Saving Bennett Reid (Book 3)

By fictionowl

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[Jasper Falls Saga: Book 3] This book is part of a series and must be read in a specific labeled order. Pleas... More

Twist of Fate
Looking Out For Me
Ivy Rose
Anxiety Attacks
A Desperate Beta
Peace Offering
Shut It Down
Gaining Intimacy
Past is Past
All For You
The Date #SpookFest2k19
Strange Behavior
Consequences of Officiality (Part 1)
Consequences of Officiality (Part 2)
Consequences of Officiality (Part 3)
Beta Mate
Phase One: Uprising
Phase Two: The Hunt
Cheesy Romance
Puzzle Pieces
Troubling Developments
Ready Or Not
Game Plan (Part 1)
The Mole (Part 2)
Game Plan (Part 2)
Woeful Descent
Raid and Rescue
The Mole (Part 3)
The Mole (Part 4)
The Fall of Black Rock Canyon
Jaxon's Beta #SpookyFest2k20
Hope Unanchored #SpookyFest2k20
Unhinged (Part 1)
Unhinged (Part 2)
Man of Steel
A Slice of Normal
The Last Stand (Part 1)
The Last Stand (Part 2)
Iron Fist

It Begins

6.8K 259 180
By fictionowl


I'm getting pissed now.

It was already Saturday and Bennett hasn't once spoken to me since the last time we did. He continued to ignore my existence for pretty much all of Thursday and Friday, yet, I knew he was always watching. What Asher had told me earlier in the week jumped out and said that whatever the hell is going on with him, has something to do with my safety.

But yesterday, I had been in for quite a shock. When I came home after football practice, my senses were going wild because I could smell him on Marcana territory, within the pack. And the closer I got to my home, the stronger his scent became, and it was only then I realized that it's because he was inside.

But he didn't come to see me. In fact, he was in my father's office and whatever it is they were talking about, they didn't want me to know about because I had been conveniently assigned to border patrol when yesterday was one of my off days. It was as though they were trying to get rid of me because they knew I wouldn't leave unless there was something important to do.

By the time I'd returned home, his scent was long gone and so was he. I'd tried talking to my parents about it but my father only shrugged it off and my mother, being the peacemaker that she is, slashed any potential argument by saying that in time, I would come to know. It didn't sit well with me that something was obviously happening, and nobody was courteous enough to tell me.

Staring up at the ceiling of my bedroom, my mind muddled over the events of the week and still, it hurt. But mostly, I felt frustrated. I couldn't stand not knowing what was happening with my mate. His emotions were still on lockdown and even with our physical distance, I would usually be able to catch a tingle of what he was feeling.


Not a damn thing.

Expelling a sigh of frustration, I groaned slightly when my phone buzzed from somewhere beneath the sheets. Digging around the blankets to find it, I hit the side button to light up the screen to see what it was.

A message from an unknown number.

I was wary of those. Especially calls. This one time, my phone rang about four in the morning and when I answered, some woman cussed me out for stealing her man. Of course, I didn't get the chance to respond in my sleep induced state because the call dropped abruptly. And ever since then, I've been cautious about messages and calls from unknown numbers.

But this had me curious, so I checked it feeling my heartbeat speed up a little.

'You're spending the night in Black Rock. Walk with a change of clothing. Meet me at my house for eleven'.

Barely holding back the urge to scream in happiness lest I scare my parents and baby brother and end up getting lectured...again, I resorted to rolling about in my bed for a few minutes to expel the extra boost energy that suddenly spurred from thin air.

Huffing as the last bit of excitement simmered down, I rolled to my knees and wasted no time in saving his number. There was no doubt that it was him. The time on my phone said it was thirty minutes past the hour of nine.


Dammit! Why couldn't it be like half ten or something?

This is what Bennett Reid does to me. Of course, I slept last night. But barely as my mind kept straying back to him and part of me hoped the idiot was as restless as I had been these last few days.

Hopping out of bed, I made my way to the bathroom and wasted no time. Once I was out, I pulled on a pair of sweats and started puttering about shoving clothes and necessary toiletries into my gym bag.


I stopped mid stride as I went to pack underwear because Carter Hayes is not a man to go commando. A thought occurred to me then.

What if we end up going on a date?

What if we end up doing other things too?

I could feel my face turning red as a thousand images flashed through my mind, all steamy and hot no matter how innocent they were. Images of us sharing intimate moments in intimate, compromising positions!

Oh my gods! I'll faint if I keep thinking about it and the last thing I needed was to waste time getting rid of an embarrassing boner.

My phone vibrated then snapping me out of my trance as more images flashed through my mind of us on a bed in a very, very compromising position doing...stuff. Walking over, I grabbed up my phone and saw a message come in from the same number, only now, it was saved under a bunch of emojis as the caller ID.

'What kind of dirty things are you thinking? Stop it! I can feel your arousal!'

My face was probably blaring red by now as I sunk down to the floor cringing and cursing myself to hell and back. When finally my moment of cringe was gone after a good ten minutes, I stood up from the floor and continued packing.

Once all was set, I made my way downstairs to find dad standing at the counter pouring himself coffee.

"Morning, dad!" My father turned around at my chirp to give me his best 'what the fuck' stare taking note off my chipper mood this morning. As I made my way over, I placed the gym bag on a stool at the island counter, which his eyes followed.

"Heading to the gym?"

I shook my head as I grabbed up a plate and did a quick survey of what there was for breakfast.

Ooh...waffles and jacket potatoes!

"Bennett invited me over for the night." I chirped with a grin to which he raised an eyebrow, placing his plate of waffles and potatoes and cup of coffee on the island counter.

"And what are you two doing tonight?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. All I know is that he asked me to meet him for eleven and that's it. I'm just glad he's finally talking to me again."

My father paused in his eating. "You had a fight?" I shook my head again, pouring myself a glass of juice and taking my breakfast over to join him at the island counter. While we ate, I told him about Bennett's odd behavior through the week. "Hmm..." he mused after I finished telling my story. "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Given his diagnosis, he probably needs time to himself."

Well...there is that, too. But don't try me, old man. "Oh yeah? What were you two talking about yesterday? And why was I suddenly assigned to patrol?"

