| ❅ | Finding Home | ❅ | A No...

By Decembra1998

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A young orphan named Risa, is sent out on her own now that she is eighteen. Trying to find her family and fol... More

❅ Copyright Information ❅
❅ Author's Disclaimer ❅
❅ Awards & Publish Dates ❅
❅ Cover ❅
❅ Chapter One ❅
❅ Chapter Two ❅
❅ Chapter Three ❅
❅ Chapter Four ❅
❅ Chapter Five ❅
❅ Chapter Six ❅
❅ Chapter Seven ❅
❅ Chapter Eight ❅
❅ Chapter Nine ❅
❅ Chapter Ten ❅
❅ Chapter Eleven ❅
❅ Chapter Twelve ❅
❅ Chapter Thirteen ❅
❅ Chapter Fourteen ❅
❅ Chapter Fifteen ❅
❅ Chapter Sixteen ❅
❅ Chapter Seventeen ❅
❅ Chapter Eighteen ❅
❅ Chapter Nineteen ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-One ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Two ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Four ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Five ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Six ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Seven ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Eight ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Nine ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-One ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Two ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Three ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Four ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Five ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Six ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Seven ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Eight ❅
❅ Epilogue ❅
❅ Author's Note ❅
* Bonus Chapters *
❅ Bonus Chapter ❅ Part One ❅
❅ Bonus Chapter ❅ Part Two ❅

❅ Chapter Twenty-Three ❅

16 3 8
By Decembra1998

Meanwhile, Vincent was at the La Santé Prison, waiting to talk to his father. Rolando had pulled some strings with the help of Stella for him to be able to speak with his father. They were quite reluctant to even let speak with his father, but they eventually allowed it and to Vincent's surprise allowed him much sooner than he figured they would. They wanted to wait until the following month, but here he was.

His heart pounded against his rib cage as if it would break through and bound across the room. His palms were sweaty and he kept wiping them on his pants, even though it was freezing. Maybe it was a mistake coming here, second thoughts and that knot in his stomach were getting tighter by the moment.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to collect himself. He needed to relax, not stress out, or else he felt like he was going to lose his breakfast. That was something he did not want to do. "Oh, why did I think I could do this? What am I going to say to him? He abandoned me as a child, I remember nothing about him. Not what he looks like. Not what he talks like. Nothing about him." He ran his hands through his hair.

He paused for a moment and groaned, leaning forward and resting his head in his hands. "I am here to understand why he left my mother all alone with me." It was a huge thing to ask. He wasn't even sure he was going to get an answer. It may have been foolish to even come here. It was too late to turn back now when he was at this far. He needed to at least hear his father out.

He folded his arms and rested them on the table, burying his head into them letting out a huff of air. "Look at me, I am turning all sappy and a part of me hates it but the other half likes it. This is why I always keep those feelings buried away because I don't like the feeling." He mumbled to himself, squeezing his eyes shut.

He was letting his mind run wild since it was slightly helping out his nerves about seeing his father. He wasn't going to admit it quite yet, but he wished he could have gone down a different path. "Why, why did I choose a life of crime, it had only brought me pain." He sighed gently. Unfortunately, it was too late to think about that. What was done was done. It was in the past now. All he could do was move on.

He facepalmed and shook his head leaning back in the chair. "Get yourself together Vincent and stop all this nonsense. You are being ridiculous. You can do this, this is no different than when you went to prison to visit someone to play the middle man for one of your many bosses." He shuddered at that whole thing.

That was one memory he wanted to lock away, it did not end well for anyone. He chewed on his lip and tapped his foot on the floor. "This is different though because I'm not playing middle man and my life doesn't depend on it. I am talking with my father who abandoned my mother and I." His spoken-out-loud thoughts were interrupted as he looked up towards the hallway.

Brandon was led in by a guard, his messy black hair was like he had just rolled out of bed, his brown eyes looked dull with dark circles under them. He chuckles when he sees Vincent, not knowing who the young man was but surprised to have a visitor. "You know, I don't get many visitors. What brings you here?" He asked, sitting down in the chair opposite Vincent as the guard stood a few feet from him.

