Daughter of Hades (Harry Hook...

By churros_liz

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Long before Hades devised his evil scheme to take over Mount Olympus, he was once married to the beautiful go... More

Chapter 1: Reunion
Chapter 2: Getting to Know (y/n)
Chapter 3: Fight Club
Chapter 4: Siblings
Chapter 5: Family Dinner
Chapter 6: Auradon University
Chapter 7: Family Tree
Chapter 8: Bottled Feelings
Chapter 9: Conceal, Don't Feel, Don't Let it Show
Chapter 10: Siren's Call
Chapter 11: Flames
Chapter 12: Tartarus
Chapter 13: Love Talk
Chapter 15: Training
Chapter 16: Restraints and Movie Night
Chapter 17: Life and Death
Chapter 18: Round 1 - Makaria
Chapter 19: Sleepover
Chapter 20: Goddesses of Chastity Association
Chapter 21: The Date
Chapter 22: Demeter
Chapter 23: Grandmother's Love
Chapter 24: A Party of Chaos
Chapter 25: All For Nothing
Chapter 26: The Insane Party God
Chapter 27: We're All Mad Here
Chapter 28: Round 2 - Dionysus
Chapter 29: Zagreus
Chapter 30: Nightmares
Chapter 31: Missing
Chapter 32: A Spellbook
Chapter 33: The Powers of a Goddess
Chapter 34: A Council Meeting
Chapter 35: Hippolyta of the Amazons
Chapter 36: Lovely Night
Chapter 37: Sick Day
Chapter 38: An Underworld Visit
Chapter 39: World of the Dead
Chapter 40: Arm
Chapter 41: Mother
Chapter 42: Willow Maid
Chapter 43: Sword Wound
Chapter 44: Getting Along
Chapter 45: A Compromise
Chapter 46: Half-Fulfilled Life
Chapter 47: True Love
Chapter 48: Final Round - Melinoe
Chapter 49: Metamorphosis
Chapter 50: A Pirate's Life
Chapter 51: Fathers
Chapter 52: A Little Curse
Chapter 53: Olympus
Chapter 54: Finale
Epilogue: A Goddess & A Pirate
Ending Note

Chapter 14: A Mentor

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By churros_liz

Chaos. That's the only word that the VKs can describe the way you and the terror twins train. Phobos and Deimos were using their abilities to get to your head. Being a goddess, you have built a wall in your mind that would stop them from finding out your true fear and using that against you. So while they attack you both mentally and physically, you dodged every move they made and try to focus on controlling your flames to your will.

The VKs watched as the twins shapeshifted into monstrous forms. They would become giant spiders or hideous beasts with faces that would cause the evilest villain to hide under their bed. But what amazed the villain children was the fact that this was only the restricted powers of the twins. They wouldn't want to imagine what sort of forms they can turn into with their full powers.

The twins' eyes shone a bright red as they felt a small bit of fear coming from the standing group. You know that them shapeshifting was just a form to feed off of the VKs surprised fears. It is the first time they ever saw the twins in this form, and you don't blame them. You spent a good year being afraid of the twins before becoming friends with them.

"What's wrong, (y/n)?" Phobos hissed as he turned into a gigantic snake. "Can't fight?"

"Or maybe you're not strong enough" Deimos attacked you with a sword.

You managed to dodge them both, your flames flickering before going out. The twins laughed and lunged at you once more. Phobos went back to his normal self, stopping the whole shapeshifting tactic. They fought you with their swords and shields. You waved your arm up, a root from a tree sprouting out of the ground and grabbing hold of the boys' weapons. "You know that I don't get scared"

"Tsk. Tsk." Deimos smirked. "No gardening powers, just flames"

They broke their swords out of your hold and went to attack you once more. Your flames kept flickering but wouldn't budge to your will. It was frustrating. The flames could protect you in times of need but won't do as you say? How do you expect to win against Melinoe like this?

"Melinoe, Makaria, and Zagreus had mentors and your father to teach them their abilities" Phobos spoke as if he read your mind. "Hecate took Melinoe and Makaria under her wing while Zagreus had many mentors like Gaia, the dancing Korybantes, mountain nymphs, Athena, and even the almighty Zeus."

