Wolfdanes' Darkness (1)

By BiosDelta12

582 51 17

Our world was not always dark, it used to be full of vivid colors and the sun would beam down on us with its... More

Chapter 1: Our Mother's destruction
Chapter 2: My Mother's provenance
Chapter 3.0: My Mother's demented
Chapter 3: My Mother's resolute
Chapter 4: Our Mother's Surname and Promise
Chapter 5: Our Mother's paradox
Chapter 5.5 : Bonus Chapter - Character Time!!
Chapter 6: U.C.
Chapter 7: A Wolfdane's temper
Chapter 7.5: Bonus Chapter - Character Time (2) !!
Chapter 8: Part 1: Our Uncles's penance
Chapter 9: Part 2: Our Uncle's masked savior
Chapter 10: Part 3: Our Uncle's competence of time
Chapter 11: The Wolfdane's daily morning routine
Chapter 11.5: Bonus Chapter - Character Time (3) !!
Chapter 12: The Wolfdane's daily afternoon routine
Chapter 12.5: Bonus Chapter - Character Time (4) !!
Chapter 13: The Wolfdane's daily night routine
Chapter 13.5 : Bonus Chapter - Character Time (5) !!
Chapter 14: A Dark Creature's Evolution
Chapter 15: A Dark Creature's Abilities
Chapter 16: A Dark Creature's Oath
Chapter 17: A Wolfdane's Guardian
Chapter 18: Our Mother's future and past
Chapter 18.5: Bonus Chapter - Character Time (6) !!
Bonus Chapter: Character Time (7) !!
Bonus Chapter : Short
Bonus Chapter: Character Time (8) !!

Chapter 2.2 : My Mother's misfortune

30 2 0
By BiosDelta12

  Closing the journal with an unsatisfied 'humph', Oriana leaned back against the harsh wood beneath her. Flipping on her stomach, she reopened the journal once more and gave it another glance. Coming upon more of her mother's crazy tales of her young days. Reading the fine details of how her mother would beat the living crap out of so many people and leave without much of a scratch. 

   Is that really how Mother started out as? A she-devil-delinquent!?

  Oriana clutched her sides as she continued to read her mother's diary, and came across one of her deep secrets that she would never tell the triplets. Even if they begged her; she had a tight lid on her past. This much told Oriana that she knew Mr. Dark and Gloomy, that now lurks around their village; who insisted that one of her brothers' or her, has the perfect heart for them.

Geez, ethereal's really are persistent.

Shaking her head, Oriana turned another page to her mother's past and sighed when she finally got to a page that was at least somewhat clean.

  Should I even say clean? Giving my mother's handwriting a look over, I would have said that she didn't really care how her writing skills were. Reminds me of one of my annoying brothers...

Speaking of which, where are those freaks?

  A loud noise breaks Oriana's concentration. Making her have to put the book down or she would have ripped a page out. That would have been a disastrous move. On both parties; Oriana clenched her free fist in a tight grip and pushed the diary aside. Marching towards the stairs that lead to the attic, Oriana slid down in a fast motion that she almost slammed into a body. 

 This body happened to belong to one of her annoying siblings, almost ending her life in the process. May the Lord have mercy on her soul, if her mother ever found out that she was reading her diary and almost ripping a page. Who knew what ill attempt her mother would even dare to try on poor Oriana.

 Growling, Oriana glanced down at the body of her older brother Vance, she noticed that he was a mess from head to toe. This gained her attention immediately, giving her brother a hand up, Oriana patted his shoulders. Even if he was freakishly tall, she still had some advantages over him.

                                                                        Vance's POV (short)

 This caught Vance's attention, when his younger sister wasn't giving him a lecture on running like a mad dog, especially his state of appearance, he would've been dead long ago. He scratched the back of his head, and was just about to give an explanation, until their middle sibling came sliding into view. Just in time with the weapon that they were using against one another. Fully giving an explanation to their younger sister without a word, they both then knew hell would rain upon the two. 

                                                                                Oriana's POV

 They thought mom was the only one with terrible strength? Ha, who was the one that trained us individually? Who was the one that had to go through the hardest training? 

Me, that is who!! 