Vincent gripped his pant legs with his fists and gritted his teeth and tried to calm down. His nonchalant manner was starting to get to him. He needed to remain calm no matter what and be the bigger person. "You probably don't remember me, you left my mother and I when I was just a small baby." He vaguely told him trying to show he wasn't bothered by it but he was.

This was already a bit awkward for him. Mainly because it did bother him oh so much. He turned out how he did because of not having his parents in the picture. Rolando may have been his guardian, but growing up he was simply a man who was housing him. He didn't trust him nor see him as anything more until he got older, but even then he was the same.

Brandon's jaw went slack as he faintly recalled his son he had left all those years ago. It had crossed his mind many, many nights, but there wasn't much he could do in a Parisian prison. He was beyond flabbergasted. "Vincent? Oh my, this is unexpected, very unexpected. I didn't think you would ever come to visit me nor did I even think you remembered me." This was a whole lot to take in.

Vincent was confused, he hadn't said his name and surely the guards here wouldn't have said who had come to visit him. They always said 'you have a visitor' and nothing more since it was supposed to be a surprise. "How do you know my name?" He asked, wondering how on earth he could know his name. He was sure his father must've forgotten.

Brandon was glad he had asked, although the answer wasn't anything that made him look good, it was the truth. "Your mother let me name you, that was before I freaked out and abandoned you out of naiveté." He was naive, seeing as he was just barely an adult when he had a son of his own. That alone was enough to freak anyone out.

He paused for a moment when he watched his son keep his eyes on the table. It was shameful that he had done such a thing, however, it was in the past and it seemed Vincent wanted to know everything. "I suppose you are here for answers on why I abandoned you and your mother, how is she?" He asked, wanting to know how Renee was doing.

Vincent scoffed at his question, he truly didn't know. "I wouldn't know." His voice was cold as he snapped at his father. He needed to calm down. "I was also young when she abandoned me too. I haven't even heard from her let alone know how she is. You weren't the only one to leave me alone, to fend for myself, to raise myself." He narrowed his eyes on his father.

Brandon blinked a few times with a shocked expression painted on his face. His eyes darted to the table, how shameful. Even she abandoned him. Did this kid have anyone to rely on? To take care of him? "Oh, she abandoned you too? I am sorry Vincent. Who raised you then?" He asked not believing Renee did that but if he said it then it had to be true.

Vincent pursed his lips as he tapped his foot on the floor. "Rolando took me in when he found me trying to steal a car during the attack on the palace. He became my guardian, I will admit I wasn't the easiest kid to deal with since both of my parents left me to fend for myself." He explained, once again bringing up how he was abandoned. "However now I am grateful that he never gave up nor left me no matter how much trouble I caused."

Brandon tried to recall if he knew about Rolando, and he recalled something minor about the man. "Rolando, I vaguely remember him in passing. Who is he, if you don't mind me asking. I know of or about him, but a name is hardly anything to go on." His voice was hoarse as he spoke, pausing to cough into his elbow.

Vincent noticed he was coughing, but perhaps it could have been but a cold, seeing as it was a bit draft in here. "Rolando Galvin, head military sergeant for the late King Nathan Rosenberg. He took me in, treated me like a son, even if I never returned the favor. He is here, in Paris, I came along with him, he is going to propose to his girlfriend." He paused, why was he saying all this?

Brandon still didn't know who that was. But he was glad to hear someone did raise him and show him the unconditional love a child needed. Even if he never recuperated or showed gratitude. "I must thank him one of these days for raising you. He must be a very noble man, nobler than I ever was." He wasn't shy to admit his wrongdoings.

Vincent had taken notice that he was quick to admit his fault. That was something to be admired. Even now, he was having trouble admitting everything wrong he did. It was a start though, and he was going to see it through. "Noble? That sums up Rolando, but that is something I'm not either." He had never been a noble man.

