Raven || Stiles Stilinski

By imaginationLost-

78.1K 1.3K 749

COMPLETED Carmen's life was turned upside down when her parents were murdered, she moves from town to town be... More

Authers note
Authors note:


9.4K 132 99
By imaginationLost-

I do not own teen Wolf all rights go to Jeff Davis.

Chapter two, smile?

I woke up screaming and breathing heavily, beads of sweat dotted my forehead as I looked around my room making sure it was all just a dream.

I'de been having the same dream for almost a week now, it was mainly about a boy with brown curly hair and puppy dog eyes, then another boy getting taken away by who i ashumed was the sheriff, this boy had a buzz-cut hairdo, then flashes of them walking in a forest when the curly haired boy gets bitten by a red eyed beast probably a werewolf. It was all very jumbled and it was as if I was watching from a far like in the sky, it was terrifying and I have no idea what it meant, or if it meant anything at all.

It freaked me out to say the least and I always woke up screaming.

I looked at my clock it read, two o'clock, I immediately craved a cigarette.

I got up while wiping my forehead of the remaining sweat.

Then I for to my lounge room I located my purse on the coach and fumbled through it trying to find my cigarettes. When I did I took them out along with my lighter and put the 'stick' in my mouth.

I lite it and puffed on the cigarette.

I know it was bad for you but in a weird sense it made me feel better... I know it was weird but it was better then any of the other stuff that made me feel better, in fact it was the least bad if you ask me.

Once I had finished it I squished the small stud in the ash tray I had unpacked earlier and felt slightly light headed as I got back up. Once I had made it back to my room I lazily layed back in bed hoping that the nightmare would not haunt my sleep.

"OH MY GOD!" I screeched at my alarm clock while bolting upright.

I threw it against the wall and it smashed upon impact... Oops... I made a mental note to buy a new one.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked out in front of me the bold letters on my wall standing out like the moon in the night sky.

I got out and headed to the kitchen shuffling against the carpet and I made my way towards the fruit bowl, I grabbed an apple and took a bite as I walked back to my bedroom looking through my closet.

It took me a while but I finally decided on a light pink sweater and light blue jeans pairing it with nude pumps and a feather necklace.

I threw my apple core in a nearby trash can and put on the outfit.

I hope that I fit in...

I made it towards the bathroom and brushed out my hair and curling it in soft waves so that my hair fell neatly against my shoulders.

I then brushed my teeth and applied some makeup that included concealer to cover up my dark circles, mascara and red lipstick.

I kind of smiled at my reflection, I looked okay...

I sprayed myself with Beyonce pulse perfume before grabbing my purse and looking through it making sure I had everything, my books: check, phone: check, registration: check, keys: check, cigarettes: not check.

I must have left them on the counter, as i thought I did, and i grabbed the packet and threw it into my purse while walking out the door.


I finally made it to the school and it looked like everyone was already in class.. Well done late on the first day.

As I was walking my sight fixed on a girl with short bouncy hair sitting on a nearby bench she was shuffling through her purse, and she was gorgeous.

"Mum three calls on my first day is a little over doing it don't you think?" She asked her mother over the phone " oh no, no pen, I didn't actually forget a pen!?" She mumbled to herself before hanging up.

Well at least I wasn't the only new girl.

I walked casually over to her and sat down beside the brunette as I smiled.

"Hey I'm Carmen ray, this is my first day" I extended my hand.

"You rhyme!" She giggled "I'm Alison Argent, also my first day"

We shook hands and smiled at each other.

I dark skinned man who I assumed was the deputy principal walked over to us.

"Hello girls, who I'm ashuming are our new students?" He asked smiling broadly.

"Yep" we both said.

"Well then please follow me" he said as he walked in to the school and we followed after.

Allison and I made small talk then we noticed the man had stopped infront of a class room and was pushing the door open.

"Hello everybody, these are our new students Allison argent, and Carmen ray, please make them feel welcome"

I looked around the room, and immediately noticed a brown shaggy haired boy and another boy with a buzz cut the ones from my dream.
How is that possible? I thought.
It isn't possible! I was to busy having an argument with myself that I hasn't even noticed that Allison was already seated and I was just standing akwardly at the front with everyone staring at me.

I say down behind buzz cut haired guy a and Allison say behind the curly haired boy.

The puppy dog eyes boy leaned over to Allison and handed her a pen. She looked confused at how he knew she needed a pen but took it anyway before looking at me, I just shrugged.

Looks like Allison already has someone crushing on her, lucky girl.

"As you all know their was indeed a body found in the woods last night, but before you're imaginations wonder the police have a suspect in custody, so you can tune you're undecided attention to the paper that is outlining this semester." The teacher droned out completely forgetting about his new students who where obviously clueless.

While the teacher was talking I noticed buzz cut guy look at curly haired boy with a knowing look. What did they know?

I was still freaking out to the fact that the guys from my dream where real dudes.
Now your going insane.

That obnoxious voice sneered.
Seriously insane...
And this time it was totally right.

This will be a long class...


The bell chimed, finally!

I along with the whole class got up and walked out the door.

Allison was waiting for me when I stepped outside, she must have got out before me.

"Hey girlie" she said smiling at me.

"Hey girlie" I answered her back.

We walked over to her locker which reminded me I needed to find mine and she unlocked it.

A girl with strawberry blonde hair walked over to us, her heels clinking as she did so.

"That jacket is absolutely killer, and I love those pumps" she said to Allison and then said to me.

Because a hey or hi are so overrated.

