Unruly Pet

By effingusernames

1.1K 45 5

Violent, disobedient, and stubborn Fall is far from the perfect 'pet'. Not afraid to push her weight around F... More

Fall's family
New friends
An old friend
Making plans
The first half-moon
Powerful allies
New laws & and interview
Date night
In Charge
What he thinks

Full moon

20 1 0
By effingusernames

I feel like someone's been watching me. I have for a while.

I smell nothing but every single time I go out as Vivian my instincts go off like crazy. And even if I'm not smelling a person, I do smell suspicious things.

Harmful magic, poisons, and things like that. I think one of the many enemies I made is going to try to take it out on me. If I wasn't a hybrid I would be dead with all the spells they try to use.

I haven't told Derik, he'd freak and I'm not in any real danger. We've gone out a lot recently. It's been hectic and I don't think there's been a day I haven't been out as Vivian for at least a week.

We've gotten a lot of progress in but the full moon is tomorrow. It was the only time of the month I'd be closer to a werewolf than a vampire.

I could already see the effects on Rosie.

She'd be somewhere in the middle of the pack so she wasn't horrible, she didn't get possessive and growl or pace but you can already see it. She seems wilder, her eyes shift cautiously, she seems more gravitated to people 'above' her.

Derik doesn't seem too concerned but I think we should make sure none of the slaves go near her that night just in case.

If she thinks a human is challenging her it could get ugly.

I don't feel it, I probably won't until the night of. But considering I would be an alpha in a pack it's going to be ugly. I will be all growls and possessive.

It wasn't too bad as a kid but as I get older it gets worse and worse.

I tried to convince Derik to stay away from me that night but he seems unwilling to. Which will probably calm me down but I'm not sure he's really open to a werewolf relationship.

They're usually ugly near the top of the pack.

I hate alphas, they're borderline abusive to anyone they're seeing. Possessive can be hot but not screaming at a girl for even looking at another guy while you pin her to a wall. Chicks aren't any better.

And I don't want Derik to see me like that.

And even if I did beat him up a little on the half-moon it will be ten times worse tonight.

If we weren't a thing it would be no big deal, I might growl but he was used to that. But since we are a couple I'm a little worried, I don't want to hurt him but I might.

And I know he wouldn't say anything if I was. Basically the only way to get a werewolf to stop attacking you is to submit or tell them they're hurting you. And the last one only works if they care about you.

And I honestly can't see Derik doing either of those things. He's stubborn and prideful and while most of the times that's fine tomorrow will not be the night for that.

I'd told him when he first met me that I would still be myself during the full moon, and I would be if I'm not around anyone I'm attracted to.

Which wasn't something I was worried about at the time. But now...

"Fall, what's wrong?" Rosie gently placed her hand on my arm. I'd been trying to get in time with her. Especially since so close to the full moon, she'll need an alpha figure.

"I'm just worried about the full moon; I don't want to hurt Derik and you know how werewolf relationships are." I chewed on my lip.

"He might be into that,"


"Relax Fall, he loves you. Every part of you, and he's seen you act crazy before,"

She's right, I know she is. I don't expect him to run away, he knows how I can be and this is no different. But I'm also worried about hurting him physically and having it affect him mentally.

He'd stay with me but that doesn't make me okay with how I might treat him.

"You're worrying too much, if you hurt him anywhere close to seriously your wolf will stop and try to fix it. Even abusive werewolves can't usually stand to see someone hurt so it's always mild." She smiled at me.

"Those are just the bad stories, just because they're told more often doesn't mean they happen often." She pointed out.

"Your probably right." I gave her a small smile, but I know anything can happen and since not many alphas end up in pet shops she might have only met a few.

"You'll see," She reassured.


"Babe you're worrying too much." Derik comforted.

I didn't say anything.

"What do you honestly think is going to happen?" He asked.