Brandon, with a heavy heart, sighed deeply, leaning back in the chair. "I do regret abandoning you. There is no excuse I can give to justify my actions. I was young and scared, I wasn't ready to be a father. I did the most horrible thing any parent could do, abound their tiny, helpless child in this huge world. I can never apologize enough for my actions, there is nothing I can do to make up for it." He truly meant it.

He played with his fingers, shifting in his seat a little. "Ever since I got put here I have been thinking about my life and all I did. I tried to get in contact but I didn't have a lot of resources to find you or your mother. I didn't know if you had her surname, nor did I even remember it. I doubted she ever gave you mine, and it never crossed my mind to search for you using mine. Then I didn't even know if you kept the name I chose for you." He didn't know whether to be honored he kept it or, he didn't know.

He chewed on the inside of his lip as he contoured. "There isn't a single day that I don't regret not sticking around for you. I was a coward. There is no shame in admitting it anymore because it's the truth. I have spent a lot of time reckoning with the people I hurt. Even if they didn't want to hear it. "He admitted, it felt good to finally get it off his chest.

Vincent looked up at his father and nodded slowly. "Normally I would be chewing you out and being cold towards you, but alas I am unable to. I may be a little upset and a little hostile, but after hearing you and seeing how sincere you are, I can't help but accept your apology. This experience has begun to change me and yes I am upset with you, but you don't deserve to be chewed out about it." He told him, actually liking this change of heart, although it was still hard for him to do.

He ran a hand through his hair as he continued. "You made a stupid decision, but I do believe you regret it since thanks to a certain someone, I am trying to turn over a new leaf and trust someone by their words. It isn't easy but here I am. I just have to do it no matter how hard it is." He was going to stick to this and see it through.

Brandon was proud of his son. His heart swelled with pride as any father would. It seemed to only take a few days for him to turn his life around. He must have hit rock bottom, and for himself it took years. Whatever happened was major and it piqued his curiosity. "That is good, Vincent, I am glad for you. What brought you to Paris?" He asked curiously.

Vincent knew this was going to be a long story, so he began at the beginning and kept things simple. "I came here with Rolando and Risa, who we are trying to help find her family. Or he is trying to, I, I burned that bridge, which is the whole reason I am turning over a new leaf." He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling shameful for even admitting that.

Brandon tilted his head to the side, not quite understanding what he meant but burning that bridge. "What happened? What do you mean you burned that bridge?" He wanted to know what he was meaning and what on earth happened. He must have crossed the line with someone he cared about to have that much impact on him.

Vincent didn't like to admit it but admitting was one of the steps to healing about these things. He needed to talk to someone other than Rolando about it. Perhaps he could bond with his father again over this. "The countess and count had a reward set out for anyone who could find their granddaughter who they believed to have escaped death. A young girl named Risa, came to the castle looking for a passport and ticket to come here. I thought she could pass off as Duchess Clarissa just to get the money because I suppose agreed runs in the family." He wasn't joking but was dead serious.

Brandon still didn't understand how that could blow up in his face. It couldn't have been about Risa, neither of them would allow him to do that. He shook his head, he was just going to ask instead of figuring it out himself. "When did it all blow up in your face or what blew up in your face?" He asked once again, hoping to get a better answer.

Vincent sighed heavily as he rested his arms on the table. "When we went to the opera, we had a chance for Risa to meet the Rosenbergs. I returned to Persia's locket, then asked for Risa to come in and meet them since she wanted to. Someone blew everything out of proportion and I tried to explain but I couldn't. She overheard the conversation, so when I came out to tell her there was a slight problem, she confronted me about it. She said some hurtful but true things, she ran, I followed, lost her."

He took a deep breath placing his hands on the table. He needed to calm down. "I wanted to get the money to maybe impress you. I know it's all worthless because now, Risa won't speak to me even if. I apologized and felt super horrible about it. I chose not to go down that path, the whole opera I was in a battle with my heart and brain over its matter. That didn't make her feel any better." He felt sick as he spoke about it but yes he did feel a little better.