My father chuckled earning himself a cold glare. "He was here to ask my permission for you to stay the night in Black Rock. He's already gotten permission from his alpha. And if you were going to spend the night there, you'd have to make that time up elsewhere. So, I told Sky yesterday to assign you to last night's patrol."

Ah! So that's who I got the 'ride or die' mentality from.

Finishing the last of his coffee, dad gathered his dirty dishes and rinsed it off before placing it in the dishwasher.

"Don't have too much fun." he warned, sending a wink my way as he walked out of the kitchen.

"Dad!" I practically screeched, my face probably the shade of ripe tomato ready to fall apart. My father laughed his way out.

"Put the dishwasher on before you leave!" he called over his shoulder as he disappeared to another part of the house. Finding my little shred of dignity, I finished my breakfast and did as dad instructed me to do before leaving Marcana.

My mood was far beyond jolly. I mean seriously, I was singing and dancing along to BTS and Blackpink on my way to Black Rock and was not one bit shy about it. Slowing down at the gates, I lowered the music until it was almost inaudible as my gaze marveled over the security set up. It was a lot similar to the system Marcana now had but it was still not as developed as ours.

My only guess is that it's a finance issue because Hunter seemed pretty pissed that one time when he blew up and said that all the moving around they had to do because of Tobias was putting a financial strain on their resources. Not only that, but he looked like a man who would go all out for the safety of his pack.

A guard stepped out by the gate and approached the driver's side prompting me to roll down the window and I flashed him a huge megawatt grin.

"Who're you here to see, beta Hayes?" he asked, the way he addressed me momentarily blowing me away as the grin on my face faltered. I was not yet beta, but damn, this guy seems to hold a lot of respect for higher ranked wolves.

"Carter Hayes for Bennett Reid." I chirped. The guard nodded and moved on to open the gates, sliding it open and allowing me entry. I drove straight to Bennett's home and parked on the street just like I had done the last time I was here. Checking the time on my phone, there was still a few minutes left before the hour of eleven, but the gate was slightly ajar as though someone had intentionally left it that way. Grabbing up my gym bag, I made my way toward the house and rang the doorbell impatiently.

It swung open a moment later to reveal an irritated Aunt Zoe, but her expression melted the second she saw me, a huge smile splitting her face. "Carter! So nice to see you! Why don't you come in, and I'll go get Benny-baby." she greeted, practically dragging me inside. I took a seat on the couch while she went upstairs to fetch her nephew and I used that time to sedate the sudden nervousness that welled up inside.

Why am I suddenly so nervous? I wasn't like this two seconds ago. Not even when he messaged to tell me to come over. I wonder if I'm spending the night in a guest room.

But we're mates. I don't think he'll do that to me. It was then that a thought occurred to me.

I've never been inside his room before. This is huge. Especially for someone like Bennett to make a bold move and invite me over this way, not to mention if we'll be in the same room. Not that I wasn't excited by his leap of faith but wow! To take a step this large this soon.

I had naturally assumed, having learned about his PTSD, that it would be months, or even years before he gathered up the courage to spend a night with me. Let alone be the one to initiate the entire thing.

My thoughts faded as footsteps could be heard coming down the stairwell and a moment later, Aunt Zoe walked into the living room swiftly followed by my mate.

Is there anything he doesn't look good in? What the actual fuck? He's literally wearing joggers and a tank top and I'm seconds away from making an ass of myself like I did on our date night! Whoever buys his clothes, I thank them.

I stood as he approached, and my gaze unknowingly focused on his chest. That tank top was pulled tight over his torso and left little to the imagination about the body beneath. Bennett snapped his fingers in front my face forcing me to meet his gaze.

"There we go. Keep the eyes up here." he said, gesturing to his face that I wanted to kiss so badly if only to get rid of that cocky smirk. Since when did he get like this?

Bold, are we? I like it. It means progress.

"So... how come the sudden invite?"

Bennett only smiled and crooked a finger, gesturing me forward as he turned and led the way out of the living room. My gaze trailed over his frame and I see, the back view is just as good as the front.

He led me down a short corridor running adjacent to the kitchen that led to a set of sliding doors that looked out onto the adjoining patio. An entire beige colored couch set took up most of the space surrounding a small circular coffee table. We went out there and I placed my bag quietly on the single seat sofa.

When next I turned around, he was seated on the armrest of the long couch on the other side of the patio, carefully watching me with a soft expression. Putting my hands in my pockets, I raised an eyebrow as he broke the silence with a question.

"How are you?"

"Irritated because my mate is being a secretive little shit. But fine, otherwise. What about you? Finally going to tell me what's going on?" I retorted and he expelled a deep breath, leaning forward to rest his palms on his knees. He nodded.

"No more secrets." he breathed, slipping down onto the sofa. He turned his body sideways and propped his feet, folding his legs in. He patted the space in front of him and without missing a heartbeat, I went over like a dog to it's master.

Speaking of dogs, at that second, a bark sounded from somewhere inside the house which was followed by the panicked pitter patter of paws coming down the steps and across the corridor from which we came. Muttsey came running out onto the patio and jumped up onto the sofa between Bennett and me. The pit pup snuggled up against Bennett, licking at his face before simmering down for some attention, his pink tongue lolling out as my mate rubbed him between the ears.

"He really likes you. How's he settled in?"

My mate smiled fondly at the pit terrier as I reached a hand out to run it along Muttsey's back. I took note of the healing scars along the pup's side and stomach, some having been reduced to scabs. Muttsey was obviously getting royal treatment here and he was a lot happier than when I saw him on Sunday.

"He's doing great. He's warming up to other people and I think he's grown especially fond of Jax. He's been here almost everyday since I brought Muttsey home."

We petted Muttsey for a while more before Bennett ordered him down. The pit terrier, like the obedient little guy that he was, laid down on the floor at our feet. I reclined against the backrest.

"You were saying." I prodded quietly.

He sighed heavily, shutting his eyes as though he were about to confess the world's greatest sin. "The truth. Remember our date and how I was acting strange? Then I told you I thought I saw someone?" he reminded, and I nodded. It wasn't that difficult to forget for one, I had never been more spooked in my life, and second, he's been acting weird since then.

"Well.. I was right. Somebody was following us."

Okay, that's fucked up. Why would somebody follow two guys on a date?

