ADDICTED TO YOU ♕ cobra kai [...

By lowkeyserenity

41.3K 1.2K 394

Based on Youtube Original Series, Cobra Kai. └ SEQUEL TO 'WICKED GAMES' Beatrice has everything she could ev... More

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2.1K 72 49
By lowkeyserenity

I was getting ready in my room, while Robby laid on the bed I looked in the reflection of the mirror to see him watching me making me blush lightly. I turned my head to see him looking at me and I chuckle.


"What?" He repeats back to me and I raise my eyebrow.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Because you're beautiful."

"That's so cheesy." I said, laughing as I looked at him and he laughs too.

"Because being with you is my favourite thing and I want to soak up as much as I can." Robby says and I feel myself blushing making me turn back to the mirror. I couldn't help the smile that was coming to my face, I looked back up to see Robby still looking at me and I looked away.

I had finally finished getting ready, I looked over myself to give myself a reassuring nod. I wore shorts, with a white cropped top with thin straps and over it I had a big baggy Tupac shirt. My hair was in a ponytail, it was hot these days so I didn't want it on my neck.

I slipped on my white high top converse, that I had drawn all over which made it all the better. Just as I was tying my shoes, my phone goes off and it was on the bedside table making me look at Robby.

"Hey, can you check that for me please? It might be Marls." I asked and he nodded, walking over to grab it. He looks at it and pauses making me stand up, "Who is it?"

"Just your best friend Miguel. 'You coming over today?'" Robby says scoffing and I looked at him to see he was giving me a look.


"What do you mean what? What does he mean, are you coming over? I thought you were seeing Sam and Marley today."

"I am seeing them today." I said, looking at him as I frowned.

"Then why is he asking to see you?"

"Because he's my friend, you can't expect me not to talk to him."

"Him and his dojo are the whole reason I dislocated my shoulder and we lost the tournament, or did you forget that?" Robby says and I scoffed looking at him.

"Of course I haven't forgotten Robby and Miguel is sorry. You can't expect me to not talk to him because he beat you in some tournament."

"It wasn't just some tournament, it was my one chance to prove that Cobra Kai aren't worth it and they won, by cheating."

"And what the hell does that have to do with me? He's my best friend Robby." I said, and Robby just shakes his head making me purse my lips, "You know what, if you want to be petty then be petty. I'm not going to apologise because I have friends you don't like."

"Seriously?" He asked and I looked at him, grabbing my phone out of his hands.

"I'm sure you can find your way out." I said, turning on my heel and walking away from him. I leave him in the room where he doesn't say anything else to me but I don't bother turning around to go back either.

I had grabbed my keys and skateboard from the front of the house before I left on my way to pick Marley up. Marley and I were going to go see Sam who had been for the most part, dodging our calls and from what I hear from Amanda, she's been up in her room.

I got to Marley's house, beeping for her and I see her running out of the house getting into the car. I couldn't help but laugh at this, she gets in and we didn't waste any time going to the LaRusso's.

"So, where's lover boy?"

"Hopefully back at his house." I said, and Marley turns to raise an eyebrow at me making me sigh, "Don't even worry about it."

"Oh no, I want to hear all about it." She says and I sighed as I kept driving.

"He threw a fit once when he found out I was still talking to Miguel."

"There's something going on between you and Miguel?"

"No dipshit. I thought you had texted and I told him to check my phone, he saw it was Miguel and threw an absolute fit. Telling me how bad he is and how he's a cheap shot." I said, rolling my eyes, "I mean, I've already gone in on Miguel about it and he's not exactly sorry to Robby but to me, and I mean, why should I stop talking to Miguel?"

"Maybe because you two admitted you had feelings for each other and also made out like literally a couple months ago?" Marley says and I looked at her with a glare.

"You know, holding that over my head is getting real old. I wish I hadn't told you about that."

"Does Sam know?"

"Why should Sam know? They weren't even together when it happened?"

"Yeah but when he confessed his feelings, they were still kind of together and I mean, so were you and Robby. But assuming you haven't told Sam, I highly doubt you've told Robby."

"You're making it sound like I've been sneaking around their backs to hook up with him. Plus, me and Miguel are strictly friends."

"You guys talk everyday though?"

"Because he's crying about Sam half the time and even when I see him in person, it's about Sam. So, between his crying and my advice there's not a lot of time for anything else." I said, snickering making Marley laugh.

"You and Robby are going to work through it."

"I sure hope so, I don't need another summer to be depressed." I said, and Marley laughs harder making me laugh with her.

We had finally gotten to the LaRusso house and we walked around back, passed the pool. I look to see Amanda in the kitchen, she turns her head to the sound of our footsteps immediately smiling as she sees us.

