Hellfire On The Other Side

By TigerDreamer101

3.7K 63 16

Clara Frollo, daughter of Judge Claude Frollo. Only four more months until her 18th birthday, she is preparin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 49

26 1 0
By TigerDreamer101

   Doreen appeared behind Verity, whose back was to hers. "I mean, I know you like children and all, but seriously. First my daughter, then her two friends and now Ash? How does one woman like children that much," she laughed. Verity turns around to face Doreen. "Hey! Good to see you!" "It's nice to see you too. I have been meaning to visit. Been needing to apologize. I should have told you about Adrianna all those years ago. I just didn't want Iven to get angry if I did. But hey, everything is good between him and I now in the Soul Realm. Though I don't know how much Adrianna actually likes me anymore. I mean I hate Clara, Clara hates me. I don't even think your son likes me much," Doreen said. Verity smiles. "He just gets angry when he doesn't get what he wants sometimes," she says. "But he's told me how much of a nuisance you were at times. Mainly because of your opinions on Clara." Doreen shrugged, "Hey but I was serious about the child thing. How do you like children so much? I mean I was even pregnant and had Adrianna and I still was iffy about kids. I never planned to get pregnant and have any. But that is mostly to do with who my family is and how our magic works. Not saying I regret having her though!" "I think it's because I've always liked being a caretaker," says Verity. "Back in high school, I was known as the mom friend of the group." "And how many times did you offer to hurt Iven for me? To many," Doreen laughed, "You know, you should have another child. I mean adopt if you don't want to get pregnant of course. I know it was tough with Shane, with him having not only your voodoo but Facilier's too. Besides, he might enjoy having a sibling. He does seem like someone who would be a good big brother."  "Well, he did have to deal with Clara for as long as they've known each other," says Verity. "Just something to think about. You are a better mother than I could ever be. Dead or alive," Doreen said.  