He continued as he swallowed harshly to keep anything from coming up with how much he was stressing himself out about it. "It was all because I turned out like you. Driven by greed, money flashing in my eyes at everything I looked at. Wanting to be rich and impress everyone, including you. I hurt a lot of people and I am going to try and make it up even if it means going to prison for it."

Brandon couldn't believe he had gone through all that and finally had a change of heart. He was glad he had changed or was trying to change. He was shocked that all that had turned his life around. For himself, that would have never worked. Being here worked. He had been here for quite a few years to mull over all he had done. "That is noble Vincent, very noble of you. I suppose going through all that would change anyone." He knew that better than anyone.

Vincent sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. "I suppose. I still made a mess of everything and Risa has said she wants nothing to do with me, Stella told me that she could never forgive me. No matter what I did, it couldn't make up for it. I am just speaking in circles aren't I?" He groaned, burying his face in his hands.

Brandon reached over and patted his shoulder rather quickly. "You may be but it's understandable. You're not used to expressing your feelings. It seems you are stuck in a hole. I wish I could help but I can't do much behind bars. I can just say that everything happens for a reason because prison for me was my wake-up call." He told him, knowing it was true.

Vincent looked up at his father and nodded but then got a thought. "I know this is off topic and random, but when I was a kid and up until recently I hated the idea of families. Whenever someone asked me about my parents I lied and I told them my mother was a world traveler and was the queen's right-hand lady and you were an explorer and found lost civilizations. I didn't want anyone to know I was abandoned by my parents."

Brandon figured he would do such a thing, since after all, who would want to admit their parents didn't want you. "Oh my, you wanted to make people believe you weren't some orphan kid. But you had Rolando to raise you. Were you proud of him?" He inquired,  leaning forward.

Vincent sighed heavily, playing with his fingers in his lap. "I wasn't. I might have seen him as a goodie-goodie person who - although humble and seemed to be, from my perspective - someone who enjoyed doing good things just because that was expected of him. Not that he truly cared, which he did care. I slowly realized that as I got older, not that it mattered to me." He huffed.

Brandon saw a lot of himself in this young boy. It wasn't just because he was his son, but because some things run in the family. "Ah, that makes sense. Sometimes we don't appreciate people until it's too late and once it is there I have no second chance of turning around. However, there might be a few acceptions and this might be one of those." He felt horrible for what he had done.

Vincent could tell he felt bad, the pain and sadness in his father's eyes were truly genuine and not fake. "You're right. It wasn't but that is in the past and I can't be mad anymore about it. I have to forgive and move on, which is what I have done. I just wish things could have been better." He gave his shoulders a gentle shrug.

Brandon placed his hands on the table after having laced his fingers together. "I know we can't make up for the lost time, but we can start over with a fresh new start. I want to make it up to you and be there for you like a father should. That is if you will allow me to be in your life again, although it is a little late in life to be a father figure to you, seeing as you're an adult now." He wanted to be there for his son.

Vincent was glad he wanted to, he needed another person in his life. He wanted his father in his life. He needed that. He wanted to better know how his own heritage like Risa wanted for herself. They had that in common. If only he realized that sooner. Though he didn't understand how that would fully work seeing as he was in prison. "How will you do that behind bars? Do you want me to come to the prison every day and see you?" He asked, finding that the only logical reason.

Brandon chuckled, how could he fail to mention what made it possible? "In a few days, I will finally be getting out of prison. Which is why I was so surprised someone came to visit me. I suppose you didn't know I was getting out because I doubt you would have known that or would have been told that." After all, no one knew he was getting out of prison, he had no friends.

Vincent was glad to hear he was, he had spent years here paying for the crime he had committed. "I didn't, but I am glad you are. That means we can pick up where we left off or at least start fresh together. I can try and help get you a place, an apartment, I can get Rolando to help me find you a place. Get you on your feet since I am getting out of prison or jail after being in here for years you have nothing to go back to." He was going to help out his father.

