
By drawing-5sos

1.8M 42.4K 31.6K

His hand reached down for mine, intertwining our fingers together. I questioningly looked down at our hands a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Quick question

Chapter 4

53.3K 1K 678
By drawing-5sos

The cold wind flew through my hair as I hugged myself tightly trying to warm up from the cold breeze. The sun set about two hours ago and it would've been pitch dark if there weren't bright city lights all over the street.

When Luke went out again this morning I decided I might as well go and take a long walk around the city since I never actually took the time to look at it.

I took a cab to the city center and was surprised when I saw beautiful shopping malls full of people. The shopping malls weren't exactly that surprising and fascinating, it was more of the people that were there.

I liked examining people. If you looked close enough, you could see a lot more than just a face.

I saw a woman carrying a girly backpack on her right shoulder walking around the mall nervously. She was trying to find her little daughter who she has later found playing with a puppy outside a shop.

I also saw a guy with a visibly cut (or beaten up?) lip aimlessly and carelessly walking through the big halls not actually paying attention to anything or anyone. That I concluded after he literally walked right into me even though he clearly saw me walking towards him.

Maybe his colorful hair that resembled a traffic lighter drew his own attention into not seeing anything else but the fluorescent strands hanging down above his eyebrows.

After a quick sorry and yet another smirk, (what is it with the guys in San Francisco and smirking?!) he tapped my back and walked away.

When I finally got to a cafe shop, I bought a cup of cold coffee with extra ice and sugar and sat down on a bench outside the building.

The surroundings occupied me so much that I actually decided to roam around the city a bit more and explore it so I got stuck walking and sightseeing for a couple of hours until I finally realized the sun has already set down.

Now I was trying to find my way back to the flat and thought that the idea of staying out this late was stupid for the thirtieth time in about fifteen minutes.

When I came to the same building I was at just a few minutes ago, I decided I should call someone.

I took my phone out of my bag and dialed a number. I brought the phone up to my ear and there were a few rings before he picked up.

"Layla?" Calum asked not expecting my call.

"Hey Cal... Could you please come pick me up? I got lost. " I admitted biting my bottom lip embarrassed. I honestly felt like a little kid who got lost in a shop and couldn't find her mom behind the big shelves.

I heard Calum chuckle a bit but then cough it off. "You got lost?" he tried to sound serious but I knew he'd laugh. "Where are you?"

"I'm next to a huge library and there's a cafe next to it called Berne's." I did my best to explain to Calum where I was. I hugged myself again trying to keep the cold wind away from my clucking bones.

Calum sighed and I could hear him saying something to somebody before he turned back to talk to me.

"I'll pick you up in ten, just wait for me in front of the library." he ordered and hung up.

I sat down on the stairs in front of the huge door that were most probably the entrance of the library feeling relieved.

I fidgeted my fingers trying to distract myself but after a few seconds I ended up biting my finger nails after all. I tried to get rid of that bad habit but the more I tried the more nervous I got trying to do something else so I just ended up biting on them more.

Just as I was about to check the time, a car pulled over on the huge parking lot a few metres away and I recognized Calum's face lit up by, probably, the inside car light.

I instantly jumped to my feet and rushed to get into the car. When I got in, Calum flashed a huge smile towards me and brought his hands on my forearms making up and down movements in attempt to warm me up.

"Thanks for coming." I let out a sigh and gave him an apologetic smile. "I was near crying when I thought I wouldn't find my way back to the flat. And I hope I didn't drag you out from something important." I joked laughing awkwardly as I closed the door.

"Awh," Calum mocked me in a loving tone, "thank God I came because no one wants to see you cry." he joked. "And it's okay, this dude went home as well saying he 'needs to rest his leg' so everyone kind of parted there. What a wuss." he explained pulling out of the parking lot.

"Hey!" I kicked his arm pretending to be offended by his sassy comment and ignoring his explanation letting him know I understood.

"I'm just joking, Lay!" he laughed, waving off my arms trying to point my attention to the road and make me realize he's driving. "So when can I come see what your new place looks like?"

"You can come now!" I chimed happily but then my smile dropped. "Actually wait, it's late now and I have no idea if my roomate is home and if he is I don't know how he'll react." I explained.

Calum pouted which made me smile. "That's okay though, I can't come now anyway. Michael and the guys told me to meet up again in about fifteen minutes so..." he trailed off as I frowned.

"Seriously Calum, why do you hang out with them? You know they're not good." I protested waving my hands all around trying to prove my point.

"They're good once you get to know them." he tried. "I mean, they're good in their own way."

"The way of getting in trouble all the time, being arrested twice a month erasing the fact that in other twenty cases they run away and the police don't catch them, doing drugs and getting drunk every night, fucking every girl who throws herself at them and then getting in fights because someone accidentally bumped their shoulder when walking past them?!" I got a bit carried away and started hysterically yelling.

"Woah, Lay chill." Calum put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm just hanging out with them for a couple of weeks because I owed them some mone-"

"You owe them money?" I cut him off. "Oh my God it's not good to owe them a 'hi', don't even get me started on money!!"

"Are you having a panic attack!" Calum asked louder than before already parking the car next to the road. He knew I got a bit panicky sometimes and the situation of me getting lost in a huge city being frozen to my bones wasn't coming in as a bonus.

"Okay, relax. Breathe. I don't owe them money, I owed them money." he tried to calm me down emphasizing the past tense. "I hang out with them because they're actually interesting guys, really!"

Most of his words flew over my head because I was trying to breathe properly without getting dizzy or even worse, passing out. But at least I managed to calm down so I sighed and leaned my forehead on Calum's chest.

"God. I'm sorry." I sighed embarrassed again. "I'm such a wuss." I repeated his expression silently smiling.

A laugh escaped Calum's lips as he patted me on the back and brought me back to my seat, starting the car again.

"You can come to my place for a movie night tomorrow if you want." I suggested wanting to change the subject from my hysterical yelling.

"Sounds like a plan." he smiled. "I'll be there at nine!"


Calum left me at my place a few minutes after and I entered the flat hurriedly, wanting to warm myself up as fast as I could.

As soon as I came into the apartment I felt a cloud of smoke blow right in my face which made me cough. I looked over the living room, the smoke all over the air making it hard for me to see anything clearly.

I rolled my eyes knowing Luke was probably the one smoking again and after my recent panic attack I didn't actually want to talk to him so I just ignored it.

I closed the door and put my jacket on the hanger as well as my purse. I took my phone out and immediately went to the kitchen to make myself some tea.

As I took out a cup I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned around to see Luke staring at me with a cigarette between his fingers, his face serious.

"Not even a hi?" he then asked, still not showing any emotion.

"Sorry, I got lost so I had to call my friend to pick me up and then I had a panic attack and right now I just want to be alone please." I blurted it all out quickly, turning away from him to pour water into the cup.

He came to the kitchen bar and surprisingly turned off a whole half of his cigarette and then I heard his footsteps going quieter as I realized he just walked away letting me be.

I smiled at him respecting my request and actually turning off the not even finished cigarette. I finished making my tea, barely waiting to get into my warm bed and sleep it off.


Sorry this was so lame guys it's becoming better in thenext chapter promise!
And I just have to update so often cause I write a lot heheh

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