"Makaria is easy to defeat" Deimos continued as he slashed his sword at you. "But if you want to beat Melinoe, you have to beat Dionysus first."

"He is the only one who Melinoe had trouble with when fighting" Phobos managed to stab you with his sword on your right hip. You took a step back, grabbing hold of your wound.

"He is the one called the 'highest' god after all" Deimos threw a punch at you, only for it to be dodged. "I mean. Zeus even had the intention of making him king one day"

Deimos turned to slash you with his sword, but you managed to trip him and flip yourself to land a roundhouse kick to Phobos' face. Phobos spat out a bit of blood as Deimos got back up again. Your wound was healed and you stood in a fighting stance.

"I didn't think we came out here for a family history lesson" You mocked.

"We didn't" Phobos cracked his neck.

"We came to fight" Deimos smirked, gripping onto his sword tightly.

"Good." You glared at your two friends.

The group watched the fight from the sidelines. Your blue flames kept appearing and disappearing. Phobos and Deimos moved in sync with every attack. The VKs could tell that this wasn't your first fight with the twins. You must have spent years of training with them. At first, they were amazed and a bit terrified about the abilities the twins held, but now it was like they were watching the three of you dance.

Harry watched your body manage to dodge almost every attack the twins made, your muscles flexing with every twist and with every punch. He took note of how your flexibility came in handy whenever you need to swerve an attack. You would make one decent pirate out in the sea. He thought.

The others would be commenting about the fight while Harry remained silent, focusing all of his attention on you. Uma noticed this and smiled at her first mate. Harry's blue eyes were looking at you like you were prey. He was judging the way you fought, noticing where you needed more work on and what you were strong at. Seeing you fight the twins felt different from seeing you fight Herkie that night he met you.

"You're eyeing her again" Harry glanced at Uma. She had her arms crossed over her chest, not looking at best friend. Harry glared at the playful smirk her lips held.

"I'm looking at her skills" Harry looked back at you.

"Whatever you say, lover boy" Uma hummed.

"I do not like her" Harry grumbled. "She doesn't like me either. We're only friends"

"Look, Harry, we've been friends for a long time now. You flirt with almost everybody, and you even flirted with me, but I know that you didn't mean anything by it" Uma turned to stare at her pirate friend. "But when you're with (y/n), I could see something different in you. You could tell me that I'm wrong, but what I think doesn't matter. What matters is what you feel. So think about that"

Uma turned back to stare at your fight. Harry did so as well, thinking about her words. You were dodging the twins' attack, the blue flames shining bright for a second. Their attacks were getting faster and more aggressive to the point that you couldn't keep up. You fell to the ground after being pushed down by Phobos. "Looks like we won"

"Damn it!" Your flames burst up, eyes turning red.

"Chill, (y/n)," Deimos smirked. "You were getting better"

"Not better enough" You glared, your flames dimming. "Melinoe could beat you guys in a second"

"Woah" Phobos raised his hand up. "Melinoe has ghosts and the power to create night terrors at her whim. Do you really think she could scare us?"

"I don't know, maybe you should fight her so we can see" You stood up.

"You're just itching for a rematch" Phobos glared.

"Oops. You caught me" You smirked, getting into a fighting stance. "What do you say? Round two?"

"You're on" Deimos cracked his knuckles.

The three of you continued to fight. Your flames rose up again. With every punch you threw at them, your flames grew brighter and hotter. Mal commented on your movements, giving you advice on how to control your flames. With every advice, you got a tad bit angry at her. It was like she was a reminder that you can't control your powers.

"Should you really be saying any of that?" Harry raised a brow at the purple-haired girl. "Ye turn into a dragon when yer using yer flames. That's way different than (y/n), here"

Mal didn't say anything in return. She continued to watch you in silence instead. Evie patted her back, reassuring that Mal's words were helpful. Harry scoffed, smirking when he saw you smile during your fight. The two of you shared a one-second glance, smiling at one another.