   Her smile faded, "But that's not the reason I came. Is Ash around, she shouldn't hear this." Verity places her hands on her hips. "Fortunately, she's upstairs. I finally managed to get her to calm down enough to rest up a bit," she says. Doreen nodded, "I looked into her past, I know basically everything about her life before slavery now..." "Whoa." Verity sits on her couch. "Tell me," she says. "Well, Ash isn't her real name. Turns out her real name is Rosalena. She used to only speak Spanish, didn't know any English. When she was three, she and her parents were kidnapped and taken to my dimension and turned to slaves. Or at least I think. Her parents, they don't remember anything. All they remember is going to bed and waking up a year later when she'd be four and she was gone. They found out that the three of them had been missing for a year," Doreen said sitting down next to her, "And that's only the beginning."  "Oh, no," says Verity. "That's horrible." "Oh, it gets worst. Ash, she is an orphan. Her parents died of natural caused, they were an older couple when she was born. And I am pretty sure voodoo laws say you can't bring someone back unless they went before their time. I checked everything I could, it's all confirmed, Ash's parents died exactly when they were supposed to, three days before we freed Ash. I looked into other family members, the same deal. No aunts or uncles, no sibling, grandparents died right when they were supposed to. She doesn't have anyone here..." Verity starts to tear up. "Well, we can't take her back. That'd defeat the whole purpose of us saving her. But I guess it'll be worse than if we don't. Oh, Doreen, what should I do?" "Are you kidding Verity? You can't take her back! Well, one because you don't have the powers to do so and two, I didn't even get to her slave part. That girl is not safe. there is only one reason my parents let Ash's parents go. They didn't want her to have any way of remembering her old life. They know she is gone and they are hunting her. She was my parent's favorite. If you take her back... I don't want to think about it. the favorites get the worst of it. Even the smallest mistake and you get the worst punishment. That's why she is more fragile than the other slaves. For ten years, which I did confirm she is thirteen, she had been my parent's favorite and was held by those standers. A three-year-old! I haven't even gotten to the worst part!" Doreen exclaimed. "Oh, they are so cruel!" Verity growls. "Verity you can't tell Ash about this. Or call her Rosalena. She doesn't have any memory of it. That's the thing about hypnotism. They can take away any memory they want. She won't remember the time before her being a slave. I mean, if I take her to another dimension or the In-Between where I am alive, I can hypnotize her and take away her slavery memories but only my father or mother, depending on who took them, can give her back the memories they took. If I take away her slavery memories, she is most likely to be an empty body basically. She'll need to learn how to walk, talk, all that. She'd be a baby in a thirteen-year-old girl's body. It's not worth the risk," Doreen explained, "And if social services hear there is an orphan girl with no family, they'll take her and put her in foster care. With her major trust issues and my family looking for her... Verity, she doesn't stand a chance in foster care. The only thing that is even slightly good about this, they will stop focusing on Adrianna until they get Ash back. Anf that isn't even that good because Ash will either go willingly with what they drilled into her brain or they'll have one of my race go grab her and hypnotize her to come." Doreen fave a small curse, "If only Veronika was alive! She knew a way to fight hypnotism but she never got the chance to tell me what it was! And when we die in our dimension, I don't know where we go, we don't go to the