This girl was absolutely gorgeous, I felt somewhat intimidated by her.

"Thanks I got it from forever 21" Allison stated smiling happily.

"And my mum was a buyer for a boutique back in LA" I said.

"And you girls" she pointed at us "are my new best friends, oh and I'm Lydia"

Allison and I smiled before looking at each other as if to say that escalated quickly.

Before we could even recover a blonde haired boy with broad cheek bones walked towards us eyes locked straight on Lydia's thin frame.

"and this" she looked admirably at the boy who was holding her from behind and kissing her cheek and neck "is Jackson, my boyfriend and team captain"

"What like football?" Alison asked.

"Footballs a joke here in beacon hills, the sport here is lacrosse" he gave a laugh.

"We've won every year thanks to a certain team captain" Lydia smiled proudly at Jackson as their lips locked.

Allison and I stood their watching the couple make out slightly grossed out and uncomfortable.

"So theirs a party tonight, at Lydia's place you down?" Jackson asked us.

"Sorry family night" Allison said faking a sad frown.

That's the best you could do Allison really?

" well I for one will not miss out on a chance to get drunk" I stated.

The three laughed.

"Oh to bad" he said to Allison before turning to me "and good that you can make it at least, but I gotta go practice" he was about to go.

He walked down the hall and I watched as people moved out of his way, I guess he's popular along with Lydia.

Lydia linked arms with Allison and i and walked us down the hall as people stared.

"We are going to go watch the practice" said Lydia happily answering our unanswered question.
Great... Watching sweaty boys run up and down a field? Yay.

As we walked outside the cold air hit me like a ton of bricks, I shivered as Lydia led us towards a feild and we sat on the top stairs on the bleachers.

I sighed and saw on the feild shaggy haired boy along with Jackson and some other random dudes. The buzz cut haired guy was sitting sadly on the bench.

"Oi!" The who i was assuming was coach yelled at shaggy haired kid "your in goals"

"But coach I've never played" the boy answered sadly.

"I know it will give the team a confidence boost" he said meanly.

"B-but what about me?" The bit asked obviously hurt.

"Try not to take any in the face" and with that coach patted the guy on the back and blew his whistle, the guy walked over to the goals and stood in them.

"Who's that?" Allison asked pointing to the boy in goals.

"Not sure who he is, why?" Lydia then asked.

"He's in my English class" allison answered quickly, a little too quickly...

"Who's that?" I pointed to buzz cut haired boy.

"Once again don't know" Lydia droned out.

Typical popular girl.

My thoughts where cut off by a loud thump, I looked towards the field and saw shady haired boy lying on the ground clutching his face, ouch he must have taken one in the face. I decided to call shaggy haired boy Jake until I found out his real name.

The team along with coach and every one on the bleachers laughed well other then his friend who just groaned the boy got back up and fiddled with his stick preparingo hopefully catch the next ball.

The next ball flew at jake and he... caught it! He looked at the ball in his net like he couldn't quite believe it either. He bounced on the spot the catch gaining him some confidence.

Ball after ball thrown at jake and he caught every one of them! It was truly amazing!

The next boy was preparing to shoot when Jackson put his stick on the guys chest stopping him then pushing in.

Jackson ran at Jake and threw the ball. It was like it was moving in show motion as everyone anticipated where the ball would go, in the net or jakes stick?

Jake... Caught it! He actually caught it!

The bleachers errupted in cheers and whistles.

Jackson looked at Lydia and she cocked an eyebrow.

Their relationship was weird...

"Hey I'll be right back" I said to Allison and Lydia.

"Kay but before you go give me your phone" Lydia said and I handed it over, she punched in her number and have it back.

"Text me" she said cheerfully before her and alison walked to class since the bell went off, but me, I was craving a cigarette.

I walked off shuffling through my purse and just as I took it out I bumped into someone.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I half yelled, when I jumped into the person I had dropped all my cigarettes on the ground.

"N-no sorry it was my fault" the manly voice studdered.

I looked up and saw buzz cut haired guy.

"I'm stiles, stiles stilinski" he said extending his hand I shook it.

"Carmen ray" I said as I meant down and started picking up my cigarettes of the ground.

"You smoke?" He asked while helping me pick them up, I finished picking then up and put them rightfully in their packet.

"Yep, they help me wash away the pain" I said my eyes widened as I realized what I had just said what the hell?
"What type of pain?" He asked looking me in the eyes, and I felt myself getting lost in his gaze, his eyes where the perfect fusion of brown and gold, I could stare in then all day...

"N-nothing" I studdered averting my gaze from his Handsom features "want one?"

I pushed out the cigarettes.

"No I'm good" he said looking at me as if he was trying to figure me out.

"Your loss" I lit the cigarette and puffed on it, smiling as I puffed it out.

"Hey can you not tell any one that I smoke?" I asked.

"Of course" he smiled sheepishly at me, Damn he's cute...

"Hey pass me your phone" I started.

"W-why? I mean why do you want my p-phone??" He said scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"To put in my phone number obviously Dumas's" I waved my hand about.

"Right" he handed me his phone and I punched in my number before handing it back. I walked away smiling genuinely.

"See you around stilinski!"


Yay! A stiles and Carmen fluff! Yay!
So um yeah sorry for it being so long I didn't meant for it to be so long... Lol
Anyway don't forget to comment, vote and leave feed back!
I would really appreciate it if u left comments about what I need to improve on and what I did well it would really help me be a better writer xox
Love you ^3^

X shazzle out X

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