The Angel's Kiss (TayNew and...

By XianChrisSuarez

43.3K 2.2K 214

TayNew and JoongNine Fanfiction #taynew #j9 All his life Tay likes women, but he never dates them. His freedo... More

11.11.19 Pilot Update
Chapter 1: "You..."
Chapter 3: "Us..."
11.15.19 Sneak Peak
Chapter 4: "Them..."
Chapter 5: "The beggining of us..."
Chapter 6: "The Plan"
11.18.19 Update Announcement
Chapter 7: "The Thirst..."
Chapter 8: "The Hunger..."
Chapter 9: "Date Trouble"
11.22.19 Sneak Peak
Chapter 10: "The Diversion..."
Chapter 11: "The Theory..."
Chapter 12: "The Truth..."
11.25.19 Sneak Peak
Chapter 13: "Will you be my..."
Chapter 14: "Keep it low..."
Chapter 15: "We will fight..."
11.29.19 Update
Chapter 16: "Shoot me..."
Chapter 17: "Hello and Fuck Off"
Chapter 18: "My Soulmate..."
Chapter 19: "Be my baby..."
Chapter 20: "I wish you happiness"
Chapter 21: "The Best Thing I ever had"
Chapter 22: "Unlocking Secrets"
Chapter 23: "The Forgotten War"
Chapter 24: "An intense encounter"
Chapter 25: "Hello Stranger"

Chapter 2: "We..."

2.4K 123 18
By XianChrisSuarez

Author's Note:

Let me thank everybody who read the first chapter coz "The Angel's Kiss" trended at #4 for #BangkokStories right after it was published. Thank you so much guys! There were 408 stories and we trended at #4!!! 

Please don't forget to click the "vote" in every chapters and alos I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas so don't hesitate to "comment". I will also really appreciate if you can share this story in facebook, twitter and instagram.

Also add me in my social media accounts for more updates.

Facebook: XianChris Suarez

Instagram: XianChrisSuarez

Enjoy Reading! #taynew #J9 #BangkokStories


Tay's POV

Weekend! Finally, I've been avoiding Newwie for two days and god knows how much I need to have this weekend off. But who am I kidding? I might have succeeded at avoiding him but he's always been in my mind since then. Darn, I even have nightmares about him, well it's not really a bad dream but I've been dreaming that he's been looking after me in my sleep. Like last night where I woke up at dawn feeling like he is inside the room with me. It gets weirder and I needed to really end this madness. I need to go out tonight and find a hot chick to bang! I need to get back to liking women. Yes, ever since I saw him it's as if my interest to women was switched of.

"Where are you?" it was a message from Joong. He is another person that I avoided for quite sometimes. I don't want him to have an opportunity to press the issue.


"Stop avoiding me..."

"I'm not avoiding you..."

"Yes, you are...I'm coming in..." I rolled my eyes. Typical Joong. The door opened and I didn't even bother to look on who entered.

"Joong, I want you to stop mentioning New... I don't have time and I don't have any interest about him. He is nothing but just an ordinary guy at school." I heard no reply from him. "Are you even listening?" I asked without looking at him.

"So, stop avoiding me then if I'm just an ordinary guy like you said" I stopped whatever I am doing. What the fuck! Why is he in my room? I turned around from my computer table and saw the last guy I wanted to see. He is comfortably sitting on my bed with a huge grin.

"Why am I here?" He asked as I struggled to found my voice again. Why does he have so much confidence in him?


"Don't flatter yourself I'm not here just to see you..."

"I didn't say anything like that..."

"But the way you were acting it feels like it is what you are thinking." He stood up and got closer to where I am seated.

"What are you doing?"

"Does every action I make means something? Like as if I'm gonna rape you?"

"I'm not scared of you" I said.

"Good, coz you have nothing to fear. If it'll make you comfortable you are not my type anyways." Now that hit my ego. How the hell he can say that in front of me?

"You are not my type as well. I'm not gay..." I answered back.

"Then were clear about everything so stop acting weird then and let's do our project before we both get failing grade." Right, the project.

"Whatever..." I answered and throw the book towards him.

"Where can we study?" he looked at my bed and there is no way I will be on the bed with him.

"Wait for me downstairs" I answered. He nodded and exited the room.

"Shit!" I pulled my phone out and called Joong.


"Fuck you Joong! Why did you bring him in my house? What is wrong with you?"

