To Understand You - Magic Kai...

By BerryBerryBlitz

26.3K 3.1K 2.2K

[Book 1] Who would have known that one poison was all it took to learn who Kaitou Kid was? Certainly not Ginz... More

1. Meeting
2. Denial
3. The Offer
4. His Name
5. Inspection
6. Realisation
7. Decision
8. Food Talk
9. Thoughts
10. Water Buckets
11. Shocking Confession
12. Bad Floor
13. Curious
14. The Hell?!
15. Decimo + Cinq
16. Eat!
17. Untitled Chappy
18. Eating Apples and Chatting
19. Dim Thoughts
20. Bet
21. Changes, Sleepy
22. Horrifying Truth
23. Twenty three
24. Cooking Talk, Pills?
25. Tasks, Surprise
26. Chapter 26
27. Caught!
28. Meow
29. Lazy Chat
30. The Superintendent
31. The Request
32. Selfish?
33. Apartment
34. Heist?
35. Blue Birthday
37. Bruises, Thoughts
38. The Temporary Cure
39. Anger, Realization
40. Chapter 40
41. Second Heist Announced
42. Violet Victory Heist
43. Teamwork, Confliction
44. Chapter 44
45. Eavesdropping, Chats
46. Docks
Voting (closed)
47. Worry, Fear
48. Condition
49. Wake
50. Chapter of Chapterness
51. I Care About You! Damn it!
52. Chapter 52
53. Awake Again
54. Back Home
55. Mistressan
56. Sneaky Antics
57. Talking, Ideas
58. Chapter 58
59. Concern, Oops...
60. Heist? So Soon?...
61. Firm
62. Chapter 62
63. Denial, Fear
64. Chapter 64
65. Batter, Phone
66. Misty
67. Deaths
Number = (5+ San) + ((XX)(Trois))
69. Confrontation, Concern
70. Confliction, Worry, Plans
71. Simple Heist...
72. Innocent Deceit
73. Fuzzy, Fear
74. Chapter 74
75. cHshysj
76. Pirate Talk
77. Holiday Thoughts
78. Butterfly___
79. Chocolate, Yum
80. More Presents
81. Holiday Fun
82. Safe, Plans, Thoughts
83. Talking and Preparation
84. Mermaid's Heart
85. Devil's Deal
86. quatre + vingt + six
87. mjvgjgfjy
88. Care, Unease, Realize
89. A name for a chapter maybe
90. Lupus Morsus
91. Vulnerable
92. Distant
93. Favour, Plan
94. A Needed Talk, Concern
95. Lots of Unease
96. Flu is the Key
97. Little Dove Little Dove
98. Magic Magic... Bleh Magic
99. Learning Plans
100. Magical Number
101. Dalmatians... Sorry
102. Lavender Worries?
103. Death
104. Goodbye
105. Aoko
106. Story of Concern
107. Condition, Reunion
108. Process, Story
109. Family
Sequel & Facts

36. Pandora? Seriously?

285 35 6
By BerryBerryBlitz

1004 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written November 21 2019
Posted February 24 2020

Ginzo gave Kaito a curious look, something about the boy's tone bothered him a bit, though he didn't know why "It's fine" He breathed "It just made me realize a few things" He hadn't realized just how much he had come to care for the boy. Sure he knew that he'd cared since Kaito was still a child, but Kaito felt different to him than just some child he's met. He reached over to ruffle Kaito's unruly locks "I just have more incentive than before to keep you from dying" He really didn't want Kaito to get killed.

Kaito nodded, though he looked a little confused at the other's words "Anyways..." He needed to tell Ginzo about what he'd learned today "I found out why the Crows usually target me whenever I go after big gems" He felt his heart rate speed up just at the memory of the confrontation. He'd been so scared, thankfully his poker face had hidden that fact from the crows.

The inspector raised a brow, Kaito actually gained more information? Was that why the boy had taken so long in returning? "Really?" He inquired, feeling somewhat curious.

The boy smirked "Yup" He spun the Blue Birthday on his fingertip "Turns out the crows are sort of crazy" At Ginzo's obvious confusion he continued "They're apparently looking for a magical gem that grants immortality" He snickered, amusement lighting up indigos.

