The Endearment of the Quadrum...

By brookellemarie

350K 12.4K 20.2K

All rights and Naruto related characters go to the man himself Masashi Kishimoto. If you like Drama, Romance... More

Here We Go.
1) First Day Jitters
2) Minato's Babysitting
3) A Practice Exam
4) Do I Like Him?
5) I'm Sorry for Your Loss
6) I Used to Hate the Rain
7) Team Minato is a Go!
8) Battle of the Bells
9) Our First Real Mission:Part One
10) Our First Real Mission: Part Two
11) A Birthday Blast
12) The Kannabi Bridge
13) Losing a Comrade
14) Control the Power
15) Work This Out
16) Throughout the Years
17) Plan's Gone South
18) In the Woods
19) The Truth
20) An Unexpecting Date
21) The Village Hidden in the Rain
22) Moonlight
23) The Sunset
24) A Fake Mission (Lemon)
25) Morning Wood (Lime)
26) Celebratory Dinner
27) The Man in the Woods
28) Daddy Says (Lemon)
29) Lesson Number One
30) The Fight
31) I love you (Lime)
32) A Choice
33) You Made Your Choice
34) October Tenth.
35) Eighteen
36) A Dirty Surprise (Lime)
37) Lizard Tongue
38) Three strikes, You're Out
39) See You later Jerk
P.H.A.S.E. T.W.O.
40) Dear Kakashi, I'm on my way (Lime?)
41) Home at last
42) You're Gonna be Late! (Lemon)
43) Seal the Curse
44) Battle of the Bells, a New Generation
45) Team Seven's First Mission
46) A Past Mistake
47) Four Months
48) Sasuke's Choice Leads to Naruto's Departure
49) Two Can Play at That Game
50) Just About Us (Lemon)
51) Yamato's Here
52) The Final Fight
53) For the Love of a Brother
54) The Akatsuki
55) Water Torture
56) Clay Art
57) Pumpkin Anus
58) A Mysterious Place
59) Fan Fics?
60) Hard to Face Reality: Lemon
61) Passed Around
62) Hidan's Toy (Lemon)
63) The Great Decision
64) It's in Our Blood
65) I Trusted You
67) Welcome Back Home
68) Apologies
69) Damnit Jiraiya
70) The Calm
71) The Storm

66) A Pocketful of Sunshine (A Sweet Escape)

1.9K 70 146
By brookellemarie

"You can leave us now Yota." Obito said, as Kardama's blood boiled, looking at the scene in front of him.

"Why in the hell would you do that?!" Kardama asked in anger, as Obito caught the unconscious girl he loved.
"And to someone you supposedly love! You don't deserve (Y/N)!" He seethed.
"You don't deserve her love! You're worse than scum." He growled as Obito looked at her.

"You can save your pathetic breath; It's wasted on me." He said as he caressed (Y/N)'s face.

"Don't touch her." He threatened through gritted teeth as Obito chuckled.

"What can you really do about it huh? Why don't you just shut it before I torture you for the rest of your days."

"Take it from someone who actually knows the concept of love, I'd take years of this imprisonment and all the torture in the world for that girl's safety." Kardama spat while pointing at (Y/N) as Obito chuckled.

"Say what you must, but you're starting to annoy me." He said,
"Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it." He said before he captivated Kardama into his genjutsu again, making him fall to his knees in a trance.
"Finally, some peace."