Soul Realm." "I know where!" an elderly woman's voice calls out. Doreen sighed, "Your crazy mother is here, isn't she? I don't think she likes me much either..." Odie appears next to Doreen. "First of all, I'm Verity's great-grandmama. Second of all, this is the first time I've met you. How could I have an opinion on you? And third of all, I'm not crazy. I'm eccentric," she says, shifting around the room. "There are a whole lot of talk in the Soul Realm and mostly, I hear a lot of souls talking about me, my sister has quite a... what's the word? Reputation so most souls, just don't like me," Doreen sighed. "Mama Odie! You can help us?" Verity asks. "Of course I can, child. Especially now that I have ascended and now exist in the astral plane!" Odie cackles with delight as she sits down next to Verity. "Your family is just annoying, have I ever told you that," Doreen said to Verity. "You hush up!" Odie whacks Doreen with her cane. "Ah, I missed that a lot Mama Odie," says Verity. "So where do people go when they die in Doreen's dimension?" "Hmm. Depends on how they were when they were alive. If they were good, they ascend to the Astral Plane. But if they were bad, they get sent to Limbo," Odie explains. "But Veronika wasn't good or bad. I mean, I was the only one she showed her good side to. She wanted to make our parents proud, so around anyone she'd act like every other Dark Fairy Witch, around me, she was different. Well, until her eighteenth birthday when Maleficent killed her," Doreen said, "And how would you know this. You aren't even from my dimension!" "I said hush!" Odie whacks Doreen with her cane again. "There's only two ways to ascend to the Astral Plane. Die in your dimension, or have infinite knowledge of the afterlife," she says. "Take a wild guess what qualification I met!" Doreen backed up some, "She is my sister! If it is about her, I get to speak! I lost her when I was sixteen right before I ran away here, so forgive me if I am a bit confused and shocked I might get to see her again!" Odie sets her cane down on the floor. "So, you said that Veronika acted bad around everyone else, but good around you. Tell me, were her intentions good?" "She was heir to the throne and we age a lot longer than humans. I don't know what she was going to do when my parents stepped down and gave her the throne. Most likely she wouldn't have changed much, at least not until our parents died. And by that point, she would have been married and most likely have children of her own. I love Veronika, but she never did have the guts to stand up for herself like I did. Her intentions were most likely, keep everyone happy with her. You tell me, is that good or bad?" Odie looks at Verity. "Sounds a lot like you when you were growing up," she says to her. "Yeah, I always tried to keep Mama Odie happy. But as much as I hated to admit it, she was really forceful. Every time I'd act out of line, she'd basically... do what she did to you twice now. Once I turned eighteen, she told me that she knew that I wanted to be myself and still keep her happy. So I guess that means Veronika's intentions were good, even if some of her actions were bad," says Verity. Doreen nodded. "You know, Veronika, she is the key to everything. If she somehow came back and if I could get her back alive in my dimension, we can't do it like you and Shane can with humans. You guys are so weak that bringing you back is so simple that my race didn't gain that power. Anyways, if she comes back, they don't need Adrianna because Veronika would be heir to the throne and..." Doreen's eyes widened. "I know how to keep Ash away from that dimension! I won't explain it twice and I am gonna need your son so you might want to call him..." Verity looks at Odie. "Should I?" she asks her. "If he's the only one that can really help, I guess there's no other choice," says Odie. "Alright, then. I'll call him," says Verity. 