"As a fourth-in-command, I have this sort of sixth sense that-"

"Alerts you about danger?" I finished for him and he frowned. "Asher mentioned that once." I shrugged and he gave me a suspicious stare before continuing with his story.

"Anyway, I got this sinister vibe throughout the night and each time I checked, that person was not very far away. It's a guy. That much was certain from his height and build. He was there at the pier, then at the cemetery. He followed us to the Walsh's and remember when I ran off on you in Pymbrooke Creek?" he laid out, the pattern he described getting me more spooked by the second. "I was chasing him. And that Volkswagen that sped past us too. I had noticed it tailing us since we crossed over into Valley Heights. I just wanted to ensure my suspicions were right when I told you to slow down because that Volkswagen was in the parking lot at the pier and then, across the street from the restaurant."

I stared at him suspiciously. "Is this another one of your pranks to scare me?" He scowled, rolling his eyes.

"I wouldn't joke about something like this, Carter. I didn't like the fact that somebody was following us and worse, that they saw us together." he retorted, an edge to his tone as he thrusted a hand between us.

Okay, that hurt a little. And I spoke before I caught onto what he really meant. "What's so bad about that?"

"Everything, Carter!" he replied firmly, earning himself a glare to which he returned without fail and the determination to make me submit. But I wouldn't back down. "I have enemies." he said quietly when he realized I wouldn't let a statement like that slip by so easily. "Those enemies have shown me in the past, how easy it is rip away the people I love in the most inhumane way. In a manner that broke me."

He sighed again. "When we were taken, me, Bentley and... Chester," he began, and even now, I noticed he didn't like saying his ex's name. Even when we had spoken about the guy, I noticed how he referred to his ex by the masculine pronoun. But never his name, until now. "They tied me up and pumped me with enough wolfsbane to kill me. It was their way of keeping me compliant and sedated but conscious while they tortured Chester and Bentley. All my life, I've had to deal with pack mates throwing it in my face that I was weak and pathetic. That I would never amount to anything useful and I'd be the reason our pack fell. When my brother and Chester were murdered, I had never felt so disgusted with myself because I realized how right they'd been. I couldn't do anything to save them except cry and beg for mercy. Not even get out of my restraints."

"It's not your fault." And it wasn't. This is a sensitive topic for him, I can tell, but terrible things happen all the same and sometimes, there isn't anything we can do. He shouldn't go around blaming himself and carrying this much guilt. From the way he spoke of Bentley, it sounds like they had a close relationship. I'm sure that if he's watching over Bennett, he's probably upset that his brother would think this way.

Bennett shook his head, his eyes glazed over with unshed tears. "But it is! If I had only been stronger, they would still be here. They'd still be...alive."

His defenses were lowered and that emotional barrier he'd put up to keep me locked out had fallen for the moment. It was now that I saw what he'd been so careful to hide. Why his expressions were so careful, his words, and tone of voice when he spoke.


Real pain. And I saw just how vulnerable and broken he truly was. And that, broke my heart seeing him like this. It hurt more than the physical pain the depth of his emotional one caused me.

Unable to keep seeing him like this, I breached one of the most important rules when dealing with PTSD victims. I touched him without consent as I pulled him closer and wrapped my arms around him. The times before didn't count as our proximity then had been used solely as a tool of control.

This...was different.

There was no need to gain control. This went far deeper than just the bond that tied us together. And I think he realized that because he went absolutely still in my hold despite our awkward position.

"I hate seeing you like this." I held him for gods know how long, constantly reassuring him that it wasn't his fault. I knew my words fell on deaf ears because for whatever reason, he blamed himself for their deaths. He might have been there, but he was as much a victim as they were. The only difference is that he survived.

When finally I felt his rampaging emotions subside to the point where they were tolerable, I released him taking note of his doe eyed stare as though his brain was still processing what just happened.

"That's why you were hesitant to get close to me, isn't it? You were afraid of losing someone else. Especially like that." I mused as the pieces started fitting together. He nodded, then shook his head to get rid of the unshed tears that shimmered in his eyes. Grinning as I found a way to cheer him up, I took hold of his hand and slid closer along the backrest.

"Does this mean you love me?" My question made him smile but he rolled his eyes.

"We're not there yet." he said making me pout. "But..." he continued, and I perked up as he fiddled with my fingers, "I care about you. A lot."

"Heh!" Grinning, I reached up and cradled his face while attacking his cheek with kisses. Bennett laughed at my attack, but he didn't push me away either, rather letting me have my fill of peppering him with affection. And that really reached out to me because it goes to show how much he's grown to trust me in such a short space of time.

It's the little things, I mentally reminded myself. It's the little things that make the biggest impression.

"Which brings me to the real reason I asked you here." he continued, and I moved away, still holding onto him and by now, he was practically in my lap. I remained quiet, waiting for him to continue and he raised an eyebrow in amusement. "I can't do anything to stop you. You're a prideful bastard who will boast of our relationship regardless." he deadpanned, and while he was probably expecting me to pout, I gifted him with a prideful grin.

Of course I'm prideful! I said it before. I have nothing to be ashamed of.

"But you make things difficult for me, you know." he said then, and that wiped the grin off my face as I gave him a curious stare. "You're in danger, Carter. As long as those fuckers are around, you being with me puts you at risk. You won't want to keep our relationship private and it's already too late all thanks to your post on Sunday night. The least I can do is put things in place to ensure your safety."

"You're amazing, you know that?" Bennett rolled his eyes at my cheesy retort. What? He really is. "But quick question. Where does Teddy Pike fit into this exactly?" He stared at me wide-eyed and I nodded. "Yeah...Ash doesn't like keeping secrets."

He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "He was one of the guys who tortured and murdered them."

I went rigid at that. So, there's a murderer wandering around Jasper Falls and the only reason he's spared execution is because he's underage and there are no filed reports against him. It had to be the only explanation. If there were filed reports, he at least would have been detained until he reaches the age to be put on death row.

"That's why I asked Asher to keep an eye on you since you live just houses away from one another. And it's why I've kept my distance these last few days. I needed time to focus and assess your surroundings if I was going to put measures in place."

Aw! He's so sweet to think ahead like that. But it was frightening though, for him to believe that my life would be in so much danger that he'd resort to keeping his distance just to gain a strategic advantage.

"Found anything worrying?"