"Oh, I thought you wouldn't mind since you've told me over and over again that you got no problem with him. Thou, you've been avoiding him for days! Look Tay, just do what you needed to do with your project. If he really means nothing to you it'll be okay..."

"Still fuck you!" I dropped the call and took a deep sigh. Joong was right if he really means nothing to me I needed to calm myself and face him. I went downstairs and foundd him seated on the sofa with the book and notes on the table. He looked up and smiled. Darn, why does he have this cute smile? This will be awfully hard to ignore.

"Are you ready?" I nodded and sat on the single sofa next to where he is.

We spent about an hour structuring the presentation we will make and the things we needed to personally do research for. As time passes by I got used to his presence, he is actually an easy guy to be with. He's so damn smart and knows everything., as if he wrote the freaking engineering book himself.

"Wanna grab something to eat?" I asked. He looked surprised and I get why. A while ago I was about to run away from him again but now I'm asking him out. Wait, wouldn't it look like a date if we will eat out?

"Sure, why not. We're done anyways..." He fixed his things and put it on his backpack.

"I'll change and be right back." I hurriedly went back to my room to change into simple jeans and white shirt.

"Let's go?" We had out of the house. We took my car as Joong drove him here.

"Where do you want to head out?" He asked.

"Anywhere you want. Is there a place you like going?" I asked.

"Nuh, I'm new to Bangkok and I really didn't have much time to explore the city yet."

"Oh, I see so where you're originally from?" I asked.

"Phitsanulok" There's a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Do you miss them?" I know I shouldn't be prying on his personal life. But it seems like he needs someone to talk to.

He smiled "Not really..."

I looked at him and he was just looking at the window. "Why is that?"

"It actually feels liberating to be on my own..." He looked at me.

"I see..."

"Do you miss them?" He asked. "Your parents... do you miss them?"

"There were times I miss them..." I lost my mom from an accident a year ago, and ever since then my dad had always been out for business trip. When I lost my mom, I felt like I lost both my parents. It was the most difficult time of my life. I felt totally abandoned and alone, but Joong had always been there for me. The guy is a pain in the ass but he is the only family I got now.

"Should I ask what happened?" There's a degree of politeness in his voice. I looked at him and comprehend if I'm ready to share something personal. "It's okay, forget I ask" He said and refocus his gaze on the window.

We ended up finding a restaurant in Central Westgate. It's a mall in the outskirt of metro Bangkok which is not really that far from my house.

"Why did you move here?" I asked.

"I always wanted to try living here in Bangkok" He answered. Our orders arrived and we dig into it. We really didn't talk much as we ate.

"Tay..." He has a worried look on his face.


"Please don't avoid me again..." he said calmly this time. I took a deep breath and stared at his eyes.

"Do you wear contacts?" I asked.


"Your eyes changed color" The last time I stared at those eyes it was so dark like a night. This time it changes to golden brown, which I prefer. It gave him a more serene aura. He avoided my stare this time.

"Yeah, probably my contacts..."

"So, this is your eye color or your contacts?" I asked.

"My contacts..." I have a strange feeling that he is not actually being truthful about it, but again my feelings about him always gets me in trouble. "Don't avoid me again..." He said one more time.

I nodded at him. We split the bill and went out of the restaurant. "Is there anything you want to do here?" I asked.

"Not really, but I might need some clothes. I only brought few things here." He answered.

"Come on let's go shopping." I said and he agreed.

We spent a lot of time shopping before deciding to head out. He asked me to just drop him by the nearest BTS station. I insisted that I can send him home but he's been so firm of saying it's okay for him to take the train. He said he wanted to try the local transportation and get used to it.

"Thanks for today" I can't remember giving my LINE ID but it must've been Joong.

"No worries, are you home?" I replied.

"Yep, just got home"

"Good for you"

"Tay..." I waited for his follow up but it's taking him long.

"New?" I asked.

"Can you be my friend?" The way he asked it feels like he is asking me If I can be his boyfriend.

"Sure..." I answered

"Thanks Tay..."

"Uh... see you around New..." I dropped my phone and went for a quick shower.

Newwie's POV

"I'm serious I can drive you home" Tay is still insisting to take me home. I don't actually have any issue about it, but Knowing Xian he will ask tons of questions if he sees Tay driving me home.