Obito looked back at (Y/N), as he frowned.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)..." he said softly, as he held her in his arms.
"I do love you, and I'm sure I always will." He added.
"I can't bring myself to... What I mean is... Well I uh... Guess what I'm trying to say is I've hurt you. That loud mouthed Otoko was right. I am worse than scum. It seems that in this story of your life, I have become the villain. My hatred for Kakashi seems to have gotten the better of me. I hate him so much for taking away the two girls I have ever cared about. That part wasn't a lie... I hate him, but even then, I'm not sure I could really bring myself to kill him either... Hurt him? Yes. But kill him I-" He clenched his fists and growled in anger.
"Stupid Kakashi." He spat, before looking back down at her, trying to find a sense of peace again.
"But you were right, I should have spoken up sooner. I should have came home. In the beginning I would have, I tried. I promise. But like I've concluded, to you and the rest of the world, I'm just the bad guy... We never truly get our happy endings, do we?" He asked with a chuckle.
"I needed you to hate me, I figured if I saw hatred in your eyes, it would burn a hole in my heart, but unfortunately for me I could only see betrayal in those big beautiful eyes of yours." He frowned.
"Which is why I wiped this memory of yours in hopes that we never face each other on the battlefield. I hope that we never cross paths, or come to a point where you find out again just who I am. I hope to stay in the shadows, and when the time comes, after I've won or lost this war I will fight, when I die, I hope it's alone like it should have been. A death fitted for a villain huh?" He asked.
"I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me... Well, I hope the part of you that I have forever locked away can forgive me. I hope that you'll still think of me. And I hope that you love me, however you wish that is." He frowned, before letting out a sharp sigh. He planted a kiss on her lips, then on her forehead, before getting up and placing her in Kardama's arms. He released Kardama from his jutsu, as Kardama's eyes widened.

"W-why did you-"

"She doesn't deserve the things she was put through here. She is to never know the vile things Hidan put her through, nor this encounter. Do you understand? Or do I need to erase your mind too?" Obito challenged as Kardama frowned.

"What about-"

"Like I told you under my trance." Obito said with a sigh.
"She remembers what she needs to from here on out. She has no recollection of who I am, other than I am Tobi, and her encounters with us is blurry. She is not to remember what Hidan did to her. She knows you're alive. And she remembers everything she needs too." He said somewhat bitter, before opening the cell.

"But why did you-"

"There has been word that an intruder has made its way into the hidden rain village." He cut off Kardama.
"It seems that if luck is really on your side, Konan and Pein will be busy tracking for the time being." He said annoyingly.
"Get the hell out of here." He said as he stepped out of the cell, and to the side.


"I said get the hell out." He said coldly causing Kardama to stand up, carrying (Y/N) bridal style.

"I'll run faster if she's on my back." He said as Obito rolled his eye.

"For Pete's sake!" He moved over to help get (Y/N) on to Kardama's back.

"You really do love her huh?" Kardama asked as Obito ignored him.
"Though I still don't trust this."

"I don't care about your petty beliefs. If anything happens to her, I will kill you. And this time I can guarantee you won't be coming back from the dead when I'm done with you." He said coldly, making Kardama get serious.
"And if she is imprisoned then I guess I'll have to save her. And continue to wipe her memory until my threats become reality. So, protect her." He said blankly.

"Why are you doing all of this?" Kardama asked in confusion.

"I'm not doing this for you. So don't get all excited. I'm doing this for her." He stated, as he crossed his arms.
"So, get the hell out before I change my mind." He snapped, causing Kardama to nod. Obito let out a sigh staring at the girl he loved looking peaceful.
"The Hidden leaf village is southwest of the gates of Amegakure." He said never taking his gaze off (Y/N).
"You'll run into the guards, so do try and outsmart them." He added, as he began to walk out of the imprisonment. Kardama stared at his feet in confusion, each step he took made him slightly more nervous. He stopped moving when Obito put on that familiar mask of his, before letting out a giggle.
"Tobi's going to go and accidentally forget to close and lock the doors now! Oh no! Ha-Ha!" He said in his Tobi voice, before running out of the room.

Is this a trap? Kardama thought to himself as he slowly walked out of the imprisonment. His legs were slightly shaky, nervous of what was to come.

What does he say when he has to speak? How can he successfully block his memories without his powers so no one finds out the truth? Did Obito really let them free? Did he really do it out of love? What would he do when he got to the village? How would he explain his story? Would anyone believe him? How would Kakashi feel? Does he keep Obito's identity a secret? What would he do?