His expression was firm and focused, yet somehow void to an extent. He nodded once.

"My suspicions... They're not confirmed, nor can they be dismissed. There's a possibility. Since Monday, Teddy's been watching you at school."

Gross! But even that reaction didn't stop the chill that went through me. Especially not at the look on Bennett's face that told me he was as frightened as he was angry.

"I don't like the way he looks at you." he said, meeting my gaze. I nodded slowly, processing everything that he had told me since we came out here on the patio.

"Then, I can safely assume that whatever measures you've put in place, is to protect me from Teddy?"

"In part." he replied, making me frown as he got up and gestured for me to follow. As he led the way back inside, Muttsey walking one step behind him, he deposited me in the living room and told me to wait while he took my bag and headed up the stairs.

He returned a few moments later, shrugging on a hoodie that he left to dangle open. Muttsey was right behind him, the loyal pit terrier never missing a step as Bennett came up to me and slipped his phone into his pocket. He motioned his head for me to follow and I did so without question, until the three of us left the house and started along the pave walk heading further down the street.

Muttsey ran ahead of us, stopping every few paces to ensure we followed.

"Where are we going?"

"Grandpa Kosta's." he answered, and that had me curious.

"Why?" I prodded. Bennett hit me with a sideways glance, a smirk of secretive sorts tugging at his lips.

"You'll see."

I didn't say anything after that, letting him lead the way to a house four homes away from his. They had one of those gates one had to manually roll open that had a pedestrian gate built into it that was left slightly ajar. As we walked in through the pedestrian gate, I noticed that it looked like most, if not everyone who resided here, was home given the three vehicles sitting in the driveway, one behind the next. Bennett led the way up to the house and didn't even bother knocking as he opened the door and gestured me forward. Muttsey ran past me, bumping into my leg as he ran inside.

We crossed a short corridor to the adjoining living area.

"Grandpa?" my mate called, and like groundhogs, they started appearing one by one. If I remember them correctly, Luke emerged from the kitchen, his mouth full of food as he walked in with a bowl. He was followed by Nikolay.

"Where's grandpa?" Bennett asked as his uncles strolled into the living room. Nikolay was the one to speak up since Luke was too busy.

"Upstairs in the lounge. Billy's getting him." he explained. "In the mean time, let's move over to the dining room. Everyone should fit, right, Luke?" he continued, glancing over to his brother who only nodded from his seat on the couch. His response was swiftly followed by his exit. I'm guessing he went to the dining room, and as expected, Nikolay followed, and my mate gently tugged me along.

We headed into the dining room through adjoining corridors, from the living room and into a short corridor. The dining room sat adjacent to the kitchen and had no windows, but it did have a table large enough to fit at least twelve people or so. Bennett's uncles took seats at random and he pulled me along to sit next to him on the immediate left of the head of the table. Muttsey followed too, splooting at Bennett's feet.

"What's going on?" I asked quietly, leaning closer to him.

He gave me a soft smile. One that would usually win me over had I not been a little worried. All this secrecy was making me uneasy.

"Do you trust me?"

"Uh...yes?" I said uneasily, and it sounded more like a question because usually, when someone asks you that, they're about to rope you into doing something illegal, immoral, or just straight up, bad! I gave him a quizzical stare. "Should I be worried?"

He shrugged nonchalantly. "No. But it's good that you are wary. Just means that you're alert."

Okay, now I'm really worried.

"Bennett, please. You're really freaking me out now." He could sense my worry, that much is certain, but his smile didn't falter. He didn't answer my question or make any attempt to, not even when his uncle Billy walked in with a woman in tow. They were followed by his grandfather.

He did, however, use it as an opportunity to tell me who the woman was, seeing as I have never met her or seen her about town.

"That's my Aunt Alyssa. Grandpa's firstborn daughter and she's married to Uncle Billy." he informed, nodding in greeting as his grandfather called out to him, and it was obvious from their exchange that Bennett held the old man in a high regard; and that Kosta was especially fond of his grandson. Kosta nodded to me in greeting.

"Have you told him anything?" Kosta directed toward his grandson who shook his head and grinned as the old werewolf plopped down onto a chair at the head of the table. Billy and Alyssa sat side by side opposite us.

"You would explain it better. Never get tired of hearing the story." he said, and the old werewolf chuckled.

"What story? Can somebody please tell me what's happening here? Please?" I begged, eliciting chuckles from Luke, Bennett, and Alyssa. The old werewolf shook his head quietly before nodding once in Nikolay's direction, who got up and disappeared off to somewhere. His exit was swiftly followed by Billy, who kissed his wife on the cheek and then left.

"My grandson believes your life may be in danger in light of recent events, concerning Blackwater's split and that Tobias is no longer in Jasper Falls. In all the years I've trained him, the one thing I have emphasized is to trust his instinct. Abuse it until it becomes second nature because, one can have all the skills in the world, but what makes an elite warrior is their ability to trust instinct."

Alright. So... what does that have to do with my safety? Of course, I kept that to myself, not wanting to seem rude or disrespectful to the old werewolf because I'm sure he's coming to a point.

Nikolay returned at that moment and placed a small bottle at the center of the table making me go rigid as I stared wide-eyed at the bluish liquid inside. They're crazy!

"T-That's wolfsbane." I stated the obvious, and Nikolay grinned something mischievous before placing a sealed, packaged syringe needle next to it.

I was out of my seat. No way! Do not fucking tell me that they use that like some kind of steroid drug and that they've somehow influenced my mate to think this was healthy!

If they have him thinking that way, then I'll make it my personal mission to get him away from it. He just got our rehab for fuck's sake! For substance and alcohol abuse!

"Carter." Bennett called after me as I stormed out of the dining room, intent on leaving there. I could hear the concern in his tone as he followed but didn't get the chance to leave as he cornered me in the living area. Billy was casually reclined on the long sofa and my guess is that they knew the immorality of what they were doing. That's why they sent him out here. To make sure anyone who came here wouldn't get anywhere past the living room.

"If you tell me that you think this is right, you clearly don't know me, Bennett." I fired, whirling around to pin him with a fierce glare. "You just got out of rehab and if you think for one moment I'll ever be okay with this or what they have you doing, then you're wrong."