Ginzo blinked, he must have heard that wrong "They're looking for what?" There was no way that a criminal syndicate was looking for a magical gem, they had to be smarter than that.

Kaito flashed a bright grin "You heard me right the first time Keibu" He himself couldn't really believe it, but it was a fact. His tone grew somewhat more serious "I followed them after they thought that I had died" Indigos gleamed "One of the higher ups, Snake, told one of his lackeys a very interesting tale about a gem called Pandora" He shrugged "Apparently Pandora is a doublet gem, that shines red in the moonlight, granting the holder immortality when it sheds its tear" He let out a small sigh as he stopped spinning the gem "The only problem is that nobody knows what Pandora looks like, so they've been going around and targeting large gems"

The inspector shook his head in disbelief "They're mad" Something like that couldn't possibly exist.

The boy nodded in agreement "I agree" He breathed "But I challenged them" He averted his gaze away from the inspector, already knowing that the other wouldn't like it "I openly told them that I would find Pandora first and destroy it" And then the group had sent a rain of bullets his way, thank god that he'd been expecting that reaction. Now he's painted an even bigger target onto his back, especially since they now knew that he would be opposing them. Before it had been by chance, now it was intentional.

Ginzo grit his teeth, realizing the additional danger Kaito had put himself in "But why?" Hadn't Kaito been working secretly against them? Why would he change that?

Indigos met his gaze "Because now my attempts to lure out the Crows will be more successful" Things would become more dangerous, but he'd also have more chances to expose the crows, it was worth it in his opinion.

The inspector was silent for a few moments before letting out a defeated sigh, he couldn't change what had already been done "We need to check and tend to your ribs" He stated, wondering how the boy could talk so much while they were injured.

"Yeah" Kaito gave a small smile "I didn't feel like twisting around in order to wrap my ribs" Normally he would, but Ginzo was here and was sure to help.

"Good" He huffed, glad that Kaito had refrained from possibly aggravating his injuries. He was actually thinking about himself for once. Indigos softened as they walked into the apartment, Ginzo swiftly picking up the first aid kit, he'd left it out just in case it was needed in a rush.

"I'm pretty sure that my ribs weren't broken" The boy stated as he removed his shirt, wincing slightly at the action. Cracked? Maybe, but they were bruised for sure. At least he wasn't in danger of one of his ribs piercing a lung or something.

Ginzo let out a sympathetic hiss as he spotted the discolouration across the boy's chest. It was already bruising, and badly at that. Though the worst of the bruising was centred right over where Kaito's heart would be "You really are quite lucky" He breathed, grateful that the sapphire had been strong enough to withstand the bullet.

Kaito's breath hitched when the inspector gently began to prod around his ribs, gritting his teeth at the pain "Yeah" He grit out, holding still as Ginzo began to wrap bandages tightly around his chest. There wasn't much that could be done for damaged ribs other than to bind them.

He didn't comment on the obvious pain on the other's face "Those would heal a lot better with some bruise cream" Ginzo stated "Why didn't you buy that? Surely you get bruised all the time right?"

The boy gave a small shrug "I didn't have much money before so I never bought it" He glanced around the apartment "I'm so used to not bothering with it that I didn't even think of it" Money had been better spent on supplies that would stop him from bleeding out. Bruises hadn't really been that important in comparison.

Ginzo grimaced at that, it sort of made sense "Then tomorrow you should pick it up so that you heal better" He'd go himself now that he was somewhat disguised, but he wasn't sure if he'd be allowed to buy it. The storekeepers might become concerned about him doing something stupid with it, not that he'd blame them. He looked like a child, and kids are capable of doing a lot of stupid things. Not that teens and adults didn't do stupid things too, children were more protected then them.

Me: This was interesting to write~

Hope you enjoyed~

I watched the new sonic movie in theatres, and sonic's background made me think of this Kaito... The loneliness

>^< it was an amazing movie~ so glad they saved sonic's design~

>^> first design was a nightmare

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