Kardama ran as fast as he could, ignoring the pain in his legs.

I really need to get back into shape. He thought as he winced from the pain in his calves. The rain slowly washed away all the grime and dirt off of their bodies, the cool water was a relief to Kardama. He had to shake the matted hair that clung desperately to his face, so that he could see where he was going. He slightly panicked when he realized he needed a plan to get away from the guarded gates, and more importantly he needed to hide what little chakra he had from Pein's rainy skies.

He snuck his way around the village he was one familiar with many years ago. Sneaking passed the village people, he made his way to the only building he could trust, his home. Its shelter could block him from the rain long enough to hopefully get him help, and an easier way to escape the village.

He made his way past the rubble of the buildings that had been consumed by the fire, and the brokenness that was once known as the Otoko's compound. Though his house wasn't as beautiful as he remembered, it was just enough to wipe away the uneasiness he had been feeling.

He let out a soft sigh of relief when he noticed a spot that had yet to be touched by the water, as he laid there and rested for a few moments. For the first time in years he found himself free from the chains, free from the abuse, finally free, yet somehow his freedom was still far from his grasp. He needed to get out of Amegakure, and he needed to get (Y/N) home safely. After he caught his breath, he picked up (Y/N), and slowly made his way through the forgotten compound, to the one place he would go when he was in trouble.

The Otoko Chamber.

He kicked the rubble out of the way, before crouching down and biting the skin of his thumb. He placed his bloody finger on to the doors, allowing it to open for him. He bit his lips, as he carefully carried (Y/N) on his back, as he walked down the steps, closing the door behind him. He blindly touched the walls to steer him in the direction he needed to go. With every step, he found himself becoming slightly less weak, until he found what he had been looking for. Using the blood from his thumb, he smeared it on each finger, placing it on the wall, causing the once dark place to light up. Kardama let out a sigh of relief, knowing that he was now safe in these chambers, for no one except of Otoko blood could live to make it down its abandoned walls.

He set down (Y/N) carefully in the corner, before sitting in the concrete circle.

"Trust in my heart, with burdens to bare, with motives set in stone... I seek forgiveness, loyalty and love, to stream through the broken veins that are deemed as life. Guide me, for I have lost myself." He spoke, as he placed his hand on the stone in front of him.
"Feed me with the knowledge of knowing." He spoke softly, as he removed his hands, and rubbed his fingers through his sopping wet hair. Suddenly his eyes glowed of ember, his body cloaked with a mixture of darkness and ember light.

"To what is it you wish to seek my boy." He heard his father's voice, as he looked up to see himself in the seams of the waken.

"Father." He spoke softly, as he stared into the eyes of Koda Otoko. He bent the knee, kneeling down to his father a man he hadn't seen in many years.
"I need help. I have lost at the moment and need some guidance. I ask for your graces to get me and my friend back to safety." Kardama spoke, as his father stared down at him.

"You've sure grown my boy." He spoke softly.
"And she is the half blood, isn't she?" Koda asked as Kardama nodded.

"Yes father."

"Please stand my son." He replied as Kardama quickly got off the ground.
"I'm afraid I do not have enough chakra to keep you out of harm's way to your future destination, as you are aware." He spoke, as Kardama sulked.
"However, I can help you get out of Amegakure. I suggest you find shelter quickly after you have left the gates, you will feel drained of your energy." He added as Kardama nodded.

"Will I have enough chakra to summon upon Shasta?" He asked as Koda cocked his head.

"With the sense of your levels, and the little chakra I can spare you beyond these walls, Shasta should be out of the question." He replied, as his glow started to slowly fade out.
"I know you'll do what is best. You've always done that my son." He added, as Kardama nodded.