"It doesn't affect me, Carter. Not anymore. Especially not after...not after that." he replied softly, averting his gaze to the floor while he picked at the sleeve of his sweatshirt. "Out of everyone in my family, Grandpa Kosta has never once hurt me. Everything he does for me is for my benefit. And he never would've given me wolfsbane without my consent."

"Why would you ever think that getting hooked on wolfsbane is a good idea? You admitted to me earlier that it was once used against you. How could you ever condone using it?" I shouted, but immediately deflated feeling regret swirl up in me when he stepped back. Something in him jumped, and his heartbeat skipped for a split second.

Raising my voice was one of the worse things I could ever do to him. He'd actually gotten startled.

"I'm sorry." I apologized, grabbing hold of his hand and pulling him closer. In my peripheral vision, I noticed Billy slink around the corner and out of sight. He must've realized this should be a private conversation. "Yelling was a bad idea. I just don't understand how you could ever think this is a good idea given your past with it."

He pursed his lips, fiddling with his fingers as his anxiety sparked slightly, but it was mixed more with irritation. I didn't need to read his emotions to know that he was feeling that way. His face alone is a good indicator.

"It's only been a month since we've acknowledged our bond. There's still a lot you don't know about me. And do you really think I'd be stupid enough to try something I wasn't sure of?" he shot back, watching me closely as though daring me to object.

"Just...hear him out and maybe in time, you'll come to learn why I really use wolfsbane. Regular wolves would never think once about using it. I'm not normal."

I didn't know how to respond to that last bit, so, keeping my mouth shut, he took that as the initiative to lead me back. Inside the room, Kosta, Luke, Nikolay and Alyssa were speaking in hushed tones that stopped abruptly upon our reentry. Billy nodded, and left the dining room again to play watchman as my mate led me over to where we had been seated.

"I take it my grandson spoke some sense into you." Kosta replied in a gruff tone making me grimace.

"Not particularly. I just don't understand how any sensible man would allow his child or grandchild to use something so profound. Something that could kill our kind."

Kosta chuckled, reaching over to swipe up the small bottle. He gave it a light shake. "There are several types of wolfsbane. Most are lethal. This one, isn't."

"Oh yeah?" I challenged. Of course, I knew there were nonlethal wolfsbane plants. Like the one Jessop had once injected Sky and his father with. But, just because it won't kill us, doesn't mean I want it anywhere near my mate.

Do they even realize how wrong this is? Did they even know that during the first raid on their pack, Bennett was kept drugged on it? Surely, any person in their right mind would do anything to keep him away from it. The only reasons I returned to this dining room to listen to this nonsense is because Bennett is right. There is still so much about him that remains a mystery. And only because he so kindly suggest I listen to his grandfather, someone he holds the utmost respect for, I decided to chance it.

"I'll tell you a story about my family."

Oh, great! Here we go.

I struggled to stop from rolling my eyes only out of the respect for my mate.

"Almost five generations ago, my family used to live in the east. The Kabanov family was wealthy. In both green and power. Our family was an alpha family." When he said this, my gaze flitted over to Bennett who looked akin to a child being told his favorite adventure tale before bedtime.

I wonder, does that mean that he has alpha blood running through his veins? It's been five generations so it's likely it's barely there if it hasn't been depleted.

"But, like all good things, our time of power was reaching its peak and soon, allies turned foes, and our existing enemies grew bolder. The attacks on our pack became too much and soon, father turned against son, son betrayed father. Mother killed daughters and sons. All in the name of survival. Some, fled. In just under two years, the Kabanov family was facing the fall of their pack. Only the three prominent families below ours stood strong with us-"

"Intriguing story." I spoke, cutting him off. Kosta raised an eyebrow. "But what's it got to do with that?" I pointed to the small bottle of bluish liquid.

"We were a strong pack. Our genes were in a sense, superior. And we did not leave training new warriors to fourth-in-commands alone. All four prominent families pitched in and together, not only did our pack birth strong warriors, but our training regimen produced mostly elite warriors. No one was left defenseless."

"So... how did you fall?" I asked uneasily, already knowing what the answer may be. Kosta grinned, tapping the cover of the small bottle, once, then twice.

"It was the only way to weaken us to the point where we were defenseless. But, even with only four families left, the hunt didn't stop. Our enemies wanted us gone. Wiped out of existence. Until the third-in-command suggested an outlandish idea. Given his affinity with science, the other heads questioned his mental state, but he had a goal in mind. And somehow, he swayed their doubts into beliefs and started research on nonlethal types of wolfsbane. He figured that if our enemies sought wolfsbane to weaken us, we would use wolfsbane to strengthen ourselves."

"It works?" I queried. I was still against it, but it was indeed an intriguing story. Kosta nodded at my question.

"It's our little family secret." Luke stated with a sideways smirk. "So..." he trailed, holding a finger to his mouth indicating that I tell no one about this. I glanced to the faces around me in curiosity.

" all of you use it?" They all nodded. Even Alyssa. "Why?"

"Every family has its weird thing. This is ours." Alyssa spoke since the first time in ever. "Our bloodline isn't just an alpha bloodline, Carter. We are also elite warriors. It's in our blood to be the best of the best." she explained, and I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows at the prejudice and egoism in her tone. Kosta chuckled.

"It's not quite so. It's far simpler. Immunity." he explained, and Alyssa nodded.

"Yes. And my handsome nephew over there can tell you a thing or two about wolfsbane immunity." she said, and I glanced over to Bennett who only shrugged, giving me a secretive little smirk in return.

"That's also one of the reasons I was at your house yesterday." he spoke up gesturing toward his grandfather. "Don't worry, your father was completely against it, too. So, I had back up. And we explained to him that we would only ever give you wolfsbane if we have your consent. This isn't something to take lightly."

I held my hand up. "Okay, so, I get it. Taking wolfsbane, especially that type, builds immunity to wolfsbane."

"Quite a few types, too. Ever wondered why it's this shade of blue?" Kosta questioned, making me go quiet. No, I didn't think about that. And now that I looked at the liquid closely, it was indeed an odd shade of blue. The nonlethal type is an attractive shade of blue and the ones that kill look like piss.

"This isn't just one type of wolfsbane. It's an engineered breed. A cross between maybe four different species of nonlethal wolfsbane plants and a few other edible ones that boost immunity and a few other health benefits."