"Girls." She says, and we walked in greeting her.

"Hey Amanda." We both say and she smiles at us before nodding her head.

"She's upstairs in her room."

We nodded at her and we walked off, I saw Anthony sitting at the table and I ruffled his hair which he hates making me snicker. We jogged upstairs and got to the end of the hall to her room, looking in to see her staring at her phone.

"Do you think she's alive?" Marley says jokingly and I looked at her, faking a sigh.

"I don't know. Sources have said she hasn't moved in days." I said, looking over to see Sam looking at us with a raised eyebrow, "Oh, it's making eye contact."

"You two are ridiculous."

"This class is ridiculous." Marley says and I laughed also making Sam laugh as she shakes her head.

"You Harry Potter fans are ridiculous."

"Oh you haven't seen nothing yet. We read the books together, she's a Hufflepuff in love with Draco and I'm a Slytherin in love with the Weasley twins. Accurate if you ask me." I said, shrugging my shoulders with a smirk and Sam shakes her head smiling.

"I've missed you guys." Sam says and we walked over to her, sitting on the bed.

"Well if you really missed us, dodging our calls doesn't really show that." Marley says raising an eyebrow and I pointed to her agreeing.

"I'm sorry, it's just everything with Miguel...I don't know."

"Well you're in luck LaRusso because we are here to take your mind off it as much as we can." I said, smirking and Sam smiles frowning at us.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Get ready and we can go."

"So, it's my turn to be dragged out of my house against my will."

"See, you catch on fast." I said, and she laughs shaking her head at us before she smiles.

"Okay, let's do this."


We had drove out to Santa Monica Pier, walking around talking and catching up. My mind was still going to Robby today, I was feeling bad but that fear in my heart was there. I know he's nothing like Ace but Ace also didn't want me to talk to anyone.

"You alright?" I hear and I turn to see the girls looking at me, I cleared my throat looking at them.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I said, dropping my board to the ground so I could skate.

"Hey, where's Robby?" Sam asked as I skated back towards them and I pursed my lips.

"I don't know, haven't seen him since this morning."

"Is everything okay between you two?"

"I-I don't know, I guess they are."

"They had their first fight this morning." Marley says in a baby voice and I rolled my eyes at her as I stopped riding.

"It wasn't a fight, it was more of an argument."

"What did you two fight about?" Sam asked and I sighed, picking up my board so we could keep walking.

"It was stupid. He found out that Miguel and I are still friends." I said, and I saw the look on her face making me look at her, "We don't have to talk about it."

"No, it's fine."

"Just find him, apologise and have breathtaking sex." Marley says smirking and I rolled my eyes looking at her, "That's a great apology."

"You're an idiot." I said, looking at her and she looks at me.

"I mean, it used to work with you and-," Marley goes to speak and I give her a look and she stops, "Just do that."

"I would do that if we were even sleeping together." I said, shrugging my shoulders and Marley gasped making us both look at her.

"What?" Sam says, confused and concerned but Marley's eyes didn't leave me.

"You're telling me you and Robby haven't done it yet?"


"Who the fuck are you? You sleep with anyone that had a pulse." She says and I scoffed looking at her.

"So, I'm a whore?"

"No, you're you."

"That doesn't make it any better." Sam says looking at Marley who begins to chuckle.

"Dude, in the time I've known you and I know you well. Your sex life used to be sky rocketing and now it's just." Marley says, blowing a raspberry while putting her thumb down.

"We make out a lot and there's feeling but we haven't done anything yet." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"What are you waiting for, Christmas?"

"No dumbass, it's just- there is no rush with Robby and I. I mean, we haven't even gotten far with each other and we haven't spoken about things like that, I also don't want to push him into anything he isn't ready for."

"That's so sweet." Sam says, and I smiled before sighing.

"Look, can we not talk about my sex life. Mimi already gave us the talk about having unprotected sex and that's just as weird as this."

"It's awkward because she's like your mum, we on the other hand are girls and it's a duty to talk about this." Marley says and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You guys can talk all you want. I am going to skate." I said, dropping my skateboard and skating off.

"Pussy!" She says and I laughed turning to look at her.

"That's what you like!"

I laughed as I see her flipping me off and I skated off, I got to a bunch of skaters skating around this small ramp. I was watching in awe as I watched them do tricks and just skating around.

I decided to skate towards the ramp, I got to the top and I dropped down fast coming to the other side. I kept going, doing tricks before skating off the ramp and I see a bunch of guys looking at me impressed.

"Woah! Watch out!" I hear and before I could turn my head, I fell into the ground from my board. I heard a pop and I didn't know what it was from, as I felt a crushing weight on my chest.