"Tay, I appreciate your offer but you've done so much today. You don't need to do it really. Besides I need to get use of this Bangkok transportation sooner" I do really need to get use of riding the trains coz I don't have my car yet.

He chuckled and I know he's not buying it. "It's up to you then." I got out from the car.

"Thanks for today I had fun" I said and he gave that goofy smile again. I will never get tired of seeing that smile. It makes him more charming.

"Me too... Take care" I closed the door and headed to the train station.

Tay wasn't the jerk I've come to believe. People talk at how he lived his playboy lifestyle thanks to the Uni's infamous 'Pretty Boyz' Facebook page. I know it's creepy to stalk someone on social media, but who doesn't do it right? I mean I have no choice as Joong gave me little information about his friend. He was tagged as the Uni's number one playboy but he was praised by a lot of girls and gays because of his inhumane handsomeness. I get them, Tay is indeed very handsome that is so close to perfection. I wouldn't be surprised why even with his reputation of being a playboy a lot of girls still throw themselves to him. Tay in real life is funny and goofy. He loves telling corny jokes but still it made me smile and laugh. He also got good taste in clothes as well.

"Where have you been?" Xian was on the porch pretending to read a book, but knowing him I know he's been waiting for me.

"Just went out to see the city"

"You know that lying to me won't help..."

"Fine! I went to Tay's house to do our project you gave us, and then we went to the mall to buy things..." I feel annoyed at how he threats me.

"You don't need to raise your voice on me New..." I took a deep breath before walking inside the house. Sometimes I wonder why I agreed on living with him. He gets more protective than my real parents knowing that we are almost the same age. Xian tried to make himself look older than his age because of his job but in reality, he is just five years older than me. He just loves studying that got him different acceleration program from schools.

"You have a visitor..." He didn't even finish his statement when someone so familiar came out from the kitchen and rushed towards me and gave me the tightest hug.

"Cousin!!!" He shouted on my ear which he knows annoys me a lot.

"Nine stop!" I tried to escape from his hug but he is stronger than he looks.

"I missed you so much cousin..." he kept on shouting like a child.

"Okay, okay I know,,, Now please let go of me so we can properly talk." He did and we went and sat down on the soft couch in the living room.

"Why didn't you even bother to send me a message that you are here? It's as if you left without wanting us to know" He complained and pouted. Nine is the closest brother I could have. He has the most vibrant personality that can literally lights the entire room, only if you won't get annoyed at his over the top character sometimes.

"It's not like that, but everything just happened too fast I didn't have time to say goodbye to everyone at school"

"Okay" He answered that got me weirded. You see Nine loves to talk and short answers like this is not typically him.

"Why are you here?" I asked. He won't travel almost six hours without a reason than just visiting me.

"Well, I moved here..."

"What do you mean you moved here?" I asked with confusion.

"Like, I'd be living with you guys and be going to the same University..."

"Whoaaaa stop it right there? Why are you doing this? Dad didn't ask you to do this right?" Knowing how my parents always wanted to protect me, I wouldn't be surprised if they've come this far just to make sure that they have eyes and ears about my life. Xian is enough already I don't need my cousin here.

"You know that kinda hurt me..." He gave a serious tone and sad look this time. "It's not only you who wanted to leave that place New. Do you honestly think I will stay there alone? You are not just my cousin but my best friend. It gets lonely there when the person who understands you most had just left without even saying goodbye" Now that made me feel so guilty. Perhaps, Nine is actually here for himself.

"I'm sorry Nine. You know how much I wanted to get away from that place and It just make me so suspicious about having to let my parents control every decision I make..."

"It's okay New, I do understand everything. But you also need to understand that it's hard for me as well." That sadness in his voice and in his eyes brought back all the memories I have when he lost both his parents. It's a tragic circumstance for Nine and I adored him for getting through it.

"Okay, okay we will not start crying, right?" I joked around to ease the tension building.

"Still the biggest jerk New!" He teased me and we both laughed.

"You two, you better get ready for dinner" Xian told us who had been standing there the whole time.

"Yes, daddy!" Said Nine. Xian laughed and went straight to the kitchen to prepare the food.

"I'll just unpack my things." Nine got up and went upstairs. Perhaps, he'll be using the room next to mine. I went upstairs as well planning to take a shower when I receive a message from Joong.


"What's that"

"He's line ID. Just in case you want it" I smiled. I don't know why Joong is giving me the match making vibe by doing these. I mean I haven't told him that I'm gay and certainly he knows that his best friend is not gay as well.