"Goodbye father." He said, as his father smiled at him, and faded out of sight, causing Kardama to dissipate from his calling. He could feel his father's energy, added with the little chakra he has mustered up in a short period of time. He looked at (Y/N) and bit his lip contemplating his choices. He knew (Y/N) would be safe within this barrier, so leaving her to find a disguise was the best plan he could think of for the moment.

Sneaking out of the chamber, he was instantly met with the cold rain, as he made his way carefully around the village. If he played his cards right, he knew one lady who owed him a debt, and he hoped to cash in the favor today. He maneuvered through the village, as he managed to stay inconspicuous to the world around him.

"It's been a while Sir Draygon...What can I do for you today sir?" A fairly old lady said, as he gave her a small smile, forgetting of the alias he once used.
"There are many women here that will be more than fitting for you." She replied slyly as he chuckled.

"I wish to speak with Megumi." He said as she gave a sly smirk.

"Ah, are you sure none of my other girls will suffice?" She asked as he shook his head.

"Megumi, is who I wish to spend my time with." He replied as she nodded and headed to the back room. After a few seconds of silence, he began to worry for (Y/N). His thoughts subsided when a woman with long orange hair, and a tight fitting outfit on walked into the room. A pink flower hung against the top of her bangs, as a pink trail of blush flushed her cheeks.

"Draygon requested your presence." The old woman said as she looked at Kardama and nodded.

"Draygon..." She said as he looked at her with urgency. She took his hand, and led him to the back, shutting the door behind her.
"I heard you were dead." As she began to massage his muscles.
"What happened to you? You don't look as... put together as you normally do on your visits." She added, as he frowned.
"And why do you still go by that silly name?"

"I need your help." He replied, as he put his hand over her small ones.
"You remember that favor you owe me?" He asked as she nodded.

"You're wanting to cash it in?" She asked as he nodded. She looked at him for a moment before pressing her lips against his.
"What is it that you're wanting?" She asked against his lips, as his eyes suddenly widened, and he pulled away from her respectfully.

"Not that kind of favor. Not this time." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck giving an awkward chuckle.
"I want to borrow your cloak." He said as she rose a brow.

"My cloak?"

"Yes." He nodded as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"You can sense my lack of chakra, yet it still clings to me. I need to get a friend out of here safely, and I need your cloak to do so. To help suppress and protect our chakra from Master Pein." He replied as her eyes widened.

"Are you talking about that very generous man?" She asked as Kardama looked at her confused.


"The man with the long white hair? He was very kind, left a nice donation." She added as he shook his head.

"No, I'm afraid not." He said in curiosity.

"Oh, well then I would be careful then Kardama. He had a lot of questions about Master Pein." Megumi said as he rose a brow.
"He said he was just a passing traveler who writes novels. Kind of weird to ask of our leader huh?" She said as she eyed Kardama.
"Such a curious old man, but he gave a generous donation." She said making him nod.


Is he from the leaf?

"What all did he ask?"

"Who he was, um, if any of us have ever seen him." She said as he nodded.
"Hey, where's that little brother of-"

"What did he look like?" He interrupted, making her sigh.

"He was older. He had long hair, a mole on his nose. I'm not into older men like him, but I must admit with his way with words, I wouldn't mind learning about the experience under his belt." She said as Kardama shook his head.

"That is information I did not need to know."

"Why? You jealous?" She asked with a smirk, as he sighed.
"You know you have me wrapped around those fingers of yours." She said seductively making him lightly blush, as she played with the back of his neck.
"I missed you." She purred into his ear, as she planted a kiss on his neck.
"Do you miss me?" She asked seductively as he gulped, and cleared his throat.

"You're a very beautiful woman, and our past is very memorable, but I have something I need to attend to." He said softly, as she rolled her eyes and planted a kiss on his neck again.
"Miss Techi..." he said more sternly.
"Your cloak please." He stated as he turned around and held her hands in place.

"Hmm, just a kiss." She asked innocently.
"Then you can have the cloak, and anything else you want from me." She added as he let out a short breath.