   She takes out her phone just as Shane appears in the room. "What are you doing here?!" Verity asks him. Shane sits on the arm of the couch and says, "Just wanted to check up on-" He notices Doreen. "Oh, goodness. What now?" "Oh thanks, look I get you don't like me much but I know you like Adrianna and Ro... Ash. Yeah, I am going to mess that one up now. Her parents wouldn't shut up about all the stories..." Doreen said. "I'm assuming you were gonna call me for something, Mom?" Verity puts her phone away. "Uh, yeah. Doreen needs your help with something," she says. Shane sighs deeply and turns to Doreen. "Fine. What do you want?" he says. "To get my sister back," Doreen said. She quickly explained everything including Ash's past. Shane is sprawled out on the floor. "I think you broke him, Doreen," says Verity. "You should not have told me that, Doreen," says Shane. "You were the one complaining with Clara that you were bored. I have eyes and ears everywhere. Or really, I took one of my magic mirrors from my collection. I got bored so I thought, hey Clara always has something going on and I like talking smack about her. And I got to watch you two complain about being bored. That was sorta interesting," Doreen said, "Also knowing her past is better than not knowing. At least you know why she is so fragile and in the long run, that's how you build up her trust."  "You didn't let me finish, Doreen," says Shane. He picks himself up from the floor and turns to Doreen with a smile on his face. "You shouldn't have told me that, because I really wanted to hate you. Now I don't," he says. "Thanks, one less person hates me. And just because I don't care for many people, doesn't mean I don't care at all. And when you meet Veronika you can thank her because if it wasn't for her... let's just say you would have truly hated me," Doreen said giving a small laugh, "But how do I get to where she is? And not only that but here is the part you going to hate because the way to bring her back from the dead, Shane you might just want to kill me for even saying it..." Shane rubs his temples. "Look, if I didn't kill Clara for thinking that Markus could be a hero, I don't think you have anything to worry about," he says. "Clara what?" Verity says, annoyed. "Okay, well, I am just going to say..." Doreen said, then backed up some, "We have to kill Ash." Shane and Verity go wide-eyed. Verity places her hand on Shane's shoulder. "Shane, are you...?" "Yeah, I'm fine," Shane stutters. "I just... we wanted her to get a taste of freedom. But..." Odie cuts in. "Look at it this way, Shane. At least she'll be able to be with her family again, and for some people, death is the only way to achieve true freedom," she says. Shane collapses onto the floor. "Do I have to do it? Can't someone else kill her?" he asks, his voice breaking. "Wow, you guys are clueless. I seriously hate you, humans, sometimes. Maybe I should have been more detailed. We are taking Ash to my dimension, killing her there so I can take her blood have Veronika drink it, then come back to life. And right before Ash's soul is gone, Shane, you will heal her wounds, yes she will be dead until she comes back here. If you die in one dimension, you are still alive in another. I am not a murder thanks. Nor would I ask a hero to be one. I mean we don't have to go through that and kill someone else without bringing them back but if Ash is dead in my dimension, my parents can't get to her to bring her back. It's simple dimension math here people!" Shane wipes a tear from his face. "These dimensions are so confusing," he says with a slight chuckle. "Also, when she does die in the future, as much as I hate to say it, she can't be around her parents. It'll cause mental trauma. Especially if they try to make her remember who they are. She literally doesn't have those memories anymore. But what she does have is parts out her brain where they used to be, now they are empty. If she were to try and use them, she might end up like your dad Shane, she would be dead, dead. It's the same with a lot of slaves. This is slightly why I may have mentioned what I first did when I came Verity. Just saying..." Doreen said winking at Verity, "But of course, your choice." Shane sighs. "Alright," he says. "Well, we should probably go do this now. I really really really want to see my sister. I haven't felt this much excitement since she was alive," Doreen said. Verity hugs Shane. "Be strong, son. Even if it's temporary, this is for the greater good," she says, comforting him. Shane nods. "Yeah. I guess you're right," he says. "Let's do it." Doreen went over and whispered in Verity's ear, "Tell me when you decide about it. If you decide against it, I can help find someone to take her. I owe you that much." she took a few steps back, "I've missed you, Verity. Hopefully, I don't wait so many more years to visit again." She looked over to Odie, "So, how do we get to my sister?" "Well, that's easy! She ascended to the Astral Plane!" Odie exclaims. "All we need to do is find her, and I'll be able to get her. Doreen, you'll be our conduit, since she trusts you." Doreen nodded, "When it comes time to go to my dimension, I can open a portal to bring Ash since well, I am still the only one here who can do that." Odie cracks her knuckles as she cackles with excitement. "This gon' be good!" she says, taking Doreen's hands. "Now, here's what you need to do. Call out for Veronika." Doreen nodded. "Veronika! Veronika, I need you!" she called. A sudden surge of energy fills the room. "Whoo! I can feel her already!" Odie exclaims. "Keep calling for her, Doreen!" "Veronika! It's me, Doreen! I need you, Veronika!" Doreen called again. "She's here! But she needs a vessel," says Odie. Shane takes out a voodoo doll that he made himself. "How about this?" He holds up the voodoo doll. "That might work, Shane!" says Verity. "She's heading to the vessel now," says Odie. Doreen bit her lip, she was slightly nervous about seeing Veronika after all these years. 