Brandon shook his head, he could not allow his son to do any such thing. That was nice of him but that was too much to ask of his son, who he just met after years of being apart. "You do not have to do that for me, Vincent, I can figure it out on my own. I don't want to burden you." He didn't want to make him think he was obligated to help him. He felt that was way too much. Something he didn't deserve.

Vincent didn't feel obligated in that way. He wanted to because he felt it was a nice thing to do. "No Father, I want to do this for you. Please allow me to do this. It would mean a lot for me to help you and find you a good place. I need to do this." He wanted nothing more than to do something else for someone else. He needed practice doing things for others, things that meant so much to him.

Brandon smiled softly, glad that his son had offered but still felt guilty about it because who wouldn't? He felt like crying about how nice Vincent was being. He truly was a different person and he didn't believe he deserved this kindness. "Alright, do as you wish." He couldn't talk him out of it so he had to give in. "Have you thought about what you will be doing here for the time you are here?" He asked curiously

Vincent chewed on the inside of his lip. He knew, for the most part, what he was doing but the rest was still iffy. "For the time being visiting you and my mother. Strange how you and she are in Paris, coincidence or providence made that happen. I will also be writing apology letters and hopefully being able to meet them in person to make it up to them. There are going to be a lot of people. As much as I hate it I have to send an apology letter to the two ruffians who were told colleagues of mine who tried to kill us -"

Brandon put his son off, not believing what he was rambling about. Did he just say someone tried to kill his son? What on earth had happened got something of that extent to play out. "Someone tried to kill you? You left that out of your little story." He crossed his arms with a slightly smug look. He was interested in this whole story.

Vincent looked up at his father realizing he shouldn't have said anything. It was too late now so he needed to play it off as nothing. He didn't want his father to make a huge deal out of everything. That would be silly. "Oh, well, it was no big deal. Yes, it happened on the ship and on the train, other than that the rest of the journey was fine." He passed it off so nonchalantly.

Brandon was not going to let this go because a second time someone tried to kill him? What kind of people did he make mad for them to go to this extent to harm him. How could he be so nonchalant about someone trying to kill him? "Someone tried to kill you on a ship? What did you do to make them want to kill you?" He asked with wide eyes.

Vincent was all over the place and being vague about everything and not telling who was all involved. That was probably making his father more confused. "It wasn't myself per se on the boat, I believe Risa was the main target. Since she had come with us it seemed all that could go wrong, went wrong. Rolando and I tried to intervene and we became collateral damage to three guys on the ship." It might have been hard to hear.

Brandon leaned back a little, running a hand through his hair. "It seems you had a rather interesting journey here. I also can't believe someone was trying to harm this Risa girl, do you know why? She seems too sweet and an orphan, why would anyone want to hurt her?" He couldn't understand why someone would have it out for an orphan who seemed to be a good person.

Vincent shrugged his shoulders, if only he had that answer. Alas, he didn't know why they wanted her dead. He just had a feeling that someone wanted her dead. "I truthfully don't know why they want her dead, she isn't anyone special unless you count how much she looks like Persia. However, even then, I don't know why they would want Risa dead. She doesn't believe she is the Duchess, although there is a slight possibility." He probably shouldn't have brought that up.

Brandon was now even more confused than he had been. This was a new piece of information he hadn't expected to hear. "Risa looks like the late Frontrancian Queen? That could be merely a coincidence. They are all dead and even if the countess and count believe she is alive, the chances are quite slim." His face was painted with the most confused expression.

Vincent gave a sheepish look gripping his pant legs once again. "You have a point. It is quite slim. It doesn't matter, Risa doesn't remember anything about her past and even if she looks like Persia, that isn't proof. She did happen to say she recognized Persia's locket and it could have been because of the painting." He rambled trying to keep that they were alive a secret.

Brandon had never had someone talk this much with him. He missed listening to people ramble and chat about things that happened to them. "You do have a lot on your mind with you rambling on and on about things. Is there anything else you want to get out while I am here?" He just wanted to make sure his son was getting everything out. He could be that listening ear since he was his father after all.