"Focus" Deimos sprinted toward you. "This is no time for distractions"

You frowned at what he was suggesting at you. The conversation you had with Eros and his mom filled your thoughts. A potential suitor. You knew that since you were born, your extended family loved to meddle with your life. Almost all of your aunts agreed on finding you a suitor, except for the GCA founders; Hestia, Artemis, and Athena. Hestia would often fight with Aphrodite over their views whenever you had a family reunion.

Thinking about Hestia reminded you of the first time you met her. You were a young child, barely ten-years-old, and was playing in your grandmother's field when you saw a woman appear before you. She wore a red-orange dress, a bright red shawl, golden bracelets, and a golden crown. The bottom of her dress was lit up with small flames.


"Agh." You fell down once more, the twins pointing their swords.

"You were distracted" Phobos glared. He was clearly upset that you weren't putting your all into the small battle.

"Hestia" You spoke, eyes wandering around the ground.

"What about aunt Hest?" Deimos spoke while helping you up.

"We have to go see her" You dusted yourself off.

"Um, I'm sorry, but who are we talking about here?" Uma grabbed your attention.

"Hestia is one of our older aunts," Phobos explained. "She's the founder of GCA, goddess of the hearth and families"

"You said that my siblings had mentors in order to get strong. Hestia can be my mentor" You looked at the twins. "She has the power of fire just like Hades. She can help me"

"Then let's go see her" Jay glanced at everyone in the group.

"There's the problem" Deimos sighed. "Ever since she gave her seat at the Pantheon to Dionysus, aunt Hestia has never left her home. It's rare if she does because she's the one that is maintaining the hearth"

"The only time she leaves her home is when there is a matter of emergency in GCA. Other than that, she's in her small cottage at the center of Mount Olympus or housekeeping Zeus' palace" Phobos finished.

"And we can't visit her because?" Mal raised a brow.

"Because our auntie is a hermit. She dislikes men, so we're a no-go, and she's afraid of seeing so many people all at the same time. (y/n) would have to go alone" Deimos turned to look at you. "And the first and last time you saw her ended badly"

"What happened?" Gil asked.

"Hestia had tried to see if (y/n) had the powers of her father, even almost revealing to her that her dad was Hades." Deimos looked at the group as you stared at the ground, having a flashback to the memory as well. "Demeter and Persephone were angered at the fact that Hestia almost revealed the secret and was starting to escort Hestia off their property when -"

"When Hestia burned me" You finished his sentence. The group looked at you with shock in their eyes. "She didn't mean to, but she had gotten so anxious that her fire rose above her and attacked me out of self-defense. I was only ten-years-old, and as a god, that is when we are still developing our immortality. I was being burnt alive and almost died if it weren't for my grandmother. I even have a scar to prove it."

"It sounds like this aunt of yours is not in the right state of mind. Are ye sure ye want to go through with this?" Harry took a step toward you, placing his hand on your back.

"I'm positive." You nodded your head.

"Then, we're with ye 'till the end" Harry smiled at you. You couldn't help but return the gesture, feeling confident about your decision. Even if Hestia rejects you, you know that you could at least know something about her. Her knowledge of fire will help you know more about your own. If Hestia won't help you, then you're stuck by yourself.

The following weekend was when you decided to go see your aunt. Harry offered to go with you, to which you gladly accepted. Having someone around will help calm your nerves while going to Mount Olympus. He won't be able to enter Hestia's home, but he will be able to wait outside while you talk to your aunt. This may even be the chance to tell her that you plan on not entering GCA.

"Since when did you get a motorcycle?" You raised a brow while walking toward the two-wheeled vehicle with Harry.

"Since five days ago" Harry smirked, handing you a helmet. "Don't tell me that the princess is scared?"

"I'm not scared, and I'm not a princess" You grabbed hold of the helmet. Harry got on, his smirk turned into a grin.

"Then hold on tight" He winked at you. You rolled your eyes and got on. Your arms wrapped around Harry's chest. Harry could feel how tight you were holding. He couldn't tell if that was because you were lying about being scared or that you didn't trust him. Either way, he felt pleased having you holding him.