"I just need the cloak." He said slightly annoyed, as she pouted. He let out a sigh as he looked in the corner and saw her cloak hanging to the wall. He looked down into her dark brown eyes and smirked a mischievous grin.
"You're right Miss Techi, I did miss you." He said as he took a step towards her.

"Yeah?" She asked as he bit his lip for a second.

"How could I not? Being with you is quite heavenly." He stressed making her shiver. He grabbed the back of her neck, and pulled her into a kiss, making her moan into his mouth.

"Kardama..." She said against his lips as their tongues began to fight for dominance. He made sure to guide her backwards against the wall, as he lifted her leg up lightly.

"You like that huh?" He panted, before his hand reached over to the cloak on the wall. He pulled away swiftly, as he looked at her and winked.
"I must be on my way, so I will have to cut this short." He added as she pouted.

"Tease." She said as he rolled his eyes but kissed her hand none the less. He gave her a wink, as he threw on her black hooded cloak.

"See you." He said as he left the room, heading towards the Otoko Chamber. As he got closer to the chamber he looked around, feeling slightly uneasy. The rain had yet to subside, and there was a one hundred percent chance Pein could be anywhere.

No matter what happens, she is safe. He thought to himself as he slowly made his way through the rubble.

Only feet from the entrance to the chamber, Kardama found himself slammed against a wall post. He groaned in pain as he tried to turn around, but had a knife drawn to his throat.

"Where is she?" An unfamiliar voice asked, as Kardama stood still.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking ab-" the world around Kardama changed from the rainy village, to something pink, smelly and slimy.

"I wouldn't lie to me, if I were you." He threatened, as he found the pink slimy substance attaching themselves to his hands.
"You happen to be inside of the belly of a toad, no one can hear you scream." He said slightly threatening and jokingly.

"Master Jiraiya?" Kardama asked in confusion, causing the man to stiffen slightly.

"So, you've heard of me." He stated blankly, as Kardama nodded.

"Heard of you? I've met you before Master Jiraiya, remember?" He asked as Jiraiya let him go. Kardama turned around and watched as Jiraiya seemed to do a double take.

"Maybe I should be asking who you are? And why you have a striking resemblance to Kakashi." He asked in confusion as he crossed his arms.

"Oh, well. We only met once, for a mere moment really. I was much younger. (Y/N) and I ran into you when you were going to see the Hokage about his son, I believe." Kardama said rubbing the back of his neck.
"I'm Kardama... Otoko." He said somewhat slowly as Jiraiya looked at him in slight shock.

"But you were killed." He said as Kardama sighed.

"I know, and it's an awfully long story, so I really don't want to explain it right now." He said.
"With all due respect, I just mean... Pein is aware of your presence. And I'm sure he knows about (Y/N) and my escape. His rain is sort of a tracking device, in the simplest of terms. We don't have enough time to be chatty." He added as Jiraiya nodded.

"Where is (Y/N)?" He asked as Kardama sighed.

"She's within our secret chamber. It's the only building that is underground and hadn't been destroyed due to its power." He said.

"I want to see her. I'm here to take her to the leaf, after I've learned more about this Pein fellow."

"I can bring her to you, it's not safe for you to follow me into the chamber. I also advise for you to not go after Pein. It's not safe, his power is beyond one's belief. It's the exact reason why the villagers see him as a God." He replied, as Jiraiya looked at him with concern and confusion.

"What exactly are your plans Kardama?" Jiraiya asked.

"I want to get (Y/N) out of here and back to the leaf."

"Given your past reputation, you do realize it won't be easy on you or her once you make it to the gates."

"I'm aware, I just don't care. I just want her safe." He replied confidently.
"I just can't say I'm sure how to do that." He replied.

"I can sense your chakra. How do you plan to do anything with such depleted chakra?" He asked as Kardama rubbed his head in worry.