 She knew her anger would get her somewhere in life, but she was not expecting a couple of troubled spirits to come with it.

Time to put my own emotional strength to a test. 

 Cracking her knuckles, Oriana bounced on the balls of her feet; that were now bare and reveled in the feeling of her bare feet pattering against the harsh cold floor. 

 Maybe this was one of the feelings that mom was talking about, back in the deep caverns. When she deprived me of having shoes during training time. It does feel lighter. No constrains. 

 Shaking her head from idle thoughts, Oriana gave her two brothers' the signal to go ahead. I dare you look.

First come, first serve, right?

 She kept her anger in check and all the other pent up feelings that washed over her. Taking in deep breaths she felt at ease, but still felt a twang of uneasiness. Since both of her brothers' didn't know how to actually control their emotions sometimes, since all three of their hearts were suppose to be pure and perfect for the Darkness; but for her her heart was already going down hill. Thanks to history, people, and dirty little secrets that she kept finding.

When she meet the two kindred spirits, they told her otherwise.

 So, now I have to watch my own emotions, keep them in check. Don't go over board. Don't do this, or that....Too many rules...

  Sighing, she waited patiently for her first victim. Snickering Oriana cracked her neck, and watched as their middle brother stepped up first; since their older brother was not much for violence. Without care, he threw the bowl that held whatever it was, at their older brother. Who barely grabbed it in time, and without spill.

Nice catch. 

 Their middle sibling then cracked his knuckles and loosened some of his muscles, but in the process almost slipped on what looked like food under his feet. He almost reminded them of a monkey their mother showed them once before in an Earth book. He soon gained his balance back and balled his fist, and steadied himself into a fighting position. One both siblings knew too well. 

Yup, definitely a monkey.

 Even if that were the case, some would say that her second brother would almost be on par with her when it came to actual combat. Sometimes, she would to agree, but he had a knack of not paying attention to his surroundings, or things that shouldn't gain his attention during important lessons. Especially, in these type of situations. For example, he goes in for a punch with a little too much force, only to be pushed back by a round house kick, when he could have totally have blocked it without much issue. Only to have too much pint up energy still build up within him from earlier, and there he goes. Sprawling out on the floor, slightly unconscious, Vance went to his side, poking at his scrabbly head in attempt to get him back on his feet, but to no vain. 

Thank you weird food substance. Thank you brother's for your none cooking skills.

 Clapping her hands in a little too much eagerness, she then faced her oldest brother. Who seems to know her evil gleam a little to well, but as soon as he made eye contact, he was doomed.

No chance of survival, no way out. 

 Our daily exercise is really tiring.

 Oriana smiled at her victory, and sat beside her oldest brother's head. Tilting her head to get a better look at the mess they had made, she shook her head.

Mom's going to be mad...”

Silence filled the room, until the statement reached both brother's ears.

Yup, you guys are definitely screwed.

 Scratching her own messy brown mop, Oriana glanced at the mess that trailed from the kitchen to where the two brother's had immersed from earlier. It stopped perfectly at the edge of the cold floor boards, but there was evidence of god knows what it was; droplets surrounding a very unconscious Liam. Some of it even made it into his own messy head and a bit on his nice clothes.

Mom's going to be peeved with the both of you. Yosh!

So, what were you two trying to-” Oriana's sentence was interrupted by a sudden noise coming from the front door. This also made her brother's jump from their sprawled out forms, and trying to rush to the kitchen, or in her younger brother's case, making a dash out to the nearest window.

"Children, I'm -!" Their mother's voice stopped midway of her call, and a few items were heard being dropped. She most likely just entered the battle field of what used to be a kitchen, and was too shocked to say 'hello' to her own kids.

 Oriana clapped her hands and said a quick prayer, which gained ill looks from her siblings, who stopped in their tracks, and ran towards her in attempt to keep her there for the oncoming torture. Bowing, Oriana made her own escape, and left without a sound. Leaving two very confused brother's, who then crashed into one another. Gaining a she-devils' attention, Oriana blew her tangled brother's a quick kiss and ran for safety.

"Yo, brats! Who was the one that destroyed my kitchen?!" The sounds of terrified screams filled the air that night, notifying Oriana that she barely made it in time.

Escape time~ Yosh!

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