick you seem really nice and kind.

Jack: Oh why thank you.

Y/n: No problem :)

Jack: Do you mabey want to just go  somewhere like right now.

Y/n: Hm why not seems fun to hangout

Jack: Alright then I'll meet u outside of my house in 10 minutes?

y/n: Yeah

We ended our conversation there and I went to my wardrobe and grabbed some leggings and a hoodie I put them on. After I went down the stairs quietly and unlocked the door and slowly closed it and went to meet Jack. I walked down the footpath and went to jacks house I saw him waiting outside the door when he saw me he immediately smiled at me I smiled back.

"Hey", I say walking up to Jack

"hey", Jack says smiling and then grabbing my hand lightly and we started walking.

"So where are we going", I ask more curiously

"Not really sure but why not the city area", Jack says smiling.

"Sounds fun", I say smiling and leaning my head on his shoulder as we walked. Mabey this was the start of something new for me and Jack.

(I haven't updated in a while and I'm sorry for that. I also saw Why Don't We live and they were amazing and I'm so happy I got see them peform live. Anyway idk if I should put some of the vids I took at the concert on here Lol, if you want me to just comment if you want me too ♥)

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