"What the fuck?" I said groaning and I look to see a guy on top of me.

"Holy shit I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" He asked, getting up and he holds out his hand. I grabbed it and just as I was about to step down on my left leg, I winced falling back to the ground.

"Ow, ow. Oh my god."

"Bird." I hear and I look to see Sam and Marley running over to me.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was running."

"Can you walk?" Sam asked and I shake my head in pain.

"My knee feels like it's on fire, I can't get up." I said, looking at my knee that looked like it was swelling.

"Here, I'll call the ambulance." Marley says and I groan as I feel the pain throbbing in my knee.

The ambulance had been called and they had gotten there in the next 10 minutes, I was still on the floor. Sam was talking to the guy who was apologising profusely as Marley kneels beside me while the lady medic checks on me.

"Okay, tell me if this hurts?" She asked, pressing on the knee and I wince nodding my head.

"Yep, definitely hurts."

"Did you hear anything when you fell?"

"Yeah, I heard a pop but I just thought it was my board. But it's getting more and more sore." I said, looking at her and she nods.

"You may have torn your ACL but we won't know anymore, if we don't get you to a hospital."


"Alright, I'll grab the bed. We'll lift you on there and get you there." She says and I nodded making her smile lightly. She and the other guy who came with her, bring the bed to my level. I shimmied onto the bed and soon was transported into the back, the girls looked at me.

"We'll meet you at the hospital." Marley says and I nodded, they leave and soon the doors closed.

The ride to the hospital wasn't bad, the girl was checking on me while the guy drove us. We got to the hospital and unfortunately for me that happened to be the hospital where Mimi had worked. Soon as I was dropped to the back, she pushes the curtains back and rushes to my side.

"Are you okay? Where are you hurt? Who did this?" Mimi rushes out and I grabbed her hand.

"I'm fine Mimi, some guy wasn't watching where he was going and tackled me to the floor." I said, and she holds onto my hand.

"Alright, I'll be back to check on you okay. Need anything?" She asked and I shook my head. She kissed my head and left, leaving me by myself as I waited to see a doctor.

The wait to see a doctor and get x-rays done had taken all day, the girls had eventually gotten to the hospital. We were all talking, I had been grateful enough to be allowed pain killers, it subdued the pain.

"You okay?" Marley asked and I looked at her with a deadpanned look.

"I've been here all day, when the hell are they going to send a doctor?"

"I'm sure you'll be fine." Sam says looking at me and I nodded. I hear the curtain being pulled back to see a doctor walking in with a smile.

"Ah, Beatrice Cook. Hi, I'm Doctor Palmer." He says and I nodded at him.

"So, what's the problem doc?"

"It looks like you've torn your ACL but not as bad, it's just a partial tear."

"Oh thank goodness." Marley says and the doctor smiles at us then looks at me.

"You don't have to undergo surgery but you will need to wear a brace and do physiotherapy so your knee can heal."

"How the hell did I tear my ACL?"

"Your falling to the ground, must've landed on it weirdly." Dr Palmer says and I sighed, shaking my head.

"What does this mean? I mean, I do karate and I skate. Can I do those things anymore?"

"You can, but not right away. The recovery time for this is three months."

"Three months? That's basically all summer." I said, looking at him and he nods.

"I know but to prevent it tearing even more, you're going to have to take that sacrifice. I mean, it's good that you didn't fully tear it or else the recovery period for that is much longer." He says and I sighed, "We'll also give you medication for the swelling and pain."

"Thank you Dr Palmer." Sam says smiling at the doctor and he nods.

"If you need anything else come see me." He says, giving us one last nod before walking off.

"Three fucking months." I mutter under my breathe, "And just when I was getting back into everything."

"Hey, it could be worse you heard the doctor. At least it's three months, not longer." Marley says looking at me and I pursed my lips.

"That is basically my whole summer. So much for me having a fun filled summer."

"We can still have a fun filled summer, it's not over just yet." Sam says smirking at me as she nods making me laugh.

"Let's just hope I can get out of the hospital, I don't want to be here anymore." I said, shivering in disgust making the girls laugh.

"You don't like the hospital?"

"It's creepy, I hate them."

"It's one of her many phobias." Marley says looking at Sam with a roll of her eyes making Sam laugh.

"Just when I thought you couldn't surprise me anymore, you do it anyway." Sam says laughing making us laugh with her.



look it's probably not that good, but this will all make sense later. hope you guys enjoyed it, comment your thoughts & vote

im working on this instead of my assignment, bc what could be more important then getting my cert- 

love ya'll stay safe & take care of yourselves

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