I think I'm going to hurt you, I think I'm going to insult you, I think I'm going to break your arm, I think I'm going to break your wall. I think I'm going to hurt your feelings if not you. I think I'm going to mess something up and you'll kick me out, I think something is going to happen to you and I'll never forgive myself.

"Okay maybe I shouldn't have asked, I think I just saw war flashbacks or something." Derik sounded like he was joking but he looked worried.

"I told you Derik. Alpha werewolves aren't in healthy relationships, and tonight I'll behave a lot like that."

"I might be okay with you pinning me to a wall and growling at me." He smiled and I felt my entire face heat up.

"Inappropriate," I mumbled hiding my face.

"It was funny though,"

"I don't care,"

"Do you want to do anything before it gets dark?"

"Not particularly. A lot of activities for humans and werewolves are kinda shut down for the day. Like the half-moon, it's not as dangerous but humans usually stay locked away if their masters let them."

"Yeah, but I'm a vampire, and you're a hybrid. It's not dangerous for us, so we'll just do something vampires do. And today is a day we don't have to do anything because the half-moon is usually off for werewolves."

Or the werewolves are killed for things they can't help. The full moon annoys vampires.

"What would we do?"

"Trust me? I've got an idea, it'll be fun."


"Perfect. Go get ready!" He walked out of the room excitedly.

I have no idea what he's planning. But hopefully it will distract me from the full moon tonight.

I got ready as far as showering, brushing my hair, and brushing my teeth but waited for him to tell me how to dress. I have no idea what we're doing so I waited at the end of the bed with a bathrobe on.

"Fall-" Derik called walking into the room looking excited. "I don't like you dressing like that," he cut off.

"Are you...pouting?"

"You didn't even lock the door, a lot of the slaves are male and it's the full moon."

"And I will still scare them away, you have nothing to worry about." I comforted.

"I don't want them looking either."

"I'll go get dressed but I don't know where we're going so I need to know how to dress." I don't want to go to a formal place wearing jeans.

"Something casual, and warm." He answered.

"Okay," What the hell are we doing, it's not very cold out. I could still get away with wearing basically anything.

I wore thicker jeans than usual and a light jacket. I doubt it could be that cold wherever we're going. Derik gave me a quick once over and swept an arm around my waist.

A light purr broke out of my chest and I leaned into him. He just chuckled and kept walking.

There weren't many people in the house, I'm guessing Derik sent the werewolves somewhere. Which makes what he said about my clothes just possessiveness or maybe jealousy.

Probably possessiveness, he is a vampire.

I sat in the car quietly holding his hand for a long time. The scenery passed for a while before I realized we were going to the middle of the town. The busy part with huge private buildings humans could never dream of seeing much less being in.

Why would he bring me here? I hope he didn't spend that much on a date.

"We're here," He said brightly.

The sign above the huge building said it was a skating rink, with rinks for rent. Like a whole rink to yourself.

"Babe you shouldn't spend so much on me," I mumbled. I love ice skating, but we could have just gone to a shared rink.

"I've got more than enough to. Have you ever been ice skating?" His smiling kept me from saying anything more about the price. He looks so happy.

"I have, a few times with my family."

"Damn it would have been funny to see you fall on your ass,"

"You want me to fall for you?"

"You don't have to, you've fallen so hard for me your name is Fall."

I laughed gently tugging him towards the entrance.

The inside was beautiful, wooden panels gave it a kind of rustic cozy ski lodge feel. The orange lights made it look lit by fireplace even though having a real one would mess with the ice.

The whole place smelled like oak and ice. With just a hint of hot chocolate. Which sounds perfect right now to be honest.

And to my surprise that's exactly what I was brought. A cute little red mug with hot chocolate, mini marshmallows, and whipped cream. The man who gave it to me handed Derik two pairs of ice skates and quickly disappeared.

I didn't even get to thank him.

With wide saucer eyes I followed Derik to a little wooden bench and sat down. Every day he just seems to amaze me.

"Do you like it?" He asked almost shyly.