Scary. Terrifying. What else are they going to tell me? They're born from a race of advanced, ancient werewolves!

"Not only that." Bennett perked up. "There's one other major benefit. But, I'll have to show you. That's why I asked you to walk with a change of clothes and to stay the night." he informed, then gave me a devilish type of grin that made me uneasy. "When I'm done with you, you'll be begging for mercy."

Well...that sounds...kind of kinky.

Of course, I couldn't help but grin. "Oh yeah?" I challenged, leaning closer to him and he raised an eyebrow. "What kind of things will you be doing?" I teased; my voice suggestive.

He checked the time on his phone, and I glanced at the screen to see that it was well past the midday hour.

"Get up. We're going there now." A pout made its way onto my face, noting the firmness of his tone that was practically a command.

"Where are we going now?"

He didn't say anything, just gave me a firm stare that told me to shut up and follow. And that's what I did as he led the way out of his grandfather's house and continued walking without so much as a word. Muttsey followed, jogging ahead of us, but turned every few paces to ensure we followed.

And after a few minutes of silence engulfed walking, we came upon a building that looked a lot like a gym. Still, he said nothing, quietly leading me up to the building and through its front doors. He led me further inside to an adjoining training room where there was a group of preteens surrounding a sparring ring, and inside were two boys pinned against one another. Glancing over the group, I recognized their instructor as that pack warrior guy who didn't like me.

What was his name again? Alan? Alicia?

"Alistair." my mate called.

Oh yeah, right.

Alistair stepped away, signaling for his students to take a break as he made his way over. Muttsey met him halfway and he leaned down to pet the pit terrier before the dog escorted him over.

"B." Alistair greeted with a type of familial fondness. He then turned to me with his rude self. "Hayes." I rolled my eyes at that.

"No fighting." my mate warned, cutting the both of us a sharp glare that dared us to defy him. "Al, mind sharing the training room with us?"

Alistair chuckled, shaking his head. "Absolutely not. I would love to watch you kick his ass." he taunted, grinning smugly my way. My nostrils flared, but instead of retaliating, I simply scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest as Bennett wriggled a finger in warning to his subordinate. The warrior wolf held his hands up, his grin staying fixed in place a moment longer before he shook his head again.

The grin dropped a moment later as he gestured toward the group of preteen wolves awaiting his return. Some stood about in pairs and groups talking and goofing off, others were on their phones. But one boy in particular caught my attention and I frowned, not really paying attention to Alistair and Bennett.

A sub boy. Probably younger than most of the tweens here. If anything, he looked about nine or ten, and he was significantly smaller than all the other boys. Including the other sub boys so that told me that he was in fact, younger. He sat quietly in one corner, reading a book. But that wasn't what irritated me.

A trio of tween dominant boys stood close by, and it was obvious from the way the sub flinched every once in a while, that they were talking about him, maybe even berating the poor child.

"You condone bullying in your class?" I spoke up, shooting Alistair a firm glare as my gaze wandered back to the sub boy for a split second to see him flinch and try to hide away behind his novel. The trio of idiot tweens laughed boisterously.

"I do not." Alistair returned. "Unfortunately, I got stuck with a class full of troublemakers and idiots. Why?" he asked curiously, and I gestured over to the where the sub boy was, now being approached by the trio. The sub boy stared up at them in fear, his eyes already glazed over with tears as he surveyed the space for an exit. Alistair growled.

"Oi! Unless you bastards want to run fifty laps around Black Rock territory, leave him alone! This is the last time I'm warning you little shits! I won't be as lenient the next time." the warrior wolf threatened. The trio rolled their eyes in annoyance but complied.

It seemed as though their reaction angered Alistair because he turned to us with a determined, wicked kind of gleam.

"Use the training room. School those idiots on respect. I'm tired of dealing with them and their nasty, disrespectful attitude. Worse, they don't respect you either." Alister informed, glancing to Bennett at that last bit before he grinned and patted my mate on the shoulder. "Show them why you are the next fourth-in-command and why you're considered the elite."

Bennett only nodded, motioning me forward as Alistair cooed at Muttsey and gently led him outside. Once Muttsey was outside, the warrior wolf pulled the gates to keep him outside.

"I know buddy." Alistair cooed at the pit terrier when the dog started whimpering. "But, he's going to train, and you don't like people hitting him. Don't wanna make him upset because you attacked someone and they're trying to get rid of you. That would be bad." Alister continued, petting the dog's head through the gate bars.

I followed after my mate, mimicking his actions of slipping off the flip flops. I too preferred to train barefoot. He removed his sweatshirt so now he stood before me in joggers and a tank top, and let me tell you, that boy is fine.

I removed my T-shirt as well knowing I had put on a vest beneath it, my hearing focusing on Alistair who had returned to the group and had started speaking.

"Unexpected, special visit today. Your next fourth-in-command is gonna demonstrate for us exactly what we are working toward. By the time most you come of age, Bennett will more than likely already be the new fourth-in-command. That means, all warrior wolves will be working under him. And I know there is a significant fraction of you whose aim is to become a warrior. You will follow his orders to the letter and demonstrate high levels of respect, discipline, loyalty and honesty. Your next fourth-in-command holds those virtues very high and he would expect nothing less from those he will come to command."

I don't like this bunch. They seem like a bunch of disrespectful turds. That much is certain from the rolling of their eyes, scoffing, and smug attitude like they were looking down on their superior.

How disgusting!

"And what if someone wanted to challenge the next fourth-in-command?" some kid said, sneering the title as though Bennett were beneath him. I recognized the kid as one of the trio who was bothering that sub boy, who by the way, was currently staring at Bennett with complete admiration. The sub was obviously starstruck.

"Out of good fairness, anyone who challenges me has the opportunity to prove him or herself." my mate spoke up, his tone different from all the other times he'd spoken. I took a moment to observe him only to realize that Bennett was in a different element. One that meant business.

Firm. Strong. Callous. And even void.

"But if one should fail, you fall back into line. Now, learn a thing or two."

He didn't speak as he beckoned me forward, and once we were inside the ring, he rolled his shoulders and turned to me. He held out a hand and waved me forward.

"Come at me."

I frowned. ""

"Scared?" he taunted, grinning smugly. I rolled my eyes at that, carefully approaching him.