"I have asked for guidance, and I was lucky enough to be granted the chakra to escape the village, however the farther I part from the village the weaker I will get until I have time to relax. There's no doubt in my mind that if I manage to escape, we will get caught again." He said in frustration, as Jiraiya hummed.

"I have a plan. I will send you and (Y/N) back to the village with this here toad. You can pass out and hitch a ride and be safe. This will get you to the village and you may deal with everything going on forth."

"And what of you?"

"I will stay here, and distract Pein, while I learn about him. See what makes him so special." He said with a smile as Kardama shook his head.

"Master Jiraiya, I advise you to think otherwise."

"And I advise you to take (Y/N) and get out of the village before you have the wrath of the great Jiraiya on your head as well." He said as he ruffled Kardama's hair.
"She's family to me." He added, as Kardama looked up and nodded to him.

"I'll protect her the best I can." He said as Jiraiya nodded and smiled.

"Good." He said as the toad opened his mouth. Now go get her." He added, as Kardama ran under the cloak, through the rain to the doors. He ran inside, and through the now lit hallways, before he scooped (Y/N) up bridal style in his arms. He ran through the building and through the rain, covering her as much as he could, before he was back into the toad's mouth. He rested (Y/N) on the ground and backed away so Jiraiya could come near her. He crouched down and moved her soppy hair from her face and smiled softly.

"Take care of that Naruto for me. And Kakashi too. He's been way to worried about you, kiddo." He said somewhat jokingly.
"No doubt in my mind, you're a strong woman who can pull yourself from any depth of destruction." He added before he kissed her forehead and then stood back up.
Jiraiya looked down at the two, and smiled softly, knowing that he could live with himself now that he knew (Y/N) was okay.

"Well, I'll leave you both to it then." He said as he smiled and walked out of the toad's mouth.

"Master Jiraiya?" Kardama said as he turned around.
"Good luck." He said as Jiraiya nodded seriously, the toad's mouth closed, and Kardama could feel as if he could finally relax.

"Take them to Kakashi, I'm sure he'll figure out what to do." Jiraiya commanded, as the toad looked at him in confusion.
"The place we stopped at before this journey." He said with a sigh, as the toad nodded and shrunk down to its normal size and hopped along.

Just as Kardama's father predicted, the farther from the village he went, the weaker Kardama felt. He had been drained of his chakra for months, and now he was finally free from such a curse. He continued to fade in and out of consciousness, as the miles carried on. But he didn't dare fall asleep, not until he knew they were safe as they could be. He tossed and turned, trying to think of what to say to Kakashi the moment he saw him. Kakashi always intimidated him to a degree, and the ideas of what he was capable of made Kardama slightly anxious.

Kardama slapped himself in the face, stared at his hands, and did everything he could to stay awake, but it became harder as the time went on. That was until they stopped moving, and Kardama hoped it was because they made it to the gates. The ideas of what he was going to say, only added on to his troubles. He was beyond stressed. He held his breath, as the toad's mouth opened in front of a doorstep, making him confused, and very light-headed. His heart raced miles a minute as he found himself stumbling to the door. He began to knock on it, more profusely as the time went on, and the world around him slightly spun. Sweat formed on his face, and he found himself becoming shaky. He was tired, worn out, and weak. He could only imagine where the toad had taken him but was at a sort of relief when the door opened.


"Who are you?" Was the last thing Kardama could understand, before the last of his strength left out of him, and he fell to the ground unconscious.


Helloooo! I'm sick but I wrote a chappy. That I hope you enjoyed.



anyways, what did you guys think? Did you like it? Hate it? What do you wish to see? Do you think Obito gave his word, or do you think he really made her forget Kakashi? What if all of this is still a part of Itachi's genjutsu? Oof. Rabbit hole.

Anyways I love you guys.

And now a meme from your friendly neighborhood Author Chan:

Thank you TheForgottenWaves for the drawing of Kardama.

I love you all.

Peace out Kakashi scouts! ✌🏽

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