The ride was peaceful as you directed him to Hestia's home. It was not that hard to find, seeing as you only have to reach the center of Mount Olympus and find a home with a lot of donkeys guarding it. The creatures began to make noises the moment they saw Harry.

"A man once tried to take advantage of aunt Hestia while she was sleeping, but a donkey had protected her by making noise" You explained, taking off your helmet. "That's why she keeps them around. No men, remember?"

"So should I wait here for ye?" Harry took a glance at the donkeys.

"Unless you want to get kicked, go right ahead" You laughed. Harry frowned at your response, looking worried. "There's a small diner a few blocks from here, wait for me there. I'll text you if I need anything"

Harry continued to stand where he was when you walked toward the house. The moment you were on the porch, in front of the door, you turned back and waved at Harry. He smiled at the sight of your small nervous smile. The feeling of a donkey banging its head on his side, Harry knew that he had to get out of there. With one last glance at you, he left.

You eyed Harry's figure until he was no longer in sight. Taking a deep breath, you looked at the door in front of you. You don't know much about Hestia. All you know is that she's generous, always working, and independent. She wasn't always anxious around people, and it was a surprise to everyone when she started. They figure that Hestia had gone mad being alone in her home.

"Come in" You heard a soft voice croak before you could even knock. The door opened wide, making you jump a bit. Hesitant, you walked in.

The home of Hestia was filled with warmth. The walls were painted orange, wooden furniture was covered with tapestries, some plants laid around, and a bright fire lit the room. Your aunt still looked the same way from when you met her. She was wearing a floor-length white dress, her red-brown hair was let loose. Her light brown eyes reflected the flames, looking as if she was in a haze.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Hestia spoke in a soft tone. "Fires can do so many things. It provides warmth, food, death, and life. Most people fear it because of the destruction it costs, but they don't see that within that destruction, life is being reborn"

"It's like it's dancing" You commented at how the flames rose and lowered. Hestia looked at you. You expected her to not want to talk to you or be afraid that you were near her. But instead, she was calm. Calm like the fire in front of both you.

"You have his flames" You turned to look at your aunt. Her eyes widened, looking fearful at you.

"They manifested a few months ago" You looked back at the fire.

"I'm so sorry" Hestia sat down on the couch. She covered her head with her hands. "I'm so sorry, my child"

"It is not your fault, auntie" You knelt down in front of her. "I'm sure it was bound to happen at some point"

"No, you don't understand" Hestia looked at you. "I did this to you. I - I am at fault."

"What do you mean?"

"All those years ago," Hestia looked down onto her lap, tears falling from her eyes. "I visited you because I wanted to know if you inherited my brother's flames. During that time, I was getting so tired - I still am. I need to maintain the flame every day without rest. I needed an apprentice. Your other siblings inherited the chthonic powers at such a young age, but not his flames, and you were different. You - You hadn't inherited any powers. I wanted to figure out if you were going to have the flames. But Demeter and your mother stopped me and I panicked. My flames hurt you, and a part of them flickered inside you. You weren't supposed to have his gift but my fire ignited your father's genetics and - and now you have his flames. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, child"

"It's okay, auntie" You managed to speak. To be honest, you didn't know what to say. Having your flames were accidental? You weren't supposed to have them? You were growing a headache just thinking about it. Although you hated your flames when you first started, you have grown used to them. You're angry that you can't control them, but you have accepted them by now. Plus, you felt like the fates allowed this to happen so you can gain freedom from your siblings.

"If you want an apprentice, here I am" Hestia looked at you, surprised at your words. "I know my mother wants me to become Hades' successor, but I don't want to. I want to make my own choices in life. Helping you would be an honor, aunt Hestia. All I ask is for you to help me control the flames in return."

"Do you mean it?" Your aunt doubted your words. You don't blame her. She's probably beaten herself up for causing the flames. Smiling, you nodded. It took her a good second for her to smile back at you. "Then I'll gladly accept"

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