"I'm not. I could seriously hurt you and I don't want that- Ow!" I cried, stumbling back when I realized he literally slapped me across the face.

"Rule number one. No talking. Rule number two. Never underestimate your opponent."

"I wasn't! Would you just listen to me!" I cried, dodging out of the way as he swung his right leg up. "Bennett! Listen to me!"

"You're here to receive training, Hayes!" my mate suddenly barked firmly, the use of my title falling from his lips clamped my jaw shut as I stared at him. His blue eyes were ablaze with a certain ferocity and determination, his stance tall and intimidating, very unlike the Bennett Reid I had come to know.

Where was my bashful mate?

My mate who had a mysterious aura. Whose words were guarded. Where did all of this confidence suddenly spring from?

No. I wasn't looking at my mate. I was looking at the next fourth-in-command of Black Rock. An elite warrior; the next commander of Black Rock's defense unit.

"See me as your mortal enemy. As someone you wish to kill with your bare hands and don't be worried about my safety. If you're ever going to get where I am, show me what you are made of."

This is his plan? To train me. I don't doubt his methods, but does he really think I can't handle myself?

"I know you can hold your own." he said then, his voice far more gentle and softer making me jump as I realized his proximity. "I just need to test you. To be assured you're really that good and I won't have to worry obsessively about your safety when I'm not around. Humor me, please." He gave me that soft expression again that was filled with so much hope that I couldn't help but fall in love with him all over again.

I nodded. "Okay. This is what you think is best. Then, I'll give you my best." He smiled at my response and stepped back.

"Don't hold back, alright."

I wanted to because there was still a lot of work to be done in controlling the chaotic animal half of myself. Mate or not, I may sometimes get out of control. My only hope is that it doesn't come to that.

Bennett nodded, and motioned for me to approach him, so I did, charging forward only to have him raise his palm right up to my nose. The impact made me stumble back as my eyes watered, exclaims of awe eliciting from the preteens surrounding the ring. I didn't have a moment to recover as Bennett grabbed me and a moment later, I could feel myself flying through the air. I landed with a loud thud on my back, at the center of the ring. Coughing, I glanced up to see my mate's face come into focus.

"I'll be testing you on two major components. Speed and skill. Try to keep up."

We sparred for gods know how many rounds and each time, I lost.

Giving him my all wasn't working as I demonstrated and exhausted every skill and tactic I had learned throughout the years. And just when he was almost pinned, and victory was in my grasp, he did some crazy, impossible stunt that gave him the win.

"Again!" Bennett shouted. A growl escaped my lips as I turned to glare up only to realized he was already on his feet and assessing me. My body was covered in so much sweat, it dripped down the sides of my face and fell to the ring mat beneath me. My breathing came in shallow, and my animal half was pushing to the front.

"Pin him again!" one of the kids shouted, bouncing excitedly in his spot near the ring and Alistair had to hold him back from getting too close.

A low growl emanated from my throat. I didn't like being humiliated. I didn't appreciate the fact that Bennett was making all my years of hard, rigorous training seem obsolete.

"Getting angry are you?" he taunted, confidently strutting forward. He leaned down to my level as I staggered to my feet, my nerves tingling and my muscles sore from overexertion of energy just to try and keep up. Bennett slapped my shoulder in a provocative manner. "Good. Use it. Channel your anger but think before you attack. You've been sloppy."

I saw red at that. He was only doing it to get a reaction but that hit close to home. My ego as a human was already bruised enough from having my ass handed to me. Now he dealt a blow that affected my animal half and it was becoming difficult to keep the animal at bay.

I couldn't get out of control. Not in front of all these kids. And not in front of Bennett. He didn't need to see that side of me when all he was trying to do was help. Because he was afraid for my life.

It become a physical, and mentally exhausting battle to stay in control.

"Carter! In a real fight, you'd be dead already! Attack me!"


Clamping my fists shut, I squeezed my eyes close and willed the human into control. I hated when this happened. I was one being but in times like this, I was reminded how truly different I am. I sometimes felt as though there a foreign entity residing inside me.

"Bennett... Stop!" I gritted out, crumbling to my knees and then my palms. I could feel the animal half of myself clawing and scratching at the surface, desperate to get out and make him submit. To show him that I'm the superior here.

Being disrespected and humiliated never went over well, especially when it was done to a higher ranked wolf. Worse, when that high ranked wolf is unstable and unpredictable at best.

It was getting difficult to contain now and I knew I had to get out of here. Shaking my head as a growl escaped me, the faint sounds of several retreating footsteps met my hearing, and a second later, a presence hovered nearby.

"Carter." his voice said softly, accompanied by the gentle sensation of his hand on my shoulder as he came to kneel beside me. A growl slipped past my lips, my nerves tingling with a newfound energy as anger arose inside me, the only thought running through my head was to make him submit and prove who the more dominant male was.

I lunged at him and he stumbled back but I gave him no room to recover or defend himself as I pinned his wrists on either side of his head. Something flashed in his eyes and if I hadn't been so far lost to my animal side, I could have sworn it was fear.

But as quickly as the emotion surfaced, it went away as he continued to stare up at me. "Carter. Calm down. It was only a test."

"I am calm!" I gritted out, a little to harshly. Bennett rolled his eyes, that little action I was usually obsessed with, ticking me off more than usual as I slammed his wrists back down when he tried wriggling away.

Bennett scoffed, hooking his legs around mine and pushing me away. The unexpected burst of strength that he used, pushed me off and he rolled to his knees so that he was the one pinning me to the mat by my wrists. A continuous growl emanated from my throat as I struggled against his grip.

"You need to calm down. If you're ever going to fight Tobias, Teddy, or any one of those guys, you need to gain control. They will say things to provoke you."

I continued to struggle against him when he did something unexpected. He placed his forehead against mine and breathed in deeply, urging me to do the same as he closed his eyes. My shallow breathing came to a halt, the tenderness in his voice grounding me as the animal half started to mellow.

"Just, breathe." he said quietly, and my eyes fell close. Letting out a shaky breath, I let his touch ground me, making the bond sizzle and zap at my nerves.

We stayed like that for a while before the absence of his proximity, his scent invading my senses, and warmth of his skin against mine disappeared, snapping me out of my trance where it was just the two of us.