"I love it," I smiled warmly at him and took a small sip of my drink. The taste lingered in the corners of my mouth and the steam tickled my face.

He smiled happily.

When he started putting his shoes on I followed suit and slipped mine on. They were stiff and tight around the ankles, all skates are.

As he finished tying his I tried to remember how to stand in the skates. I was good at a lot of things as the Regional's daughter but this has never been one of those things.

It's like standing on playing cards trying not to tilt too far to one side and fall. No pun intended.

Skating is fun but trying to get back into the groove of things is hard every time. No matter how many times I go it's like I've never gone before for at least ten minutes.

"Do you want help?"

"Yeah, you might get to see me fall on my ass after all." I held his hands and stood trying to find my balance. Thankfully the guards are still on adding a little bit of stability.

"I wouldn't let that happen. Well I might...but only like twice."

I almost lost my balance laughing. Not that I was laughing maniacally or anything it's just that skates and regular ground do not get along.

I very slowly walked to the actual rink. Sitting on the ground to remove the guards I tenderly sat my feet on the ice. I stood up with a little difficulty.

Derik didn't even sit down, show off.

Once we were on the ice it was easier; I stood, though not really still because my feet kept sliding, and watched as Derik got his guards off. When he stepped onto the ice his feet slipped a little and I'm glad he's not perfect.

Gently pushing myself forward I moved my legs a little too much and tried not to look like a newborn fawn. After a little bit I got to a point where I could actually just move at about average talent.

I remember being better than this.

I swear.

It didn't take long to get the hang of it again, or at least good enough to not be embarrassed. The whole time I talked to Derik about anything and everything.

"So, no ex-boyfriends I need to worry about?"

"Pfft, of course not, I didn't have the social schedule for that." Usually I'd remind him I'm a hybrid pet and no one wants anything to do with me but today wasn't the day for that.

I didn't want to ruin the moment.

"All mine then," He stated happily. I wanted to ask the same thing but, what if I didn't like the answer? I didn't want to ruin this time with him or get jealous.

His phone made a loud ring in the near-empty ice rink and I frowned unhappily at it.

"Sigh, we better get home then." I nodded reluctantly and smoothly skated to the edge of the rink.

Taking the shoes off felt nice, the horrible pressure was gone from my feet and they hurt a lot less. Not to mention I could balance like a normal person again. But I'd had fun.

Sadly turning in my shoes and giving my cup of hot chocolate back I put my own shoes back on.

Derik lead the way out with his arm around my back. I know there's no way to stop it but I don't want tonight to happen. I'd have to shift and I wouldn't be able to shift all the way back so I'll look stupid.

And while I look stupid I'll either hardcore flirt with Derik or growl at him and angrily accuse him of cheating or something totally untrue.

The sun slowly set putting me on edge. I wouldn't start acting stupid until just before the moon rises but it wasn't something I look forward to.

Derik cautiously set his hand on my knee, once he realized I wasn't reacting yet he gave it a reassuring squeeze. I gently rested my head on his shoulder.

Fuck I seem clingy today.

Maybe I'm always this clingy and I just don't notice. That's not actually any better.

I chose to believe it's because the date made me sappy. Or the full moon, as long as I'm not an annoying amount of clingy.

"Hey, what do you want for dinner?" Derik asked suddenly. I think he might be trying to distract me.

"Umm, pasta?"

"Perfect. How about alfredo?"

"Sounds good," I smiled. How can anyone be so freaking perfect?

He always knows the right thing to say, and even when he isn't talking I feel so special. I love him more than he will ever know. God I hope I don't mess anything up tonight.

There aren't really mental health professionals anymore, unless someone is batshit crazy and that's saying a lot now, but maybe if I was born before vampires came out of hiding I would have been sent to one with the amount of worrying I do.

"Hey, babe, we're here." Derik said softly. He's right, we are and the sun is almost all the way down. The moon still won't rise for a long time but it's not a comforting sight.

Derik tried to make small talk while he cooked and I maintained the conversation the best I could.