"Thanks, Joong"


I added Tay on LINE but I have no words to tell him. I felt cold by just thinking of a casual message that I can send him. I'd be honest, if attraction is the question there is no doubt that I am so attracted of Tay. But with these new things that's been happening in my life I don't think I can manage to get into this complicated situations. I don't want to get involve with a straight guy who happened to be everybody's cup of tea. Tay, is so complicated as a person and getting closer to him actually scares the shit out of me. But fear probably attracts curiosity, coz the more I think of the danger of getting close to someone like Tay makes me want to get to know him better. It's as if he is some sort of a drug that slowly is hooking me up that one day I might get addicted to.

I decided to just send him what I think is a very casual message. "Thanks for today"

"No worries, are you home?" I smiled with his quick response.

"Yep, just got home"

"Good for you" Should I send him another message?

"Tay..." I typed his name but was about to erase it but instead I pressed the send button. Shit! What should I say... I kept on typing random things but eventually erasing them.

"New?" I froze for a while, he's waiting....

"Can you be my friend?" That's just so dumb! I mean yeah, we had a good time today but remembering the way he reacted to me...

"Sure..." Short answer but that didn't fail to give me a smile.

"Thanks Tay..."

"Uh... see you around New..." I was about to send him a message but Nine suddenly entered my room.

"Hey what are you smiling at? Who is it?" He asked.

"No one and none of your business" I answered.

"New, you just moved here not more than a week and you got yourself a boyfriend already?" Nine knows everything about me. He knows that I'm gay. I'm not trying to hide my sexuality to anyone but I'm not just the kind of person who tells everyone I'm gay. Nine on the other hand had always been out and proud. His personality is not something to be contained and he loves living his life like this.

"I don't have a boyfriend" I answered.

"So, not yet a boyfriend.... Hmmmm perhaps someone you like? Come on show me his picture and let me be the judge!" He said grabbing my phone so quickly that I didn't have enough time to get it back from him.

"Give it back" I shouted at him.

"Ahuh! tawan_v" It was too late before I had my phone back. He hurriedly searched that name on his phone.

"Stop, he is just a friend!" I said.

"Hmmmmm what a handsome guy! You got taste cousin he is so freaking hot. But..." I looked at his face as he kept on reading something. "He is the school's most notorious playboy, and a straight guy! Very dangerous Newwie..."

"I don't like him the way you are thinking... he is just a friend from school" I know he is not buying it.

"Well, not the way you were smiling while sending him a message"

"You know nothing" I answered.

"Well, I'm open to knowing everything. You know me well cousin." Yes, and we always have a saying that goes like this 'what Nine wants he always gets'.

"Nope coz I have nothing to tell you..."

"Was he the one you went out with today?" He kept bugging me, while still busy on his phone.

"Yes, but we didn't go out on a date. We need to finish a project for our class..."

"ohhhh so this is becoming a BL story of a gay guy falling for a straight guy in the class. I'm loving this story, go on what happened next?" He is so impossible to convince when he sets his mind into something.

"Enough! I'm gonna take a shower" I was about to stand when he called my attention,

"Wait! Who is this freaking hot man with your Tawan?" He asked and handed me over his phone. It was a picture of Tay and Joong together posing after a gym work out. How did he even find Tay's Instagram that quickly?

"Why?" I asked.

"Duh! Because he is hot? And hot boy needs Nine's attention." So, another fact about Nine he's a total charmer.

"Don't even bother. He is straight..." I answered.

"So, you know him huh! Tell me who is my future boyfriend?" I laughed at his desperation.

"That's Joong. He's Tay's best friend"

"Hmmmm Joong, his name sound so sexy. So, he goes to the same school?"

"Oh, no Nine, please don't do the fishing game a again" It's a game he called on going after someone he is so attracted to.

"Just answer me please..." He said. But instead of answering him I immediately left the room leaving him alone in my room.

To be honest I'm glad that Nine is here. I did miss him when I left. It's always great to have someone so funny but yet someone I can rely on if I have problems. He might look easy-go-lucky but Nine is someone I can trust so much. He's been with me throughout the struggles I've been through. We've been through a lot and together we battled it out.

But if he is really serious about playing the fishing game on Joong, he needs a lot of luck. Joong is the kind of person that that don't flirt at all, aside from the fact that he is straight.      

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