His words, the tenderness in his tone, I suddenly craved to hear his voice again. Feel his skin against mine.

I couldn't deny that I was angry. He pushed and pushed until I was bordering on far too gone. Yet somehow, he brought me back.

One thing I didn't like talking or thinking about was my ex. But it was in this moment I realized that maybe, somehow, the goddess had gotten it wrong with Kelly and me. It was in our belief that the goddess could do no wrong. She was our creator. Yet somehow, she did get it wrong.

Kelly wasn't the one for me. She couldn't do what Bennett had just done, and he did it so effortlessly. There was no fear or uncertainty that he might fail and possibly get hurt.

He was reckless with his safety around me.

"Why did you do that?" I directed firmly, and there was no need to elaborate. He knew what I was referring to.

Bennett sat back next to me, looking down with a soft expression and a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "You're angry. Aren't you?"

I propped myself on my elbows. "What do you think, Bennett? I have trouble controlling my wolf and you just provoked the shit out of me! You could've gotten hurt!" I barked, rolling out of the ring and glancing around the training room.

"Bathrooms are outside, on your right." he informed, gesturing to the adjoining gym we had come through to get here. Scoffing, I stormed out and into the bathroom taking a moment to calm myself, focusing on my breathing and to sedate the anger from being humiliated. I realized that I had a true, deep fear of hurting him.

My wolf was frighteningly strong, so much so, that the first time I was forced, and dragged into isolation, I'd only been about fourteen. And it took Isaiah, my father, Steven, and Rick; all four prominent leaders of Marcana, all of them, grown men to drag me there. And they struggled every step of the way.

Even Isaiah. Marcana's alpha. Someone who's considered the strongest, struggled to keep me at bay and in so doing, my claws nicked him, and he stayed in pain for days. I had only been fourteen, then.

Now, I'm older, and everyday is still a struggle to keep it in check and the only time I did manage it, was around him.

So, what went wrong today? Sure, he was able to effortlessly calm me but why did I get so mad? Is it because I'm a beta who didn't appreciate opposition from a lower ranked wolf?

What did it matter? He's a high ranked wolf. Considered the elite warrior of his pack and today he'd taught me something about myself.

I wasn't strong enough to protect him. If I was ever going to do that, to become his pillar, I had to get stronger. Not just in skill, but control. And part of me wondered if he had realized that.

If he did, is that why he pushed me to the breaking point?

Splashing water onto my face, neck and washing off the extra sweat from my arms and back, I removed the vest and headed back to the training room. I stopped in the doorway to see my mate seated on the matted flooring, his legs crossed and folded under him. His eyes were closed and expression peaceful.

"Feeling better, now?" he said, cracking an eye open to peek at me. Goddess! I just can't stay mad at him. Shaking my head, I approached him, and he got to his feet with a sweet smile, closely watching me with a fond expression.

"You shouldn't have done that, Bennett. Do you realize that I could've seriously hurt you?" I argued, stepping closer so that there was only about a foot's distance between us. Bennett only grinned something sweet.

"I know. But you worry too much." he replied softly, tapping my shoulder with his finger. I grabbed hold of his hand, entwining our fingers together and I carefully watched his expression taking into account every subtle change as he had clearly not been expecting me to do that. He kept his gaze trained on our hands as though it were the most interesting thing in the world.

"I don't think you do."

He chuckled at that. "I do. I knew the potential risks of doing this."

"So, why did you do it?" Bennett locked gazes with me, his face mostly void of emotion but there was a soft warmth in his eyes.

"It's only been one month since we've been..." he started, gesturing between us as if to find the right word, to which he failed. It was kind of complicated.

We're mates, and we have been spending time together but we're not yet in an official relationship. But I care about him so damn much. I'm crazy about him. And while I don't think he's gotten there yet with his feelings toward me, there's definitely something there.

"You've done so much more for me than I ever expected. And I didn't even ask you. I just wanted to return the favor."

"Evening things off?" I teased a little and he shook his head.

"No. With all the small things you do, I just want to make sure you know that you can lean on me too. The same way you just always seem to be there when I need you. Even if I don't want you there. I want to help you get past this. To get stronger. The same way you're doing it for me without even realizing."

"B..." This was so much more than I expected. I had no idea he felt this way. Bennett gave me a small smile that spoke volumes about how he really felt, and my heart skipped a beat.

I couldn't believe it. I had once wondered if he would ever love me that much. If he would ever look at me as though I were the center of his universe.

"I told you. I care about you a lot." he said quietly, reaching closer and placing a quick, soft kiss on my cheek. I stared at him owlishly, far too focused on trying to remember how to breathe instead of teasing him about his growing blush.

Carter Kristian Hayes! You better not fucking faint! Breathe, for fuck's sake.

Bennett tilted his head, staring at me now in concern. "Are you alright?"

I nodded. "Mhmm." Not even my voice is working properly! What the fuck? How does he have this effect on me?

"Uh...okay. about we get back to the house?" he suggested, and I only nodded, not trusting my voice.

Bennett slipped his hand out of mine, allowing us to gather our things and I won't lie. I already missed having physical contact with him. We headed out of the training room through the back gate rather than the room we had come through for the simple reason that Muttsey was still out there.

As we walked back to my mate's place of residence, Muttsey jogging next to Bennett, my mate told me about his plan to get me stronger.

"I'll train you every week, maybe two or three times. Come prepared, because I won't have mercy on you."

A smirk curled my lips. To a passerby, that could sound so dirty. "I know you're the kinky type, but you know if you train me, we will never get anything done. Looks like we'll be having a lot of fun over the next few weeks, then. I look forward to it." I teased, sending a wink his way. Bennett only growled in irritation, rolling his eyes.

"Why are you this way? Stop joking around for a few minutes and let's talk about this seriously." he retorted, glaring at me a little as we approached his home. I laughed at his response.

"Okay, fine. But let me take a shower first. And maybe we can go get something to eat. We'll talk then."

"Alright. You take the bathroom upstairs. I'll use the one downstairs. I know this okay place we can go eat." he replied, making me frown and slow down as we entered the house. "What's wrong?" he asked curiously, stopping at the bottom of the stairway when we realized I was a few paces behind. I locked gazes with him.

"Are you asking me out?"

He smirked. "We're dating, aren't we?"

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