Vincent was feeling much better now he was getting everything out by explaining what happened. "Yes if you do not mind. I have been keeping it all in and now I just want to get it out and sharing it with you seems right even if I don't know you that well - I am just confusing myself. Rolando is a nice ear, but he has other things to worry about and I don't want to burden him. I don't even want to burden you." He was making this harder than they were.

Brandon chuckled at his son, this was new even for him. "Pfft, you aren't burdening me." He didn't even confuse himself this much so with all Vincent said that happened no wonder he was this way. "I am a bit confused as well. At least you are getting it out and even if you don't know me I am your biological father and once I get out I will treat you like my son. I can still listen."

Vincent gave a faint smile, glad that he was being nice and things were as awkward as he was thinking and his father wanted to make up for lost time. What more could he ask for? "Thanks. Risa was right, it does feel good to get things out. I don't know why I hadn't done it sooner - oh wait, I know why I was a stubborn, gloomy, bitter person. That is all behind me or at least starting to get behind me." He felt better.

Brandon chuckled and looked at the clock on the wall. He frowned when he saw the time ticking away. It didn't seem it had been that long but he knew he couldn't speak with him all day. "I hate to cut this short but visiting time for me is almost up since it is getting close to lunch." He stood up and looked at his son. "I am happy you came to see me."

Vincent also stood up and nodded his head. "I am glad I came too. It has helped me talk to you and turn over a new leaf by being open-minded and forgiving rather than being bitter." He meant his words. He was glad he hadn't chickened out and left when he had the chance. He was just glad that he was putting the pieces of his family together.

Brandon held out his hand for Vincent to shake it. "I suppose I will see you when I am finally released from prison?" He hoped that he would get to see his son the day he got out. He didn't have anyone else and when he had been told he was getting out he was dreading it. He hadn't a clue where to start and now he did, with the help of his son.

Vincent shook his hand but pulled him into a hug. Which was something he never did but this was part of his 'turning over a new leaf'. "I will be here when you get out and I will lead you to an apartment I will find for you. It will have two bedrooms so I can stay with  you for a bit and then find you a job." He had this planned out.

Brandon was getting all teary-eyed and hugged his son tightly. He was so happy he had thought ahead. He didn't think he would have looked at the bright side. It could have gone sideways. "Alright. I will see you then and will be looking forward to living a normal life again." He missed being a normal person instead of a con on the run.

Vincent pulled away and placed his hands behind his back. "Goodbye father," He was glad he had done this, it got him some closer he needed. He watched his father disappear and get led out of the room as he bid him goodbye as well. He then Vincent left the room by another guard and gathered all of the things they had taken back.

He stood outside on the steps of the prison putting back on his watch and putting his wallet in his coat pocket. He would wait until after lunch to visit his mother, he needed to see if Rolando had gotten the address and meet up with him to talk about what had happened. He was thrilled that it had gone well and it felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest.

That was his last stop when it came to finding answers around his parents, ones he wished Risa would get to. He wondered what she was doing but hoped not to run into her. He didn't think either of them was able to handle seeing each other. Only time would tell and he was looking forward to it.


Finally I was able to finish this which took a few days to do seeing as I have been busy helping my mom and her being in a rather sour mood and having to stay off my phone in order for it to not get taken away. Long story in why she keeps threatening to take it away even if I am almost 21.

Chapter talk:
Gah, this really hit me in the heart. You finally meet Vincent's father and in the next you will meet Vincent's mother. I really must admit, going deeper into this chapter than I previously had is much better. I am really happy with how this turned out.

It was a little emotional and I hope it was for you guys as well, it was my main aim to get you guys to cry. I keep playing this like a move in my mind to make sure everything is realistic and not out of character for either of them.

Especially for Vincent who had hit rock bottom after the opera which changed him for the better. It has happened many times for people that one event changes them as a person and they make a 360 turn around.

And lastly, anything else I forgot to ask away my pals. I am happy to answer anything!

In closing, all rude, impolite and mean comments will be replied to in a diplomatic way, reported or deleted if I feel like it is attacking me personally.

Thanks for reading!

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