When he was done boiling pasta he proudly held two plates out.. He'd even made the sauce himself. It was perfect. He was perfect.

It makes me hope all the more that tonight won't be nearly as bad as I think it will.

Okay the pasta is apparently less than perfect. It's chewy and the sauce is separated and over seasoned, overall it's terrible but I'm not going to point it out. It's the thought that counts so I smiled at him and let him think I love it.

Hell a month ago I probably would have thought it was so good. But Derik has definitely made better things and next time I'm going to be cooking.

"Babe, I appreciate that you're pretending to like it, but this is the worst thing I have ever eaten. I can't let you continue to eat this for fear of your health," Derik took my plate and a small sigh of relief left me.

"Maybe I'll cook something," I suggested smiling gently at him.

"Yeah, that sounds good." He ran his fingers through his hair and walked away with my plate and his setting them in the sink.

I quickly dumped the food he made, there is no way to fix that, and started making my own pasta. When it was finally ready I served it after tasting it. It was actually really good, thank god because if neither of us can make something decent we are screwed for eating tonight.

We ate in a comfortable silence. We ended up sitting on the edge of the bed watching a movie all cuddled up before I actually started to feel anything.

For some reason I had some hope that this time it just wouldn't happen, it happens every month why would I think this would be different. But I would have to change eventually, small shivers ran up my spine already and my bones themselves hurt.

"Babe, you're shivering and the moon's up. You need to change," Derik said patiently.

"No, I'm okay," Right as I said it a wave of pain crashed over my body.

My muscles constricted and my bones started to move, my skin felt like thousands of needles were trying to escape simultaneously. A pained wince took over my face.

"The longer you wait the more it'll hurt. At least go put your robe on so you don't rip your clothes,"

I nodded. My knees felt like they were bent at awkward angles. Which is probably what made me realize I need to change soon. I probably look weird enough to make Derik uncomfortable.

Usually a change takes less than a second or two but since I'm fighting it I must look so weird part way in-between.

When I got to the closet I got my robe and got undressed. Changing quickly I picked up the robe in my mouth and listened to the click of my claws on the floor as I walked.

Derik physically sunk in relief when he saw I'd changed. I hopped up on the bed behind him and wrapped my tail around him possessively. Setting my head on his shoulder I continued to watch the movie.

"I love you but when you look like that I feel like a furry," Derik commented.

I growled at him.

"I actually don't know much about full moons, how long do you guys stay changed for? Can people besides hybrids change back into a human before the moon sets?"

I thwacked him with my tail. How does he expect me to answer him?

"Right I guess I'll wait."

What else did you think you'd do?

For some reason him watching the movie bothers me. I know it's just a movie and we were watching it before but the actress is a little good looking for me to feel comfortable with him watching her.

God werewolf emotions are too much to handle.

I stepped on the remote changing the channel. He just laughed playing with my fur. Which made my tail wag a little.

I tried to change back. It took nearly an hour before I could. Or changed mostly? My ears wouldn't go away and neither did my tail. My fangs were a little longer than usual but no sharper so they were definitely from my werewolf side.

Warping my arms around his neck I kept my tail in place around him.

"Welcome back," He greeted before immediately looking away and blushing.

He's so cute when he blushes.

"Mmm," I hummed placing little kisses around his jaw and neck.

"Ah... umm..." I gently pulled his face towards mine.

He quickly hid his face again and I pouted.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Can you please put some clothes on?"

"Why don't you like me like this?" I teased playing with his hair.

"Oh, no I very much do. But, this feels far too much like taking advantage of you." He patted around trying to find my robe.

"If I put the robe on will you kiss me?" I smiled kissing his jaw.

"Just put the damn thing on for Christ's sake!" He draped the robe over my shoulder and I giggled sheepishly.

Sorry this took so long. I was having a bit of trouble writing it. Feel free to tell me any of your thoughts as always :). Patron.com/Effingusernames.

Thanks for reading ❤!

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