   The voodoo doll starts to shake. "Whoa! Okay, Veronika's here!" says Shane. He throws the vessel in the middle of Doreen and Odie. "Alright, she should be able to speak on her own," says Odie. "Veronika, it's me... your sister," Doreen said. "Which one?" Veronika's very, very thick accented voice came. Doreen gave a small laugh. "Doreen." "I don't have a sister named Doreen, that's a human's name." "Right sorry, uh I hate saying this. It's Demonia..." Shane and Verity stand back in awe. "Huh, didn't think that'd actually work," says Shane. "Who is with you?" Veronika asked. "A few human friends." "When did you become friends with humans? You hate humans Demonia." Doreen gave a laugh. "Well, not as much as I used to. I even have a hybrid daughter." "You? A daughter? Demonia, you hate children more than humans!" "Well, maybe if you let me tell you my story, you'll understand." "You haven't changed a bit have you?" "Nope." "This is way more wholesome than I thought it'd be," says Verity. "How long has it been?" "Oh, just a few years. I ran off to the human dimension right after Maleficent killed you and was banished here. I became the heir to the throne which is why I ran. Met a human man, fell in love, he met a villain become abusive..." "Hold up, someone was hitting you?! A human was hitting you?! Oh no, no, no! I will hypnotize him myself and let him suffer!" Veronika interrupted. "No need, Veronika!" Shane calls out. "He's already been taken care of!" "He sounded young." "He is nineteen, or twenty by now. To be honest, I don't even know anymore. He is a friend of mine's son. But yeah, the man I married, Iven, he dead after killing me..." "Wow, wow, wow! You let a human kill you! Did our parents teach you nothing?!" "Our parents are snobby idiots who deserve to burn in the fire pits of hell! And I didn't have my magic at the time. Iven had taken mine and my daughter's away! But I got mine back, and I live with him where the souls of this dimension live and we are happy with no abuse! My daughter Adrianna has been adopted by another girl who may be nineteen now. But she could still be eighteen. I don't know. But Adri is also now the new heir which leads me to this, we are bringing you back. In our dimension..." "There's a lot of bad things going on, so here's all you really need to know right now. We need you to take over the throne in your dimension," says Verity. "Yeah not happening," Veronika said. "What?! Veronika, please! I am trying to protect my daughter!" "Demonia, I get it, really I do. But I am happier here. I don't have to live up to mother and father's expectations anymore. I can be me!" "You never had to live up to their expectations! I never did! Veronika, I don't have any other way!" "Sister, I want to help, I do, but even if I did become queen when mother and father step down, whenever that will be, I won't change anything. You know how I am around them Demonia." "Of course I do, and I won't ask you to change anything but..." "No, you are smart Demonia, you can figure out another way." "You are an older sister! Maleficent has already failed to look after me as you would say! What happened to 'I will always look out for you Demonia! If you need me just call out Veronika I need you!' Gosh dang it, Veronika! I need you!" Doreen said close to tears. "Veronika, don't you wanna make your sister happy?" Odie asks. "Depends on which one we are talking." "Me, idiot! You haven't changed a bit, have you? Come on Veronika! You'd be saving your niece and a slave!" "And why would I care about a slave? I feel bad for them, I do but they don't have much memory to go back to and they don't even have it as bad as long as they aren't a favorite." "The one I am talking about is, she is a favorite..." Doreen sighed. Veronika paused, "Which lord and lady? Or duchess and duke?" "Neither, this girl is mother and father's favorite. If you don't help..." "She ends up like him..." "Yeah..." "Wait, who's this 'him' you're talking about?" Shane asks. "A slave back when I was young. Veronika and him were um... well let's say they were closer than Claytin and Clara..." Doreen explained, "But for obvious reasons, they couldn't get together. He was a slave, she was a princess. He was a human, she was a dark fairy witch. He was my parent's favorite before... before he broke out of their control and killed himself..." Verity gasps. "Whoa," says Shane. "Demonia... he is here..." Veronika said. "Oh..." "I don't want to leave him again and even if we could bring him back to if I become queen..." "Mother and father will mary you off to a lord or duke..." "Aw, man," says Shane. "Looks like we're back where we started." "Not exactly... Veronika, you aren't telling me something. You had a tone in your voice when you said that he was there. You two aren't together are you?" Doreen said. "No... he is trying to find a way to your Soul Realm. He wants to take all the dead humans there. But I can't go. Not because I don't want to, but it's impossible for me to leave to the Soul Realm. He is leaving tomorrow..." "Oh stop your crying then! You think I won't be forcing you to visit me in the Soul Realm when you're alive again and can actually visit! He has turned you soft and human-like! Veronika, mother, and father can marry you off in our dimension but that doesn't carry over here. You may not live with him but I can make it to where you'll see him again! You just have to live! If you stay dead you lose him, if you come back, you stay with him. Seriously, am I the only one who knows dimension math?! We have been sitting here wasting time!" Shane's face lights up with delight."Fine! But if mother and father find out about him I am doomed!" "Oh please, you can fight their hypnosis, which reminds me. How the heck do you do that?!" "It's very simple. Everyone has that one thing in life that they hold onto. Usually, with mothers, it's their children, for example, you though? I don't know, probably me. When they tried to hypnotize me, I would think of you. How I had to protect you from them. Only two years younger than me and I was always the more mature. Anyways if you can find that one special thing, or multiple things, if they are trying to hypnotize you, just think of that before they can erase it from your memory. Why do you think they erase things from the memories of slaves? They take whatever is most important to them." "So protecting me was the most important thing to you?" "Of course, your my little sister. It was my duty to keep you safe." Shane smiles. "Well, then! We doing this, or what?" "Good question, who is getting Ash down here, and I kinda need to mirror to open the portal. And that's in France..." "I can get her down here," says Verity. "Ash! Come down! It's urgent!" she calls up to her. Ash came but stayed in the corner, she was uncomfortable with all the people, and the talking voodoo doll kinda creeped her out. "Okay, she's here. What next?" says Shane. "Mirror. Adri has that. You need to get back to France and get me that. And it's probably in the collection meaning, well, you gotta convince her to let you borrow it. Good luck with that one." Verity stands up. "I can handle that. Not like she really needs it anymore," she says. "Good luck, Mom," says Shane.

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